TIme to Play........Republicans Are Stupid!


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Yes it's time for another episode of the funniest comedy on the planet known as the Republican Party! This week's show is set in the big desert known as Arizona where the subject is that old favorite.......THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT!!!!!

With the recent rise of Donald Trump in the GOP race for 2012 and his decision that this month he's a birther (look up his rapid changes in stances. The guy turns more often than the Dudleys), Arizona has introduced legislation that says you must have a long-form birth certificate in order to have your name appear on an official ballot.

Why is this important you ask? Well that would be because Arizona stopped issuing long form birth certificates in 1997. So in other words, if you were born from 1998 on and want to run for office in Arizona some day, TOO BAD! There are however two different methods. You can have your regular birth certificate, but either your circumcision record or your baptismal record. Not baptized or circumsized? WELL SCREW OFF!!! WE DON'T WANT YOU IN OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!

Yeah, this is America baby. A similar thing is happening in Kansas but it's to register to vote. That is already law. This was vetoed in Arizona but will likely be overriden by the very right state legislature.


Wow indeed.
The GOP can suck a dick. The one thing that scares them they are trying in multiple states to get rid of is the Unions. Trying to blame us because of our bargaining agreements that the employers agree to, for the growing defecit is stupid. How is my right to "collective" bargaining affect the defecit? Here in Missouri the Repubs are trying to pass into law Right to work (for less) and if they have it their way it won't ever see the voters. They know it wont pass by the people so they are trying as hard as they can to get it to pass through state legislation. The average income of a right to work (for less) state is about 5 to 6 grand less that a Collective bargaining state, and thats not including the retirement, medical and Dental (which most right to work (for less) states do not have), and pension plans. So tell me how making my state a right to work (for less) state benefits me. You cant, well neither can I, because it doesnt. I know it has little to do with your post Klunder however I agree with the fact that the GOP is gonna take every constitutional right of every red blooded American from them if they continue to have as much power as they have.
Yeah I mentioned that. The state legislature has the easy authority to overturn it, which they likely will.
Does this qualify as stupid? Or just purely evil? It's clear that they're doing this just to prevent Obama from being put on their ballot.

Not that it'll matter if Trump runs. There's no way in fuck that enough people in this country would be stupid enough to vote for him. He's my 3rd favorite choice for GOP candidate, right behind Palin and Bachman.
Trump isn't going to run. He's doing this to get publicity for Celebrity Apprentice. Notice that he ALWAYS brings it up and has even said he's making his officiall announcement on the season finale.
Baptism? Wow, this is a new low for the GOP, in terms of ramming religion right down the throats of every American citizen. Fucking pathetic, really.
They're weak, that's for sure. Complete *****es. But stupid? Compared to the GOP of the last two years? I don't think so.
Oh yeah, Dems are just as stupid too.

Then again, I find people who lack the ability to think independently of a political party just as stupid, so I guess that meas the majority of America is stupid. Have to love the American two party system.
Oh yeah, Dems are just as stupid too.

Then again, I find people who lack the ability to think independently of a political party just as stupid, so I guess that meas the majority of America is stupid. Have to love the American two party system.

And I hate how some people try and reason this to only apply to one particular party.
And I hate how some people try and reason this to only apply to one particular party.
Here's the thing, at least how I see it. Democrats don't put themselves off as the "moral champions of America". Thus, when they do things which are wicked and disgusting, it doesn't ring my BS meter nearly as loud as when the Republicans do it.

Democrats freely admit they champion the little guy, and while everyone knows they really champion the causes which make them money, at least their positions usually do support the little guy. Republicans like to spout about their morals and how they are opposed to big government, but then do terribly immoral things, and try to extend the influence government has over American lives.

I have little respect for either party, but flat out hate the majority of Republicans for this very reason. If they were to just come out and say, "We support the wealthy people and the big corporations, and don't care about individual rights or liberties", then I'd have much less of a problem with them. At least then they wouldn't be cloaking themselves in the American flag, while simultaneously burning everything the flag stands for.
Oh yeah, Dems are just as stupid too.

Over the past couple of years, really since January of 2009, I believe the GOP has gone off the deep end of idiocy. Maybe Democrats haven't been all that smart, but compare that with "birthers," Tea Party crowds wantin' thur cuntry back, the Michele Bachmann's and Sarah Palin's of the world, the Arizona immigration debacle, and now Donald Trump, and I think it's hard to put both parties (voters and legislators alike) on the same intelligence level.

These Tea Party people buy anything. They take FOX News and Rush Limbaugh as gospel, never questioning what they're being fed, and I think that makes them idiots. Democrats have been weak, Obama as well, but I don't put them on the same moron train these people are riding.

Then again, I find people who lack the ability to think independently of a political party just as stupid, so I guess that meas the majority of America is stupid. Have to love the American two party system.

I don't think this was directed at me, personally, but just to be clear, I'm a moderate. I could honestly care less about either party. But at this point in time, the GOP/Tea Party has gone further off the rails than the Democratic party, so I have no use for them. Democrats are *****es, but they aren't insane. This new, and less intelligent, GOP actually scares me.
Chris Rock summed it up very well:

"I got some stuff I'm conservative about, I got some stuff I'm liberal about. Anybody that makes up his mind before hearing the details of the issue is a fool."

He's absolutely right. I'm a registered democrat and a liberal, but there's some stuff Obama has done that I wouldn't do in a million years.

As for the GOP, yeah they have gone off the deep end. It stopped being about conservative vs. liberal the day Obama was elected and since then it's been GOP vs. Obama. That flat out doesn't work and it never will. You have people still harping on whether or not he's a citizen or eligible or whatever and even when they're proven wrong they keep it up because they want to just make arguments.

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