Time to Disband Fortune?

The Death Rattle

Why So Serious?
Fortune began in early 2010 as a type of new era Four Horseman, with Ric Flair at its helm. The group's membership has swung in different directions, adding and subtracting along the way. The group had its battles with EV 2.0, merged with Immortal, then broke away to become their own entity. They recently assisted Sting in his bid to recapture the title from Mr. Anderson.

With that brief summary of their history in mind, I ask what is the point of them remaining together as a faction. The group appears to have no clear motives, goals, or aspirations. The basic idea of any stable, aside from giving lower card wrestlers the rub from being associated with higher card wrestlers, is to strive for something as a group. I simply fail to see that with Fortune.

Let's consider the group's members individually...

-AJ Styles is above needing this group, as he is clearly established as a main player in TNA. Styles is one of the few guys employed by TNA that could make whatever he is given work out reasonably well.

-Beer Money is without question the most established tag team in TNA today. Their place has long been cemented. As long as they remain a team, they will be relevant in the tag scene. There is also the possibility, given their involvement in the BFG series, that either could be given a run as a singles wrestler.

-Christopher Daniels has been featured, at times, in prominent feuds in addition to having held X Division and Tag Team gold at different points in his TNA career.

-Kazarian seems like the lesser of the men in the stable, but also has an X Division championship on his resume.

I'm eager to hear the thoughts of others. What is the point of them remaining together? Who stands to benefit from Fortune staying intact? What purpose do they serve moving forward?
I agree. Horsemen were the elite wrestlers in NWA and in later years WCW. nWo wanted control of the enitre WCW. Evolution was as the name says the Evolution of the WWE. So on and so forth, Fortune seems to have no real bond....kinda strange. But I'm thinking with the Daniels/AJ angle problems will arise leading to Fortunes demise.
I also agree. I enjoyed Fortune when they were a heel faction lead by Ric Flair. Now they are just a boring collection of wrestlers with no direction. AJ Styles should be a top tier wrestler. I think it is also time to finally breakout Robert Roode into a full fledged single wrestler. I think that this group would be better served individually.
I agree with disbanding them, I just think it's a bit too early. They should disband with Immortal so every stable guy can go their own way. Disbanding Fourtune wouldn't be too hard.

Daniels turns on AJ. Roode and Storm split in a friendly manner to pursue singles careers and Kazarian's face is still plastic.
It's already being done. Expect to see Immortal and Fortune fall apart on their own by October. Usually with factions, that's what happens.

-Daniels going to feud with AJ.

-Roode moving to a solo main event career in the BFG series. Notice BOBBY Roode has returned?

-Kaz....*crickets* and James Storm......*crickets*
they do need to use these guys better. i don't understand why they had Fortune say they are behind Sting yet time after time it is just Sting vs Immortal. where they hell is Fortune? i don't understand why they don't use them better that way.

as for breaking them up, right now it is probably the best thing. I don't think a stable like this needs to break up - there is no reason why you can't have a group of guys backing each other up when they need it. in that respect, i don't think they need to disband Fortune. however, they are not using them properly right now. Fortune has gone from being the new big thing to an afterthought. unless they intend to give the members more titles and really push them as the best in tna, let them go their own way (just don't do the usual infighting companies like to use when a team disbands). why does eric young have the tv title instead of daniels or kaz? hell, give it to aj for a couple months to make it worth something. a little change like that would help both Fortune and the title.
It's already being done. Expect to see Immortal and Fortune fall apart on their own by October. Usually with factions, that's what happens.

-Daniels going to feud with AJ.

-Roode moving to a solo main event career in the BFG series. Notice BOBBY Roode has returned?

-Kaz....*crickets* and James Storm......*crickets*

one rumor is having AMW reform. i think James Storm could do well on his own, not sure why they would want to break up one team just to reform an older one.
they do need to use these guys better. i don't understand why they had Fortune say they are behind Sting yet time after time it is just Sting vs Immortal. where they hell is Fortune? i don't understand why they don't use them better that way.
Why not watch some shows first and then talk. Fourtune has been backing Sting up for the last two weeks. They were the masked clowns who prevented Immortal from screwing him over and this week they surrounded the steel cage so Immortal won't once again - mess things up. Immortal vs Fourtune continues and so does Sting's agenda.
one rumor is having AMW reform. i think James Storm could do well on his own, not sure why they would want to break up one team just to reform an older one.
I read something about TNA not being impressed with Harris. Can't blame them. The guy was so out of shape. Hopefully they sent him home to get leaner and come back after a while to reform AMW. But I doubt it'll happen. We'll see.
Why not watch some shows first and then talk. Fourtune has been backing Sting up for the last two weeks. They were the masked clowns who prevented Immortal from screwing him over and this week they surrounded the steel cage so Immortal won't once again - mess things up. Immortal vs Fourtune continues and so does Sting's agenda.

dude, I watch every week. yeah, last 2 weeks they were used but what about before? why is Angle being used in the Sting/Hogan storyline? why did he make the save a few weeks back instead of them? every time Sting walks out, Fortune should be with him. How often do you see Hogan with out someone from Immortal with him? the story should be Immortal and Fortune fighting with Sting and Hogan as their leaders not Sting and Hogan gearing up for another match. Sting says he is fighting to get control back for Dixie - shouldn't Fortune, a group of guys who have been a big part of tna, be out there saying the same thing? even with them backing Sting, they are a secondary group and storyline.
i disagree Fortune shouldnt break up....nobody mentioned this but they did announce on impact (during fortunes scene backstage) that there was a 6 man tag match for Hardcore Justice with Fortune (AJ,Daniels and Kaz) vs Immortal (who knows who will represent them in this match) and with the scenes of daniels and aj talking about something it could be daniels turning heel to fued with the group or just fued with aj? :shrug: but right now beer money NEEDS to stay TOGETHER because lets face it they got nobody else for teams right now besides the brits and hernadez and his child molester sidekick :lol: but something tells me Hardcore Justice is the beginning of the end for the Fortune 5 :disappointed:
I really enjoyed Fortune when they had the Nature Boy leading them, but now I wouldn't be too sad if they did split. I would be happy for them to split if AJ Styles and James Storm received big pushes from any split. Kazarian went back to being one of the main faces of the X-Division. And Daniels and Roode, well I'm not really bothered about them to be honest.

When Fortune first formed it was one of the best things in wrestling. And they were dominant for a period. I'm just gutted they are not still heel with Flair at the helm. Because now TNA have Austin Aries, he would've been perfect as the fourth member IMO.

AJ Styles - Main event/World Title
Austin Aries - Mid card/X-Division
Beer Money - Tag Titles
I wouldn't really care at this stage. When flair was the leader they seemed legit like a proper faction. They were cool and over (they still are) but I feel they arent as good as they were with Flair. I dont think aj has stepped up as a leader, kaz is nothing special , i dont think daniels fits in with fortune and beer money are the only cool thing about the faction.
They should pull the plug on both Immortal and Fourtune, they've been almost ghosts for months. Only at the last Impact we saw some sort of groups going at one another or when they had Anderson joined Immortal. But it seems like the bookers-probably because they're too occupied at other things- have decided to switch focus away from these guys. My feeling is: if they're not part of the show, just kill it. The moment Hogan and Bischoff took control of TNA, why would they have need a group for? They run the company...? In a sense it would work better if Fourtune were the only group, as young rebels fighting the authority of owner Hulk Hogan.

That being said Fourtune has always been a group without a purpose and TNA never booked them as the top guys to take on the World. It's strange also that when Beer Money are on their own they are exciting and cool, they look like the best, when AJ is on his own he's the great babyface AJ, popular and great yet when they are together in Fourtune with Daniels and Kazarian they come off like mid-carders that stick together because they are not strong enough to be on their own. That's the perception I have.

Furthermore, it's not like being in a group has given them advantages. AJ, Storm and Roode are wrestling in the BFG series and they never intervene to help each other. I mean would the Four Horsemen have let this go? Would the 4h not help each other win?
Unfortunatley... I'm inclined to agree.

Do they need to be "disbanded" as in made part of a story line where they are forced to break up? No, not necessarily, but it's probably time they start going their own ways and stop using the Fortune name to fall back on.

Guys like Kaz and Daniels, and to an extent even AJ, could really use singles pushes anyway, and being part of Fortune continually forces them to return to the affairs of the stable, and not their own respective issues.
They will probably have them fade away but as a wrestling fan I would like for their break-up to be drastic, something nobody would have seen coming and exciting. Like for example I don't want AJ and Daniels to just start having friendly matchs morphing into something else. No I would prefer if bang Daniels would come up with his own group and attack Fourtune or something like that. Make it worth our while as viewers.

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