Time Machine Wrestlemania


aka JuanJuanson
Ok, this is basically something I like to think about for fun and with all the WWE 2K commercial it's made me think even more about it. If you had a time machine and could use it to go back in time and bring any wrestlers from any era or company and book them in a fantasy WM how would you do it. They can be past version of current talents, or even now deceased talent. If you want to get crazier you can even have multiple eras of the same talent on the show.

If I only used one of each person and not multiples I think it's go something like this.

-John Cena vs surprise opponent Hulk Hogan in his prime.
There would be no build up to this, just annouced that Cena has a mystery opponent. Hogan would take this one.

-late 90s Stone Cold Steve Austin vs undefeated streak Goldberg
I'd have Austin take this one.

-Crow era Sting vs 98-99 Undertaker
This is an obvious choice. Sting during his IMO most interesting and exciting incarnation vs my favorite Taker. Of course taker for the win.

-98-99 DDP vs Edge towards the later part of his career
This one I think would be great especially their entrances. Hard to say who I'd pick for the win here.

- Elimination Tag match
early 2000s Duddleys vs prime Legion of Doom vs early 2000sAcolytes vs Steiners each at their primes
I think I would go with either the Acolytes or the Steiners

-Prime Ric Flair vs Dolph Ziggler
I think this would have been a classic. Ziggler gets the pin.

-Chris Benoit circa title run vs Daniel Bryan in a submission match
I know I'll catch hatred for this, but the two have very similar styles and movesets. I put Bryan for the win.

-2003 Lesnar vs 98-99 Kane
I don't know why tbh. But Kane was unstoppable and couldnt be hurt and Lesnar was a beast.

-No DQ elimination Tag w/ special guest referee 1997 Rick Rude
1999Triple H, 97 HBK, 98-99 NOA, Attitude era X Pac and Chyna vs NWO era Nash, Hall, Savage, Giant, Dusty Rhodes and Konan
Self explanatory match I think. DX vs NWO with the man who appeared with both stables on the same night. Have it come down to HBK, HHH and Pac with Nash and Hall on the other side so we essentially have clique vs clique. Have DX win this one.

-Prime Bret Hart vs Prime Kurt Angle
Best technical 2wrestling match in history

-Curtis Axel vs prime Mr. Perfect
Very emotional match where Mr. Perfect puts his son over

-HIAC match early 2000s Shane McMahon vs early 2000s Cactus Jack
The spots and levels of brutality would be epic. I'd put Foley with the win here.
  1. War Games:
    The Dangerous Alliance (Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Larry Zbyszko & Bobby Eaton) vs. The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith, Jim Neidhart & Brian Pillman)
  2. Cruiserweight Title (MitB Format):
    Rey Mysterio, Jr. (circa '97) vs. AJ Styles (circa '06) vs. Daniel Bryan (circa now) vs. Jushin Liger (circa '95) vs. Dynamite Kid (circa '84) vs. Austin Aries (circa '12)
  3. Tag Team Title:
    The Steiner Brothers (circa '91) vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit
  4. The Great Muta (circa '93) vs. The Undertaker (circa '07)
  5. The Blade Runners (Sting & Ultimate Warrior, circa '90) vs. The Mega Powers
  6. Hardcore Title:
    Terry Funk (circa '75) vs. Cactus Jack (circa '98) vs. Mike Awesome (circa '99) vs. Masato Tanaka (circa '99) vs. Raven (circa '96)
  7. Women's Championship:
    Fabulous Moolah vs. Trish Stratus
  8. The Outsiders (circa '95) vs. DX (Triple H & HBK circa '02)
  9. Legends Elimination Chamber:
    Andre the Giant vs. Bruno Sammartino vs. Harley Race vs. Lou Thesz vs. Verne Gagne vs. Buddy Rogers
  10. NWA World Champion vs. WWe World Champion
    Ric Flair (circa '86) vs. John Cena
I like the idea for the MITB format Cruiserweight title match I'd also throw a late 90s Tajiri in that mix. Who would you have for the win? I also like your idea for the Hardcore match. I know Jack and Funk can work a great match together and Tanaka and Awesome damn sure can as well. It'll be interesting tossing all four of these elements in the ring with Raven who I think can put on a great match with anybody. I'm surprised you didn't book Andre the Giant vs Big Show/Giant.
Okay, I'll bite, seeing as this is as close as I'm ever going to get to finish a BT episode. All the candidates wrestle at their physical prime, except in match #9 (that takes place as they were two years ago).

(Triple threat)
Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guererro vs Rob van Dam
Latino Heat wins, celebrates with Vickie. Nausea ensues...

1) Battle for #1
(Tag match, special guest referee is Bob Backlund)
*The Rock & Randy Orton vs Randy Savage & Ultimate Warrior*
The Rock pins Warrior, stepping out of Austin's shadow forever.

2) Brotherly Love TLC
(No-DQ six-man tag TLC)
*Edge & Christian vs The Hardy Boyz vs Team 3D*
The match degenerates into a FFA with all the "brothers" getting taken out, except Edge and Jeff. Fighting off a superplex through a table from Edge, Jeff Swantons Edge through it instead and gets the pin.

3) Hardcore legends match
(Falls-count anywhere, fans bring the weapons, triple threat, barbed-wire ring)
*Terry Funk vs Raven vs Mick Foley*
Foley is damn near dead and has several tumb-tacks poking out of him, but he picks up the pin on Raven.

4) Biggest brawl in the world
(Last man standing, no count-out's)
*Bam Bam Bigelow vs Kane vs Big Show vs Vader vs Mark Henry vs André*
André picks up the win on Henry after a twelve-minute slugfest, but the highlight of the match is when the ring breaks when both Bam Bam and Vader fly from the top rope.

5) Grappler's revenge
(Fatal fourway submission elimination match)
*Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan*
Jericho and Benoit do some high spots to inject some excitement to the casual fans, but in the end Angle makes Bryan submit to some sort of modified cloverleaf nobody's ever seen before.

6)Mandatory diva's match
(Triple threat, lots of soda commercials to encourage toilet breaks, special guest is Ric Flair)
*Fabulous Mulah vs Chyna vs Trish Stratus*
Give Trish the win. Whatever...

7) Never won the big one
(Six-man ladder match)
*Mr Perfect vs Jake the Snake vs Million Dollar Man vs William Regal vs Roddy Piper*
A colourful, 30-minute match with cartoonish costumes and gimmicks. Jake drags his battered body up the ladder, grabs some sort of WHC and celebrates with Damien.

8) The Kliq vs The Hart Foundation
(Over the top-rope battle royale, with team lists in inverse order of entrance)
*Triple H, HBK, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & X-pac vs Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart, British Bulldog & Brian Pillman*
Bret has HBK in the Sharpshooter, but Shawn refuses to tap. Trips re-enters the ring to break it up, as does Owen (to stop Trips) simultaneously, resulting in a double-DQ.

9) End of an era
(Traditional singles match)
*Sting vs Undertaker*
Strong showing by Sting, but loses via tombstone after 'Taker sits up.

10) Greatest of all time
(Triple threat, special guest referee is Bruno Sammartino)
*Hulk Hogan vs Steve Austin vs John Cena*
They have a match.

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