Time For Some New Creative Matches


True Superstar 4 Life..Believe It!
Seeing all the matches that have been created over the years from WWE, TNA, WCW, ECW, and many many more. There have been some creative matches like, The Elimination Chamber, TLC, Hell In The Cell Match, Championship Scramble, The Triple Cage from WCW, and many many more.

Seeing that majority of these matches have been over used alot in the recent years. I think it is time for some new match types/ gimmick matches. Think there should be some new matches that play in the favor of the tag team division. But knowing how ruff the tag team divisions are right now, it would be a cold day in hell before we see one.

But in your opinion Wrestlezone readers, what would be some new matches you would like to see that are both realistic and unrealistic.
Not at all. I don't think it's needed. Because in the end we'll start to complain about there being too many gimmick matches. We already have Pay Per Views revolving around the majority of the popular ones. Breaking Point, Extreme Rules, TLC, Hell in a Cell. Do I really need to continue?

The purpose of gimmick matches strikes me more as something to give the crowd something extreme to focus on. The majority of the popular matches are extreme matches. Some that we don't see a lot in WWE right now. So why invent more?

Sure there's regular gimmick matches. Not so extreme. Battle royals for example. There's no need to feature battle royals all the time neither. So why invent new ones to support that? WWE seems to be focusing a lot around making special events for the gimmick matches.

The fact that WWE seems to focus on making them special means that if we start adding more to them. The special feeling behind seeing a gimmick match will slowly fade because WWE needs to make room to feature them all. So that we don't eventually see a match and go "Oh yeah. That one".

So no need to add more gimmick based matches.
I think it would be better it they didnt feature some many of the cool gimmick matches like the money in the bank match or the elimination chamber match. some the these most recent gimmick pay per views have been whack...this money in the bank pay per view is actually showing that wwe is slowly losing faith in its creativity, and trying to push new superstars too fast because they know alot of the heavy hitters are leaving or retiring, and they need to fill the gaps quick.
I think it would be better it they didnt feature some many of the cool gimmick matches like the money in the bank match or the elimination chamber match. some the these most recent gimmick pay per views have been whack...this money in the bank pay per view is actually showing that wwe is slowly losing faith in its creativity, and trying to push new superstars too fast because they know alot of the heavy hitters are leaving or retiring, and they need to fill the gaps quick.

And even if WWE went as far as to phase out those gimmick matches. The crowd and fans would start complaining once again. Because we wouldn't be seeing them anymore. Or not enough.

The fact that WWE chose to keep these around is for a reason. They're over with the crowd. The crowd loves to watch these matches. Which generates excitement leading up to it. Which generates ratings. Ratings is good for business. Good for business material sticks around.

Again. The WWE doesn't need to variate their gimmick match system. Even with the Money in the Bank Pay Per View being introduced and the whole "Loosing faith in the creativity" is bullshit. WWE is honoring a popular gimmick match. As well as taking the opportunity to perhaps push future main event stars. Any given talent in those two Money in the Bank ladder matches are at a level where it's either obvious they won't win it. Or they're at a position where they can justify wielding the briefcase.

And even if it's because they need to fill the gap soon. They don't need gimmick matches to do that. And the Money in the Bank ladder match rarely ever does it. Jack Swagger is the longest reigning champion after cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase.

The rest of the briefcase cashers rarely ever became true main event material before their second cash-in. This is a true fact because even Jack Swagger hasn't become a true main event player during his first cash-in.
Now I fully agree with what you said. But I would still like to see a new match that supports the tag team division. Because I think it would boost the tag team division up some to get it back to what it use to be.

They got plenty of people to use in the tag division some we never see and some we do see. Because I feel this feud with the Harts and Osos ain't going no where right now.
Now I fully agree with what you said. But I would still like to see a new match that supports the tag team division. Because I think it would boost the tag team division up some to get it back to what it use to be.

They got plenty of people to use in the tag division some we never see and some we do see. Because I feel this feud with the Harts and Osos ain't going no where right now.

There's no new match needed to support the tag team division. There's truly not enough go in that division to properly work gimmick matches into it. Not in the ways that it was active and functional in the early 00's late 90's with the Hardys, Edge and Christian and The Dudleys.

And even if the division was fully functional. There'd be absolutely no need for it to implement more gimmick matches. The Tag Team division has functioned perfectly will upon the abilities to perform on top of ladders. TLC matches etc.

And even with that if we're seeing that revolving around the division. People wouldn't give a damn if it featured singles wrestlers. Because they're already seeing it with 1. more people in it 2. another division 3. having seen it like the Pay Per View before it most likely.

And to top it off. I again point out the fact that WWE isn't as hardcore anymore. To actively feature hardcore wrestling based matches. Or gimmick matches as a whole. Wouldn't make sense in the current environment of WWE.
Even more true...

I guess I am just missing parts of the WWE I actually liked and missed like the tag team division and getting excited to see certain matches that I only see once a year like the money in the bank, instead of seeing it twice a year.

Money in the bank should have stayed a once in a year match.

But that is just my opinion..
Even more true...

I guess I am just missing parts of the WWE I actually liked and missed like the tag team division and getting excited to see certain matches that I only see once a year like the money in the bank, instead of seeing it twice a year.

Money in the bank should have stayed a once in a year match.

But that is just my opinion..

Sure it should. That opinion is shared by many people. Even myself. But wanting to spread new gimmick matches would alienate some of the other gimmick matches and make gimmick matches as a whole less important and exciting.

Much less spreading it to a division that has been said by many that they care very little about. The tag team division is slowly blossoming again I won't deny that. But I seriously don't see it working with the implementation of a new gimmick match.

And these gimmick matches would most definitely be transfered to singles competition just as well. And by that. The excitement about it in the tag team division would fade out just as well.
I think we've got all the best ones and I do think promotions think about new match types, but they have carefully plan out how they work..sometimes they could get confusing..

I'm not saying, there shouldn't be new match types..i'm just saying, let it take the time and really think about new gimmick matches that might come our way...

It's not at all easy coming up with new ones and that is why I said, we have very good match types...it will probably take time for a new gimmick match to develop...

knowing TNA, they have created a lot of match types and most of them have been unsuccessful...just check them out!!

This is why you must take your time with creating new ones so they are GREAT!!
I'm with Ferb on this one...which comes as no surprise to anyone I'm sure...

I don't think they need new gimmick matches, they just need to stop overselling the old ones. Themed PPVs are a cool concept, and I think Money in the Bank is one that could actually be a great event to watch, that won't overuse the theme. Even TLC was a cool idea because you had ladder matches, table matches, and a TLC, so it wasn't just all one type. Honestly, it's just the Hell in a Cell PPV that I really want to complain about. Hell in a Cell used to be the most feared match type, and it used to mean something to the industry. Now, however, with blood not being available to use, and the PG product, they do not need to have 5 Cell matches in one PPV! None of those matches really needed the cell anyway!

However, if they created one new one every so often, it might make things interesting. Maybe even hand the idea off to a wrestler. For instance, Bishoff was credited for the Chamber, but Jericho was credited for Money in the Bank. I wouldn't mind maybe one new match every few years, but they don't need to build a whole PPV around the idea. Talk about things getting old fast!
Just going out on a limb here but, what about a tag team PPV where every match is some type of gimmick match and it gives the tag team division a more serious feel. On top of that, it would give the other title matches a break and focus on tag titles instead of the individuals. You can keep the storylines to and let them build around a tag match as well and continue them at the next PPV with whatever title is on the line. Or you can do a title match with whoever gets the pin on the opposite team becomes the champ.
ouch, tore down the poor guy there Ferb haha. as nice as possible i might add, but yes, i agree with Ferbian and Mike on this one. there are enough as it is, and as for the tag team thing, they really need to just work on the division first. set up some actual long-term teams, not like MizShow, or JeriMiz or whatever new team Miz is in at that point. im talking actual real teams. if you remember, TLC started off as a Tag Team match. but almost all of the teams from the original TLC have broke apart (or left the company)

one match i do remember from years back that was kinda interesting, it was a Steel Cage match, but had a Hell in a Cell on that, and Dogs on the ground. you had to climb the cage, and not get attacked by the dogs while getting out of the Cell. i think it was Big Bossman vs Al Snow. yeah, was a good idea, but a one time thing at best.
I think WWE missed the mark when they didn't select the Wild Card PPV. I think that would've been sheer genius for a gimmick. My thought would be like a wheel of misfortune. Wheel of superstars, wheel of belt(s), wheel of stipulations. Totally random way for it to go. Just let the chaos ensue. You can see where TNA had some of the genius in throwing people together like Abyss, Morgan, then Beer Money, etc. Imagine the possibilities where there are no limits. The possibilities would be endless if you had John Cena VS Sheamus in a evening gown match for WWE Belt...I think that would be something. I think that would be like making Cyber Sunday on pcp, and way more entertaining. There's not much more you can do without crossing certain rating guidelines, but I think having the UN-expectedness of wheels of misfortune could bring some new twists to the shows.
Eh... Does anyone else remember Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal in WCW? It was a gimmick roulette wheel, before Eric Bischoff's, but of course it was Eric's idea. There were some pretty dumb gimmick matches, like Coal Miner's Glove and the like. The point being, these matches can really water down the point of stipulation matches if you have too many and too many types. That's the case here; the WWE has a perfect amount, and they dodn't need to go farther. Realisitcally, I'd love to see War Games come back, but it's probably far too violent at this point.

You know who loved gimmick matches? Vine Russo. And he booked them to death, to the point that there was a Judy Bagwell on a pole match. The point is, booking different gimmick matches doesn't do any good, really. Just keep it simple, and all will be ok
To put it blatantly, no.

Creating some over-the-top gimmick matches are never good for any company and pretty much down-grade the actual match, no matter how good the wrestling may be. Remember the TNA Reverse Battle Royale or the Kennel from Hell? There is just too much going on for people to understand whilst they are trying to take in a match.

It's best to keep the gimmick of a match simple enough for people to understand yet detailed enough to allow for some interesting encounters. Money in the Bank is a multi-man ladder match that's a pretty high gimmick match. What's the object? Climb it and retrieve the briefcase. What has happened over the years? A lot of carnage and excitement. It's simple and it's a variation of something that's already happened in the past that people understand.

The crowd can't have too many gimmick matches planted in their heads or any ridiculous rules they may have. My intentions in watching professional wrestling is not to think about the rules, but about the wrestling and the stories.
Yeah, Ferb is completely right on this one. I don't think there should be any more gimmick matches yet with gimmick ppv's almost every month of the year. However, I think it might be a good idea to combine some match types together e.g, ladder and steel cage, or a battle royal with weapons. Not exactly sure how the former would work, but it could be possible...

Also, in the case of the tag team division, I don't think it's credible enough at the moment to get a new match built around it, but like Ferb said, it is growing again, so it just might happen...
I was thinking about this the other day i surpirsed it has never been done its really stupid but here i go any ways. I am surprised they have never done something as stupid as a Count Out match. Goal of it is to get you oppenet counted out without being counted out yourself. I know its stupid as hell but hey they had the bull rope match so WHY NOT!! LOL
Heed the lessons of TNA. "Creativity" in all its guises, and complexity does not necessarily make great matches. In TNA's case, it rarely does.

Most gimmick matches in the WWE are based on simple things - and actually, based on ordinary matches.

The cage match is there to ensure that there is no outside interference. The Hell in a Cell match is a variation on the same format. The match created from that idea was Hell in a Cell, very similar idea, with a roof. The Punjabi Prison match was on similar lines. Enclosure - no way out.

The Elimination Chamber is just an extreme version of an elimination match. It - by the way, is an amazing concept.

The ladder match, just a visualised version of an ordinary match. Rather than a metaphorical goal - a real one.

If creative can come up with a concept, then all well and good, but gimmick matches are there to be rolled out occasionally. You don't want to flood the market.

This is an element that TNA have horribly wrong. King of the Mountain match - fantastic name, fuddled logic. The Reverse Battle royal - words cannot describe how bad a concept and how ridiculously complicated this match is.

WWE - to be fair, does it's gimmick matches with fairly simple stipulations (The Punjabi prison match maybe an execption to that). If they come across a great match - like they did with the Elimination Chamber - then fantastic. But you cannot force a gimmick match, and you shouldn't.

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