Time For a Lady


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Now that Corey Graves is headed to Raw, it leaves a hole in the NXT announce team, alongside Tom Phillips.

I have not yet seen any news on who might replace Graves, and I'm wondering if it's time for a woman to become part of the WWE's announcer stable?

A lot of people hate on Renee Young, but she's the most logical person I can think of who could possibly fill the role. Lita, possibly, but has she really had enough on camera experience (as an announcer, not a wrestler)?

Most of the other professional sports leagues have already incorporated a female voice... MLB, NBA, and college football come to mind.
I have no idea who will replace him, but not Renee Young or Lita. Lita has I watched her during the draft preshow and aftershow is a yapper. No one will get a word in and she talks far to fast sometimes for people to follow. Lita knows her stuff, but I wouldn't enjoy listening to her each week.

Renee Young seems to have her plate full. She does the interviews on RAW and SD, also she has that Unfiltered show. Not to mention the fact that she's the preshow host of all the PPV's and didn't she join Total Diva's this season. I don't watch the show up I've heard that either she did or is going too.

In saying all that though, I'm sure it will be one of them.
Just a quick thought. Why can't Graves continue to work NXT programming? Even with his new responsibilities he could easily fit the NXT shows into his schedule. Raw on Mondays and one Sunday a month. He might have SmackDown production tasks on Tuesday. This leaves a lot of free time. Plus NXT tapes on Thursdays and Fridays with weeks of programming being produced at a time. Seems to me he would have plenty of time. Including his other projects and any NXT post production.
Young does too much to move into a commentators position. You give her that position and you have to find a replacement for her other 50 roles.

Maybe one day Jo Jo will come good and take some of the slack.
A lot of people hate on Renee Young, but she's the most logical person I can think of who could possibly fill the role.

This is news to me. Most everyone I've encountered loves Renee Young. I know I do, as she's easily the most likable and naturally charismatic non-wrestling personality they've had in many, many years. Renee excels at everything she's given, so I wouldn't mind her giving it a shot at the NXT announce table.

Lita could work. She'd provide credible first-hand wrestling knowledge, people love her, and she's a decent talker. Plus she has ample experience playing a jerk if they need to replace Corey's heel voice.

This is a long shot, but Alundra Blayze could be cool. That lady oozes charisma and, if you watched her Hall of Fame speech or her Table for 3 appearance, can talk like no one's business and be entertaining doing it. I have no idea how that would translate to an announce table, but she'd definitely bring the color to the color commentary position.
I'm with Sean on this one. People hating on Renee Young? That's news to me. I have heard nothing but positive things about here since her arrival in WWE.

I agree with what several others have said on here already. I think her schedule is pretty full already. She will likely continue to do backstage interviews on both RAW and SD, at least one of them for sure. She will be involved in the monthly (or more) PPV's. There's Unfiltered, and soon to be Total Divas. And isn't she still in a relationship with Dean Ambrose? I can't imagine she is going to want to be stuck in Orlando while he is traveling around everywhere else.

Frankly, I have been a fan of Renee Young's ever since her arrival in WWE, having become familiar with Renee Paquette in Canada prior to her WWE days. The one thing which she has done while in WWE which I wasn't a huge fan of was when she used to do some announcing in NXT a while ago. Didn't really appeal to me at all. I think she is being used perfectly right where she is in the manner that she is. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Plus, while I would have no problem whatsoever with a female play by play or color announcer in NXT, I am not a fan of putting a woman there simply because she is female. If there was someone there suitable for the role, by all means put her in the role. But I really cannot think of anyone else, so I say either continue to use Graves in that role, or just put some other guy there instead. Lawler is currently looking for work, isn't he?
Plus, while I would have no problem whatsoever with a female play by play or color announcer in NXT, I am not a fan of putting a woman there simply because she is female. If there was someone there suitable for the role, by all means put her in the role.

I really agree with this line of thinking. If a woman who is suitable comes along, put her behind the table, but don't put someone there simply because they have two X chromosomes.

I also echo the sentiment that Renee already seems spread pretty thin, so putting her behind the desk doesn't seem viable.

As for who will take over for Graves, if he is indeed leaving NXT for good, it is hard to say. Scott Stanford hosts the Raw pre-show, he may be a candidate. I wouldn't mind Booker T taking over. I honestly did enjoy Booker's commentary for what it's worth.
Lita used to commentate on heat or something back in the day, sure she wouldn't be too bad.

As it's NXT though, I'm sure there's lots of wrestlers there who aren't going to make it, but who can talk a good game. Give one of them a bash.
Putting a woman in the chair primarily because of her gender doesn't really work for me. It's right up there with giving someone a title run because of the color of their skin or some sort of big push if they happen o be gay.

I'd have no problem at all with Renee Young and I'm baffled that anyone hates her; she's a breath of fresh air, she's energetic, she knows her stuff, she really enjoys what she does and I've heard nothing but good things about her since she came to WWE. As has been pointed out, however, Renee Young has a lot of things going on in WWE whether it's hosting shows for the WWE Network, being part of pre-show panels for ppvs or TV tapings, working as an interviewer backstage, etc.
I'm one of the few who would not want Renee Young to do it. Not because she's already busy, but for two reasons.

1. She has a slight lisp that sometimes bugs me. It's not Jack Thwaggah! Bad..but listening to it on a consistent basis would bug me.

2. The other of her voice. It's not that she's female, but I like lower pitched voices for commentary. It adds to the excitement and makes it sound more intense. I feel her higher pitch lighter voice would take away from moments that need a bit something more. Like I said, it's not just cause she's female, I'm also not much a fan of David Otungas commentary because he has a bit of a higher voice. I want a deep intense voice at the commentary table.

I think Renee is perfect at what she does. Hosting preshow, interviews, etc. But she should not be "the voice" of a show.

As to who SHOULD do it. Im not fully sure. Maybe Joey Styles, maybe Booker, maybe a wrestler near the end of their career like Bigshow, Mark Henry, or Kane? That way they could have a career outside if the ring like Lawler managed to do all these years.
Why not bring William Regal back to commentary. He's done it for NXT previously and is excellent at it. Also, a British voice would be a very welcome change. Though I doubt this given his job as a the trainer and recruiter..
I wouldn't bring in a woman just to say they've got a woman. If she would be a better commentator than a guy, sure. Lita would be a good choice. Probably not Renee Young because, as otheres have said, there is a bunch of other stuff she does. Some have suggested Corey Graves working double duty, but I think he should focus on Raw.
I wouldn't bring in a woman just to say they've got a woman. If she would be a better commentator than a guy, sure. Lita would be a good choice. Probably not Renee Young because, as otheres have said, there is a bunch of other stuff she does. Some have suggested Corey Graves working double duty, but I think he should focus on Raw.

I believe that Corey Graves will be working Superstars or Main Event. That's not really a stretch considering that one of them will be taped before RAW, so he is basically in the same building doing two shows.

I also agree with "don't put a woman in just so you can say you have one" it has to be the right one. They are obviously trying to bring in the viewers, and by shaking up the announce teams that will also help. You don't want to ruin it.

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