Time For a Kane Ressurection


As you all know, Kane is falling a bit stale lately. In my opinion, he lost the fact that he was a monster, Kane was a dominating force in the WWE who went up against all of the greats that the WWE had to offer and he held his own. When Kane was a monster he would literally be feared by EVERYONE else (kayfabe style). He would take on tag-teams by himself, win championships and even go up against the pheonom in his prime and hold his own. The old Kane would never let a guy like Punk walk all over him, no offence to Punk.
What I am proposing... A Kane ressurection. What I'm saying is that mabye, just mabye, we have his brother the Undertaker help him out in a time of need. What I loved about the Taker ressurection (WMXX) was the "My brother is not a monster, he became one of you" speech. Now it's time for Undertaker to return the favour to his brother.
I'm not saying do it in the exact same way or anything...
Here's a possible sceneario:

Kane will battle with Punk again, and he will lose, lose bad. Kane will be left lying in the ring. All of a sudden, the druids appear, Undertaker's druids will come and carry Kane away. They will stop neat the ramp though when Undertaker will come out letting us know that he's behind this. Then Taker will be staring intently at Punk who's still in the ring. Then they all walk out leaving Punk in the ring with a big '?' over his head.

Any-who, the next week Taker can give a speech on how his brother 'Lost his way'. Talking about stuff like how dominating he was and how he had the roster scared of him. He will also talk about how he will help him, and that people will see a brand new Kane...

Then, a few months later, promos will begin of Kane's return and resurrection... Of course, at this point, I'm kind of hoping Punk will be heel. These promos will occur with Punk in the ring, mind games, confusing... Then finally, at a PPV like Judgement Day or Unforgiven, Kane will face Punk, and as his enterence happens, you can have the druids come out first with their music, then Undertaker will come out with his music, he'll stand to the side of the stage when Kane's new music comes on. Here's hoping it'll be a sort of darker re-mix of his old 'Everybody loves you so' music, you know, the one before his current shit...
And then Kane will come out, with brand new attire. Gothic style this time (mabye with a mask). Like a druis coat, exept with a small train and a few graphics. Black coat, chilling music, with his brother walking by his side, at this point Punk will need to change his shorts. Kane being all silent and what-not enters the ring with Undertaker helping with his brother's coat leaving Kane with his brand new attire with darker gothic tights... Any way, in the match, Punk will be throwing punchs and kicks and won't even make a dent, at this point I would have Punk leave the ring and get a chair, as he runs in to hit him with it, Kane would literally punch it out of his hands and then grab him by the throat and chokeslam him down to hell! Kane goes for a Undertaker style pin, wins the match making the dominant Kane's return official. Then you can have the Taker walking away and as he reaches the ramp do his patternted Undertaker salute thing he does on one knee as Kane returns the favour with the Kane 4 corners fire (blue fire). :)

So, what do you think guys? Go easy on me, this is just a suggestion, you don't have to rip me apart shred by shred...

In account I thought this will be a good idea because:

- Neither Kane or Taker are doing much at the moment,
- It will give Kane time off for some small bruises to heal and for him to lose weight and buff up,
- Undertaker won't have to wrestle but will have a great way of staying as the phoenom,
- Kane will be making his way back up to the main events with a championship coming.

I've also thought that some people will say stuff like:

- "This is just a stupid idea you suck". YOU SUCK!
- "Kane is too old for this". Not neccesarily because new Kane can appear less frequently and won't have to wrestle as much making the new Kane more exciting to watch when he does wrestle.
- "Fuck Kane, WWE should be caring about the future talent". That doesn't mean that they have to stop using the talent they got just because they're getting older. They don't have to have ALL of the focus of the future talent...
- "Kane's not fit enough any more". He seems in okay shape to me, I'm not talking about Kane jumping off buildings and what not...
- "Kane doesn't have many years left in him". Then lets make them mermorible.

So, what's everyone's opinions, please to note that this is simply an idea... Don't be swearing at me. Sorry if I rambled on.
I agree, when he did that angle a year or so with the second masked kane i was hoping for a change back to his monsterous former self. I was hoping for him to reemerge under the mask once again, that would serve to somewhat 'reinvent' the character without actually having too much of a change. Idk how to explain it that well sorry oh and i think your description was pretty awesome.
I don't know if the change would have to be so radical but I would just love the WWE to use Kane again...he doesn't have to put the mask on, to be honest I think he can be effective unmasked...I just wish they would put him in a few decent feuds from time to time...he doesn't even have his damn pyro anymore becasue it's too costly apparently (not that he necessarily needs the pyro but still...it just serves as another example of WWE stripping away his personna piece by piece). Though I remember the genuine excitement I felt at the prospect last year that the mask might come back...I felt major disappointment when it turned out to be Mysterio's...Overall, I would say that Kane needs a push, a few big wins to rebuild credibility (a win over Punk was a start I suppose)...I'm not saying that he needs to become the face of WWE or anything but I would like him to feature more prominently again.
Let's see what WWE has in store for Kane on Smackdown! before we do anything drastic. He has a good enough reason to be pushed as he is on a new brand and will be looking to make an impact. Let's see what happens.

I don't think they really need to do anything drastic to push Kane, as in the past WWE have been able to elevate him to main event status seemingly overnight when they so choose to, and they still have that ability. Still, a nice steady push would be nice for a change.

That and, I can't stand Jeff Hardy. And I am sure Jeff will probably wind up winning the #1 contender match on Smackdown! tonight and face Edge at Judgment Day.
As far as a resurrection is concerned, Smackdown! was not a bad start. Sure, we can focus on how Kane was the first eliminated in the Fatal Four Way match, OR, we can focus on how Kane was booked to look truly dominant.

For the first several minutes, Kane was in total control of everyone. Even once the others began to get their offense in, Kane still had Hardy and Jericho set up for a double chokeslam. Then Kane just shoves Jericho and Hardy away so he can catch Rey Mysterio by the throat when Rey comes flying off the top rope. Then, after Rey reverses a chokeslam into an attack, and after Kane gets hit by the Whisper in the Wind and the Swanton by Jeff, he's finally eliminated, and he almost kicked out.

Afterwords, he semi-snaps. The cards weren't in it for Kane to win given the current situation, but he had a really good, dominant showing, and the semi-snapping at the end could be signs of the old dominant Kane. So, to be honest, I'm not at all upset about the loss, because before the loss he looked as physically dominant as he has in a long time.
i agree with SJM12492 untill the part of of kane changing his whole attire...i think he should just get the mask back but he would need to grow his hair back(some time off for the kane buildup) or wear a wig coz the mask goes nice with long hair...'taker should help kane out and kane has to go back to the ME scene and not job to mysterio or punk coz that just kills the image that he's a monster and demented and etc...
I just hope his time-off right now is so people forget about his recent jobbing and he can come back as a title contender. Make-over or not, he should be main eventing.
No, it's time for Kane to GTFO, the guy has been garbage for years now, WWE has done so much damage in the mission to make him a glorified monster jobber to the stars that there is no way anyone will ever take him as a serious threat anymore, Kane just needs to finally hang it up, and give his spot to one of the young up and comers
Good idea but I'm thinking of instead of Undertaker helping him it could be a feud.

Something like Undertaker returning first(before Kane does) winning the World title having it a couple months. After this theres big hype for Undertaker to make an announcement that will affect his career. Then in the ring cutting the promo about how hes beaten everyone and theres no one left. (fans might think he going to retire)

Thats when Kane's Music hits. The lights go out and Kane emerges and proceeds to destroy Undertaker leading to some type of match for the belt at the next pay per view.
I think there could be a pretty good way to get Kane back in his mask, bring back the demented aspects that made his character interesting, and make him a main event player again.

When he returns, get him in some pretty standard matches on Smackdown. Have him win those, and let the announcers talk about the roll Kane has been on since returning. After a few good wins, challenge Jericho for the IC title. He can be booked to be dominant throughout the match, but have Jericho resort to using a chair to get himself DQ'd. This chair shot should (kayfabe) break Kane's nose.

Next week he comes out wearing a protective mask, much like the one Richard Hamilton of the Pistons wears. It's clear, doesn't hide the face, it's just for protection. The announcers can talk about how Kane has to wear it to protect his nose. Kane can talk about how much he hates having to wear a mask as he spent so many years wearing one. Backstage clips can be shown of him talking to medical staff asking if he can stop wearing it yet, with the docs telling him that if he wants to keep competing he needs to wear the mask. He does so reluctantly, but eventually starts to feel at home in the mask. And then, eventually, he debuts a new mask at a big PPV event that does actually hide his face. Have the announcers talk about how Kane doesn't need the mask anymore... his face is fine, he just WANTS to wear it. And then, the transformation is complete.
Good idea but I'm thinking of instead of Undertaker helping him it could be a feud.

Something like Undertaker returning first(before Kane does) winning the World title having it a couple months. After this theres big hype for Undertaker to make an announcement that will affect his career. Then in the ring cutting the promo about how hes beaten everyone and theres no one left. (fans might think he going to retire)

Thats when Kane's Music hits. The lights go out and Kane emerges and proceeds to destroy Undertaker leading to some type of match for the belt at the next pay per view.

No No NO NO NO.....Undertaker had beating the holy hell out of kane several times over that simpily wouldn't work. I like the original posters idea except I wouldn't change his ring attire and I would bring back paul bearer... it would be perfect
As you all know, Kane is falling a bit stale lately. In my opinion, he lost the fact that he was a monster, Kane was a dominating force in the WWE who went up against all of the greats that the WWE had to offer and he held his own. When Kane was a monster he would literally be feared by EVERYONE else (kayfabe style). He would take on tag-teams by himself, win championships and even go up against the pheonom in his prime and hold his own. The old Kane would never let a guy like Punk walk all over him, no offence to Punk.
What I am proposing... A Kane ressurection. What I'm saying is that mabye, just mabye, we have his brother the Undertaker help him out in a time of need. What I loved about the Taker ressurection (WMXX) was the "My brother is not a monster, he became one of you" speech. Now it's time for Undertaker to return the favour to his brother.
I'm not saying do it in the exact same way or anything...
Here's a possible sceneario:

Kane will battle with Punk again, and he will lose, lose bad. Kane will be left lying in the ring. All of a sudden, the druids appear, Undertaker's druids will come and carry Kane away. They will stop neat the ramp though when Undertaker will come out letting us know that he's behind this. Then Taker will be staring intently at Punk who's still in the ring. Then they all walk out leaving Punk in the ring with a big '?' over his head.

Any-who, the next week Taker can give a speech on how his brother 'Lost his way'. Talking about stuff like how dominating he was and how he had the roster scared of him. He will also talk about how he will help him, and that people will see a brand new Kane...

Then, a few months later, promos will begin of Kane's return and resurrection... Of course, at this point, I'm kind of hoping Punk will be heel. These promos will occur with Punk in the ring, mind games, confusing... Then finally, at a PPV like Judgement Day or Unforgiven, Kane will face Punk, and as his enterence happens, you can have the druids come out first with their music, then Undertaker will come out with his music, he'll stand to the side of the stage when Kane's new music comes on. Here's hoping it'll be a sort of darker re-mix of his old 'Everybody loves you so' music, you know, the one before his current shit...
And then Kane will come out, with brand new attire. Gothic style this time (mabye with a mask). Like a druis coat, exept with a small train and a few graphics. Black coat, chilling music, with his brother walking by his side, at this point Punk will need to change his shorts. Kane being all silent and what-not enters the ring with Undertaker helping with his brother's coat leaving Kane with his brand new attire with darker gothic tights... Any way, in the match, Punk will be throwing punchs and kicks and won't even make a dent, at this point I would have Punk leave the ring and get a chair, as he runs in to hit him with it, Kane would literally punch it out of his hands and then grab him by the throat and chokeslam him down to hell! Kane goes for a Undertaker style pin, wins the match making the dominant Kane's return official. Then you can have the Taker walking away and as he reaches the ramp do his patternted Undertaker salute thing he does on one knee as Kane returns the favour with the Kane 4 corners fire (blue fire). :)

So, what do you think guys? Go easy on me, this is just a suggestion, you don't have to rip me apart shred by shred...

In account I thought this will be a good idea because:

- Neither Kane or Taker are doing much at the moment,
- It will give Kane time off for some small bruises to heal and for him to lose weight and buff up,
- Undertaker won't have to wrestle but will have a great way of staying as the phoenom,
- Kane will be making his way back up to the main events with a championship coming.

I've also thought that some people will say stuff like:

- "This is just a stupid idea you suck". YOU SUCK!
- "Kane is too old for this". Not neccesarily because new Kane can appear less frequently and won't have to wrestle as much making the new Kane more exciting to watch when he does wrestle.
- "Fuck Kane, WWE should be caring about the future talent". That doesn't mean that they have to stop using the talent they got just because they're getting older. They don't have to have ALL of the focus of the future talent...
- "Kane's not fit enough any more". He seems in okay shape to me, I'm not talking about Kane jumping off buildings and what not...
- "Kane doesn't have many years left in him". Then lets make them mermorible.

So, what's everyone's opinions, please to note that this is simply an idea... Don't be swearing at me. Sorry if I rambled on.

No No NO NO NO.....Undertaker had beating the holy hell out of kane several times over that simpily wouldn't work. I like the original posters idea except I wouldn't change his ring attire and I would bring back paul bearer... it would be perfect

Yes, I love this idea of reforming the Brothers of Destruction with Paul Bearer. All that said, this could be a good way for both Taker and Kane to go on their retirement run, maybe grab the Tag Titles real quick and help the Tag Division out for a few months, then switch to Alliance mode and go for singles Titles all within the last year or so of their respective careers. The key is to keep them off TV for the most part to add to the “intrigue”. Basically, no more free matches for the Brothers of Destruction, unless it’s a special 3 hour Raw or Saturday Night’s Main Event or something. Am I pushing it, by simply mentioning the Ministry??
I don't understand why people can't just let Kane die (figuratively). He's nowhere near as agile as he used to be, he hasn't been interesting in like 7 years, and everybody always bitches that the WWE needs to give the younger stars a chance to shine... but everybody is hung up on Kane? Really? Forgive me if I come off harsh, I don't mean to.. but I don't understand why everybody has such a hard-on for this guy. I never did. I've said over and over, after he lost the mask, he had nothing left. The mask WAS Kane. A guy brought in and a huge storyline fit made over how he got burnt in some fire or something, and the mask just stays off? So now we have Issac Yankem...without hair. Kane HAD NO GIMMICK AFTER THE MASK. The only prominant thing the poor guy even had to go on was the fact that he's still Taker's storyline brother. That's it. I'm not bashing him, I'm not bashing people that like him... but I seriously really genuinely do not understand why people are just so in love with him. Kane is going to be the biggest most dominant jobber in the WWE to occasionally win a match and occasionally be on PPV until he hangs it up. That's it. Yes... we all know Kane was used wrong for... well pretty much forever after the mask came off. Not news. He's aged. The guy is about as useful as Khali right now. There is NOTHING that would ever return this guy to dominance of any kind. Kane doesn't sell. Nobody wants to buy tickets to see Kane headline a PPV, nobody wants to buy a PPV Kane headlines, and I can't believe many people owned much Kane merch at all. In all my years, I seriously only remember seeing 1 Kane shirt being worn my entrie life by everybody I've come across.

I don't know. Maybe I just don't get it. But he was just a monster, that got used wrong so poorly that he will never be able to recover. Had this forum been here and I would have known about it, I would have said the same things 7 years ago. I can't stress it enough... I just don't get it.
I don't understand why people can't just let Kane die (figuratively). He's nowhere near as agile as he used to be, he hasn't been interesting in like 7 years, and everybody always bitches that the WWE needs to give the younger stars a chance to shine... but everybody is hung up on Kane? Really? Forgive me if I come off harsh, I don't mean to.. but I don't understand why everybody has such a hard-on for this guy. I never did. I've said over and over, after he lost the mask, he had nothing left. The mask WAS Kane. A guy brought in and a huge storyline fit made over how he got burnt in some fire or something, and the mask just stays off? So now we have Issac Yankem...without hair. Kane HAD NO GIMMICK AFTER THE MASK. The only prominant thing the poor guy even had to go on was the fact that he's still Taker's storyline brother. That's it. I'm not bashing him, I'm not bashing people that like him... but I seriously really genuinely do not understand why people are just so in love with him. Kane is going to be the biggest most dominant jobber in the WWE to occasionally win a match and occasionally be on PPV until he hangs it up. That's it. Yes... we all know Kane was used wrong for... well pretty much forever after the mask came off. Not news. He's aged. The guy is about as useful as Khali right now. There is NOTHING that would ever return this guy to dominance of any kind. Kane doesn't sell. Nobody wants to buy tickets to see Kane headline a PPV, nobody wants to buy a PPV Kane headlines, and I can't believe many people owned much Kane merch at all. In all my years, I seriously only remember seeing 1 Kane shirt being worn my entrie life by everybody I've come across.

I don't know. Maybe I just don't get it. But he was just a monster, that got used wrong so poorly that he will never be able to recover. Had this forum been here and I would have known about it, I would have said the same things 7 years ago. I can't stress it enough... I just don't get it.

There is no proof to this. There is no proof that Kane couldn't sell. He is never used in a position to sell or to draw or to bring in ratings, etc. As far as whether he could at this point, who knows? He probably won't get a chance to.

But, is there any proof that current headliners such as Randy Orton sell and draw big when the Raw ratings are piss poor?

I really, personally don't think Kane being on top would lead to any kind of decline in ticket sales or anything. I think WWE is clearly past the days of Hogan, Austin, and the Rock. The business they make is a reflection of the entire card, and not just one match. I know I personally have never went to a WWE event live for the sake of seeing just one person and I have never ordered a PPV for the sake of seeing just one match. If it's not a well rounded card I'm just not interested.
Bad idea.

Im sorry, but I just dont understand why in the world you would want to give a major storyline like to two men who are up there in age, one of which works part-part time.

Kane, while a glorified jobber, is still seen as a credible monster. The reason for that is because when he isnt jobbing to a named wrestler in a feud, Kane is killing every wrestler not known to man in random matches.

Undertaker has one of the worst gimmicks known to man. He is a zombie that isnt quite as white as he once was, doent have the powers that he once had, doesnt have the ring ability that he once did, yet gets huge ractions because much like WWE, Undertaker is living soley off of his past. He comes back with an undefined character and puts another established wrestler in the loss column come Wrestlemania.

It works, why try to fix something that isnt broken?
I don't understand why people can't just let Kane die (figuratively). He's nowhere near as agile as he used to be, he hasn't been interesting in like 7 years, and everybody always bitches that the WWE needs to give the younger stars a chance to shine... but everybody is hung up on Kane? Really? Forgive me if I come off harsh, I don't mean to.. but I don't understand why everybody has such a hard-on for this guy. I never did. I've said over and over, after he lost the mask, he had nothing left. The mask WAS Kane. A guy brought in and a huge storyline fit made over how he got burnt in some fire or something, and the mask just stays off? So now we have Issac Yankem...without hair. Kane HAD NO GIMMICK AFTER THE MASK. The only prominant thing the poor guy even had to go on was the fact that he's still Taker's storyline brother. That's it. I'm not bashing him, I'm not bashing people that like him... but I seriously really genuinely do not understand why people are just so in love with him. Kane is going to be the biggest most dominant jobber in the WWE to occasionally win a match and occasionally be on PPV until he hangs it up. That's it. Yes... we all know Kane was used wrong for... well pretty much forever after the mask came off. Not news. He's aged. The guy is about as useful as Khali right now. There is NOTHING that would ever return this guy to dominance of any kind. Kane doesn't sell. Nobody wants to buy tickets to see Kane headline a PPV, nobody wants to buy a PPV Kane headlines, and I can't believe many people owned much Kane merch at all. In all my years, I seriously only remember seeing 1 Kane shirt being worn my entrie life by everybody I've come across.

I don't know. Maybe I just don't get it. But he was just a monster, that got used wrong so poorly that he will never be able to recover. Had this forum been here and I would have known about it, I would have said the same things 7 years ago. I can't stress it enough... I just don't get it.

Most of the things you say on here are simply not true (no offence). If you look back at the time that led to kane's mask coming off and after it happened, you will notice that kane, once again, became the monster that we knew him for. The things that he did during the weeks following the removal of his mask would shock the wrestling world. From destroying austin, RVD, eric bishoff, linda mcmahon to setting good old JR on fire and electrocuting shane mcmahon's crown jewels (kayfabe obviously), Kane was truley at his prime during the unmasking storyline. Not to say that he wasn't during his debut till 2002, but the fact was during the period he returned with the semi mask, in my eyes, he lost the monster flare that he once had about him. From performing the kane-a-roonie and tag-teaming with hurricane to using booker's "can you dig that sucka" line, kane had truley lost his touch (not to say that this wasn't entertaining, as I kind of liked this change to a certain extent because we were presented with a different side of kane). Nevertheless kane was losing his touch so really the unmasking gave his an enormous boom to the whole monster story. But problems started to arise when there was nothing else for kane to do after the awesome feud with the undertaker at WMXX, so the creative team decided to involve drop kane in a storyline with lita which I think messed up his whole image as it dragged on for too long. What my point is that kane could still finish his career off in a high (as the undertaker is doing at the moment) but he doesn't feel as though he should be involved in big storylines and more in favour of helping the younger talent. However if you read one of my previous posts on another thread, about kane, you will see the reasons why jobbing all the time is actually not helping the new talent at all.
OK guys. First of all, Kane is not getting his mask back. Never, ever, ever again. He lost it, he's not getting it back. If he does, it'll be ******ed. Why? He'll just lose it to the next up and comer he jobs to. Because that's all Kane is good for, to be the guy who's always over and job like he means it. Which is great, because you need someone like that.

Secondly, the thread idea is basically making Kane into a mini-Undertaker? That's not needed. Kane is over without being tied to Taker constantly. and all it would take is a feud where Kane beats the guy's ass for the crowd to think he's dominant. No need for a long, drawn out Punk feud.

Kane is one feud from being considered dominant. The only thing is, Kane doesn't need to be dominant. He's a jobber. The crowd will never admit that, but he is. A jobber that still gets the pop. He's a great wrestler, and he knows that he's past the time where he should be main-eventing. So what does he do? He gives back to the company that gave him his fame by building new guys to take his place. Kane knows it, and it's time for us to acknowledge it.
Kane is one feud from being considered dominant. The only thing is, Kane doesn't need to be dominant. He's a jobber. The crowd will never admit that, but he is. A jobber that still gets the pop. He's a great wrestler, and he knows that he's past the time where he should be main-eventing. So what does he do? He gives back to the company that gave him his fame by building new guys to take his place. Kane knows it, and it's time for us to acknowledge it.

I understand what you are saying. However, I recently watched some old kane matches from 2001 and thought about something. The fact is masked kane could potentially live for ever (I mean the character). Think about it, if glen jacobs could be masked in some type of story, instead of hanging up his boots when he decides to retire, someone younger, fitter and similar size as glen could take up the role as the new kane. Having said that there are a couple of problems such as the way glen has adapted the signature role of kane such as his uppercut to the face, his flying clothesline and most importantly the way he use to chokeslam opponents from the past. Unless someone is able to replicate these moves to almost mirror perfection, which glen was so good at doing, this true resurrection of kane would not work. In addition, this may ruin the legacy of the true kane that was glen jacobs if someone does take up the role. On the other hand, this could become a great discussion by the fans. So what do you guys think? My views are almost even on both sides, though my gut feeling tells me that there is only one true kane (which is glen).
I kinda like this idea, it sounds pretty cool. But it is way too late to turn his image around. Why change what made him so popular? I still think taking the mask off was a good thing. Seriously, who the fuck didn't want to see what was under there? Its not his fault they fucked up what was a solid program with HHH for no good reason. I don't know what he should do when he comes back. Shit, realisticly he should have a legit claim to a world title shot after whipping Punks ass. I just hope he works out a bit. The chubbyness is not doing him any favors.
It'll definitely be interesting to see what he does when he returns. You would think he'd get a decent push considering he's been out for a while, but who knows. Heck, the last time he was on Smackdown! he missed only one month back in '07 and just that one month absence was used to push him into a World Title feud with Edge. Of course, Edge's injury cut it short, but you get the idea.

By the time the Bash is over, Kane will be out for 8 weeks I believe. I could have easily seen him coming back to feud with Edge if Edge was still the champion when Kane returned. Obviously, Punk is the guy for now, and he's obviously playing a bit of a 'tweener at this point. Sure, he has no heel characteristics, but he has this cocky, obnoxious kind of attitude working for him now that he didn't have last year. Kane can easily come back as a face as their feud can come full circle. They were the last two up on the ladder in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania. Kane grabbed a bit of revenge by defeating Punk at Backlash.

They can build it up by having Kane's pyro go off whenever Punk is in the ring. And, Kane doesn't have to appear. They can play his voice over the loud speaker with red lights glowing in the ring with Punk saying that the last time Kane was in a WWE ring, he was defeating CM Punk. He can say Punk was only able to cash in his Money in the Bank because Kane hasn't been around and he can just kind of put Punk on notice. Then, Kane can return at Night of Champions to face Punk. It certainly works because of a history between the two and I'm guessing Kane would get a pretty good pop after missing 3 months.
So, Kane is back, and much to most people's surprise, he looks to maybe be facing the Great Khali AGAIN? Is it me, or has this been done to death? When they faced each other a few years ago at Mania, it was the key victory that propelled Khali to main event status against Cena and eventually a World Title reign. When they faced off later, it was put Khali over as the World Heavyweight Champion. Why do we have to see this again? At this point, it benefits NO ONE. Beating Khali means nothing anymore, so for Kane to do it means nothing, and beating Kane means close to nothing.
Its going to be something like he met Khali's family while in India or something silly.

Shame really, but after all, WWE has been screwing Kane for years, why change now?
I have an insane, over-the-top way to repackage Kane, but the WWE might as well try something to make him more interesting. His current character is extremely stale and boring as fuck so they should try something fresh. Firstly, i would just like to state that Kane should not be a main eventer but my idea could make him a more interesting upper midcarder. This would have worked best if they would have done it before his return at The Bash, but i suppose it could still work if Kane was given another hiatus later in the year.

Ladies and gentlemen, i give to you, Pastor Cain.
The could do an angle where Kane disappears to go re-think his career and find himself,and he does so by finding The Lord. Kane would become highly religious and would want to punish all those who go against his beloved God. He would prophesize the ways of God, preach to the fans and threaten to burn all sinners. He would "bring the fires of hell" unto those who sin (keeping his fire gimmick going in a new way). His basic attire would consist of a fully white suit and tie and of course he would always carry his Bible. His in-ring attire would essentially look the same as it is now but instead of red and black he would have the colors white and gold. This gimmick would bring a lot more interest back into Kane and make him more than a generic monster.
I think Kane was one of the best superstars ever seen in the Attitude Era. I think he still was good after he unmasked, when he won a lot of tag team titles. He started becoming a jobber around 2006 or 2007, and I agree it is time for a change, since he has a lot of talent and needs one final push, since he will retire soon, and he has done so much for the company, especially making CM look good, though he really isn't that great.
Putting the mask back on is an easy way to do it, but I would just take him out for 2 months or so, and bring him back in, like back when he feuded with Edge, Batista, and The Great Khali. He got back into the title picture, which is what he needs now, as a final push. I think he deserves it. Also, he only won 2 world titles, and one was the WWE title for 24 hours, which barely counts, and the ECW title for 2 or 3 months, if that even counts as a world title. He has been in this company for 15 or more years, and he deserves something.

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