Thundercats the movie


Championship Contender
Well since this film is always on and off in production and they can't decide between live action & cgi I thought I'd ask people, if money was no object, who would you cast as the thundercats in a live action film?

Lion-O - I could see Zakk Effron (he's not that bad, honest) but I would love someone like Matt Damon personally.

Cheetarah - Angelina Jolie. Come on, that body in sexy suit.

Panthro - Michael Clarke Duncan. There couldn't be anyone else to match the build of him really

Jaga - Toss up between Christopher Lee/Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart. If it was just a cgi with a voice wouldn't mind Terrance Stamp as he does a bang up job in Smallville

Tygra - Hugo Weaving. Has that level of respect and smugness needed.

Snarf - Jim Carrey. Snarf's comic relief, give the role to a proper scene stealing comic actor.

Mumm-ra - Al Pacino. Dude can play quite or mega intense. Perfect

Slithe - Danny Devito. Just reminds me of Penguin in Batman returns

Jackalman - Paul Bettany. This dudes freaky, just like the actor.

Wily kit/Wily Kat - Sod it, they'll be annoying. The Olsen twins

Monkian - Ron Pearlman. Hellboy fits perfect.

So, agree? Disagree? Who would you cast and why?
Lion-O - say Effron again and I will sing Glee shit at you...I could do it too, but no Matt sounds like a good choice for that, babyface look, enough muscle, and good acting chops to carry the lead

Cheetarah - Angelina is getting up in age, but a little make-up, a nice suit, easy as a piece of her pie, oh yeah she could work (although maybe not the perfect choice... who cares, maybe she can make one of my perverted boy hood dreams come true.... yeah I said it)

Panthro - think you hit it dead on, on that one, other people could do it, but yeah, he's the man for that job

Jaga - Frank Langella is the guy for this one, he has the voice and the face, and really, that's all that's needed for this role

Tygra - Hugh Jackman for this one, love Hugo but don't see this as his part and Tygra is pretty much Wolverine of the group anyway, could see a few other people if thas just too obvious, but Hugh still fits

Snarf - gotta be CG and that stops me a little... I don't know if Jim could pull it off right, but if he can thas fine by me, and otherwise, just a comic who can

Mumm-ra - I love Al Pacino but that may actually be the worst idea I have ever fucking heard, no offense, it's just... really? and then again I may not be seeing how exactly you think his character is going to work as far as the transformation, so maybe thas why I'm not seeing that, in my opinion you need someone that can really change their voice or you need two people for this role, I'll go with two, lil Mumm-ra I'll go with Chris Lee, think he has the body type, def attitude, and presence which is important for ya big villain, for psycho Mumm-ra either CG with him or MCD and replace Panthro with someone slightly smaller or get... nah I think either cg or MCD as him, cuz he's gotta be bigger than Panthro's character and I honestly don't know ANYone bigger than MCD

Slithe - I'll give it to Danny on this one, long as he has the prosthetics and really works his voice for it, I think he could pull it off

Jackalman - Paul Bettany could work.... no real complaint here, don't think he's perfect but I can't think of better

Wily Kit/Kat - think you need two young teen actors here who are the same age roughly, look similar enough, and jus make-em-the-hell-up to look close enough and have them do their "wily" thing

Monkian - Perfect, nailed it on the head, less it's too obvious too, but I like Ron for this

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