Thunder - August 5, 1998 with KB


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Date: August 5, 1998
Location: Casper Events Center, Casper, Wyoming
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Lee Marshall, Bobby Heenan, Mike Tenay

It’s the go home show for Road Wild which means we’re probably in line for about 174 Tonight Show clips in the next two hours. We might even get to hear some new matches announced for the show as I think we have three at the moment. I’m so glad Thunder came back for such a great occasion. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

Stealing Nitro's Bad Ideas
See, I didnt get it then, I dont get it now.

If you are a WCW fan, you have seen the Tonight Show Clips. If you are a new fan, brought in from the Tonight Show incident, then you saw it happen on the Tonight Show already.

I don't understand it either. For some reason WCW thought people would pay to see Jay Leno beat up someone named Eric Bischoff, who isn't exactly a household name.
No, that isnt what I meant. I got the overall crossover appeal(especially when it was Rodman and Malone...I remember wanting to see that BADLY when I was a kid) but to take up so much of your show with those clips was so off-putting, for seemingly little to no gain, or value.
I get Rodman and Malone for sure. If nothing else they're professional athletes and it's not unrealistic to think they could have a decent performance.

Jay It was always going to be a glorified comedy bit and who is going to pay $30 for that?

You're right on the NWO Nightcap bits. I thought they were boring as a kid and now they're even worse as an adult. They literally showed a clip of Hogan shoving Leno 8 times on Nitro leading up to this. It didn't help that Leno wasn't officially announced on Nitro for Road Wild until 5 days before the PPV.

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