Three Shots at Two Titles?


SORRY! About you damn luck!
As you may know Daniel Bryan has announced weeks ago that he will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 28 when he is cashing in his Money In The Bank Briefcase, with this one of the main-events for World Championships is made: Daniel Bryan vs. World Heavyweight Champion.

On the other hand, every year the winner of The Royal Rumble has challenged one of two (sometimes three or just one) champions for a championship match at Wrestlemania, so this takes the other spot for Wrestlemania: Winner of The Royal Rumble 2012 vs. WWE Champion.

So far, so good. But there is something left: what about The Rock vs. John Cena? At the beggining of this year it was announced that Rock would fight John Cena at Wrestlemania 28, with Cena being champion at the time all of us suspected that it was going to be Cena vs. Rock for the WWE Championship, not that the match needs a championship to be worth it, but would make it even bigger, for sure.

Do you see the problem? Three challengers for two championships? Or will Rock vs. Cena wind up being just One on One Match? Will another man be added to the World Heavyweight Championship Match?
I thought about this a while ago. Daniel Bryan keeps his word of challenging for the title at WM 28. BUT he wins the Royal Rumble. Then at wm28, we wins his RR match. Then, assuming cena vs rock is not for the wwe title. Daniel cashes in and becomes the unified WWE / WH champion. Unrealistic i know but it is a possibility.

Answering your queston. I think that Cena / Rock will be one on one and the Titles will not be involved. The first being the main event without a doubt
Maybe Daniel Bryan will cash in before then or lose the case somehow.
And The Rock vs Cena may not even be for the title, they may use the title to build another main event then they would have Rock/Cena, The WHC title match and then the WWE title match, remember remember the shows on for 4 hours they will need a wider array of big matches. Nothing set in stone as of yet even if Daniel Bryan says he will cash in at WM, plans may change.
Here's the thing. I dont really think it's etched in stone. What I'm talking about is the fact that people somehow are thinking Daniel Bryan is cashing in FOR a match, at WrestleMania that will just BE the World title match, I dont necessarily think people should jump to the conclusion that he'll cash in BEFORE Mania for a match at Mania or set up a date to cash in @ Mania against a champ and they Advertise that match, you get it?

I feel like why not have Orton vs Cody Rhodes, and then have Daniel cash in on the WINNER, that way SD! has a nice intrigue over the World title that it doesnt get lost in the shuffle main match-wise over a CM Punk/Jericho or Punk/Miz WWE title bout and Rock/Cena which WILL be non-title I guarantee or it wouldnt make sense. I guarantee Punk in the WWE title match as well.

But I believe Daniel has two options really, he could let a Rumble winner or Elimination Chamber winner face the champ at that time and cash in after that match and have THAT advertised or cash in to be the challenger, the contract signing would say Daniel agrees to cash in at Mania and face the champ. Hell he could be the 2nd guy to do that since RVD, go in and lose and get respect from the champ and a handshake moment

I saw a guy on WrestleZone thinking it'll be Orton/Barrett, he gets it that Daniel never clarified if he was cashing in after an initial match or for the only bout that'll be for the World title (i'd rather see two World title bouts to have a boost for SD! as WWE title bout and Rock/Cena will be pushed more)

But Orton/Rhodes having that history makes for a better match idea to me, then having Orton put over two guys in one night bigtime. Rhodes beating Orton then Bryan cashing in on the heel winner and winning, leaving as champ, letting the fans have something to cheer for after the Orton loss and Orton can shake his hand after Cody and Ted storm the ring, Orton and Daniel could hit their moves on both guys and then have a moment in the ring, a classic shoe of respect thing.

I dont think any other scenario could be more perfect being as Rhodes has a history with Orton and Daniel (this year) they could play on both of those in one night

The WWE title will be fine although it could be a Triple Threat Orton, Barrett, Rhodes, who knows. I like the idea of the Rumble winner going for the WWE belt, I like the idea of it being Y2J who would only be fitting returning there with his countdown entrance video messhed with the Rumble countdown clock, the ONLY perfect way for him to return

But then a Y2J/Miz/Punk match wouldnt be bad now either if that could happen

either way I think we could end up on the Smackdown! side of things, having either ONE or TWO World title bouts but ppl are jumping to conclusions and not even examining that aspect enough, that's the major thing right now is will we have 1 or 2.
I still have a feeling that The Rock is going to come back and win the Royal Rumble. Yes his match with Cena is set in stone but he could cut a promo the next night saying that he doesn't want to just face Cena, he wants to walk out of WM28 the WWE Champ. That then puts pressure on Cena to either win/retain the title at Elimination Chamber. Plus it adds a little more to their main event at 'Mania... Problem solved?
Just because DB said he'll cash in at Mania, doesn't mean he'll do it RVD style. Imagine Orton vs Barrett in a long hard fought battle. Maybe a no DQ match. Then Bryan comes and cashes in on the winner. Everyone just assumes DB vs the WHC will be an announced match. Another thing people assume is that Bryan will keep his word. I know lying isn't a "face" thing to do, but who says he doesn't turn hell and cash in before then.

Also, there's no guarantee that Cena walks in to Mania as the champion. Not only is he not the champ right now, he's not even the number one contender. Assuming he'll be champ months from now is ridiculous.

And finally, there is always the possibility that Cena or The Rock win the Rumble and cash in at Elimination Chamber before there big match. Unlikely, but possible.
I don't think Cena-Rock needs to be for the championship. I think we all know that Rock isn't coming back for a full-time schedule, so it makes no sense to make him champ...taking the title out of the picture makes the outcome more in question, and potentially more interesting. I'm hoping they do more after Survivor Series to promote bad blood between the two, to just make it an epic event, but not for the title. That leaves room for the Rumble to mean something more, and for more people to get involved in the event.
Agree with SickJames

Why can't he cash in after the match, therefore becoming the WHC? He doesn't have to be in the main match, but cash in afterwards. Say for instance, Christian vs Randy Orton, Christian wins, then Bryan cashes in after.

Plus, I don't think Cena will defend the title against The Rock for many reasons:
1) The match DOES NOT need to be for the WWE Championship.
2) Letting The Rock, who hasn't competed since WrestleMania XX (for those he can't do the Math, that is 2004), challenge for the title is not only wrong, but a spit in the face of those like Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre, CM Punk, Alex Riley, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio and many others who work there ass of in THEIR time, just like The Rock did, to earn the title match. I'm sure Rocky would be pissed if a legend who hadn't competed in 10 years challenge for the title in the main event of WrestleMania, considering he is the best challenge.
3) Of course Cena will win, why let The Rock win, then drop it the night after, just to have a tournament which Cena will win, thus becoming champion again, so there was no need to lose and just a complete waste of time.
4) People like The Miz, Alex Riley, Dolph Ziggler etc could be in that match, doesn't finish the night, but might have the chance to prove to people who think there huge piles of shit wrong and say "I fought in the WWE Championship match at Mania." Why not?

- John Cena vs The Rock
- WWE Championship Match (Maybe have a Fatal-4-Way with the likes of The Miz who are established enough to carry the match, with guys like Alex Riley, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre etc to fill the other spots)
- World Heavyweight Championship Match (The Royal Rumble winner versus the champion - Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes is my prediction)
- Daniel Bryan cashes in the Money in the Bank Contract
I actually made a post like this a few weeks ago, asking what the winner of the Royal Rumble was going to do. But in all likelyhood, I don't think the Rock-Cena match is going to be for the championship, because it honestly does not need to be.

For those saying that Bryan will cash in on the winner of the WHC match at WM, too me that is the stupidest idea as what would be the point, with the winner knowing he will have to do another match again, it's not like it will be a surprise of him cashing it in.
I thought about this a while ago. Daniel Bryan keeps his word of challenging for the title at WM 28. BUT he wins the Royal Rumble. Then at wm28, we wins his RR match. Then, assuming cena vs rock is not for the wwe title. Daniel cashes in and becomes the unified WWE / WH champion. Unrealistic i know but it is a possibility.

Answering your queston. I think that Cena / Rock will be one on one and the Titles will not be involved. The first being the main event without a doubt

This is not possible, at least not how you describe it. Now, assuming Rock/Cena is not for the belt (which it shouldn't be), if he won the Rumble (which he shouldn't) he could use the Rumble shot for the WWE title and then cash in on the WHT, but he cannot do it the other way around. Remember, the cases won at the MITB PPV are brand/title specific. The Raw case can ONLY be used for WWE title, the Smackdown case can ONLY be used for WHT.

But as for the original purpose of the thread, as many have stated, there is NO REASON for Cena/Rock to be for the belt, in fact, it would be detrimental to the match and the show. The WWE title should be defended in a second match, leaving the Rumble winner open to challenge for it and DB for the WHT. Assuming DB doesn't either lose the case before then (god, I hope so) or turn heel and renage on his Wrestlemania promise.
Please don't put the belt on the line in the Cena vs Rock match because one it definitely tips which way the result goes and two if Rock wins it is just like wtf happens now. It is a lose lose situation imo no matter what the result is. Use the belt to get someone over that needs to be put over. There is still a lot of time for guys to build momentum, so it is tough to say but hypothetically Dolph Zigler.

My perfect world for Wrestlemania would be this:

Rock vs Cena

Punk vs Jericho (possibly for title depends on Punks status at the time and Jerichos future plans)

Zigler vs Miz (provided both guys step there game up to a point where you could sell this as a possible title match. Right now this would be laughable for a title match at Mania but things could change)

Orton vs an up and comer maybe Barrett maybe Rhodes (I don't watch much Smackdown so someone else is more inclined than me to make this call.) As said above have Bryan Danielson or whatever the hell WWE calls him now come in and have a second title match.

Undertaker vs ? I would like to see Punk in this if Jericho is not available. But to me Punk Jericho would just be epic promos and an epic match, and Punk Taker has been done before albeit not at Punks current status. Miz also wouldnt be bad but I already used him.

If Austin decides to wrestle then the whole thing is flipped on its ear and Ill have to reassess.
To be honest I think the reason that Rock vs Cena, as Cena put it, "has to be for the WWE Championship" is because people honestly won't care about his match, if it's not for the title. I don't care about most of his matches when IT IS for the title. Think about it..when's the last time Cena WASN'T in a title match at a Wrestlemania?
John Cena VS The Rock should not be for the WWE Championship,it already sells without the Title and if it is and The Rock is not returning Full Time its obvious that Cena would win the match.At WM 28 Punk should be the champion and defend against Jericho (If He Returns At RR) & DB should challege Orton for the WHC at WM.So there is no issue or problem and obviously there is going to be another man in the WHC match because DB will probly Cash In after the match has happened.It's to predictable if Rock VS Cena is for the Title,
As you may know Daniel Bryan has announced weeks ago that he will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 28 when he is cashing in his Money In The Bank Briefcase, with this one of the main-events for World Championships is made: Daniel Bryan vs. World Heavyweight Champion.

On the other hand, every year the winner of The Royal Rumble has challenged one of two (sometimes three or just one) champions for a championship match at Wrestlemania, so this takes the other spot for Wrestlemania: Winner of The Royal Rumble 2012 vs. WWE Champion.

So far, so good. But there is something left: what about The Rock vs. John Cena? At the beggining of this year it was announced that Rock would fight John Cena at Wrestlemania 28, with Cena being champion at the time all of us suspected that it was going to be Cena vs. Rock for the WWE Championship, not that the match needs a championship to be worth it, but would make it even bigger, for sure.

Do you see the problem? Three challengers for two championships? Or will Rock vs. Cena wind up being just One on One Match? Will another man be added to the World Heavyweight Championship Match?

None of the above. Theyre building long-term now for Cena and Rock, and who has happened to step in there as well? Why CM Punk has! Im not sure that I buy into the theory that Bryan will cash in at WM28, as I think he's in line for a heel turn and a surprise cash-in before Wrestlemania. But I believe that the match between The Rock and John Cena will become a triple threat match for the WWE title. Why? Because CM Punk will win the Royal Rumble.

I believe that the heel regime, whomever that may be, will throw every obstacle in the way of CM Punk to keep him from regaining the title. I see him and Cena both getting their rematches at NOC in a triple-threat match, with Del Rio coming out on top when Nash interferes again, Then Punk has Nash and the heel in charge as a roadblock heading into the Rumble, but Punk will overcome whatever odds are put in his way and win the Rumble, announcing he'll be facing Cena and Rock at WM28. The WHC picture will shape up itself, probably through the Elimination Chamber, and youre title matches are set.
I don't think it will last that long. Either Bryan will cash in when he gets a BIG opportunity or he'll lose it to Wade Barrett who'll cash it in before WM, leaving the Rumble winner to face the SmackDown Champion, and Cena vs Rock for the WWE Title.
Rock vs. Cena is an Icon vs. Icon match - there's no need for a title to be on the line in it. It will probably be Daniel Bryan vs. the WHC, and the Royal Rumble winner (CM Punk, perhaps?) going against the WWE Champion. It's also possible one of the title matches could be a triple threat match.
I've been thinking.. What if Daniel Bryan doesn't mention the money in the bank briefcase so people forget. He then wins the Royal Rumble or a chance to compete in the WHC match, He then has an awesome match which he looses.. Then during the champs celebrations BOOM he grabs the briefcase and beats the champion..
Cena/Rock shouldnt be for the championship. It doesnt need to be to draw in viewers and as others have already pointed out, The Rock isnt leaving Miami as WWE Champion. Or if he is then we'll just have to have another tournament to crown a champ.
the winner of the rumble should get to face taker at mania. d bryan said he'd cash in so he could be in the main event at WM so if that's true that ties up the WHC match and Rock/Cena apparently will have the WWE title on the line. I'm sure something will change but yah.
i get your point, and i also agree with the majority of you ppl, John Cena vs Rock is a good enough ME IMO without the WWE Title being on neither of the duo's shoulders. But if the title IS involved, perhaps it could be DB vs WHC (Orton i guess) vs RR2012 winner? Both matches would awesome in Miami IMO :]
The Rock vs. John Cena is ABSOLUTELY going to be for the WWE Championship or they would not have brought that up.

Thus, the winner of the Royal Rumble will ALSO challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship, meaning Daniel Bryan vs. Rumble winner vs. WHC will be on the card as well, if Bryan holds true.

There are plenty of ways that the WWE can go with this before then and plenty can change. I think they *may* have Rock screw Cena out of the championship so they can get it uninvolved in the match, but I doubt it. I don't see any reason for the WWE brass to have allowed the championship to be brought up as a discussion point if it will not be on the line.
It will be a triple threat match for the world heavyweight championship and wrestlemania 28.

Orton(face of smackdown, 99% sure he's walking in Mania world champ) vs Bryan vs the royal rumble winner.

who will win the rumble? I'd say The Miz, or Del Rio.
Miz because he's one of the most popular WWE superstars and him and Bryan have history
Del Rio because, I doubt this will happen consideering he won the rumble last year but idk
Cena v.s Rock cant be for the WWE championship for 3 reasons. The Royal Rumble, Bryan Danielson has Money In The Bank, and the Raw Rumble. Im pretty sure they wouldnt make something just for Cena to headline WM 27.
Here is my most likely scenario:

Something happens in a World title match around October between Randy, Sheamus and Christian that Triple H vacates the World title due to a Dusty finish.

Immediately afterwards, Teddy Long gets in the ring to talk about the state of the WHC. Daniel Bryan comes to the ring, talks about his promise to the WWE Universe, but tells them that he has an opportunity to break the status quo and prevent the audience from seeing the same title match time and time again. Daniel Bryan goes on to say that he is cashing in on the vacant World title. Teddy says "Playa, but there is no champion to face ya" and Daniel says "Then I guess that means I win by forfeit". Christian complains saying HE CAN'T DO THAT, but Bryan cuts a big promo about wanting to break the mold and Teddy tells him this is his shot and to not waste it and announces him as the champion.

Following weeks, Daniel Bryan says he will REFUSE to defend the World title against the likes of Christian, Sheamus and Randy specifically. He says he wants to face the other little guys who never get title shots. He even mentions to Teddy that he doesn't want more Chavos to leave the WWE because they were mistreated, he wants to give the new guys their shots. He faces Regal, Tatsu, Sin Cara, Gabriel, etc. on Smackdown.

After so many wins, he gets really arrogant, and during all that time, Randy Orton was lobbying for a match to face him. Eventually, Randy gets it about 2 months into Daniel's reign and wins the title. Daniel Bryan goes bezerk on Randy and they start a feud.

Eventually, Bryan becomes a CM Punk-like face on the brand by WrestleMania and faces Christian in a built up one-on-one.
Cena v.s Rock cant be for the WWE championship for 3 reasons. The Royal Rumble, Bryan Danielson has Money In The Bank, and the Raw Rumble. Im pretty sure they wouldnt make something just for Cena to headline WM 27.

When did the Raw Rumble become an annual event? They used it last year just to set up Lawler vs Miz at EC, to give Miz a semi-credible win heading into Wrestlemania. Its not a given that we'll ever see that match happen again.

Everyone talks about The Rock vs John Cena as if its a guarnatee its going to be a single's match. Both Punk and Cena have been taking their shots at the Rock over the past few months, as hes been involved in their feud over Twitter. Why wouldn't the best possible scenario be for Punk to win the Royal Rumble, and face Cene and Rock for the championship? That frees up the WHC picture to be whatever it needs to be. There's absolutely no guarantees in pro-wrestling. Just because Bryan promised he'ld wait until Wrestlemania doesn't mean that's what is going to happen.

I would be shocked if we didnt see Punk(the Royal Rumble winner), vs Cena vs The Rock at Wrestlemania 28, for the WWE Title. The only other logical opponent for Punk would be HHH at WM, and I see that being resolved far before WM.

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