Thoughts For The Shield's Plans


Dark Match Jobber
All reports are that the plan to break them up for now is done. How true that is, I don't know. However...wouldn't this be the perfect time to break them up to an extent and keep them all face? Ambrose vs Sheamus has interesting all about it. Rollins has had a fire lit under him for the last month or so and I don't see how a series of Rollins vs Cesaro matchups could fail right now. Best of seven maybe? Reigns...well...the sky's the limit. You could put this guy anywhere right now and just let him go...or fail if he can't go it alone. Thoughts?
I like the prospect of The Shield v Evolution with the loser having to disband. That could be a wonderful match and a way for The Shield to lose without turning on each other in an obvious and typical manner.

If all three were to advance as faces then it is difficult. The WWE would need to find something meaningful for each and that is a problem. There are already some talented good guys on the roster (Cena, Bryan, Sheamus, Ziggler, Big E) meaning they may not get prime feuds.

I'm enjoying what The Shield are putting on. They are outstanding in the ring and constantly improving on the mic. Having one or two of them turn heel simply makes the first few months easier. They can be booked against each other but against others as well. Throwing three singles stars, whom are all face and are all over is an impossible task. It is much better to have at least one heel simply for balance.
i hate good stables being broken up or not lasting even a year, yeah the shield has been here for a while & now lets break them up & like tag team too. why can't you have a stable with singles matches ?

one of them will get a big run maybe rollins the other two will start jobing or get the shovel and get lost in the shuffle. I wish we had a NWO like stable with more than 3-4 guys that lasted. today we get stables that last a few months & then are broken up. look at nexus even with cena & punk where are they now ? one guy gets a push berret the rest are non existent

3MB & hornswoggle thats what you get for breaking up a good group
To be perfectly honest, I didn't think that WWE would be able to keep The Shield going and feeling fresh fairly close to 2 years since their first appearance, but I was clearly wrong. While there's still a part of me that would like to see them go their separate ways just for the opportunity to see what they're capable of doing on their own, I think that WWE is right by keeping them together. They have a really good thing going with them and they're simply too over at this time to just scrap them as a team. Whatever long term plans they MIGHT have had for them may be pushed back or changed altogether but, as I said, there's far too many positives going on to break them up now.

From my guess, I wouldn't be all that surprised if WWE sort of wound up giving all three of them pushes while still remaining within the confines of the group. For instance, Roman Reigns could still wind up facing Triple H at SummerSlam, I could also see Dean Ambrose engage in a feud with Sheamus if the latter winds up turning heel and maybe Rollins could go after Wade Barrett's IC title at some point. They could also go the route of teaming Ambrose & Rollins while keeping Reigns as the single guy this time around.
From my guess, I wouldn't be all that surprised if WWE sort of wound up giving all three of them pushes while still remaining within the confines of the group. For instance, Roman Reigns could still wind up facing Triple H at SummerSlam, I could also see Dean Ambrose engage in a feud with Sheamus if the latter winds up turning heel and maybe Rollins could go after Wade Barrett's IC title at some point. They could also go the route of teaming Ambrose & Rollins while keeping Reigns as the single guy this time around

This would honestly be the best way to go for the Shield, in my opinion. No need to split them up. Not until it's obvious to everyone that being part of the group will be detrimental to one or more of the members. I would personally love to see them all branch off into some kind of singles success, with the idea being that everything they do is for the benefit of the Shield as a whole. "Believe in the Shield" has become much more than just a quote or a line. It can be their inspiration to be as successful as they can possibly be, and "Believe in the Shield" can also help them break through any "slump" they inevitably go through, knowing that the others are still supporting them.
If the rumors are true...and man do I hope they are, we could be looking at a War Games with the Wyatts on one side and the Shield on the other...with a couple more thrown in...I know Trips was into the idea a long time ago to bring back War Games and I frankly missed those order to do that WWE has to keep the Shield together through August at least. Each individual of the Shield has extremely great potential. Rollins and Ambrose's true work hasn't even been fully seen yet compare to their indy days. Reigns is a member of one of the greatest wrestling families ever in the business. He has God given talent running through his veins...but he still needs more time to develop more in ring work, and keeping the Shield together for another year or so would not only give Reigns that time but would also solidify Rollins and Ambrose as break out stars when the inevitable does happen. They could truly be the Four Horseman of this generation minus 1 if they are allowed to develop organically. Reigns World Champ...Rollins U.S Champ...and Ambrose I.C. Champ. Someday, for sure I see this, but how cool would it be if they accomplished this while still in the Shield. So basically in a long winded round about way I agree with the break up being off the table...let's just hope it works out the way it should and we don't have another debacle on our hands *cough* Ryback *Cough
I like the idea of the Shield sticking together for now. We're often too quick to plot a factions demise when there is still more left in the tank. Taking on Evolution is a smart move. Together is one of the strongest factions of all time and individually it contains three very successful superstars. Having the Shield go over them can do a lot more to their credibility then having them disband.

I'll be interested to see what the next step will be post Shield/Evolution fued.
Breaking The Shield up right now would be a mistake, IMHO. I think that when The Shield finally disbands, there needs to be an all-out war between the three of them (possibly a triple threat at WM 31?). If The Shield were to break up soon, and remain individual faces, the WWE would be missing out on a big opportunity for the group to feud with each other.

As others have already mentioned, there's too many opportunities to showcase The Shield as a group right now, and it would be another mistake not to capitalize on those storylines before splitting them up. I liked the teasing they did, with the "dissension" between all three Shield members earlier this year, so it's likely they'll be able to revisit that when the time is right. An internal Shield feud deserves a bigger stage though, and I think WWE Creative can stretch that out until WM time next year. That's when they should break up, and that's when The Shield should have their triple threat match to see who the "best" member really is.
All reports are that the plan to break them up for now is done. How true that is, I don't know. However...wouldn't this be the perfect time to break them up to an extent and keep them all face? Ambrose vs Sheamus has interesting all about it. Rollins has had a fire lit under him for the last month or so and I don't see how a series of Rollins vs Cesaro matchups could fail right now. Best of seven maybe? Reigns...well...the sky's the limit. You could put this guy anywhere right now and just let him go...or fail if he can't go it alone. Thoughts?

I'd love to see the breakup at Summerslam. It could be the big storyline coming out of the summer and keep WWE fresh going into the final quarter which they struggle to keep hot last year.

Reigns turn on The Shield, join Evolution. Batista leaves to promote his movie, returns at NoC/HIAC. Rollins and Ambrose feuds with Reigns and Orton

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