Thoughts about the clusterfuck that is the CM Punk thread...


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Because I don't want to spam in that thread and get an infraction.

1) Somebody said CM Punk is no Edge. You're right. He's better than Edge. And by the way, Edge isn't even Edge. If you want to talk about overrated, that guy is it. His matches lack any flow that can keep interest unless he's working with a much better wrestler, he has no idea what to do when given time, and his offense lacks impact. He sucks worse than Punk ever will.

2) Somebody said Punk is no Jericho. Correct again. Punk is a real main eventer while Jericho was NEVER the main focus of any show even when he was the champion. Punk is miles more significant even in his short time in the E than Supporting Player Extraordinaire Chris Jericho will EVER be. And that's coming from a HUGE Jericho fan.

3) Punk beat the world champion (Edge) clean in MSG and beat Jericho clean last year on Raw and this year on Superstars. Kayfabe, he is as good as any main eventer we have today.

This is why I stay out of Punk threads. People are clueless.
I had a hearty laugh when I was told that JBL and HBK had a better feud than Punk and Hardy and cut better promos. That was humorous.

I'll take Punk over Edge any day of the week, but I wouldn't yet put him on Edge's level, atleast in the WWE kayfabe universe.
Edge sucks. He blew his big feud against Taker in the main event of the two biggest shows of the year, his sharpshooter is crap, his spear lacks impact, and his long matches are boring and uninspiring, his matches with Cena and Batista are overrated. How am I the only one who sees the truth about him?
I had a hearty laugh when I was told that JBL and HBK had a better feud than Punk and Hardy and cut better promos. That was humorous.
JBL was past his best before date by that point (2004-2006 was his best stuff), and just because Michaels a is massive emo doesn't mean he's a good (or realistic) promo man.

Hardy sucks, but Punk brings win for two.

I'll take Punk over Edge any day of the week, but I wouldn't yet put him on Edge's level, atleast in the WWE kayfabe universe.
Agreed. But from a kayfabe point of view, Edge isn't exactly tip-top.
Edge sucks.
No he does not.

He blew his big feud against Taker in the main event of the two biggest shows of the year,
Oh you have a bad memory do you remember his feud with John Cena. Edge was the only one at that time that made Cena cheered. His feud with Foley was truly awesome I know everyone will say that Foley carried him and all that shit but Foley didn't even do a move in that match. Yeah he may've sold Edge's offense and spots in that match but it doesn't mean that Edge didn't do a fucking thing in that match.

his sharpshooter is crap,
Yes but it's not mean to be impactful actually Edge's character is not mean to be impactful he's more like character who is not good for ME but always find a way to overcome the odds in a heelish way.

his spear lacks impact,
Yes it's not a good move for someone in Edge's size but it fits with gimmick.

and his long matches are boring and uninspiring,
I'm curious if we are talking about the same guy.

his matches with Cena and Batista are overrated.
I'll take Cena vs Edge TLC to any day of the week to Cm Punk vs Jeff Hardy TLC or Batista vs Edge to any of the Cm Punk vs Batista combined.

How am I the only one who sees the truth about him?
It may be because Edge is a great worker and one of the biggest stars in WWE right now.
After a point, getting Cena mixed reactions because the objective. So Edge was just another one of Cena's supporting players. Nothing more. As for getting Cena cheered, that wasn't as extreme as you pretend it is. Edge got many a pop himself after a while.

Edge vs. Foley was awesome. I didn't say Edge had no good matches, did I?

Notice how that great bout was midcard filler? I did.

I can't believe Batista vs. Punk is something you used to put Edge over. How about all the guys Punk has better chemistry with than Edge does? Jericho, Hardy, Morrison, Mysterio. Really now.

The I remember some significant botches in Cena vs. Edge. Also, Edge's ass going through all those tables wasn't really as impressive as that bump should have been. Punk vs. Hardy was closer to perfect than Edge-Cena.
After a point, getting Cena mixed reactions because the objective. So Edge was just another one of Cena's supporting players. Nothing more. As for getting Cena cheered, that wasn't as extreme as you pretend it is. Edge got many a pop himself after a while.
Actually it was at that time even Cena fans turned their backs on him. I don't know what would happen if he turned at heel that time. John Cena tried his best to get himself cheered once again but you know IWC. When he started feuding with Edge Cena started to get cheered once again even in Canada small amount of people booed Edge. So Edge played a huge role to make Cena the good guy in that feud. I can agree that without that feud Edge would not have been in the same level he is in right now but without that feud Cena couldn't elevate himself to whole new level.

Edge vs. Foley was awesome. I didn't say Edge had no good matches, did I?
You said Edge sucks and I gave some of the examples of great Edge's matches to prove he does not.

I can't believe Batista vs. Punk is something you used to put Edge over. How about all the guys Punk has better chemistry with than Edge does? Jericho, Hardy, Morrison, Mysterio. Really now.
You talk like Edge really didn't have great matches. His matches against Michaels,Jericho,Undertaker,Cena,Triple H,Jeff Hardy,Kurt Angle...

The I remember some significant botches in Cena vs. Edge. Also, Edge's ass going through all those tables wasn't really as impressive as that bump should have been. Punk vs. Hardy was closer to perfect than Edge-Cena.
I don't remember the match that much but I'm hell sure from one things the spots were more amazing,the match was more unpredictable and exciting and crowd was as hot as hell. Punk vs Hardy was really great but not close to Edge vs Cena.
Personally, I think Edge has suffered from over-exposure in the last few years. He has been overly-relied upon as the top heel which has led to too many title reigns and him starting to look a bit tired in the ring. I see Orton starting to have the same problem on RAW. Hopefully with his enforced lay-off with injury Edge can heal any other nagging injuries and recharge his batteries and come back rejuvenated.
Wow CoCo M. Punk, we actually agree on an entire subject! The devil must be ice skating.

I agree however. CM Punk is the best heel in the WWE right now and it could be argued that he is the most exciting superstar to watch in the WWE right now. He is having the best promos and the most interesting matches right now. He is good in the ring and is very entertaining.

Yes, he is better than the Rated R Superstar, by miles. I would've taken Punk over Edge a few years ago, because after his initial feud with Cena, Edge, to me, stopped being entertaining.
The poster of the original CM Punk aint that good thread says that Hardy is a Hall of Famer and that Jericho is a LEGEND. Really? Can that thread be taken down please?
Why would I like someone who bores us with stupid 60 minute long mat wrestling contests. No wrestling fans care about actual matches, duh.
Punk > Edge. Not quite yet, but at this pace, it won't be long. Edge has never had a significant title reign. They're all really short and Edge has been around the company and in the title scene far longer than Punk. that's not a good sign.

Punk > Jericho. I could listen to arguments here because at the core I think this is right, but I'm not sold yet. Jericho and Edge have one thing Punk doesn't have yet: longevity. Punk has only been in the company what, 3 years? He needs to be around longer before he's on that level.
Actually it was at that time even Cena fans turned their backs on him. I don't know what would happen if he turned at heel that time. John Cena tried his best to get himself cheered once again but you know IWC. When he started feuding with Edge Cena started to get cheered once again even in Canada small amount of people booed Edge. So Edge played a huge role to make Cena the good guy in that feud. I can agree that without that feud Edge would not have been in the same level he is in right now but without that feud Cena couldn't elevate himself to whole new level.

Cena was going to the next level no matter what. Trips and Michaels were poised to put him over. He was still going to have those matches with RVD and Umaga that did more for him and were better than ANYTHING he did with Edge EVER. The company had already accepted Cena getting booed given that they were allowing Angle to cut promos about how much more popular he is than Cena. Edge having that feud helped Edge. Cena didn't need it.

You said Edge sucks and I gave some of the examples of great Edge's matches to prove he does not.
One or two great contests do not a great worker make.

You talk like Edge really didn't have great matches. His matches against Michaels,Jericho,Undertaker,Cena,Triple H,Jeff Hardy,Kurt Angle...
Weren't great. Any of them. At all.
Why would I like someone who bores us with stupid 60 minute long mat wrestling contests. No wrestling fans care about actual matches, duh.
I haven't watched the first two Punk-Joe matches in years because they bored me. Those being the first matches I watched of Punk's, it was the third Punk-Joe match finally that sold me on his ring skills.

His promo skills I was sold on from the first minute I saw him.

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