This whole RVD/Sabu thing a good thing?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I was thinking this can actually turn out huge for ECW. They can really cash in on this. Here is my thought process:

ECW shows as of right now stand as---
-Solid Match
-Big Show Squash
-20 Min Match

But now they put the belt on the Big Show which does 3 things. #1 ends this whole RAW/ECW shit. #2 Ends the Big Show squash matches (they can't have the champ squash every week----can they?) and maybe most importantly #3 Gets Dreamer into a title fued.

Now we only lose RVD for 30 days (4 shows). Not a big deal at all. When he comes back we have a storyline. RVD fueding with Heyman and most likely who ever the champ is.

I think this can really end up in a major + for ECW.
(they can't have the champ squash every week----can they?)

Yes, they can, and with Vince in charge they will, just like he did to Rey everyweek. Well, just flip that around so the champion does the winning. Vince is erratic and unpredictable, no one likes him, he will do whatever he wants and I think he wants to make Show into a monster adn by doing that he will have him squash cruiserweights for awhile. :( Just my opinion, I know I'm probably wrong.
Well perhaps we will see more of the dreamer feud with the big show. Not that anything would occur but it would logically follow the storyline leading up to the bust.

I expect to see a CM punk Vs CW anderson next week.
Well, considering that Vince likes to use real life happenings on t.v. and they're actually going ahead with using C.M. Punk's straight edge "character" (which isn't a character cause he is straight edge). I think we have a ready made Van Dam vs. Punk and Sabu vs. Punk feud after C.M. Punk gets a few wins on t.v.

Seriously, don't be surprised to see Punk vs. Van Dam, probably after Punk vs. Sandman which you know is going to happen.
The best part is that RVD went out fighting, he was fighting every week. He made the challenges, so he comes out like a fighter
I also think the good news is, that Heyman had Big Show go out there against RVD and in my opinion that was the best I've ever seen the Big Show wrestle. He still got jeered but I was "damn..that's actually a pretty solid match from the big show."
Unfortunately I don't remember the match. After 10 rounds of jose ceurvo........... you know the song :/ It was a good 4th
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