This run?


Getting Noticed By Management
I'm sure it is said more often than we want to hear, but hopefully Punk brings back some prestige to the IC title. If he is the draw that the WWE is building him to be, then his IC title reign should start to pick up and get interesting. Punk is a household name, and his rise to stardom was quiet yet explosive. His MITB win was impressive, and how he used it was pure gold.

He is over, and his in ring style is growing popular. No, his run wasn't anythng spectacular, but it was how he won it that was important. His run with the tag titles was weird, and could have been better. His ECW title run was solid, and he gave ECW some fresh air for a bit. His feud with Morrison was some what of a classic for that time.

The IC title is a joke now, but with Punk holding it there is a sense of nostalgia from when stars like Bret Hart, and Perfect held the title. Punk seems like he could put the title over. He has the character that the WWE hasnt' seen in quite some time. Down to earth, and relentless at the same time. The WWE needs to throw him in another solid feud that could take him 3 months to go with. He needs an arch nemesis if you will. He doesn't have that other star to shine with.

At first I thought it was surely going to be Morrison, but I can't imagine those two fighting for the IC title at this point. Then again rehashing this old feud may make sense. Morrison's skit on Punk on the Dirt Sheet was priceless. These two have a heated past, and their characters clash well.

Then again I wouldn't mind seeing Jericho/Punk in a real storyline. Punk taking great offense to Jericho not wanting to fight him for the IC title. Making the "title", and it's credibility the point of the storyline. Jericho already did it once, except it wasn't for a title it was just plain old Duggan.

Both men can run the mic well, and I there in ring styles would compliment eachother well. I like Jericho, and I think Punk has a solid character. Solid enough to hold down the the upper mid card with a star like Jericho. They are both wonderful workers, and I think we could see something special with these two. They both have had their ups-downs with the WWE fans. If they could pull something off for the IC title it would be something that I could get iin to and watch. Those two are great at what they do, and a real feud with time, and progression would be something to see.
William Regal is by a far a superior wrestler to CM Punk and his character shud have been given time to progress with the IC title around his waist.

Was pathetic and a joke to the title that Regal dropped it after two DQ defences. The Way regal won it was a joke, a 28/30 second match against Santino Marella.

The IC title deserves so much better but WWE dont give a toss about it anymore.
Regal shud still be champ and there is no way i shall be supporting CM punk on his IC title journey, he is so over rated!
You have to be kidding that Regal is a better wrestler than Punk. Regal is boring to watch. Aside from a couple of brutal matches last year that were the best I had ever seen Regal wrestle, he is boring. He is a good technical wrestler, but that doesn't always get you anywhere. His look is stupid, most people cant stand looking at his mug, and without his brass knucks, noone believes he is going to win. Look at last night for instance. Everyone knew that Rey Mysterio was going to win that match because Regal isn't main event caliber, we all knew he was not going to be in the E-Chamber match. Punk on the other hand is way over with the fans, has a much better move set, HAS A FINISHER, and with the straight edge lifestyle, he is the type of wrestler that the WWE is pushing for the kids. It doesnt matter who Punk feuds with for the IC belt, it will be more entertaining than any match Regal is a part of.
Regal is a terrific wrestler. Regal/Punk are probably two of the best real wrestlers on RAW, but I feel Regal is often disrespected by the writers a lot, look at how long he lasted in the Rumble match, this guy is supposed to be a British Brawler. Then at Survivor Series he was eliminated in minutes. Maybe the storyline is he isn't any good in elimination matches. I would of liked to see Regal go over Rey last night and go into the Chamber match, maybe he would be eliminated quickly, but he would be built as a good competitor for the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania, perhaps a winner.
I believe Regal started the real run of brining prestige back to the Intercontinental Title, but Punk is definitely continuing it, perhaps it could be furthered more by Rey Mysterio, Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhoads or Charlie Haas with a reasonable heel push??
Regal has a lot more talent than most people know, like many wrestlers who aren't really allowed to showcase themselves in the WWE. I agree that his IC title reign was a joke/insult but
Regal has a lot more talent than most people know, like many wrestlers who aren't really allowed to showcase themselves in the WWE. I agree that his IC title reign was a joke/insult but I don't mind seeing Punk with the belt.

I agree if it is booked properly, Punk might be able to bring some worth back to the belt. We really need another strong title division for the rest of the roster. I barely care about the WHC and the rest of the belts are non-existent in my mind. Tag belts? How many times can we watch Miz and Morrison fight Crime Time. Without a real tag division those belts are worthless. But the IC title has a chance. We have enough mid-card guys who are popular with the fans but aren't yet ready to main event and go after the world title. Punk, Regal, Goldust, Santino, Kofi, Knox, Ziggler, members of Priceless, etc.
Are you guys seriously making a case for William Regal to get a push of any kind? Are you seriously saying William Regal should've gotten some wins over Punk or should have had the title longer? William Regal doesn't even deserve to be on a PPV, and the WWE agrees with me, as he hasn't been on a PPV since his return. He was the perfect transitional champion to get the title on Punk. William Regal is old, out of shape, has NO finisher, has a terrible moveset, is not athletic, is no longer over with the fans, and is basically a well known jobber. Who should Regal beat in a match? He can only beat Santino and Jamie Noble. No one else. Who has he beaten since his return? Santino and Jamie Noble and no one else. Some people need to realize that there are clear distinctions between Main Eventers, Upper Mid Carders, Mid Carders, Lower Mid Carders, and Jobbers. William Regal is a lower mid carder and only got the IC title so that he can pass it off to Punk and get a pat on the back for good behavior since his return. It also was good for business to have him win in England as he is from there.

Now on to the IC Title. Punk will bring credibility to the title only if it is on the line in the matches that he's in. Punk needs to stop jobbing to Jericho and other upper mid carders. The WWE needs to stop selling him as a main eventer but having him only beat mid carders. CM Punk as IC Champ has promise but in his first match as champ he jobs. I don't know who on the mid card he will feud with, but I hope he doesn't bring that belt to the MITB match (if he's in it). There needs to be an IC Title match at WM. Hopefully John Morrison or another credible opponent will feud with him. A good feud with ample mic time will be the only thing that brings credibility to the IC title. They have to cut promos, and they have to act like the IC title is the biggest belt in the company for it to get over with the fans and for it to mean something.
Well if last night is any indication this could be another bad run. He lost on his first tv show as champion. Now I get that Jericho is a bigger star than he is, but what's the point in having Jericho go over him clean? It makes the champion look like he beat a weak guy and he'll lose regularly. Jericho needed to go to the Chamber. Ok, that's fine. he had to go over the IC champion to do so? Now working for me. Punk could be just what the title needs, but he has to be booked right for that to be the case. This wasn't terrible booking, but it could have been done much better.
Regal is GARBAGE, he's old, useless, gets no reaction from the crowd, is extremely limited with ability...also, what the hell is with them putting Layla with him, just some way for people to keep from changing the channel when he's on
I say for next week, have the four losers from this week face each other in 2 second chance matches...C. M. Punk vs Kane/Regal...Shawn vs Kane/Regal
I say for next week, have the four losers from this week face each other in 2 second chance matches...C. M. Punk vs Kane/Regal...Shawn vs Kane/Regal
I say for next week, have the four losers from this week face each other in 2 second chance matches...C. M. Punk vs Kane/Regal...Shawn vs Kane/Regal

Why would you want the losers in the match? We've already got Cena, Mysterio, Kofi, and Jericho building up to what could be the worst Elim Chamber ever (and yes, I'm including the one with Goldberg's win). I don't think putting the IC champ who won't win, or Kane, Regal or Shawn in the mix will help this match.

My choices for the last two picks would be Morrison and Mike Knox. If nothing else, at least we even out the heel/face factor and since no one will be beating Cena, we should see some good bumps with these guys.

As far as the IC Title question, I don't know why Punk is so over. His matches are very similar with very small differences. The best move I've seen out of him was taking Jericho's Code Breaker after the top rope springboard which was a blatant ripoff of Shelton's springboard into the Superkick.

Punk is going to go stale as IC champ and I'd expect that by WrestleMania he'll either be lost in the shuffle or will have spat out the title to Cody Rhodes or Ted DiBiase.

I don't agree with giving it to Priceless, but I can see the advancement of Legacy going quickly enough to get them a singles strap soon.
What are you talking about, they need some actual contenders in the match, people who could take the title away from Cena possibly, maybe throw the fans off...who else is there, maybe Cody Rhodes, but Mike Knox, are you kidding me, Morrison has alot of talent, but he's an ECW star, and he's not up to that level, nobody would ever think he'd win, why don't u just put in Charlie Haas...he could come out and wrestle as Bhaastista and it'll be like another guy who is over with the crowd but has no chance of winning is in the match...they need people in the match who could contend...C. M. Punk, Kane and JBL, remember Shawn is competing for him, they're not doing anything else right now with Rhodes and DiBiase besides the Orton situation which I think is great by the way(except for Shane making him look weak last night) so there's nobody else...I guarantee, it'll be JBL's idea next week to Stephanie and she'll go with it, but she'll might make him fight Shawn for it that would be ok...and then C. M. Punk vs Kane, Regal interferes and causes Punk the match or Punk wins by DQ and Kane kills Regal lol, a new rivalry idea, you'll have regal getting his ass kicked and we get to see Layla's incredible body
What are you talking about, they need some actual contenders in the match, people who could take the title away from Cena possibly, maybe throw the fans off...who else is there, maybe Cody Rhodes, but Mike Knox, are you kidding me, Morrison has alot of talent, but he's an ECW star, and he's not up to that level, nobody would ever think he'd win, why don't u just put in Charlie Haas...he could come out and wrestle as Bhaastista and it'll be like another guy who is over with the crowd but has no chance of winning is in the match...they need people in the match who could contend...C. M. Punk, Kane and JBL, remember Shawn is competing for him, they're not doing anything else right now with Rhodes and DiBiase besides the Orton situation which I think is great by the way(except for Shane making him look weak last night) so there's nobody else...I guarantee, it'll be JBL's idea next week to Stephanie and she'll go with it, but she'll might make him fight Shawn for it that would be ok...and then C. M. Punk vs Kane, Regal interferes and causes Punk the match or Punk wins by DQ and Kane kills Regal lol, a new rivalry idea, you'll have regal getting his ass kicked and we get to see Layla's incredible body

Right, the theory would be to put a lineup together where you think Cena may lose the belt, but how did they do that already? None of those opponents are going to take Cena's belt, so may as well make it a mid-carder mashup. You've got Kofi.... he won't win. Rey.... nope. Jericho? Not gonna happen, Mickey Rourke at Mania.

There are no real contenders on Raw besides Orton who won't be in this match because of an inevitable Shane vs Orton match at No Way Out. How about reading a post and absorbing the message before responding?
I'm a big CM Punk fan, and would love to see him carry the title back to prominence.

I like that he is getting TV time, and got the support (it seems) of the company after them making Regal defend it in a match where he couldn't cheat his way out of it. His loss to Jericho was a little un-settling, but the loss itself isn't what bothered me most.

The fact he was in a match, competing for a spot at a different title is what bothered me. I know the WHC is bigger than the IC title, but shouldn't there be build-up as to who he's going to face at No Way Out, instead of him chasing a different title? We all know the IC is the "stepping stone" to bigger things, but let's let him lose it before going for soemthing else. I feel the same way when they have the IC champ, US champ, or ECW champ in the MiTB match.

The mid-card belts would be treated with a lot more respect, if the wrestlers showed them a little more respect. Just because we know it's only a mid-card belt, doesn't mean it needs to be portrayed that way. If they can put Punk in a match with a good heel, and book the feud to where it seems like the heel just has to win the belt, we'll but into it a little more. That's why the Matt Hardy v. MVP feud went over so well for the US Title...
How about reading a post and absorbing the message before responding?

I did moron, i'm just saying nobody wants to see mike knox in a title match, he's a nobody who's had 2 matches, hasn't shown any kind of talent, just that he is big, like Khali, and he sucks too...and Morrison is NOT on the same show...why don't you PAY ATTENTION before you post, they're not gonna have nobody's who can't draw like knox on a ppv
I think it's a good idea for a guy to go from World Champ to Intercontinental in a year, and this doesn't seem like a demotion. It seems like a main-event guy going for the IC title, which is good. People always talk about how main even guys should challenge for a mid-card title. Well, here we go. Great. I'm happy they chose to do this and I think that they should start pushing guys like Rey and Kane into the IC title hunt, not by pushing into the mid-card, but by giving high-card guys the chance to fight for a lower tier title.
I can't believe that people are insulting Regal's wrestling ability? Is technical wrestling really that boring? I don't see anyone saying that MVPs wrestling style is boring on the SD thread and he wrestles a LOT like Regal. A kick to the head for a finisher, works the body over methodically, throws a few decent suplexes. In fact, Regal is the ONLY guy in the company who seems willing to do a different suplex other than Snap, Belly-to-Belly, Fisherman and Northern Lights. His Exploder suplex is awesome, as is his half nelson suplex, which some idiot was whining about in another thread the other day, saying it looked horrible, despite it being a textbook half nelson suplex.

Oh and btw, for those people who claim Regal has no finisher, wake up. Regal's finisher is the Knee Trembler (running knee to the side of the head). Yeah, it's a shit finisher much like Big Show's Right fist and the Curb Stomp (which i remember 2 individuals trying to convince me that it was going to get Burchill over. Goes to show what they know).

I've said this a million times but i'll say it again. The title reign doesn't mean SHIT unless

a)it's defended frequently
b)the champ actually looks proud to be the champion
c)the contenders actually show some passion in wanting to win it.

What's really funny is that some of you have complained about the IC champ contending for the WHC, and then in the same post have suggested that Morrison should be Punk's opponent, despite being a tag champion. So it's ok for a mid card champion to challenge for another mid card title but not to challenge for the ME title, while still not defending the title they won originally? Pure idiocy!!!

If his title reign lasts more than 3 months, and during that reign there's actually a promo about being the IC champion, and there's more than one defense in the space of 30 days each month of that reign, THEN i'll consider it a credible reign. To this day, the most credible IC champion of the last 2 years is Santino Marrella. FACT

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