this might work


Dark Match Winner
ok so brian kendrik is looking for a new partner, we all no that. so why not take somebody off the back burner who is about to make a return and pair them up to see how they work. how about gregory helms? im talking the old helms not the hurricane. the way it looks is that creative cant add him into any existing story line and unless they make one with him in it he has nothing. plus there is to many story lines goin right now that even if they did make one with him it would be lower mid card and noone would care. so why not test the waters, they both have great ring skills, good on the mic and both can be an egomaniac and erogant so its perfect. helms has the knowledge and tbk has the desire it could work. so how bout it whats up.
I forgot that this angle existed. Are they still officially running with this angle? He hasn't mentioned it in a couple of weeks, and last week he was in a 6-man romp against Goldust, Festus, and Santino...hell the dude didn't even get his entrance, he was already in the ring when we came back from commercial break.

Does creative still give a shit about this guy? I honestly don't care who his partner is at this point, just hurry up and bring the guy out so we can move on, the angle isn't even interesting enough for me to speculate any longer on who it should be. It could be Helms, Jesse, Paul London, hell I don't even care if its Michael Cole. It'll get the same reaction from me regardless of who it is though...none.

But to get to the point and answer your question...yes Helms would work, but in fact any one would work right now because the angle isn't drawing any heat outside the IWC at this point.
Two main reasons why this will not work...

1) Helms is on ECW.

2) Helms is due to return as the Hurricane, so why would he go back to 'old helms?'
Helms is on ECW! Another thing, the tag-titles mean SHIT! I myself am a HUGE fan of Helms and I don't wanna see the innovator of the Cruiser-Weight division get buried like this! Also ECW needs a new kiddie icon now that lil' Hornys over on RAW. Every show has a kiddie icon, Smackdown has Jeff, and RAW has Cena. And 'The Hurricane' can be the big kiddie icon for ECW, so in my opinion your idea probably won't work. But hey, its anybodys guess.
I just wanna see real tag-team wrestling come back PERIOD! Remember all the tag teams from back in the day? No need to name them all off...they actually stayed tag-teams for a LONG time! Now tag-teams are broken up after a year to "see of they can make it on their own" and then when they cant, most are released and some just get lost in the shuffle.

I hope vince brings back the "TBK is lookin for a partner" angle and goes with it. Chris Masters? The "The Drew Mcintyre" thing makes sense too. Just give him a partner dammit!! Keep the Colons (i dont think they'll seperate anytime soon) Reform the "world greatest tag-team" and KEEP them as a tag-team. Also theres Cody and Ted: Who do VERY rare appearances as a actual Tag-Team!

Heres a few ideas for some tag-teams that I came up with for RAW:
1. I like the idea of Kendrick and Mcintyre (not my idea- but good)
2. If Chris Masters is coming him up with Santino. Make it as if they are old friends and Santino brought him back for them to become the best tag-team of all the times! Santino as obvious mouthpiece.
3. Let Jamie Noble become Festus' new handler...and slowly take the "bell thing" away from Festus. Maybe Noble becomes his "teacher" and teaches him how to talk? Of course, its a must to go back to thier "redneck roots" Thats when Noble is at his best!
---This would give RAW 5 legit tag-teams, when u add the Colons & Priceless. 4 if u consider the champions: should be "all-brands"

Now SmackDown Ideas:
1. We already have Cryme Tyme and I would put Benjamin and Hass back together perminately as WGTT.
2. Jimmy Wang Yang and Funkai are turned into Ninjas or Samarais. Could be corny...but it cant be booked that way. They lurk in the shadows back stage, attacking people. We wont even know it is them, cuz they should be totally covered. In another attempt to keep them legit and not corny: I would also like to make thier mouthpiece: former TNA'er James Mitchell
3. Bring Kaval up from FCW and team him with Ortiz. Make them a "LAX" type of team. Not much more to the idea, I just wanna see Kaval on TV!
---OK so theres 4 teams for SmackDown

ECW is more difficult but I did come up with a few thoughts:
1. We already have the Hart Trilogy
2. Somehow get Regal over to ECW and team him with Burchill. I know its been done before, and it can work when done correctly. What else are either of these 2 gonna do but carry tag-team straps? Probably nothing...
3. Bring up Sheamus O'Shaunessy from FCW to team with Finlay. Make him Finlays nephew or something like that. And he wants to help his "long lost uncle" out, for everything that he did for him back in Ireland, after Sheamus' parents died when he was young.
4. Start teaming up Hawkins and Ryder again. HOLD-ON...hear me out! Soon they start acting "darker" or more "Raven-like" scrubby and dirty, just hangin in the "bowels" of the arena. This needs to be done slooowly, not fast. Commentators start asking them questions but they get no legit answers, just meaningless ramblings. Then they start talking about "him". Mentioning a mentor every-now-and-then. Sooner or later- "the mentor" shows up and its Jake Roberts! One of if not the best "sticks" in the business, during his time!!
---Thats 4 more teams for ECW

Now- I dont know how this all plays out. with a couple people switching brands and a couple more moving up to the "big leagues". Im also bringing in some "managing talent" that I think WWE is missing these days. Dont know if all are plausable, but they are just ideas

Please feel free to let me know what you all think about the ideas. I wanted to start my own thread about the lack of good tag-teams in WWE rightnow, but apparently im not worthy enough to start my own topics. I dont quite understand that, but whatever...rules are rules!

I probably left out somethings i wanted to explain a bit more, but this is getting excessive! HAHA...
ive been getting real fed up of kendrick lately after having such high hopes for him last year but i love the idea of kendrick and mcintyre as a team. maybe im biased cos im scottish but mcintyre has got a lot of potential if given another chance on wwe tv

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