This Is A Confusing Decision


Lord And Master
Staff member
A really nice looking girl handed me a flyer. She threw me a rather flirty look. I ask what it is. Its a flyer for... *drumroll* A... show?! :wtf: As a nice and witty comeback, I ask if the flyer has her phone number. She responded by telling me to and find out. What do I do? She's hot, but go to a beauty show?
Should I really risk going to a "beauty show"? Not my forte. I'm currently wearing baggy pants, a wrinkled NWO Wolfpac shirt and forgot to brush my hair. And I don't want a manicure.
On principle alone, I normally make extremely snide comments when women handing out fliers or selling something flirt. I'm probably still bitter about not getting any ass in high school.
Her job is to flirt with guys to get them to come to the show and you think you have a chance

She was baiting you but only to get you to go to the beauty show. That is her job. I guarantee that you were not the only one to receive that flirty look today

This guys got it right. It's like what strippers do, they flirt with you to get your money, but no matter how much you spend you aren't going to take her home and bang her.

Don't waste your time bro.
This guys got it right. It's like what strippers do, they flirt with you to get your money, but no matter how much you spend you aren't going to take her home and bang her.

Don't waste your time bro.
And thats the mistake most girls make with me. I hold my money closer to me than my own dignity. Either you make promises through legal contract or that diner at Chillis can fuck off.

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