"This guy isn't ready. It's too soon to give him the strap."


Getting Noticed By Management
This is all I see anytime somebody different wins the strap, challenges for it, gets a push, whatever. This is all I see from people. Sometimes I agree it can be premature; but I think I know what the problem is- YOU PEOPLE HATE CHANGE!!!! That's all I can think of for some of it.

Sheamus- Ok, I can see how this was premature; but at the time I think it needed to happen. Sheamus got me back intro wrestling because I wanted new champions and new challengers. Somebody fresh. I got that in Sheamus and I have been impressed with his mic work, ring work and heel work.

Jack Swagger- another one I can agree with and this is coming from a huge Jack Swagger fan. He won me over with his in ring ability and the first few notes of his song was enough to get me to rise out of my seat. He went from fighting Santino to World Champ. No doubt he is title material IMO.

But here is where I have a problem with this.

The Miz- You wanna know what would've been too soon? If he won the belt with his HOORAH schtick. If he won the belt during teaming with Morrison or prior to his "feud" with Cena or prior to winning the U.S. belt. The guy worked hard and earned his spot for four years. He became an excellent mid carder, cut terrific promos and gradully became a huge part of the show. You don't like Miz? Fine. But how much more ready could one guy be? How much longer should we have waited? You people constantly say the Miz's title reign sucks; while I can't help but say that while it isn't the greatest WWE title reign in history, it blows both of Sheamus' reigns and Swagger's reign out of the water. What he is doing right now owning Cena time and time again and cutting entertaining promos, he is the highest of high right now.

Dolph Ziggler- same thing too. You wanna know what would've been too soon? If he won the belt as Kerwin White's caddy. If he won the belt with his "Hello. I'm Dolph Ziggler" or before the Vickie thing and before becoming one of the best IC champions in years. Here's a good one: what if he won the WWE title as Nicky from the Spirit Squad? THAT would've been too soon. THEN he wouldn't have been ready. Ziggler EARNED his spot. Ziggler worked hard. He stepped up on TV and PPV He put on really good matches with the likes of Danielson and Cena (I don't care what Cena marks say, Ziggler carried him) Ziggler has the look. Before they made him a joke, he even put on a really good match with Edge at the Rumble. He put on good matches with Kofi and brought prestige back to the IC title and made it look good again. When you accomplish virtually everything there is to accomplish in the midcard, do you stay in the midcard? NO! You move up! THE ONLY PLACE TO GO IS UP!!!

Alberto Del Rio- Ok, now he did debut under a year ago. But I can see him having some sort of credibility. He is good in the ring and on the mic. He defeated REY MYSTERIO IN HIS DEBUT!!! That told me right there he was gonna be huge. He helped put on a great TLC Fatal Four Way match. He interrupted SHAWN FREAKING MICHAELS!!! He won the Mysterio feud and backed up what he said he was gonna do with the Royal Rumble. Not to mention he has looked good in this feud with Edge.

Wade Barrett- I'm not a fan but I don't dislike the guy. For his size, Wade was be believable as champion. He has the mic skills to sell and is marketable. He got tons of exposure with Nexus as well.

John Morrison- Love his look. He's more than just a spot monkey. He is actually pretty good in the ring. Some have compared him to Jeff Hardy; but if Hardy is arguably getting louder pops than Cena when he was in WWE in 2009 and he was insanely over with the fans and he was a draw, of course they should push him. Morrison isn't there yet; but he has the tools to be a star. INCLUDING MIC SKILLS. Watch his work as a heel as ECW champion.

And the same goes for some other guys. While I would prefer if Cody Rhodes got the IC belt and then won the big one, he is currently the hottest thing in pro wrestling. It would've been too soon if they did it during his Legacy days or after Legacy. Now though, if he beats Mysterio, while I prefer he take the IC title off of Kofi's hands first, he is title material in my eyes. And if the fact that he doesn't wear kneepads is why you don't take him seriously? Come on folks.

Or what about Sin Cara? This guy is going to be huge. You could say all you want how he won't be big; but I am 99.9% sure he will. People will flock to him the way they flocked to Rey. Someone on here said they couldn't take him seriously because of his mask; but that mask is going to be a hot thing as far as merchandise sales go for a long time. If he's going to be your next big thing, push him as such.

You people are too hesitant to pull the trigger. I think you don't like change and you'd rather just keep the same old people around. You say this person isn't ready or that person isn't ready. In all honesty though, some of these people are ready and you're just too reluctant to accept someone new.
The Miz has been a pretty amusing champion so far for me. He completely destroyed the fan favorite Monday while masquerading as the legendary hero The Rock before the fight. He's been pulling off the narcissistic bastard gimmick quite well and is drawing a good deal of heat from the crowd. I like what WWE has done with him.

John Morrison- Love his look. He's more than just a spot monkey. He is actually pretty good in the ring. Some have compared him to Jeff Hardy; but if Hardy is arguably getting louder pops than Cena when he was in WWE in 2009 and he was insanely over with the fans and he was a draw, of course they should push him. Morrison isn't there yet; but he has the tools to be a star. INCLUDING MIC SKILLS. Watch his work as a heel as ECW champion.

This. Morrison needs to get his bona fide main event push this year. I've liked Morrison for years. He's got the ring skills and the look. If WWE gives him some leeway, I can see him developing a pretty good persona for a champion. They should push him soon, after Wrestlemania ends IMO.
Very interesting topic, I agree with what you said. All the superstars you listed were/are ready to be champion, with the exception of Cody Rhodes since I think he needs a stint as IC champion and Sin Cara because we have not seen him yet.

In my opinion, if the WWE wants to make an up and coming star a champion then they need to give that superstar a credible reign. That means clean defenses of the title, or at least somewhat clean. The reigns of Sheamus and Swagger were a joke with neither getting a clean win over anyone credible during their time. Up and coming talent should not be used as transitional champions, that is what Kane, Big Show etc are there for. They need to be given credible reigns in order to firmly establish themselves in the main event.
I totally agree. You hear people complain about seeing the same couple people over and over in the main event, and then they complain because the new faces and pushes are "too soon". It's a back and forth that shows some people will just never be satisfied.

I agree w/all of the guys you listed above. I think it is their time and they're doing a good job of the positions they are in. They need to build them up now and give them the exposure so they can be the future veterans. If they had waited, people would complain when no "legends" or vets were around and they had to put them there. They'd say "Oh, they're just rushing to push somebody to fill the spots".

I'm liking the current talent pool. You also forgot to mention Drew McIntyre, who'd been having his troubles but has finally, I believe, found his footing and is looking good and starting to rise.

I will admit this one, too, I haven't been too impressed before w/Daniel Bryan, but lately he's been growing on me too. I'm starting to enjoy his matches more and think he's been given a little more leeway in wrestling the style he's comfortable with.

For an old fogey, I'm enjoying the youth movement. And here I thought I would only enjoy youth if it had to do w/females...
They're also going to say its too soon for Drew McIntyre, Chris Masters, Ted DiBiase... They might rehire Shelton Benjamin and push him and people will say its too soon. The guys that have been here for years but just coming off rivalries from wrestlers only seen on Superstars and gonna be said to have been pushed too soon. Triple H and UnderTaker are gonna retire and people say it was too soon. We're going to have world peace and people will say it was too soon. Of course they will say Wade Barrett and John Morrison weren't ready. Of course they're saying Del Rio and Miz aren't ready to headline WrestleMania... This coming from people in a place where 20 is too soon to get married but 15 ain't too soon to be pregnant haha.
If the industry actually went by the demand of the IWC or even the WWE Universe we probably would have an entirely different 4 main events at WrestleMania. For me it'd be Miz v Morrison (WWE Championship), Edge v Del Rio v Drew McIntyre (WH Championship) UnderTaker v Sting, Rock v John Cena... by now I don't know if my post is even entirely consistent... and this illustrates why someone with the power to make changes doesn't change them on account of a few people calling for something different.
I'm sorry. I just can't see what it is that people see in Drew McIntyre. I don't care for him in the ring or on the mic. With his current character, the only things I like about him are his look and his theme music. That's pretty sad. He has potential to be big and I know he could cut a good promo but damn.

I also agree Cody should be IC champion but if he did skip it, I could understand why, especially if he kept up the momentum he is at right now.
We don't complain because we don't like change, we say they're not ready because most of the time they're not. Jack Swagger is a good wrestler but he is no where near Heavyweight Champion level, the same with Miz. We'd be glad to "pull the trigger" on creating new champs, if those new champs are people like Danielson, Morrison, ADR or Kofi. Those guys ARE ready. But clowns like Miz, Swagger and Sheamus all won their first heavyweight title without really proving themselves. Change is not our problem, our problem is wrestler holding the WWE championship when they have no business doing so.
I can say this right now WWE is extremly smart in the booking of one man JOHN MORRISON i can bet the house when he wins it will be a Big deal

morrison has been a tag team specialist, a IC champ that was creditable, back to a tag team specialist, back to IC champ, has been a good in ring performer, a very notable star for many years and more importantly the guy is a FACE that is over

Who was the last Face to win his first WHC in WWE? I could be wrong but I think it was Jeff Hardy at Armaggedon 2008.

The problem most people have is multiple guys getting Goldberg like pushes to the title but not visually living up to the push in the ring. Goldberg was not great in the ring but he had that intensity to make you go wow i wonder what he would be like against Hogan, DDP, Sting. So when it happened he belonged in that spot people WANTED to see it. Think about it Sheamus and Barrett get the same map cena feud then orton feud then sink or swim, what is their left to want to see??? I would say both are just floating. Swagger wins a title without having a memorable feud. I think WWE was smart in not giving Barrett a title yet much like Morrison so he can have a good resume when he finally becomes champ

I dont see a problem with young guys getting titles so early however it does bring the prestige of titles down IMO but for guys like Miz, Ziggler, Morrison I think they have earned it the old school way built through the midcard/upper card to the main event its the swagger/sheamus/ possibly Del Rio ones that worry me guys that are getting titles without giving me as a fan atleast as a minimum two memorable feuds. which is kind of the reason people knock the miz but you cant please everyone and everyones definition of a memorable feud/match culmination is different
If you give your companies top championship to anybody that is talented, sooner or later the title ain't going to be worth much. The World Championship shouldn't be used to get people over. They should be considered a main event guy long before they win the belt.

Title reigns for Jack Swagger have made it less special for guys like The Miz (someone that, in many ways, was ready) and thus people don't take him too seriously. The Miz never had a main event feud before he won the title. Jack Swagger the same (Christian does not count). The Money In The Bank gimmick hasn't helped either. It's pushed the title further and further into obscurity rather than prominence.

Having two World titles in one company is a big problem in itself but there was a reason why guys like Billy Gunn, Steve Blackman, Ken Shamrock, Mark Henry, Giant Gonzalez and many others were not ever world champions. If WWE had two belts back in those eras, one of them would have been Champion and when Bret Hart, Steve Austin or Mankind eventually won the belt themselves, it wouldn't mean nearly as much.
Let's try to run down the list:

I believe we agree on both Sheamus and Swagger, even if they were a little soon, they both didn't make bad champions per se.

Swagger gimmick changed so that he was less cocky and more serious, and the cocky worked better for him.

Sheamus was given a paper champion run of sorts. They let you know he was tough, but not enough that he was actually able to take out Orton or Cena. that crippled him in my view. I really hope the US title and the hopeful Bryan feud will help to build them both up.

Miz- I have and continue to say he was pushed too soon. Not because he doesn't possess the talent and not because he isn't working hard to improve. Mainly it's something that's been eating at me for a few years in the WWE not really related to him. It's more how they've pushed the mid card belts. I think Miz should have spent more time in legit feuds with the US title against the likes of Bryan and Morrison as he works well with both. In addition to helping the character along it would help to build the title's prestige. Note how little concern they had for the US title the whole time Bryan had it. It wasn't his fault as he was saddled with silly Diva stories and the focus wasn't on the belt. Outside of a brief feud with Miz, Morrison, and DiBiase, nothing of consequence happened until Sheamus. Think of how long he held the title and how brief those feuds were. You can't push a guy that way and they've been doing that with the mid card belts for years.

Rewind a bit to when Morrison had his heel IC title run, and he was up against a more driven Jeff Hardy and a lively mid card pool. Everyone cared about those matches and I saw the promise Morrison had even then. A lot of stars are coming up bypassing this important step and I think Miz missed the chance to work more in it against more opponents for a longer time.

The only other issue I would mention is literal letter of the cowardly heel character he's playing. He's doing a fine job in it, but his early title reign should have had him get at least a couple of legit wins. Hell, make them look like flukes without the constant interference. I know he's a cowardly heel and I don't need it crammed down my throat.
I see his reign more in terms of Jericho's first run or JBL's only run: A performer who's never made to look like he can win on his own. Flair perfected this style but was able to have matches solo and get clean wins once in a while.

Sorry, now I'm rambling. To continue...

Ziggler, Del Rio, Morrison, and Barrett I like, and I do see any of them having a title run in the next year. I felt Del Rio might have been too soon until I saw how he worked in the ring and with Main Eventers. Ziggler was a great IC champion and had that important feud with Kingston to help push himself up. Morrison I mentioned earlier and I have fond memories of him and CM Punk carrying ECW with their performances. All guys that will go far.

McIntyre needs to have some main event push to get him over the hump.
First off, I continue to say to this day Ken Shamrock should've been WWF champion. Say what you will about the guy but it makes me sad that he wasn't. You make a good point if they had two belts it wouldn't have meant as much but there would be no reason to take it out on them and complain about them.

The Miz has no business being WWE Champion? Well, The Miz IS selling. I have seen quite a few Hello I'm Awesome T-Shirts at WWE events, out in public, on youtube videos and I plan on getting one soon myself. He has the mic skills, his in ring work has improved, he has owned Cena time and time again and is groomed to be the next face of the company. Miz did more to prove himself. He had a "feud" with John Cena but also he was apart of the last tag team in WWE to be both entertaining and a serious threat. He was built properly through the midcard and got heaps of exposure in 2010 before winning the title.
Let's try to run down the list:

I believe we agree on both Sheamus and Swagger, even if they were a little soon, they both didn't make bad champions per se.

Swagger gimmick changed so that he was less cocky and more serious, and the cocky worked better for him.

Sheamus was given a paper champion run of sorts. They let you know he was tough, but not enough that he was actually able to take out Orton or Cena. that crippled him in my view. I really hope the US title and the hopeful Bryan feud will help to build them both up.

Miz- I have and continue to say he was pushed too soon. Not because he doesn't possess the talent and not because he isn't working hard to improve. Mainly it's something that's been eating at me for a few years in the WWE not really related to him. It's more how they've pushed the mid card belts. I think Miz should have spent more time in legit feuds with the US title against the likes of Bryan and Morrison as he works well with both. In addition to helping the character along it would help to build the title's prestige. Note how little concern they had for the US title the whole time Bryan had it. It wasn't his fault as he was saddled with silly Diva stories and the focus wasn't on the belt. Outside of a brief feud with Miz, Morrison, and DiBiase, nothing of consequence happened until Sheamus. Think of how long he held the title and how brief those feuds were. You can't push a guy that way and they've been doing that with the mid card belts for years.

Rewind a bit to when Morrison had his heel IC title run, and he was up against a more driven Jeff Hardy and a lively mid card pool. Everyone cared about those matches and I saw the promise Morrison had even then. A lot of stars are coming up bypassing this important step and I think Miz missed the chance to work more in it against more opponents for a longer time.

The only other issue I would mention is literal letter of the cowardly heel character he's playing. He's doing a fine job in it, but his early title reign should have had him get at least a couple of legit wins. Hell, make them look like flukes without the constant interference. I know he's a cowardly heel and I don't need it crammed down my throat.
I see his reign more in terms of Jericho's first run or JBL's only run: A performer who's never made to look like he can win on his own. Flair perfected this style but was able to have matches solo and get clean wins once in a while.

Sorry, now I'm rambling. To continue...

Ziggler, Del Rio, Morrison, and Barrett I like, and I do see any of them having a title run in the next year. I felt Del Rio might have been too soon until I saw how he worked in the ring and with Main Eventers. Ziggler was a great IC champion and had that important feud with Kingston to help push himself up. Morrison I mentioned earlier and I have fond memories of him and CM Punk carrying ECW with their performances. All guys that will go far.

McIntyre needs to have some main event push to get him over the hump.

I agree. That was the problem with Sheamus. He could be big. He could even be the top heel in the company. But he looked stupid to Orton. I think he has one upped Cena many times. TLC, Over the Limit, Fatal Four Way and Money in the Bank. Say what you will about how he went over but he still went over.

The way WWE pushed the midcard belts is bullshit yes it was but shouldn't be a discredit to the Miz. It's not like Miz decided backstage he wasn't going to defend the U.S. belt. There was a time where I cared about Miz as U.S. Champion (the MVP feud in early 2010) but sadly that's what WWE does. For every one month a midcard title looks good, it looks shit for six months.

He looks hardly cowardly to me if he is stepping up this way. He has gotten SOME clean victories on his own. Not many but he has won in some instances clean, more than I could say for Sheamus.
The thing that really gets me is when someone like Sheamus gets pushed people complain that it's too soon and he shouldn't have the title yet, and he should be a midcarder. But then when he does go down to the midcard level, the same people are complaining, oh why are you burying him for? Why isn't he in the main event?
@ finoj05, i completely agree with your thought that the world title is for someone that is already considered a top superstar. (top 3 or 4) What happened to the day when people had to work to get a title? when the wrestlers were so happy after winning it that they actually cried. the horrible fact is that the title is losing its value because of these 2month title runs by superstars who back in the day wouldnt even be near the IC title. WWE wants to fix the depreciating titles? put the titles on someone worthy and have superstars earn the right to compete for them.....in the ring. and i dont mean fixed matches, im talking about actual skill....ex: daniel bryan, morrison, regal, kofi, swagger, barrett. those superstar should be the ones pushed, not the ones portrayed as great wrestlers but actually have very little skill....ex: santino, miz, del rio.....IMO wrestling is 2 things, 1. Athleticism and 2. physicality.....if wrestlers just want to act (miz, cena, santino) go to hollywood and stay......WWE needs brawlers like regal and barrett and rhodes and justin gabriel.....i mean its pretty bad when i can pause my dvr and cenas fist is a good 6 inches from del rio....
I agree. That was the problem with Sheamus. He could be big. He could even be the top heel in the company. But he looked stupid to Orton. I think he has one upped Cena many times. TLC, Over the Limit, Fatal Four Way and Money in the Bank. Say what you will about how he went over but he still went over.

The way WWE pushed the midcard belts is bullshit yes it was but shouldn't be a discredit to the Miz. It's not like Miz decided backstage he wasn't going to defend the U.S. belt. There was a time where I cared about Miz as U.S. Champion (the MVP feud in early 2010) but sadly that's what WWE does. For every one month a midcard title looks good, it looks shit for six months.

He looks hardly cowardly to me if he is stepping up this way. He has gotten SOME clean victories on his own. Not many but he has won in some instances clean, more than I could say for Sheamus.

In the cowardly aspect I refer more to his early run with the belt. He didn't really start looking consistently strong until recently, and they had to do that with the Rock in the picture.

I think him attacking Cena without Riley is helping, and Cena is selling it well, so things are improving. Having him work more solo is pushing exactly what I was referring to, especially with Cole focused on Lawler.

As I've said about Miz in the past, like many other stars pushed really hard for the belt, the big test is more often what happens when they lose the strap and where in the main event they end up. I'm curious to see where this goes for him...
I can answer common reasons why everyone just goes full rage over these guys

- I've heard it was 'too soon' he wasn't ready. Get out of kayfabe people. he didn't debut on Raw he came from ECW, (That show you watched drunk on Tuesday nights) he has the skills, promo work, and draws heat.

Swagger- "His push was handled terrible killing credibility." Really? Ok so everyone got mad he won MITB as opposed to other stars. But heres a few names in that match, Bourne (hasn't even gotten his well deserved U.S title push), Matt Hardy (How's vsing Aj Styles non title Matt?), Christian (We DONT want to see a cheep win we want to savor the moment Christian wins), Shelton Benjamen (Used terrible, always will be until WWE learns) Swagger has skills.

Miz- Guy draws great heat especially 'IM THE MIZ AND IM AWEEEESSOOOMMMEE' Don't forget he's 9-0 against Cena. Haven't seen much rage against him lately on WZ.

Ziggler- People say 'He's so amazing!' same people who full on hated him about a year ago (Tryna win the IC title from everyone) I like him, hated him on SS and didn't like 'Hi my name Is Dolph Ziggler' but he's good in ring

Wade & Del RIo- Haven't seen rage but they WILL be big

And the WZ devides most over this man

John Morrison- Spot monkey? Sure he does these fancy spots but he has GREAT in ring ability. No mic skills? DO I need to make a list of others like him? Love him or hate him he will be big, his pops are getting louder and louder.
This is all I see anytime somebody different wins the strap, challenges for it, gets a push, whatever. This is all I see from people. Sometimes I agree it can be premature; but I think I know what the problem is- YOU PEOPLE HATE CHANGE!!!! That's all I can think of for some of it.

Sheamus- Ok, I can see how this was premature; but at the time I think it needed to happen. Sheamus got me back intro wrestling because I wanted new champions and new challengers. Somebody fresh. I got that in Sheamus and I have been impressed with his mic work, ring work and heel work.

Jack Swagger- another one I can agree with and this is coming from a huge Jack Swagger fan. He won me over with his in ring ability and the first few notes of his song was enough to get me to rise out of my seat. He went from fighting Santino to World Champ. No doubt he is title material IMO.

But here is where I have a problem with this.

The Miz- You wanna know what would've been too soon? If he won the belt with his HOORAH schtick. If he won the belt during teaming with Morrison or prior to his "feud" with Cena or prior to winning the U.S. belt. The guy worked hard and earned his spot for four years. He became an excellent mid carder, cut terrific promos and gradully became a huge part of the show. You don't like Miz? Fine. But how much more ready could one guy be? How much longer should we have waited? You people constantly say the Miz's title reign sucks; while I can't help but say that while it isn't the greatest WWE title reign in history, it blows both of Sheamus' reigns and Swagger's reign out of the water. What he is doing right now owning Cena time and time again and cutting entertaining promos, he is the highest of high right now.

Dolph Ziggler- same thing too. You wanna know what would've been too soon? If he won the belt as Kerwin White's caddy. If he won the belt with his "Hello. I'm Dolph Ziggler" or before the Vickie thing and before becoming one of the best IC champions in years. Here's a good one: what if he won the WWE title as Nicky from the Spirit Squad? THAT would've been too soon. THEN he wouldn't have been ready. Ziggler EARNED his spot. Ziggler worked hard. He stepped up on TV and PPV He put on really good matches with the likes of Danielson and Cena (I don't care what Cena marks say, Ziggler carried him) Ziggler has the look. Before they made him a joke, he even put on a really good match with Edge at the Rumble. He put on good matches with Kofi and brought prestige back to the IC title and made it look good again. When you accomplish virtually everything there is to accomplish in the midcard, do you stay in the midcard? NO! You move up! THE ONLY PLACE TO GO IS UP!!!

Alberto Del Rio- Ok, now he did debut under a year ago. But I can see him having some sort of credibility. He is good in the ring and on the mic. He defeated REY MYSTERIO IN HIS DEBUT!!! That told me right there he was gonna be huge. He helped put on a great TLC Fatal Four Way match. He interrupted SHAWN FREAKING MICHAELS!!! He won the Mysterio feud and backed up what he said he was gonna do with the Royal Rumble. Not to mention he has looked good in this feud with Edge.

Wade Barrett- I'm not a fan but I don't dislike the guy. For his size, Wade was be believable as champion. He has the mic skills to sell and is marketable. He got tons of exposure with Nexus as well.

John Morrison- Love his look. He's more than just a spot monkey. He is actually pretty good in the ring. Some have compared him to Jeff Hardy; but if Hardy is arguably getting louder pops than Cena when he was in WWE in 2009 and he was insanely over with the fans and he was a draw, of course they should push him. Morrison isn't there yet; but he has the tools to be a star. INCLUDING MIC SKILLS. Watch his work as a heel as ECW champion.

And the same goes for some other guys. While I would prefer if Cody Rhodes got the IC belt and then won the big one, he is currently the hottest thing in pro wrestling. It would've been too soon if they did it during his Legacy days or after Legacy. Now though, if he beats Mysterio, while I prefer he take the IC title off of Kofi's hands first, he is title material in my eyes. And if the fact that he doesn't wear kneepads is why you don't take him seriously? Come on folks.

Or what about Sin Cara? This guy is going to be huge. You could say all you want how he won't be big; but I am 99.9% sure he will. People will flock to him the way they flocked to Rey. Someone on here said they couldn't take him seriously because of his mask; but that mask is going to be a hot thing as far as merchandise sales go for a long time. If he's going to be your next big thing, push him as such.

You people are too hesitant to pull the trigger. I think you don't like change and you'd rather just keep the same old people around. You say this person isn't ready or that person isn't ready. In all honesty though, some of these people are ready and you're just too reluctant to accept someone new.

I green rep you good sir for a terrific rant/ argument. People bitch and moan and Cena and then Orton turns face and now they bitch and moan about HIM. Miz rises in the ranks eveyone's on his side then they moan about HIM. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Now I agree Santino's not ready for a heavyweight run, but the guys they're pushing NOW are INCREDIBLY ready. I'm gonna say that with enough promos DBD is fuckin ready.

Its a god damn championship it's SUPPOSED to be passed around.

So yes, I feel every wrestler you've mentioned there is ready. One problem though:

I feel that (with the exception of Miz of course) if they finally found that little "it" not something huge, just a little bit of ooph to their character and they're the main event.

My example is Cena. During his feud with JBL he upped his game and became more and more intense, the Miz has been doing so, Del Rio as well (Although seriously, find another armbrar the one he does looks very bad). I believe all of them need a little bit more intensity in their promos and in their characters, a little bit more ring psychology and they're set. Perhaps in a duration of maybe a month or two just focus on that and they're set.
Sheamus- Ok, I can see how this was premature; but at the time I think it needed to happen. Sheamus got me back intro wrestling because I wanted new champions and new challengers. Somebody fresh. I got that in Sheamus and I have been impressed with his mic work, ring work and heel work.

Jack Swagger- another one I can agree with and this is coming from a huge Jack Swagger fan. He won me over with his in ring ability and the first few notes of his song was enough to get me to rise out of my seat. He went from fighting Santino to World Champ. No doubt he is title material IMO.

But here is where I have a problem with this.

The Miz- You wanna know what would've been too soon? If he won the belt with his HOORAH schtick. If he won the belt during teaming with Morrison or prior to his "feud" with Cena or prior to winning the U.S. belt. The guy worked hard and earned his spot for four years. He became an excellent mid carder, cut terrific promos and gradully became a huge part of the show. You don't like Miz? Fine. But how much more ready could one guy be? How much longer should we have waited? You people constantly say the Miz's title reign sucks; while I can't help but say that while it isn't the greatest WWE title reign in history, it blows both of Sheamus' reigns and Swagger's reign out of the water. What he is doing right now owning Cena time and time again and cutting entertaining promos, he is the highest of high right now.

Dolph Ziggler- same thing too. You wanna know what would've been too soon? If he won the belt as Kerwin White's caddy. If he won the belt with his "Hello. I'm Dolph Ziggler" or before the Vickie thing and before becoming one of the best IC champions in years. Here's a good one: what if he won the WWE title as Nicky from the Spirit Squad? THAT would've been too soon. THEN he wouldn't have been ready. Ziggler EARNED his spot. Ziggler worked hard. He stepped up on TV and PPV He put on really good matches with the likes of Danielson and Cena (I don't care what Cena marks say, Ziggler carried him) Ziggler has the look. Before they made him a joke, he even put on a really good match with Edge at the Rumble. He put on good matches with Kofi and brought prestige back to the IC title and made it look good again. When you accomplish virtually everything there is to accomplish in the midcard, do you stay in the midcard? NO! You move up! THE ONLY PLACE TO GO IS UP!!!

Alberto Del Rio- Ok, now he did debut under a year ago. But I can see him having some sort of credibility. He is good in the ring and on the mic. He defeated REY MYSTERIO IN HIS DEBUT!!! That told me right there he was gonna be huge. He helped put on a great TLC Fatal Four Way match. He interrupted SHAWN FREAKING MICHAELS!!! He won the Mysterio feud and backed up what he said he was gonna do with the Royal Rumble. Not to mention he has looked good in this feud with Edge.

Wade Barrett- I'm not a fan but I don't dislike the guy. For his size, Wade was be believable as champion. He has the mic skills to sell and is marketable. He got tons of exposure with Nexus as well.

John Morrison- Love his look. He's more than just a spot monkey. He is actually pretty good in the ring. Some have compared him to Jeff Hardy; but if Hardy is arguably getting louder pops than Cena when he was in WWE in 2009 and he was insanely over with the fans and he was a draw, of course they should push him. Morrison isn't there yet; but he has the tools to be a star. INCLUDING MIC SKILLS. Watch his work as a heel as ECW champion.

And the same goes for some other guys. While I would prefer if Cody Rhodes got the IC belt and then won the big one, he is currently the hottest thing in pro wrestling. It would've been too soon if they did it during his Legacy days or after Legacy. Now though, if he beats Mysterio, while I prefer he take the IC title off of Kofi's hands first, he is title material in my eyes. And if the fact that he doesn't wear kneepads is why you don't take him seriously? Come on folks.

Or what about Sin Cara? This guy is going to be huge. You could say all you want how he won't be big; but I am 99.9% sure he will. People will flock to him the way they flocked to Rey. Someone on here said they couldn't take him seriously because of his mask; but that mask is going to be a hot thing as far as merchandise sales go for a long time. If he's going to be your next big thing, push him as such.

to start off, sheamus, maybe a lil fast, but he was a good champ, reign was a lil short lived, however his inring ability is good.

jack swagger, i dont see him as being talented, he, well, i dunno, he looks more like just a wrestler not someone to hold a title.

the miz, personally he shouldnt be in wwe, his promos are average (if you wanna give him that much), his inring ability is poor. i dont find him entertaining.

dolph ziggler. i think he was pushed a lil too soon, he needed to lose vickie and do stuff legit on his own. he was looking alright when he was making giants tap out, however now he isnt looking to good.

alberto, once again, a poor wrestler, he isnt a good wrestler. needs lots of work. his promos, well they are average could use some touching up.

john morrison, look at what he does in the BLOODY RING!! he is already entertaining people at a world champ level. his ring work is spectacular. he needs a push.

sin cara, yes he will be big, but i dont believe that he should be a world champ too fast. give him some time to settle into the wwe, get him as more of an established superstar then give him shots at the gold.
I like the Miz as champ and although I feel that he should've feuded for the U.S. Title for a while longer, I could live w/ it. He's a great heel, and useless feud w/ Jerry Lawler aside, I'm enjoying his run.

Sheamus was a bit early but I like him too. I like that he is believable and different than alot of the other current roster. I do agree that he needed some clean victories over guys that were not Evan Bourne.

I'm glad that Barrett hasn't been given the title yet. Just for the simple fact that not every fresh face should get a run. I'm glad that not everyone that earns #1 contention wins the belt. It keeps things interesting. For a while being #1 contender automatically meant a title change. As if Wrestling today isn't predictable enough, right? I like Barrett and think he has a big future...in the next year or two.

Alberto Del Rio....I like him but this is really sudden if he wins (and I think he will). He's a good wrestler, has presence, is fun to watch but he needs to be more established. The last really deserving guy to debut and win a title within a year was Kurt Angle. I know that times have changed but this guy is not even close to filling those shoes and for me that is the kind of talent one needs to have to be pushed this far this fast.

I like Jack Swagger, but man was his run just awful. It was too soon for him and he has dropped like a ton of bricks since. They need to make him a dominant I.C. champ. He should be owning that division for the next 1 or 2 years, by then I think he should be ready.

This really needs to be Morrison's year. He has earned his spot. Nuff' said.

I really am not impressed w/ Dolph Ziggler. I just don't get his character, at all. Is he Mr. Perfect lite? The character is just so generic and uninspired. I see him and feel absolutely no connection to him. As a worker he has a very sudden/impactful style, which I appreciate. However he is so ridiculously bland that it doesn't matter. They should keep him affiliated w/ LayCool because those girls could get him over big time.

Drew Mcintyre...meh. Whatever. At least he has more presence than Ziggler, I guess.

Isn't it kind of sad that nobody thus far in this thread has mentioned Kofi as a guy who could/should be given a run?.....Oh, I'm not going to either.
Sheamus- Ok, I can see how this was premature; but at the time I think it needed to happen. Sheamus got me back intro wrestling because I wanted new champions and new challengers. Somebody fresh. I got that in Sheamus and I have been impressed with his mic work, ring work and heel work.

Jack Swagger- another one I can agree with and this is coming from a huge Jack Swagger fan. He won me over with his in ring ability and the first few notes of his song was enough to get me to rise out of my seat. He went from fighting Santino to World Champ. No doubt he is title material IMO.

But here is where I have a problem with this.

The Miz- You wanna know what would've been too soon? If he won the belt with his HOORAH schtick. If he won the belt during teaming with Morrison or prior to his "feud" with Cena or prior to winning the U.S. belt. The guy worked hard and earned his spot for four years. He became an excellent mid carder, cut terrific promos and gradully became a huge part of the show. You don't like Miz? Fine. But how much more ready could one guy be? How much longer should we have waited? You people constantly say the Miz's title reign sucks; while I can't help but say that while it isn't the greatest WWE title reign in history, it blows both of Sheamus' reigns and Swagger's reign out of the water. What he is doing right now owning Cena time and time again and cutting entertaining promos, he is the highest of high right now.

Dolph Ziggler- same thing too. You wanna know what would've been too soon? If he won the belt as Kerwin White's caddy. If he won the belt with his "Hello. I'm Dolph Ziggler" or before the Vickie thing and before becoming one of the best IC champions in years. Here's a good one: what if he won the WWE title as Nicky from the Spirit Squad? THAT would've been too soon. THEN he wouldn't have been ready. Ziggler EARNED his spot. Ziggler worked hard. He stepped up on TV and PPV He put on really good matches with the likes of Danielson and Cena (I don't care what Cena marks say, Ziggler carried him) Ziggler has the look. Before they made him a joke, he even put on a really good match with Edge at the Rumble. He put on good matches with Kofi and brought prestige back to the IC title and made it look good again. When you accomplish virtually everything there is to accomplish in the midcard, do you stay in the midcard? NO! You move up! THE ONLY PLACE TO GO IS UP!!!

Alberto Del Rio- Ok, now he did debut under a year ago. But I can see him having some sort of credibility. He is good in the ring and on the mic. He defeated REY MYSTERIO IN HIS DEBUT!!! That told me right there he was gonna be huge. He helped put on a great TLC Fatal Four Way match. He interrupted SHAWN FREAKING MICHAELS!!! He won the Mysterio feud and backed up what he said he was gonna do with the Royal Rumble. Not to mention he has looked good in this feud with Edge.

Wade Barrett- I'm not a fan but I don't dislike the guy. For his size, Wade was be believable as champion. He has the mic skills to sell and is marketable. He got tons of exposure with Nexus as well.

John Morrison- Love his look. He's more than just a spot monkey. He is actually pretty good in the ring. Some have compared him to Jeff Hardy; but if Hardy is arguably getting louder pops than Cena when he was in WWE in 2009 and he was insanely over with the fans and he was a draw, of course they should push him. Morrison isn't there yet; but he has the tools to be a star. INCLUDING MIC SKILLS. Watch his work as a heel as ECW champion.

And the same goes for some other guys. While I would prefer if Cody Rhodes got the IC belt and then won the big one, he is currently the hottest thing in pro wrestling. It would've been too soon if they did it during his Legacy days or after Legacy. Now though, if he beats Mysterio, while I prefer he take the IC title off of Kofi's hands first, he is title material in my eyes. And if the fact that he doesn't wear kneepads is why you don't take him seriously? Come on folks.

Or what about Sin Cara? This guy is going to be huge. You could say all you want how he won't be big; but I am 99.9% sure he will. People will flock to him the way they flocked to Rey. Someone on here said they couldn't take him seriously because of his mask; but that mask is going to be a hot thing as far as merchandise sales go for a long time. If he's going to be your next big thing, push him as such.

to start off, sheamus, maybe a lil fast, but he was a good champ, reign was a lil short lived, however his inring ability is good.

jack swagger, i dont see him as being talented, he, well, i dunno, he looks more like just a wrestler not someone to hold a title.

the miz, personally he shouldnt be in wwe, his promos are average (if you wanna give him that much), his inring ability is poor. i dont find him entertaining.

dolph ziggler. i think he was pushed a lil too soon, he needed to lose vickie and do stuff legit on his own. he was looking alright when he was making giants tap out, however now he isnt looking to good.

alberto, once again, a poor wrestler, he isnt a good wrestler. needs lots of work. his promos, well they are average could use some touching up.

john morrison, look at what he does in the BLOODY RING!! he is already entertaining people at a world champ level. his ring work is spectacular. he needs a push.

sin cara, yes he will be big, but i dont believe that he should be a world champ too fast. give him some time to settle into the wwe, get him as more of an established superstar then give him shots at the gold.

How many times did Sheamus beat Randy Orton as champion. It was DQ. He would turn on the cowardly champ act when he looks he could be much more believable than that.

Ok, you think Jack Swagger isn't talented. But you know what? I do. I do think he is talented. I think he is top 5, top 10 in the ring in the WWE. Amazing athlete and I love his cockiness. Again, a believable size.

I think the Miz should be in WWE. It was his dream. He worked for his dream. He has shown so far he can hang. This isn't 2006 anymore. This guy has worked hard and earned his spot.

Same thing for Ziggler. His look screams he could be a World Champion. You think it was too soon? He was doing just fine in the ring WITH Vickie. He was retaining his I.C. Title and he was doing it CLEANLY (ignore the clusterfuck at TLC) She was his mouthpiece but Ziggler was delivering and winning matches HIMSELF!!!

Again, your opinion if you think Del Rio is a bad wrestler. I think he is quite good in the ring. I think he is a good performer and I enjoy his promos and his character.

It shouldn't be TOO fast for Sin Cara; but I think by Wrestlemania 28, he will have been in the World Title picture. Come WM 29, I say it's 99.9% sure Sin Cara will see the strap at least once. Yes Vince doesn't like small guys and that's why he was reluctant to push Rey but Vince loves his cash and Sin Cara will make him loads of it.
We talk about the "whole torch passed down from austin to cena thing" and we can assume that the same thing will happen to sin cara. Looking at his in ring work on youtube, he is definitely impressive (I have never seen him before and I was overly impressed by his in ring abilities when I saw a few of his matches on youtube). When the time comes, I do believe that mysterio will pass down the torch to sin cara and making him the next masked mexican phenomenon.

As with the miz, mmmm...I am not overly convinced with his stardom. I know that he is pretty damn good but I wouldn't put him in the league of cena yet. What I believe seperates an average to good wrestler from a superstar is two things.

1. He needs to be over by the fans at being both heel and face. We've seen at this moment in time that he is pretty damn good at being a heel but when the time comes he needs to be able to step it up as a face. Even stone cold steve austin was good at being a heel. He drew a lot of heat from the crowd when he turned on the fans and sided with vince at WM17. And especially when he teamed up with hunter to face the brothers of destruction in mid-2001.

2. All it takes is one single moment/match. It sounds that simple on paper but that break threw moment could take up a wrestlers entire career to come by and some never find it at all. We've all witnessed it with the greats of the wwe. It's those moments that shake up wrestling and stay with you for the rest of your life. Moments like when hogan slammed andre the giant on the mat, the undertaker throwing mankind from the top of HIAC through the announce table, the rock and austin at WM17, kane's dominance at the royal rumble 2001, jerchio defeating the rock and austin on the same night to become the first ever undisputed champion and list goes on. Some wrestlers are really fortunate as that memorable moment/match happens to them early on in their career. For example, kane's debut at bad blood when he ripped off the door of HIAC and tombstoned the undertaker, costing him the match against michaels.
We talk about the "whole torch passed down from austin to cena thing" and we can assume that the same thing will happen to sin cara. Looking at his in ring work on youtube, he is definitely impressive (I have never seen him before and I was overly impressed by his in ring abilities when I saw a few of his matches on youtube). When the time comes, I do believe that mysterio will pass down the torch to sin cara and making him the next masked mexican phenomenon.

As with the miz, mmmm...I am not overly convinced with his stardom. I know that he is pretty damn good but I wouldn't put him in the league of cena yet. What I believe seperates an average to good wrestler from a superstar is two things.

1. He needs to be over by the fans at being both heel and face. We've seen at this moment in time that he is pretty damn good at being a heel but when the time comes he needs to be able to step it up as a face. Even stone cold steve austin was good at being a heel. He drew a lot of heat from the crowd when he turned on the fans and sided with vince at WM17. And especially when he teamed up with hunter to face the brothers of destruction in mid-2001.

2. All it takes is one single moment/match. It sounds that simple on paper but that break threw moment could take up a wrestlers entire career to come by and some never find it at all. We've all witnessed it with the greats of the wwe. It's those moments that shake up wrestling and stay with you for the rest of your life. Moments like when hogan slammed andre the giant on the mat, the undertaker throwing mankind from the top of HIAC through the announce table, the rock and austin at WM17, kane's dominance at the royal rumble 2001, jerchio defeating the rock and austin on the same night to become the first ever undisputed champion and list goes on. Some wrestlers are really fortunate as that memorable moment/match happens to them early on in their career. For example, kane's debut at bad blood when he ripped off the door of HIAC and tombstoned the undertaker, costing him the match against michaels.

Do you want to know how he can get on Cena's level? Vince is high on him and wants him to be the next face of the company. How do you do that? One good way would be if HE BEAT CENA AT WRESTLEMANIA!!! One person said to focus on the present and without the present, there is no future. That is very true but WWE NEEDS A SAFETY NET for John Cena. When Cena debuted, there was still the Rock, Angle, Austin, Lesnar, Jericho, Undertaker, those guys. But those guys are either gone or on their way out. IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD if something happens to Cena; but WWE will need to work hard though. WWE could use Miz to fall back on with Cena. Miz NEEDS to beat Cena and if WWE were smart, they would make it happen. "Send the fans home happy" but sometimes you need to book at the expense of your fans for the sake of your company.

I will always remember Miz's iconic moment (at least for now) when he won the WWE Championship and the Miz girl reaction that followed. That was such a memorable moment and I think it will be talked about for a long time. I also think many will remeber his match with Morrison on January 3rd or they may even remember this triangle with Cena and Rock. Miz is as entertaining than I have ever seen him.
I for one red reped. this thread is ******ed. so if we dont like someone as champ we are hypocrites. i for one was never someone saying that the wwe needs to push everyone. i think the wwe does a great job at slowly pushing new stars. but now we have the miz and del rio in the main events, and the only way the wwe can salvage these atrocities, is by bringing back scsa and the rock.

Miz is horrible in the ring, and on the mic, he is an exact rip off of jericho. jericho 2.0 who is not as good on the mic and leagues behind jericho in the ring gets to main event wrestlemania. wtf.

i understand why vince is doing it, and im cool with it, but your thread fails because you treat the iwc as if we were one person. saying we all say we want change, then hate it when we get it. well, i always viewed things different, and i still hate the miz as champ and del rio being in the title match at mania.
Morrison will likely be the guy to challenge Miz after Mania... he has a great gimmick with the Parkour stuff and the 60's stuff is starting to come back... It was always a gimmick that was going to grow into itself as fashion goes more retro. I can see Shawn giving him a rub in his HOF speech, passing the "torch" so to speak... The thing WWE has with Morrison is Tough Enough... he is a winner, the show is back... his push is coming very soon indeed!

Ziggler needed a better build to finally getting the title... but I'd have no issue if he immediately challenged Cena post Mania...

Del Rio has hype in his corner, but more importantly he has overdelivered on it... compared to many guys who have come in with reps, he is the best since Jericho... he will get his belt at Mania if only to facilitate the Edge/Christian reformation/split/title feud that will likely carry SD for the rest of the year.

Sheamus was "too soon" but damn what he did was good... even now with the US title he is still credible... Swagger... jury is still out, personally I'd have given Shelton Benjamin the push he got to the title and it would have probably worked better... but Swagger does have "it" and I think what he always needed was a manager and Cole will be it.
I treat the IWC as if it were one person? Dude, all I fucking saw for months and months on the WWE Universe Forums were that JoMo should be pushed to main event level. It was right then and there that once Morrison beat Sheamus at TLC, that an all time high for hatred of Morrison grew.

I saw many people, whom during Sheamus' first run, say that JACK SWAGGER should've gotten Sheamus' push. Jack Swagger is your new World Heavyweight Champion. What did people do? THEY COMPLAINED SOME MORE!!!

THT, with the possible exception of the Miz, Ziggler had THE BEST push to main event/World Title status during the youth movement.

I agree Swagger has it and so does Sheamus. Only time will tell from here.

Miz has improved in the ring and I am waiting for you, somebody, ANYBODY to tell me why Miz is horrible on the mic.

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