this could have been the perfect role for shad gaspard


Dark Match Jobber
For those who saw raw on monday, tyson kidd informed us that jackson andrews is now his bodyguard, this got me thinking it could have been the perfect role for shad if he had not of been released.

1. we all know at best shad is/was average in the ring but bodyguards dont really need to be the best in the ring in wwe all a bodyguard needs is a strong move and a powerful signature move which shad did have i believe it was the big boot then the leg sweep takedown (dont know what its called)

2. this is the main point, before shad became a proffesional wrestler he was a bodyguard for big celebritys like mike tyson and britney spears, with that in mind he could of made the role more believable and realistic because he's done it in reality.

Do you guys agree?

this is my first thread so dont be too harsh ;)
I agree with you on that. Ive read about the guy with Kidd, and I heard he is absolutely horrible in the ring, and on the mic. At least Shad could do a little of both. I think they jumped the gun a little bit when they released him. I mean, i can definately think of some other people that should have been released before him(Great Khali, Hornswoggle are a couple examples)

I liked him best when he was a part of Cryme Tyme, but, as we all know, tag teams dont really last long in the WWE anymore.
Sad but true on tag teams.

This could have been a good role for Shad. However, Shad isnt nearly as imposing as this guy is. Also, Shad had been jobbed by the WWE for quite some time so if Tyson Kidd broght Shad along as his bodyguard, fans may have laughed.
I have to agree. The role of a bodyguard could have fit Shad perfectly given his past as a bodyguard. That is if he hadn't already debuted with JTG as Cryme Time and then jobbed out as a singles competitor.
i think the role should of went to nxt season 4 rookie brodus clay. he too was a body guard for celebs like snoop dogg and has been get praised for losing weight. shad and jtg should of never split they never even had the tag tittles. cryme tyme is the only role for those 2 guys it just fits them. i wouldent be suprise if by mania jtg is also released
I agree with that because Shad was a big dude and he could beat up DH smith easily for Tyson. But I think that Jackson is just bigger and would do a better job. By the way Shads move was called a STO. If you sneeze during this reply god bless you.
I like Shad a lot better than Jackson Andrews..I find the guy awful. WWE just likes his size but he's awful in the ring and on the mic. I guess he has the "look" but if he can't wrestle, it doesn't matter. Shad wasn't the best wrestler either but he worked really hard at improving. He would do a lot of training in OVW and wrestle on his respective brand, kudos for his work ethic.

They could have used Shad with Kidd, with them both saying how they both were unappreciated in their tag teams. Than they go after JTG, with Kidd getting a win from him, and than getting a win over DH.
I agree with McCoy. Many of the people who are bodyguards tend to just be there at that role for a brief period of time then they go on to be wrestlers later on. To put Shad in that position after his heel turn, would've wasted his heat (not that it wasn't already wasted when they released him). Shad should have been given a tag title run at least once, twice maybe three times with JTG as Cryme Time and then split them up. It would give him a little more exposure, more time to develop as a performer and more attention to his feud with JTG and his launch into a single competitor. I can't for the life of me, understand why they didn't get the belts.
For those who saw raw on monday, tyson kidd informed us that jackson andrews is now his bodyguard, this got me thinking it could have been the perfect role for shad if he had not of been released.

1. we all know at best shad is/was average in the ring but bodyguards dont really need to be the best in the ring in wwe all a bodyguard needs is a strong move and a powerful signature move which shad did have i believe it was the big boot then the leg sweep takedown (dont know what its called);)

Shad's finisher/signature move is the STO. Shad certainly would have made for a more menacing bodyguard then Jackson Andrews looks, but we've yet to see him perform in the ring, let alone get physical with someone. Ill reserve judgement on this until I actually see him perform, or interfere in a match involving Tyson. He has an awkward look, to say the least. Shad just looked menacing to me.

2. this is the main point, before shad became a profesional wrestler he was a bodyguard for big celebrities like Mike Tyson and Brittney Spears. with that in mind he could of made the role more believable and realistic because he's done it in reality.

If they would have focused on this at any point in his career that he had been a bodyguard, then sure, I would have agreed. But in the kayfabe world, they never made the slightest mention of Shad being a bodyguard to a celebrity.

What they did portray Shad as was a "streetwise thug", albeit a fun loving one for most of his career. If they would have focused on this when he turned heel, then this would have been the route I would have gone, rather then suddenly bring attention to his former bodyguard status that had gone previously unmentioned.

Do you guys agree?

Sure, it could have worked. Shad certainly had the size, in-ring moveset, and intimidation factor that certainly would have given the edge over Jackson Andrews, at least in terms of look-wise. But we don't really know what Andrews can do in the ring, or what his moveset is like. So while Shad wouldn't have been a bad idea, Ill reserve judgement on to who would have been better until I actually see something from Andrews.

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