Things I'll Never Understand

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
1) KFC's Double Down
2) Economics
3) String theory
4) This fourth one was gonna be the point of the thread. I'll get back to you if I-- Oh, wait. The stereotype that British people have bad teeth. I have lovely teeth. Fuck you, rest of world. Most of you can't even afford toothbrushes, who are you to talk? I'm looking at you, Czech Republic. I know it's you that's been spreading this shit. Stop it, or you're out of the EU. I mean it this time. Oh, you think I'm bluffing? I'm on the phone with Sarkozy and Merkel right now.

Is the Czech Republic in the EU?
It is. I have a list of EU member states by my bedside. Seriously. It's on a ruler. They gave me one when I visited the European Economic Committee. That actually happened. I was in Brussels, remember?
They can't have a civil war with me, I'm not in the former Yugoslavia.

The Czech Republic isn't in the former Yugoslavia, is it?
1) KFC's Double Down

Looks gluttonous and quite messy.

2) Economics

It's simple really. If you keep printing money, you can spend it on entitlements. Wealth is only as limited as the nearest printing press.

3) String theory

We're made of atoms, atoms are made of the subatomic particles, and the subatomic particles are made of something. The pitch of the sub-sub-atomic particles vibrations create matter and from the matter created, we have things. Also, time travel, eleven dimensions, and parallel universes all proven not by exploration, but by math. Simple really.

4) This fourth one was gonna be the point of the thread. I'll get back to you if I-- Oh, wait. The stereotype that British people have bad teeth. I have lovely teeth. Fuck you, rest of world. Most of you can't even afford toothbrushes, who are you to talk? I'm looking at you, Czech Republic. I know it's you that's been spreading this shit. Stop it, or you're out of the EU. I mean it this time. Oh, you think I'm bluffing? I'm on the phone with Sarkozy and Merkel right now.

I imagine you as a beautiful man.

Is the Czech Republic in the EU?

Bloody Czechs.
I used to kick it with a girl from the Czech Republic when she was here as an exchange student. She was fine as hell and loved hip hop. Do the math how much we ahem, enjoyed each other's company.
Apparently not, no. More things I don't understand:

1) Greece's economic situation.
2) The British public.
3) BBC Three comedies.
4) Seinfeld.
Statistically the English have the best teeth in the world, I think Americans were in the bottom 5. They included uncivilized nations from what I remember.
1) KFC's Double Down
Don't know what it is.
2) Economics
I just use whatever's in my wallet. The fuck with the government.
3) String theory
Does that have anything to do with string cheese?
4) This fourth one was gonna be the point of the thread. I'll get back to you if I-- Oh, wait. The stereotype that British people have bad teeth. I have lovely teeth. Fuck you, rest of world. Most of you can't even afford toothbrushes, who are you to talk? I'm looking at you, Czech Republic. I know it's you that's been spreading this shit. Stop it, or you're out of the EU. I mean it this time. Oh, you think I'm bluffing? I'm on the phone with Sarkozy and Merkel right now.

Is the Czech Republic in the EU?[/QUOTE]
Blame Douglas Williams and all the other's who forget to brush them show off their not so pearly whites on TV. I don't see Rob Terry having dental problems.

1) Greece's economic situation.[?QUOTE]
Didn't know they had one.
2) The British public.
I don't even understand society in general.
3) BBC Three comedies.
I only watch pronz nowadays.
4) Seinfeld.
Me neither.

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