They're Back! It's The Return Of One Of The Worst Ideas In Raw's History!


Just Bill.
Guess what, guys? I was checking Facebook today & going through my newsfeed. Anyways, I happen to like a few WWE pages, so I see a lot of WWE updates & such. Here's the "return" I was talking about. The main WWE Facebook page announced that on Sept. 19th, Hugh Jackman will be hosting Raw SuperShow! Is this a one-&-done thing, or is it making a return to put the extra "Super" in "SuperShow"?(that was bad)

Any thoughts guys? Plus, if it does make a return, who would you guys want to be a guest host? Personally, I'd go with the original People's Champion D........D.........P! Bang! Try to mention these things:

-If you want to keep guest hosts?

-If you had to choose a guest host, which one?

-What would the guest host do, & wouldn it be on a specific episode of Raw?
i read this and let out a huge groan. this was an awful idea to begin with, but at least it's actually an A-List celebrity. I was really expecting to open up the link and see someone dumb like Peter Brady.

WWE's version of an A-Lister isn't exactly someone hollywood considers.

as long as it is an every once a couple of months, i'm fine with it.

-If you want to keep guest hosts? - Yes, but only once every six months or so

-If you had to choose a guest host, which one? Someone along the lines of Jackman. As top of the A-List as you can possibly get. I don't want to see garbage like Andy Dick.

-What would the guest host do, & wouldn it be on a specific episode of Raw? Backstage stuff only. I don't want them in the ring or being part of some dumb storyline.
They've been having guest hosts on an irregular basis ever since they stopped doing it permanently so I wouldn't assume this was a return to it happening full time.

I don't really have a problem with it as long as it's not overdone. Having him hang around backstage have a couple of segments with the divas hype his film etc and there's no issue to it.

In terms of who I'd like as a guest host I'd like to see some old wrestlers do it. Get some HOFs in or people like that. They obviously understand the buisness and they can fit in seamlessly. The problem with most of the celebrities for me was that being Scottish I hadn't heard of quite a lot of them or didn't have any interest in them.
They've been having guest hosts on an irregular basis ever since they stopped doing it permanently so I wouldn't assume this was a return to it happening full time.

I don't really have a problem with it as long as it's not overdone. Having him hang around backstage have a couple of segments with the divas hype his film etc and there's no issue to it.

In terms of who I'd like as a guest host I'd like to see some old wrestlers do it. Get some HOFs in or people like that. They obviously understand the buisness and they can fit in seamlessly. The problem with most of the celebrities for me was that being Scottish I hadn't heard of quite a lot of them or didn't have any interest in them.

Being Scottish myself as well, I agree. Most of the time I was just confused watching Raw. I'm sure a lot of non-Americans were lost with it too. I doubt Raw will revert back to those ways again though, it did little to influence the business in the long-run as was hoped. WWE seems to be moving away from endless skits and moving back to focusing on the wrestling, so hopefully we'll not be seeing a regular return.

The fact that he's been announced so far in advance and there's not been any other news of hosts after or leading up to him, it's looking to be a one-time deal anyway.
-If you want to keep guest hosts?
Not weekly, that was a little too much and I read somewhere that it was very costly for the WWE to do. One every now and then would be a nice treat and I'm definitely an advocate for that.

-If you had to choose a guest host, which one?
Someone who commands a lot of attention, and someone who would do so if they got into an altercation with one of the top guys (like Mr. T did for the 80's and Tyson did in 98). Maybe the reigning Super Bowl MVP Aaron Rodgers? How big of a pop would Cena get for giving LeBron James the AA in Cleveland? Maybe Ronnie from Jersey Shore can fight Zack Ryder at a club.

-What would the guest host do, & wouldn it be on a specific episode of Raw?
It has to be something memorable, some good TV so that both the media and the wrestling fans can remember it for years to come and more casual fans will have something to relate to in terms of wrestling. The possibilities above are good ideas IMO but it doesn't always have to be physical it could be verbal, I just don't think verbal is as memorable
I hope Jackman is a fan or at least talented enough to pretend that he know soemthing about WWE. He is a pretty talented guy doing stage acting as well as movies so maybe he can pull it off. This is usually a disaster but I will give him a chance.

The only celebrity I want to host Raw is Ken Jeoung. That guy is a great physical actor and fearless. Athletes that know WWE make good hosts as well.
The guest host concept is NOT RETURNING!! Its merely a promotional tie-in to hype his movie Real Steel, which is a take on Rock'em Sock'em Robots. Its about a league where there are builders who have fighting robots in the style of boxing.

What better place than RAW and the WWE to help promote that!? Its going to be a #1 movie...especially with families.

Will the WWE feature guests hosts more often...possible. The holiday movie season is just around the corner, and with WWE's focus more family friendly, studios and promoters might reach out to them to help sell their movie.

Edge is going to be a guest host either the week before or after to promote his appearance on SyFy's Haven...though it might be as Smackdown host since it follows right after.
I agree with the poster who said at least this is someone who is actually an A-lister.. usually WWE is very generous with that term. As for the idea, I loathed the way they did it... some of the hosts were obviously there as a payday or to promote something. The only time it was fun was when there were hosts who were wrestling fans and just excited to be there (Dule Hill and Freddie Prinze Jr). I'm ok with it if there were to keep it to just celebs who are also fans (there are a ton so why not limit it to that).

One guest host I'd love to have, though we may not get in (please forgive me for making the usual argument) PG era wwe, is the METHOD MAN! The dude is a huge wrestling fan, he even did a theme song for the Rock, he would be a great host and the fact that he is a fan would definitely show. Another that would be awesome is if James Roday could get a second chance at it since he unfortunately missed out, Dule killed it and I'm sure Roday or both together would be awesome as well (esp if they do something with Miz who will be on their show).

I'd want him to either do something associated with the Rock since they have that connection from the past or if he were associated to some kind of themed raw. The theme of Raw would be enough to draw in viewers and so the pressure to draw would be less and he can really just have some fun with it.
If they bring back the guest hosts then I will truly be disappointed with WWE. I do not want that concept to ever come back because it was almost always a waste of time and extremely cheesy. You could tell who was a legit fan and who wasn't. There is not a single person I would want to see hosting Raw. It should be about wrestling and time should be given to wrestlers, not annoying celebrities that don't even watch the product. They have no place on Raw. If I HAD to pick a guest host then anyone who currently works for or used to be affiliated with WWE would be fine. I am all for seeing old familiar faces interacting with young heels like Swagger or Miz who could get put over. As long as it's not guys like Bob Barker or Al Sharpton again. They are better off hanging out with Jeremy Piven at Summerfest.
Yes! One for the Aussies! The greatest Australian to enter the WWE ring since... Nathan Jones?

I think he'll be quite good at hosting, though he's a pretty laid back guy in interviews and such so I don't know if he'll have the flamboyant wrestling attitude.
I Don't see a problem with it, especially if the guests get their hands dirty and don't plug their movie every chance they get.

Just as long as they don't go overboard with the guest hosts i'm fine with it. I Hope they get peewee again i be a very happy man (peewee is awesome so screw you if you don't like him.. lol)

If they bring back guest host, i hope they only do it once a month. I Don't want to see a guest host every raw.
I have no problem with the occasional guest host or celebrity spot on WWE TV, as long as it makes sense. Hugh Jackman promoting a movie about ring fighting robots makes sense, football players make sense, former talent promoting movies or shows or whatever makes sense, even as a stretch artists who have formerly had their songs used as themes makes sense... Bob Barker, Pee Wee Herman and the cast of Going The Distance do not make sense. Now, I love Pee Wee as much as the next person, but when the E have guests on like that, I feel like they're just trying to validate themselves as a pop culture phenom... Especially when they did it every f[BLEEP]cking week... I also completely agree with Dagger Dias
I doubt that the Guest Host/Star concept is going to be returning. There'd have been tons of buzz about it otherwise. Every once in a while, WWE does bring a celebrity on but it's not often.

Generally speaking, I've got no problem with an occassional celebrity appearance. Hugh Jackman is actually a talented actor and is going to be on Raw to promote his movie. As long as they just have a couple of brief segments with him interacting with a few WWE wrestlers, that's fine. As long as they don't weave the show around the fact that he's there, that's fine. What I hope they don't do is some idiotic segment in which they use the general plot for his upcoming film or his portrayal of Wolverine to put on some sort of idiotic skit. The WWE has been EXTREMELY great when it comes to laying off the cheesy comedy segments in 2011, I can't really think of a single one on Raw to be quite honest.
Dont read much into it dumb ass. Sept 19th is debut of two and half men w/ Ashton on it and also the Roast of Charlie Sheen along with Monday Night Football. So I bet its just to help go against a jam packed night of tv. Thats it.
I wonder if you guys have even noticed that Jackman is described as a "guest star" and not a "guest host." That distinction for me means something totally different than what they have done in the past. Jackman will be there to hype a movie not to run the show.
They'll have some kind of "Real Steel-Cage" match... Jackman as ref or in Super-Cena's corner... I'm somewhat surprised they are using this for a RAW as it seems like a PPV, even Mania level guest...
I'm Irish, i find some times i hear a guest hosts name and i'm like "who??"

guest host concept is good if kept to a minimum, it's rare that one adds entertainment value plus they take screen time away from the full time wrestlers, and i prefer to watch the wrestlers then an ad for a new "straight to dvd" movie anyday
-If you want to keep guest hosts? I don't like the idea of guest hopes because normally it's guys that are there to plug a movie/show and they know nothing other than what's told to them. Makes the show have too many awkard moments and bad timing

-If you had to choose a guest host, which one? I don't know if I can choose a good guest host since I don't like the idea, but I would definitely pick someone with some type of WWE history or wrestling background.

-What would the guest host do, & wouldn it be on a specific episode of Raw?
Again, not keen on the idea, but I would have the host come down to the ring to open the show and say something to the tune of how great it is to be here in (place city name here) and we got a great show lined up for you. The rest would be segments in the back with random Superstars.
I don't mind guest hosts too much, just once in a while, and as long as its a Hollywood A-lister. I can see the logic for doing it, to get more national attention, or to draw some of those guests' fans in. But as long as it's not every week, and they don't interfere with the stories, I'm good with it.
The occaisional guest host is okay if they're actually a wrestling fan and know wtf they're talking about. Anyone remember how awful Bob Barker was? Sometimes it's just more of an embarrassment than something that will increase their popularity.

I sure as hell hope they don't bring back the weekly guest host. Monthly maybe. . .and again, only if they know about wrestling.
-If you want to keep guest hosts?
Guest Hosts are fine, Guest GM's were shit. Hosts are usually used to get cross exposure for the WWE in mainstream media. Jackman will be on to do media for his new movie, Real Steel... which looks like complete garbage, but whatever its good for the WWE because it can open the eyes of new viewers

-If you had to choose a guest host, which one?
None of them have been really entertaining, or good in anyway, so I can't pick one.

-What would the guest host do, & wouldn it be on a specific episode of Raw?
A few backstage segments to talk about whatever their trying sell us, and a few skits with some Superstars and then they'll go completely the fuck away.
Honestly, I hate this whole guest host idea. Sure it mixes things up everynow and again and makes it interesting but I would prefer a GM to a guest host anyday. It's not the concept I hate it's the hosts themselves, half the guest hosts they've used I haven't even heard off but I don't mind hugh jackman (mainly because im Australian) because he is an actual A list celebrity.

The best idea I could thing of is have a GM and have a Guest Star on RAW every couple if weeks.
There's really no point in bringing back the guest host now that Triple H is running show. If they're bringing back the guest hosts to kind of help Triple H out, take the work load off of his shoulders for a little bit, then they might as well just reveal who the RAW GM is. I miss the days when the General Managers actually mattered.
Hey, wouldn't it be funny if Goldust guest hosted? I mean, he's supposed to be a big celebrity in Hollywood right? I'm saying that would throw everyone a curve and I'd get a kick out of it.
Um, where have you been? WWE hasn't been making the best decisins as of late. But that's me. Anyway, to answer your questions:

1.) YES i want to keep guest hosts! I miss that, that was funny as hell to watch usually.

2.) I have a few ideas (they won't happen): My Chemical Romance (Mikey Way, Gerard Way, Frank Iero and Ray Toro), George Lopez, and a baseball player again.

3.) I say for when Raw comes to Pittsburgh next we have one of the Pirates host the show and maybe kick some Ricardo Rodriguez butt.

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