They created a monster, Daniel Bryan

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One Of The Best
OKAY!!! before i have a bunch of people with fire and pitch forks chasing me up a hill, let me state this first, I AM A HUGE DANIEL BRYAN FAN, heck im such a fan, i still find it weird not to call him Bryan Danielson. I just think this fan base has created a monster, and its not daniel bryan. His been so humble and grateful for his support an rise in the company. There was a time where he lost all his nxt matches, and worked with The Miz. Now with the yes chants, and the crowd begging for bryan, that is the monster.

What im getting at is, its ruining everything. Im a fan of wwe, and yeah its PG, storylines are over done or too short, but im a fan. Im a fan, A HUGE FAN of randy orton, but everyone is hating on him, why? I WILL TELL YOU WHY, Daniel Bryan. Orton has the belt, not bryan. Bryan isnt getting the underdog storyline everyone wanted, were he captures the belt, and everyone shouts, YES YES YES YES, fingers pointed to the stars. Randy getting promo time, getting main events, and holding the belt, its not that we as the consumers are not interested, its that its not Bryan...heck any segment that doesnt have bryan or a match without bryan, all you hear is yes chants and bryan chants. People would pay the price of admission to see Daniel bryan, than sit through 3 hours of no daniel, AND ITS A PROBLEM. Rumble was a solid PPV, but its ruined by the fans, online and in the arena. I couldnt enjoy end of the rumble, i couldnt enjoy reigns domiance, i couldnt enjoy a decent cena vs orton match, i couldnt enjoy it cause the crowd is disrespectful. So you want to know why Bryan wasn't in the rumble, cause the crowd would of riot and attacked the stage if Batista eliminated him. This thing is so bad, Rey got booed, REY!!!!, this guy is only in wwe cause of the fans, the merch, and he got booed like he was Orton. Signs of disrespect from the consumers is disturbing. Its okay to hate, makes it better for heels, its okay to voice opinions, but when it ruins matches, and the hard work these people put into. The work daily, they put their bodies through so much discipline,they miss out on their lives and family so they can entertain you, so they can put their bodies and careers on the line to entertain you. So go ahead boo and cheer, just dont let your love for one over wrestler make the rest of the a ppv or any event suck, or lower its value, dont make the wrestler who are out there for you, re think what they are doing, and get legitimately frustrated with the crowd. Its WWE, its fake, but its entertainment. So sit back, and enjoy.

Sorry, this is my first thread, and i just be reading tons of threads and topics after the rumble, and honestly, i got fired up. Its not vince or triple h that could ruin this company, its not bryan not getting what we wanted for him (yet) its the fans and their disrespect.
Yeah. We're wrong for wanting something else out of the product we pay for. Shame on us.
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