"They" Are Coming!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
So last night on Impact, we saw Abyss give Hogan a warning that THEY are coming.

I believe that later in the show, Sting also gave Jeff Jarrett a warning that THEY are coming.

So the simple question is, who are THEY?? A new group possibly consisting of old ECW guys??

Could this be the thing that Dixie Carter was talking about??
Barring in mind I've yet to actually watch iMPACT! from last night.

I can't imagine Sting would have anything to do with a new Extreme Faction. Abyss, yes. Sting, no.

There is just no storyline to back Sting in joining that type of faction. He's not hardcore. He's got little to no violence in him what-so-ever, with the exception of going all gothic and randomly attacking people with a bat.

I question if it could be more than one Faction. You know, sort of a situation where Abyss has an Extreme faction and Sting has an alternative one. It would cause all sorts of havoc among TNA, and give them exactly what they want - which is people tuning in to find out who's siding where, and whats going to happen next.
I don't mean to spoil the surprise by I know who "THEY" are:

Abe Knuckleball Schwartz, Duke The Dumpster and The Red Rooster. The faction name will be the "BGWO" The Bad Gimmick World Order.

Seriously though, at least TNA has the buzz going. It's a nice change and I just hope they don't screw it up. Looking forward to what thier intentions are.
Covered this slightly in the ECW invasion angle, but the writing is on the wall for this if you ask me – "They" are the ECW invasion that'll likely be lead by a returning Mick Foley.

Makes too much sense to say otherwise. Abyss is going back to his old ways – his "extreme" ways – why not include him in an "extreme" invasion who are upset with the way TNA is being run with Hogan & Bischoff at the helm?
'They' could be the ECW people, but we've seen Dreamer and Team 3D/RVD are already prominently featured on TNA programming so i dont think it is them. I dont know who else it would be though. Who has WWE released lately that TNA dont have? Maybe itd be them.
It'll more or less certainly be the ECW bunch. They came out there the match before Abyss/Anderson. Also, Abyss appeared to be looking in that general direction as he made his entrance, before the camera swiftly cut away.
idk, but it the guys from ecw can be it...
cuz theres recently shelton benjamin that was released.
one of the best in ecw.
foley and shelton and some other cool guys
Shelton was hardly old school ECW though. If they start including people from the WWE version of ECW, it'll make it look like a farce in my opinion.

Maybe it will all be a swerve and it won't be this ECW invasion we're all expecting, but right now it seems fairly obvious and straightforward.
If this is what Dixie Carter was talking about then she's once again full of shit. I don't see how this is going to change TNA forever, in fact, this kind of angle's already been done. It may have different people involved, but good God. Instead of moving forward with something different and perhaps revolutionary for wrestling they're just going backwards and rehashing something that's already been done. I really don't see "extreme" drawing like it did decades ago; because it's already been done before to death.

I could totally see Mick Foley behind this and him coming back with people to oppose Hogan and Bischoff and their new era. It makes sense from a story point of view, and they could certainly add others to their group from the current roster beyond Abyss in the future. I'm just not interested in the angle.
am i wrong that sting told jarrett the same thing?

Not really.

Sting told Jarrett "If you want to walk with them, you'll go down with them", whereas Abyss – albeit referring to a third-party as well – noted that "they" were coming. Similar concept, but seems unrelated to me if you presume the "them" that Sting was referring to was the same "them" he's been involved in this feud over for weeks - Hogan & Bischoff.

Seems to me that Abyss is referring to something entirely different – the ECW invasion, or perhaps the return of someone like James Mitchell.
I never picked up on Sting mentioning the "they" thing in the same type of context as Abyss did. Also, typically within wrestling, Abyss totally overcooked the "they" stuff. It's just typical that the people behind the scenes think that people who watch wrestling are stupid. He only needed to say it once, then the announcers can elaborate on it after that. He stood in the ring like a f*cking moron shouting about "they" as though we didn't get it the first time. He then looked into the camera shouting "they're coming", then they had him backstage croaking about the same crap again. We're not stupid. We got the idea the first time he said it. I mean, Jesus Christ at least try and make it subtle.
You know, this is the second or third time i've seen mention that Dreamer Raven adn Richards came out 'right before Abyss' match' and one elsewhere claimed that they appeared during the match.

They came down during the Shannon Moore match. Prior to that, last week, i believe Tommy came down during the Inc. Ink match. And, of course, Dreamer made his debut during the Bubba/Neal match. That's how foreshadowing works. If they wanted to hype Abyss being involved, they'd at least mention the two in the same breath.

Someone posted that maybe 'they' are the voices in Abyss' head. I wish that were true, but at this point, i have serious doubt about Abyss or TNA's ability to pull that off. With TNA's affinity for surprises and new name-drops, its going to HAVE to be a tangible puppet master. It'd be too....effective otherwise.
I never picked up on Sting mentioning the "they" thing in the same type of context as Abyss did. Also, typically within wrestling, Abyss totally overcooked the "they" stuff. It's just typical that the people behind the scenes think that people who watch wrestling are stupid. He only needed to say it once, then the announcers can elaborate on it after that. He stood in the ring like a f*cking moron shouting about "they" as though we didn't get it the first time. He then looked into the camera shouting "they're coming", then they had him backstage croaking about the same crap again. We're not stupid. We got the idea the first time he said it. I mean, Jesus Christ at least try and make it subtle.

Can't really agree – the idea was never to have it be about subtlety at all from what I gathered. Just the opposite, in fact. If this was about subtlety, why attack Hogan like that? Better yet, if it was about subtlety, why have Abyss even cut a promo? His promos always work best when he's using intensity to feul them, so if subtlety was the name of the game, having him taunt Hogan face-to-face shouldn't have been the way to go about doing it.
But why have him go out there bellowing about it like that and basically show your full hand too early? What I'm saying is play it down a little. He could beat the crap out of Hogan without screaming 500 times that "they" told him to. I just think they could have handled it better.
Something else to keep in mind here, folks, is the fact that Abyss noted THEY are coming – plural, not HE is coming – singular. That's why I lean much more so to the ECW invasion than I do simply Father James Mitchell. While I adore Mitchell and I absolutely loved what he was able to accomplish with Abyss in the past, Mitchell is just one guy, and one guy isn't enough to fulfill this story – a minimum of two are necessary.

The "voices" in his head would work, since there can be more than one voice, but I'm not entirely sold on the validity of that type of a story, or how well it could be done. That's no easy feat, and TNA struggles with some of the simpler aspects of booking, so I'd rather not try to watch them book something that complex just yet.
I thought about the Ink Inc connections too...

But, what's the sense in Raven, Dreamer, and Stevie having a problem with the Ink boys? And what would the Ace of Spades have to do with the ECW guys?

Then again, since Dreamer debuted, the attacks have stopped... AND! It could explain why Bubba is still going after Neal... Maybe he is in with Raven, Dreamer and Stevie and D'von isn't... Bubba could say that D'von has become soft over the years and he's alligning with the Raven group...

There has to be guys to face the ECW guys... If they just take every hardcore wrestler they have a stick them into one group, then how fun would the hardcore matches be? Not sure if splitting up 3D would work long term, but a street fight between the two could be pretty brutal...

I think that Abyss will have something to do with the ECW guys, but the connections for the ECW guys and the Ink Boys have been set into place as well...

But, what could the ECW guy's have beef with the Ink Boys over??? They don't like their Hawks and Tats??? Or, is it just Bubba's beef with them???
I know who it is... We are way off of who it is.

1. The ECW group is one alternative.

2.The other group...Could it be that Shane McMahon actually owns Part of TNA and unlike the "WCW buyout" storyline that this could be the they. (Hoping, but not really going to happen.)

3. Maybe Brian Kendrick will be bring back all the masked characters he was doing.

4. Maybe it is those midgets that follow TNA programming.

5. Maybe it is Vince Russo getting fed up with Hogan and Bishoff.

6. Maybe Dixie is playing all of us and she actually hired Paul Heyman, and "his TNA" will be coming to TV.

Just some ideas. Some way to far fetched but this is TNa we are talking about.

Well the thing with the ink inc. boys are that they embody the ECW style, and are maybe newer recruits to the land of the extreme.
I've got one for you to chew on: Mick Foley. I know he keeps saying "they are coming", but what if he's talking about the "many faces of Mick Foley" that are coming? Or maybe Foley comes back to "tutor" Abyss with multiple personalities. Abyss has always been they kind of character with a duplicity about him. I think the "ECW invasion" in respects to Abyss at least, is a swerve of a kind, it's been done before. I could see Dreamer & Co. maybe coming in as the anti-ECW, somewhat like what WWE did with that Godfather faction years back, Right To Censor.
The Ink Inc. (god I hate that name) boys could be newer recruits to the land of extreme. They have an extreme look, and could fit in perfectly fine with them.

Maybe BDK has been signed and will take over. NAH!!! They are to smart to be involved with TNA right now!!!
They are coming sounds like "the others" from lost to me. I can't believe that TNA is rehashing season 2 and 3 of a hit television program. In all seriousness it's going to be some washed up ECW group led by "please go away and fade into the abyss"
sting meant hogan, not ecw like abyss was.

its definately the ecw guys, the question is who all will be coming. 1st it was dreamer, then raven\richards joined. im almost certian foley will be joining soon. but running down the list of other people im thinking of a few good possibilities.

paul heyman- coming out with the 4 guys mentioned earlier will be great for tna. booking skills, mic skills. he is the reason ecw became a phenomenon.

adding one or 2 more guys would be great but gains the question, will they have enough tv time to add more people to make the show have continuity instead of becoming more jumbled. i think that adding sabu or maybe mikey whipreck would be great, but please no sandman. plus it opens up the inevitable chances for current tna guys to jump like rhyno, 3-d, rvd, taz. and a few guys in tna that werent in ecw could eventually join up. obviously abyss is one but could we also add joe to this list?... we still havent found out why he dissappeared and this could be a good way to explain it.

im definately looking foreward to where this is going b\c i think this will go far in helping tna & mix things up. bringing that old feeling back to tna
"They" are the voices in Abyss' head. That was my first thought but I'm with the majority. It's probably the invaders from the land of the extreme.
Is TNa trying to make Abyss Randy Orton.

I hear voices in my head the council me they understand they talk to me!" Maybe he is referring to the Music department of the WWE. lol.

Paul Heyman could come in. Bubba turns, Rhino Joins, Foley comes back, Daffney and Jesse Neal joins.

Why Jesse neal? Jesse neal was trained by the Dudley's but also Rhino. He could have been fed Paul's Propaganda while training with Rhino. (Storyline wise)

Maybe the "they" abyss is referring to is the tacks and the glass. they have been taunting him under the ring.
I've got one for you to chew on: Mick Foley. I know he keeps saying "they are coming", but what if he's talking about the "many faces of Mick Foley" that are coming? Or maybe Foley comes back to "tutor" Abyss with multiple personalities. Abyss has always been they kind of character with a duplicity about him. I think the "ECW invasion" in respects to Abyss at least, is a swerve of a kind, it's been done before. I could see Dreamer & Co. maybe coming in as the anti-ECW, somewhat like what WWE did with that Godfather faction years back, Right To Censor.

This is a solid idea. Not completely expected like the ECW angle and who better to pull this off than Foley? Every one of Mick's characters were over even though the audience knew they were all the same person. If done correctly, it could work just as well if not better in TNA as it did in WWE. I am rooting for this scenario now....GREAT IDEA!
What I could see them doing is like when NWO was in WCW, you had the regular NWO and the NWO wolfpac. Maybe if they bring back ECW guys, they could do something to that effect, with Abyss with 1 batch of guys and Sting with another batch of guys

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