
I really agree with D-Man that he could be better with some prison rehab. Some of his thread idea aren't bad, but you wouldn't know that because his OPs are absolutely terrible.

I heard he's from India or something, so that could explain a lot.
yeh because Indians are fucking ******s *rolls eyes at Docs ignorance*

anyways he's now banned for alts
I really couldn't comment on most of his posts because I just tended to skip them as a rule. I began reading them and the ones I read weren't very good. It's not really my place to criticize the guy because I make no claims of being any better.

But I do have to say that the threads he started were almost always awful. Terrible ideas and stupid theories.

Plus I thought it was pretty obvious that he was using alts as several "different" posters with coincidentally very similar names were starting surprisingly similar and lousy threads all at the same time.
*rolls eyes at Docs ignorance*

lulz, that came out wrong. I meant like maybe he hadn't learned English properly or something. :shrug:

I'm surrounded by Indians here.

I think I should just stop and admit I Failed on that one.
Reading his deleted threads and the Mod's reaction after deleting 4 or 5 in a row is pretty amusing.
LMAO...Doc thinks Indians are ******s.


I didn't say that. And I didn't mean to imply it. I'm just tired. :(

He could very well qualify for "worst poster of the year" award, shame he'll never know.

How many times has he been banned now? I hope this one's permanent.
Thank God someone finally had a real excuse to ban him. GOD, he sucked out loud.

I hated him so much that I wanted to tie him down on the ground and repeatedly fart in his mouth after I had taco night at my apartment.

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