Theres no NorCal thread, for me to ask my relationship questions about :(


I'm leaving here for at least 6 years for the Air Force, in a year and 10 months now. I've always said, if I have a girl, I'll not leave her. Well, theres this girl, who seems datable, but I'm really scared to get attached, and I'm basically signed up with my reqruiters now. Not just this girl in general, but would it be wise to set up anything long term, whatsoever right now?
You have almost 2 years before you leave? Is this right? If so, I have no idea why you wouldn't try to build a relationship if you like this girl. That's plenty of time to figure out if she's a keeper.
You have almost 2 years before you leave? Is this right? If so, I have no idea why you wouldn't try to build a relationship if you like this girl. That's plenty of time to figure out if she's a keeper.

Yeah, but when the 2 years is over. I assume that would fuck up a lot of things. I may even back out, making my life 10x harder just for some girl. Sigh. I dunno, future wise it makes no sense, but it sure wouldn't hurt the right now.
My sig picture. Click it. That is where you go to for all your relationship advice :thumbsup:

No, seriously, I'm always here to talk about that stuff. I like to think I have a good perspective.
I say start the relationship (is it the broad who called ya pal?) Just cause you're in a relationship, doesn't mean you've gotta give up the service, either. Just sayin'.
Yeah, but when the 2 years is over. I assume that would fuck up a lot of things. I may even back out, making my life 10x harder just for some girl. Sigh. I dunno, future wise it makes no sense, but it sure wouldn't hurt the right now.

Thousands of people in the military maintain relationships. You can't stop living your life right now in anticipation for something that is going happen in the distant future. 2 years is alot of time. Maybe you'll find that you don't really like her that much. Or maybe she is "the one". You will never know what could've been if you don't try. You don't want to leave wondering what may have happened.
Well all that depends really. If you do set up something long term with her, you leaving for basic and tech school will be a huge test for the two of you. Especially depending on what career field you go into, as tech school lenghts vary.

If you do set up something long term with her and decide that you don't want to join the Air Force for whatever reason, you don't have to. You are not officially signed in with the Air Force until you take that last oath the day you leave for basic training at MEPS. No recruiter will ever tell you that, and most will have you take the oath there in their office to make you feel and think that you have no other option.

In case you're wondering, I'm a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force stationed in South Korea for the second time in my career. My AFSC (career field) is 2S0x1 (Material Management) so I spent 6.5 weeks in Tech School. I start the first day of my 8th year in two days, left for basic 11 days after my 18th birthday. That means I joined in 2002 when basic training was 6.5 weeks long. I was held back a week due to a medical reason so I spent 7.5 weeks at BMT. I've been stationed at Whiteman AFB in Knob Noster, Missouri and Osan AB in Pyongtaek, South Korea, as well as deployed to Ali Base Talil, Iraq once.

My advice to you would be to hang out with her, find out how she feels about you leaving for the Air Force and just let things flow as they will. Don't try to force anything and don't rush things. I was dating a girl that I had entinions of marrying when we graduated, but she left me 20 days before I left for BMT. Pretty shitty I thought at the time, and still somewhat do, but now I'm happily married even though it's my second marriage.

With NorCal gone, if you have any questions about the Air Force that you think you can't trust your recruiter about, feel free to hit me up, I will give you my honest opinion of the Air Force, of which I love and hate at the same time.
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Listen to RVDgurl. Jobs come and go young Milky, but love is rarely found and when you do find it, you need to treasure it and do everything you can to maintain it. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing on this Earth is more important than that. I went a little bit further into it in my thread for ya. Hope that helps young Milk-man.
If you think a serious relationship would lessen the efficiency of your service to your country in ANY way, the answer is "no" every single time.
Answer the following questions:

Is she nothing like you've ever seen before?

Is she nothing that you can compare to your neighborhood ****e?

Are you trying to find the words to describe her without being disrespectful?

When you see her booty move, is it the case that you can't take anymore?

If you answered yes to all of the these questions, then I say go for it.
If you think a serious relationship would lessen the efficiency of your service to your country in ANY way, the answer is "no" every single time.

Even though our three core values are Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in all we do, being in the Air Force we actually live by Family, God, Country, Self.

We like to think that we're more family orientated than the other branches, which is probably and more than likely not entirely true.

And there are more things than a serious personal relationship that can and does lessen the efficiency of a members service. Most of us coming back from Iraq with PTSD wouldn't be able to serve anymore if it weren't for our personal relationships.

Milky, BMT is going to be a mind game, I mean you're not going to have to fold your clothes in six inch squares with all the edges being completely even as they've turned away from a lot of the attention to detail stuff like that, but the way you're treated will be nothing more than a mind game intent on breaking you down and building you back up as an American Airman.

One thing that can make it easier is knowing that your girl is there for you when you graduate. Letters are the most important part of being at BMT as nothing is more meaningful than a letter from a loved one, but past that the feeling of graduating, especially if your girl can make your BMT graduation, will be one of the happiest moments of your life. Honestly, my BMT graduation is currently ranked as the second happiest moment of my life and all I had was my family there.
Love > Service to Your Country

No disrespect meant Falconsault. I just live by the philosophy that absolutely nothing is more important than love, true love. Nothing.
Answer the following questions:


Is she nothing like you've ever seen before?

I've seen better.

Is she nothing that you can compare to your neighborhood ****e?

Outside my sister, were the only children on the block. I'm surrounded by old people.

Are you trying to find the words to describe her without being disrespectful?

No, I don't know how to disrespect anyone.

When you see her booty move, is it the case that you can't take anymore?

I've questioned her ass many times. Some days it looks good, other days it gives me whiplash as she walks by.

:lmao: Just so you know, I wasn't meaning that one girl in particular. She was just the one that made me think about it.
Love > Service to Your Country

No disrespect meant Falconsault. I just live by the philosophy that absolutely nothing is more important than love, true love. Nothing.

So you're saying if I find true love, I should live in poverty, just to keep it? I assume money will keep me just as happy as some woman, whom I love. But what do I know? I've never fully experianced love.
So you're saying if I find true love, I should live in poverty, just to keep it?

Versus living rich absolutely alone? Hell yes. Money can't buy happiness, not the kind of happiness that true love gives you.

I assume money will keep me just as happy as some woman, whom I love. But what do I know? I've never fully experianced love.

...It's definitely obvious you've never been in love, because that statement is just absurd. Money means nothing compared to experiencing the joys of true love young Milky, nothing in the world feels better, absolutely nothing, no drug, no amount of money, nothing can ever match that feeling or even compare. Absolutely nothing.
Versus living rich absolutely alone? Hell yes. Money can't buy happiness, not the kind of happiness that true love gives you.

I dunno, I'd rather be rich alone, than being with the one I love homeless.

...It's definitely obvious you've never been in love, because that statement is just absurd. Money means nothing compared to experiencing the joys of true love young Milky, nothing in the world feels better, absolutely nothing, no drug, no amount of money, nothing can ever match that feeling or even compare. Absolutely nothing.

Once I find out love is, I assume I'll understand what you're talking about. Otherwise its one of those things you just have to experience.

I have this song too. >.> You have to be patriotic to love this song, honestly.


While I'm no confederate by any means, I certainly love this song. Its a great piece of history, in a song!
Oh you didn’t disrespect me Xfear, I joined the military to serve my country, not for the benefits that go along with it. I believe that nothing trumps true love either, but you should be able to have both shouldn’t you? True love and to do what you want to do with your life? On one end you could truly love someone, but if they aren’t willing to support you in your life choices, granted that they aren’t law breaking choices; can you honestly say that she truly loves you?

My first wife absolutely hated that I was in the military, I was young, stupid, and blinded by what I thought was true love. I married her and she nearly pulled my career into the shitter, and we were only married for a year. My second wife disagrees with the war that we’re fighting, but she firmly believes in supporting the soldiers, marines, seamen, and airmen fighting the war and she supports me, sure she’s not happy that she’s back in the states and I’m here in South Korea, but she supports me all the same, and I can tell that she truly loves me as that’s just one of many reasons.

Again don’t get me wrong Xfear, I’m not disagreeing with you, as I feel the same way that you do as my first ranked happiest moment of my life is my wedding day to my second wife as I knew that day that I had found true love. I wish that I hadn’t of been so stupid back in high school and had tried to chance with her then, having her at my BMT graduation would have made it that much better. I do believe though that an individual should have both, as life may not be exactly fair but the decisions we make can make it a little more fair than it once was for us, no?

But by no means does joining the military mean that you’re not going to be living in poverty Milky, at one point in time most military members were on food stamps, and we still qualify for WIC. You seem to be joining as enlisted personnel, and by the fact that you said 6 years that must mean that your recruiter offered you A1C rank to go along with the long first term enlistment. I don’t know about you, but have you looked at the base pay for an A1C? I can tell you that mine right now sets at $2499 a month, that’s before taxes are raped from my pay check. There is a reason why the military allows its members to have part time jobs. If you’re joining, you’re not doing it for the money really, as being in the military isn’t as secure of a job as it used to be. You could be joining for the benefits or for the feeling that you have to just serve your country. We all have our own reasons, some noble, some seemingly selfish, but everyone has the right to succeed in life and you must arm yourself accordingly.

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