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There's a difference between carrying ECW and a brand that matters...

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Yeah like my John Morrison post, this one won't be exactly popular but oh well.

Ok so a lot of people keep bringing up the argument that Christian and John Morrison carried ECW "on his back" when they were champion and that makes them worthy of holding the top title on the two brands WWE actually does care about.

I mean seriously, do you guys really think that warrants them a World title run? Sure CM Punk and Swagger were ECW champions, but they also could carry the titles and the brands. Christian is one of my all time favorites, but even he has to see himself at the same spot that Goldust, Regal, and Chavo are at... a World title reign is not going to happen.

WWE knows that while Christian may have been able to carry ECW into some above 2.0 ratings, that doesn't warrant him a reign for the WHC when people like Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, Ziggler, and Edge are bringing in 3.0 ratings along with raw's Miz, Cena, CM Punk, and Orton. There's just a difference there that many people aren't seeing.

For John Morrison, I just don't see him as a legit champion, especially with that finisher of his. If anything, I'll say he's one of those guys who gets a build up to the title but doesn't go anywhere with it.
I think the reason we want to see Christian as a champion is not just ECW. He is an awesome wrestler, with decent mic skills, and a great fan base. He could hold his own in the main event. As for Morrison, I think he could be a legit champ, just with a different finisher, like you said. I think he might end up becoming like Jericho or Mysterio, where he usually hangs around in between the midcard and the main event, but when needed, he'll step up to main event and hang around for a while.
It would be good to see christian as world champ, and he deserves it. However, whether that happens or not, still at this point, remains to be seen. It might be worth bringing back ecw to help elevate lower to midcard talent, but if this were to happen i think that we are in agreement of a slight name change. Maybe instead of extreme championship wrestling, it could be exciting classy wresltling (ecw) or excellent courageous wrestling. Takers anyone????

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This post is just off on so many different levels. First you claimed that Smackdown was drawing in the 3.0 range which I don't think it has smelled since the move to SyFy where ECW once was. That isn't close to the dumbest part though, I believe you actually claimed that Morrison and Christian weren't worthy but Jack Swagger was??? Its not even that I necessarily disagree with you, even though I could see both Christian and Morrison winning a world title I don't see them as huge stars. At the same time though I have never seen anything that makes me look at Swagger and think this guy is great or even good.
Your argument is rather flawed. I'll leave John Morrison aside as I agree that he isn't main event worthy.

In regards to Christian though, don't forget that he was also the top guy in TNA for a while. He was a top tier main event player as both a heel and a face over there. And yes, TNA certainly isn't WWE, it still shows that he can run with the ball if given the opportunity. Also, he's had some great feuds in WWE as well. His feud with Jericho back in the day was amazing, and in a rare case, it wasn't all because of Jericho.

The second issue I have is with your naming of talent. Guys like Ziggler, Miz, and Del Rio *aren't* proven draws. They have yet to prove that they have anywhere near the star power to hold a main event spot. I'm not saying they don't (except for The Miz, I'm saying he doesn't) have that ability, just that they haven't proven it.

For Christian, the fans give him a great pop when he comes out, he works a good match, is good on the stick, and has a good head for the business. He's at least as worthy of a main event shot as anyone else. His career is by no means defined by his run as ECW champion. If a guy like Ziggler, who can't draw heat without Vickie, or a guy like The Miz, who has the wrestling ability of a one legged donkey, can work a main event spot, why on earth shouldn't a guy like Christian?
Actually Christian or John Morrison holding the ECW title is not the reason why people believe that the two of them deserve a title. Christian is great in the ring and on the mic and has proved himself time after time. Mind you he had a great feud with a face Chris Jericho, something which guys like Randy Orton or JBL have been unable to do. People have noticed his potential long before he was ECW champion and that is where all the Christian love comes from.

John Morrison also has a number of likable features about him most prominently his athleticism. Other than his recent push he is best known for his tag team with The Miz and his match with Rey Mysterio on Smackdown for the IC title and not for his ECW run.

If you want my opinion I would say that Christian would make a great champion while John Morrison would make a transitional one at best but either guys' run in ECW has nothing to do with why I think that way.

Also Christian never pushed ECW ratings into the 2.0 region but they it's not something that should be held against him. ECW always used to hover around the 1.0-1.5 mark. And he also made a great champion in TNA.

I'm sure a case can be made against Christian about how he is good but just not good enough but his run as ECW Champion has little to do with why a lot of people want to see him as a World Champion.
Ok so a lot of people keep bringing up the argument that Christian and John Morrison carried ECW "on his back"

Who says JoMo carried ECW as champion? He had one fued with Punk and then hooked up with Miz. A 3 month fued is not 'carrying a brand'. Christian however, had a number of different challengers when he was champion and held it for a fair while longer.

that makes them worthy of holding the top title on the two brands WWE actually does care about.

Being able to draw is what makes people worthy of being World Champions. Christian's been a part of some of the most historical moments in WWE's legacy, and has had numerous entertaining fueds with main event superstars both past and present.

JoMo's impressed in a fued with Sheamus and done the usual spot monkey routine, and that's it.

I mean seriously, do you guys really think that warrants them a World title run? Sure CM Punk and Swagger were ECW champions, but they also could carry the titles and the brands.

Swagger? Carry a brand? You're kidding, right? He's gotten SO much better SINCE he was the champion, but before and AS champion he both sucked and blowed.

Christian is one of my all time favorites, but even he has to see himself at the same spot that Goldust, Regal, and Chavo are at... a World title reign is not going to happen.

Regal almost had a really big push until he got busted for drugs again a couple of years back.

Kane just had a fairly lengthy title reign after not having had a sniff of the belt in 12 years, and how long was JBL a tag team nobody before he became the longest reigning champion in Smackdown history?

WWE knows that while Christian may have been able to carry ECW into some above 2.0 ratings, that doesn't warrant him a reign for the WHC when people like Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, Ziggler, and Edge are bringing in 3.0 ratings along with raw's Miz, Cena, CM Punk, and Orton. There's just a difference there that many people aren't seeing.

Yeah, Christian was headlining a 1 hour show on a network few people watch, and the rest are all part of a 2 hour show.

Plus on Christian's show HE was the only star, compared to SD and Raw which was chock full of star power. And it didn't help that SD and Raw used to rape ECW's roster every time there was a draft either.

For John Morrison, I just don't see him as a legit champion, especially with that finisher of his. If anything, I'll say he's one of those guys who gets a build up to the title but doesn't go anywhere with it.

He's stepped into Jeff Hardy's role as 'most popular guy who jumps off of stuff for a reaction', but does even less than Jeff does to get the crowd behind him.

Christian on the other hand, hasn't even been given a decent angle to show people what he can do since he came back.

Despite the deafening cheers as he gets close to winning MiTB matches and despite the number of people who want another Christian v Edge fued, WWE don't want to give the guy anything significant to do. They're just using him as fodder for the youngsters like McIntyre and Rhodes etc.

If he actually got to work with someone like either of those two in the same manner that JoMo and Sheamus did last year, i think people would be far more receptive to the idea of Christian holding the strap, at least on SD.
You (OP) implied that Christian taking ECW up to 2.0+ on occasions wasn't an accomplishment. Well, yes, yes it was. ECW was filled with youth movement stars and older, less popular wrestlers. Meanwhile, Raw and Smackdown showcased the major talent. You can't expect one or two names on a brand to bring it up from struggling about the 1 range, to high-flying around 3, that's just not gonna happen.

If you look at it in a more mathematical way, you could say that Christian added an entire solid 1 to the ratings, just for his segments and his matches alone. Don't blame Christian for the fact that nobody wanted to watch anyone else on the short 1 hour showcase of young up-and-comers. Christian drew for the show, and they needed that draw. He's more than some Matt Hardy for crowd reactions, and he's more than some Jeff Hardy for being a spot-monkey. I've always seen him as a sort of mini-Jericho, in that he is somewhat of a toned-down version of Jericho talent-wise.

There's no need for him to rot on Superstars though. Smackdown is one of the big shows, and with Kane, Mysterio and Taker getting older, and with the latter two becoming injury-prone, there's no need to let someone who could easily hold his own in the main event go to waste. I, personally, would eat it up and really enjoy it. There's no reason why he shouldn't return into a feud with Edge either. The history is there, Christian could fit himself into the classic heel role of the jealous former tag-partner, and it could be size up to be a fantastic feud for both superstars.

If Edge truly is going to retire in the next couple of years, I don't see why this feud concept should go to waste. There would be fantastic matches, and a true emotive feud, and if Christian is to stay for the long-term, then it would truly thrust him right to the top of the main event. Why waste an opportunity like that?

As for JoMo, he's just a Jeff Hardy, minus the drugs and the overall shit-human-being-edness. His mic skills some would describe as being "okay". To me "okay" is bad. You're either good on the mic, fantastic on the mic, or you're bad on the mic. Occasionally you get those who are catastrophic, but most at least manage to entertain the fans, or you know, "make it a win"... Anyway.

Christian is talent with a history that could be capitalised on for the better by WWE. JoMo will forever be a spot monkey, exciting the fans and generating cheers, but never truly cementing himself as a true title contender. Maybe it's the fact that his break was on ECW and he never really clicked on Raw, or maybe it's the fact that he's generic as a face, but either way, Christian could easily be main event talent, not just quality-fodder like JoMo.
Yeah like my John Morrison post, this one won't be exactly popular but oh well.

Ok so a lot of people keep bringing up the argument that Christian and John Morrison carried ECW "on his back" when they were champion and that makes them worthy of holding the top title on the two brands WWE actually does care about.

I mean seriously, do you guys really think that warrants them a World title run? Sure CM Punk and Swagger were ECW champions, but they also could carry the titles and the brands. Christian is one of my all time favorites, but even he has to see himself at the same spot that Goldust, Regal, and Chavo are at... a World title reign is not going to happen.

WWE knows that while Christian may have been able to carry ECW into some above 2.0 ratings, that doesn't warrant him a reign for the WHC when people like Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, Ziggler, and Edge are bringing in 3.0 ratings along with raw's Miz, Cena, CM Punk, and Orton. There's just a difference there that many people aren't seeing.

For John Morrison, I just don't see him as a legit champion, especially with that finisher of his. If anything, I'll say he's one of those guys who gets a build up to the title but doesn't go anywhere with it.

First of all using the argument that "Christian may have been able to carry ECW into some above 2.0 ratings, that doesn't warrant him a reign for the WHC when people like Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, Ziggler, and Edge are bringing in 3.0 ratings" is COMPLETELY unfair. Christian bringing in over 2.0 ratings on ECW, in my opinion, is a bigger accomplishment than getting a 3.0 rating on Smackdown. Smackdown just has a much bigger fanbase and far more exposure than ECW ever did.

Christian deserves it because he's excellent in the ring, better than anyone not named CM Punk or Chris Jericho on the mic, and he can hold a crowd like no one else. Christian carries himself like a main eventer, and I think he'll get a Kane type deal where eventually he'll get that run he deserves.

As for Morrison, the thing with him is he stands out. As far as his in-ring style and what he does in between those ropes he is in a league of his own, there has never been someone like him, and in the future there will be TONS. I think he really needs to change his attire, though.
ok no knock on jomo but he is not in christian's league and you can also put the Miz and zigler as his bag boys. Lets remember before christian went to TNA he was on a roll in wwe till the politics got the best of him. Why was christian released from wwe the 1st time it wasn't lack of talent it was because he went to higher management and ask,(hey guys its been 3 straight ppv's and I haven't been used and I just finish a great program with Trish and Y2J). this is and will always be why christian ain't and wont be wwe or world champion. It doesn't have to do with talent it's the wwe politcs in his case.
Why doesn't ECW matter? Christian managed to take a show with a crappy time-slot that was basically a bunch of dark matches and promos recorded at TV tapings featuring mostly unknown talent and elevate it to higher ratings than the number 2 wrestling company in the country. So what if it didn't receive the ratings of Raw or Smackdown? Obviously the WWE didn't intend for it to, as they generally kept the main stars on Smackdown and RAW. The fact remains that Christian has shown himself capable of running with the ball when it's given to him, both in ECW and in TNA (and if you haven't seen his main event work in TNA, you're missing out).

Christian can hardly be compared to guys like Matt Hardy, Mark Henry, Chavo Guerrero, etc; while each has had an occasional gimmick that seemed capable of taking them to the next level (Matt Hardy 2.0, Chavo as cruiserweight champ feuding with Eddie, etc), neither has shown the diversity or lasting star power of Christian. If you want to compare Christian to someone, compare him to Chris Jericho, because it's basically the same story. Everyone in the wrestling world knew that Jericho was capable of more, yet after some initial success (capturing the undisputed championship), he was left to rot in the upper mid-card for years. Finally, the WWE put some faith in him, and what was the result? Jericho became a legitimate superstar and probably the most dependable and flexible guy on the roster. Christian can do the same, and if the WWE doesn't utilize him it's their own loss. There's no question that former world champions are more valuable to the WWE than fizzled out mid-carders; the added legitimacy increases their value in terms of selling merchandise, drawing a crowd, and putting over younger talent. The value only appreciates over time, as it opens the door to them becoming legends (still possible without a world title, but pretty difficult to achieve). All it would take is one good title run, and Christian's value to the WWE would rise drastically. There really is no down side; Christian is one of those guys who can almost assuredly pull it off, and even if he is just a transitional champion his value to the WWE will increase as a result. Also, it will allow him to achieve one of his career goals and thus lessen the chances of him returning to TNA. Or they can just allow him to fizzle out in the midcard, until he can do little more than draw some hits to online video rants.

As for JoMO, I don't get the hate for him. His heel work in ECW, such as his feud with CM Punk for the title, was gold. In the ring, he's not just spectacular to watch, but highly dependable as he can manage to flawlessly pull off difficult spots that many wrestlers wouldn't be trusted with in the first place (see his amazing Royal Rumble rescue, for example). His mic skills need work, but the guy still has 'it'; that undefinable quality that allows him to get over with an audience without the need for words. And his continued excellence in the ring paired with his near-misses at championship gold is just bolstering the audiences desire to see him win the big one.
I think that John Morrison is right now exactly where the WWE wants him, and when the time is right (when the audiences demand for Morrison to win a world title reaches a boiling point), he will be a champion.
This post is so flawed it's not even funny.

If there is anyone on the roster deserving of a World Title shot of any kind, it's Christian.

You bring up Jack Swagger (who has been better as of late, but during his World Title run, he was awful) as a draw, but who helped him become that draw in ECW? Why it was Captain Charisma! Prior to his feud with Christian, people could've given two squats about Swagger. Once Christian was introduced to the ECW brand and starting feuding with Jackie Boy, that's when the Swagger train started. Had Swagger feuded with anyone else on that roster (which he did) he'd be a dud.

Edge is also one that could thank Christian a bit and has even said so. Christian was the charisma of that tag team and their on-screen chemistry helped mold Edge into the Rated R Superstar. If you look at Edge when he first started out, he ad the look and the moves, but the mic skills weren't the best. You put him in a tag team with Christian and he becomes a talking machine. So without Christian, there would be no Rated R Superstar.

Ontop of that, any feud or angle Christian has been in has been gold. Didn't matter if it was Jericho, Kozlov, Regal, Jackson, Swagger, whatever, Christian was the highlight and made the feud better than what it was (with the exception of maybe Jericho).

So for you to say Christian isn't worth of a main event spot is like saying that Ed Hardy is a better painter than Da Vinci. It's just not true.
JoMo has the in-ring ability to be a main eventer, but his mic skills definitely need improving. At one time in wrestling history that didn't matter, but in this day and age you have to be a talker. You have to be able to connect with the fans with more than just your moveset or you will be kicked to the curb quicker than $50 hooker after finishing the job (example: Shelton Benjamin).

I would prefer JoMo to be champion over Miz though. Anyday.
I think soon (maybe even this year) we will see John Morrison get a run with the WWE Title,maybe in the Summer/Fall time. I think Morrison can carry RAW,maybe not long-term but defenitly for a few months. He is over with the Live Crowds,great in the Ring,decent mic-skills.

I would like to see Christian get a World Title run in WWE. If he can carry ECW and even TNA then he can do it on Smackdown as well. He has been their long enough so why not give him the ball and let him run with it.
Christian and John Morrison are the only two superstars right now in my mind that I feel should get a world title push.
John Morrison I think should be getting underway for a world title after Wrestlemania possibly winning the money in the bank if they have one this year.

Christian Should get his push by returning as a heel. Feud with Edge if he still has the world title. He could get himself over as a solid heel become world champ and there we go Christian is champ.

Sounds simple but wwe probably wont do something like this unless we're lucky =/
Just a comment from a fan.. Ill let you guys speculate on the ratings... But I for one, only, ONLY watched ECW at the time for Christian... plus I enjoyed seeing the new talent debut and wwe testing the waters and taking chances to gauge crowd reaction and interest... I remember seeing Sheamus debut and thinking this guy can make it... I liked that about it... I think they can do a Hybrid NXT/ECW show and do a mix.... As far as Jomo... I never change the channel when hes on.. an I think should be given a chance.. I can see him playing the Heel role really well one day...But Christian and one day Jomo r definitely World Title Worthy
The opening post is pretty much on the nail, but there's a very clear distinction to be made between Christian and Morrison. Morrison was the champion of an ECW that contained the likes of CM Punk, The Miz, Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von - young stars being heavily pushed, alongside inexplicably pushed veterans like Big Daddy V and regularly featured Smackdown stars. He didn't carry the brand on his back, and the ratings suffered when he was champion.

Compare that to Christian, who was champion of a brand where the number 2 star was Tommy Dreamer. By the time Christian was there, ECW was not a place to mould young talent, but rather a place young talent would have one feud with Goldust before getting moved up. In short, the ECW brand was being allowed to fall apart, and its testament to Christian that he managed to maintain interest for so long. He wasn't some all conquering draw machine, but he steadied the ship.

However, I do agree that there's inherently something about Christian that just means he won't ever become a Champion. He's always popular with live audiences, but you rarely see anyone claim that he is their favourite. I don't know, I think if he had stayed with the WWE, he would have had a couple of years of momentum and build and probably would have got a go at the Smackdown championship, but it really was back to square one when he returned, and I don't see it ever happening for him, as well as he did on ECW.
:lol: Christian & John Morrison's time on ECW has NOTHING to do with my desire to see them get shots at being World Champion. My desire to see them as a World Champion in the WWE stems from the fact that they're both good wrestlers. Off the top of my head, I can't recall any posts from people wanting JoMo or Christian in a World Championship picture has anything to do with ECW, but that doesn't men that they're not on here I suppose.

The WWE's ECW brand was an exceptionally watered down version of the original that was panned by just about every ECW fan. Considering the Benoit Tragedy, coupled with all the various things we know now in wrestling regarding head trauma, more general concern for the safety of the wrestlers and so many wrestlers dropping like flies over this past decade; the fact that it was watered down was probably a blessing in disguise for the WWE. Any wrestling fan with any shred of common sense can't look at hardcore wrestling in the same light as they used to.

However, ECW did produce and show off some great wrestling talent in the likes of Christian, John Morrison, Sheamus & CM Punk. Chrisian is someone that's always been a hard worker and I personally believe has had the tools to be a headliner in the WWE. However, I've come to accept the fact that it's probably just not going ot happen. Christian is 37 years old and doesn't quite fit the age range the WWE is currently going for in terms of its top stars. If it was going to happen, it probably would have long before now.

As for John Morrison, the only thing holding him back in my opinion has been is weak mic work in the past. Over the past 6 months or so, he's only given a couple of promos on the mic and he's done alright. Nothing spectacular, but pretty solid and he didn't embarass himself all over the place like he used to do.

A huge thing that hurt ECW is that, quite frankly, the WWE didn't consider it much of a priority. They stopped trying to make it into anything after a while and that led to a steady decline of the show's ratings. After all, how can someone really get hugely excited about a show in which the main event would be something like Goldust vs. Zack Ryder.
I think for the two boys to be believable world title contenders they need to swap brands. Raw is more promo based which is (one) of Captain Charisma's strengths. Smackdown is more action and this plays up JoMo's alley. The ECW argument is mute, the debate is whether these two athletes are capable of carrying the big belts. Christian could carry either (there is reasons why he is always named in the same breath as Y2J) but I feel that JoMo could only really be a successful champ on the blue brand as guys like Punk would expose his inadequacies on the mike.
I think Christian being ECW Champion is just a tiny reason as to why he should be given a World Title run. It is just a small piece of what Christian has accomplished in his career. I think the support for him to be Champion is very underrated. He has a lot of fans out there, one of them in particular lists his Location on Wrestlezone Forums as Eastside, Long Beach, California.

Edge has held a World Title many times over and Christian is every bit as good as him, and some would argue he is better than Edge. He probably should never have went to TNA. I think he might have seen some kind of run near that time. Like when they put the title on Khali, maybe Christian could have been an alternative. At any rate, his run in TNA was a good thing too. He went to another company and showed he could carry it. He was arguably the biggest star in TNA before Kurt Angle came in.

All of his mid card titles and show stealing matches over the years deserve come credit as well. He showed a lot of range with his character by being a relevant Heel as well as an "over" Face. His participation and showmanship in matches like TLC and Money In The Bank could also be looked at as a guy paying his dues, putting in work, and looking good in the process.

I think he has the total package. He has every basis covered except the faith of Vince McMahon. I believe when he is finally given his run, he will make good with it. He can simply GO in the ring and is fantastic on the mic. He can tell stories and elevate a feud in the ring and with his verbal talents. His range as to where creative could push him is limitless in my opinion.

I think his time should be now. I also think he will prove all of his nay-sayers wrong and come out giving of all his fans the opportunity to say... I TOLD YOU SO!

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