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There Are Signs EVERYWHERE!


[This Space for Rent]
Like for example, one that says CLOSED!

So how on earth can People truly be stupid enough to ignore it? I swear, tonight was by far the lowest night ever for being a Human to me. I literally had a line of 6-7 people at 10p.m.

So much so, to the point that I couldn't lock the door - I could only flip the sign near me to closed. And yet I had what must've been 7-10 people (some in groups) come IN - and try to argue that because they knew what they wanted, I should randomly stay open LONGER.

So when I explained we're closed - and everyone still in the store at that time was checking out and leaving, I had those trying to come in - argue that they didn't understand the big issue. Uhm - how about the fact that for 12 straight hours we were open, and it was time to close. They just missed it by like 5-10 minutes (last person to argue was 10:15p.m.) but the fact is - CLOSED MEANS CLOSED - HOW IS THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND?!

Someone please explain this to me.. I'm begging to know.
I liked it when I worked as a cashier and I had my light on, and was ringing someone up...someone asked me, "are you open?"

I told them no...and they seriously went to another line. Light was on, no closed sign up.
Just like "If you do NOT return the movies you've checked out before 12 days past due, they will be sent to collections and harm your credit."

Yet tonight, I had a Lady flat out BITCH because her credit was "ruined" all because of a pair of movies. My best reply to her "We warned you 12 straight days they were late, I don't know what else you wanted us to do."
I liked it when I worked as a cashier and I had my light on, and was ringing someone up...someone asked me, "are you open?"

I told them no...and they seriously went to another line. Light was on, no closed sign up.

:lmao: I've had those types too. Like Saturday, Around 4p.m. or so - NO ONE was in the store and a Lady walks in. I asked if I could help her find anything - she replies with "No, I'm fine, are you closing?"

I figured she asked if I was closing in general. I said yes. She replies with "OH, I'm sorry I'll leave then." I told her I wasn't closing (now) but rather that night at 11p.m.

Why she'd assume we were closing in the middle of the day is beyond me, but I suppose some businesses do it.
Just like "If you do NOT return the movies you've checked out before 12 days past due, they will be sent to collections and harm your credit."

Yet tonight, I had a Lady flat out BITCH because her credit was "ruined" all because of a pair of movies. My best reply to her "We warned you 12 straight days they were late, I don't know what else you wanted us to do."

Or when you turn the register light OFF...then 10 more people come up with buggy fulls of merchandise, and I say that the lane's closed. The woman was rude and said, 'you checked the other girl out'. I said, 'Well, I have my lane closed sign up, because I'm going to lunch.' She called me a fucking dumbass, then went to complain how I was a poor cashier and turned her away. I had my light off for 15 minutes.
I work at a pizza place, in a town inhabited by junkies, abusive alcoholics, meth heads, and out-and-out rednecks. I feel your pain.

My favorite dumbass question after closing, but before I have time to lock the door, some jackass will inevitably walk in and argue with me that the door was unlocked, so I have to take his order. Keep in mind, the ovens are TURNED THE FUCK OFF, and I'm counting my register. I then must calmly explain that an unlocked door does not equal open for business. After the discussion continues, I usually make a smartass comment along the lines of "So, if a guys personal residence is unlocked, you'll just walk in creating a scene, whether they're asleep, not home, or whatever?" Usually shuts em the hell up!
:lmao: Actually, (this is coming from Erin's experience from McDonald's) if you don't get your door locked in a place that's still open through say a drive-thru, you must take their order.

I walked in McDonald's, it was literally 10:57p.m., they closed inside at 11p.m.. but their drive-thru was open 24 hours. The first guy inside said he couldn't take my order, because they were closed. Erin was on the phone, YELLING and SCREAMING through the phone for me to ask for the manager - then explain the policy to them. :lmao:

It's hilarious when a former employee knows the tricks, secrets and ways around stuff - that pisses the current employee's off. Bottom line, the Manager made the statement to the regular employee that it wasn't 11p.m., and he shouldn't have counted his drawer early. (I used a cc, so I wasn't THAT horrible to make him recount everything)

Still, at my job - we actually have the right to kick people OUT of the store the INSTANT it turns time to close. We explain 10-5 minutes ahead of time that we'll be closing, just to make sure people aren't stunned when I say "Our cpus are now off - please exit the store and come back tomorrow."
:lmao: Actually, (this is coming from Erin's experience from McDonald's) if you don't get your door locked in a place that's still open through say a drive-thru, you must take their order.

I walked in McDonald's, it was literally 10:57p.m., they closed inside at 11p.m.. but their drive-thru was open 24 hours. The first guy inside said he couldn't take my order, because they were closed. Erin was on the phone, YELLING and SCREAMING through the phone for me to ask for the manager - then explain the policy to them. :lmao:

It's hilarious when a former employee knows the tricks, secrets and ways around stuff - that pisses the current employee's off. Bottom line, the Manager made the statement to the regular employee that it wasn't 11p.m., and he shouldn't have counted his drawer early. (I used a cc, so I wasn't THAT horrible to make him recount everything)

Still, at my job - we actually have the right to kick people OUT of the store the INSTANT it turns time to close. We explain 10-5 minutes ahead of time that we'll be closing, just to make sure people aren't stunned when I say "Our cpus are now off - please exit the store and come back tomorrow."

and that's why I'm glad we don't have a drive-thru! We actually have the right to kick out people after 10 PM. We just never have too, because all of our customers are too baked or drunk to pick up a fuckin' phone by that time. So, y'know makes my job easier.
Yeah, kicking people out is a bigger hassle than it needs to be. Morons don't understand that when it's time to close - you have no real option, just leave nicely and don't make a scene.

Instead, you'll get morons that get so ridiculous that you need to call the Police just because they're unwilling to leave. I've NEVER had to do this (at my current job) but it's happened in the past.. and do you realize that when you do this, (at least in my situation) you have to fill out a fucking Police report!?

That made me literally want to hit the customer just because of how much MORE time it took up for me.

The real bitch thing is - every single individual that's tried coming into a place when they're closed, or closING - hates when it happens to them. (I should know, I'm living proof :lmao:) So I fail to see what the major issue is with understanding if a place is closed - they're closed.

Outside of when I'm hungry and they have 3 minutes left when they're STILL OPEN.. I don't argue and just leave.
Yeah, kicking people out is a bigger hassle than it needs to be. Morons don't understand that when it's time to close - you have no real option, just leave nicely and don't make a scene.

Instead, you'll get morons that get so ridiculous that you need to call the Police just because they're unwilling to leave. I've NEVER had to do this (at my current job) but it's happened in the past.. and do you realize that when you do this, (at least in my situation) you have to fill out a fucking Police report!?

That made me literally want to hit the customer just because of how much MORE time it took up for me.

The real bitch thing is - every single individual that's tried coming into a place when they're closed, or closING - hates when it happens to them. (I should know, I'm living proof :lmao:) So I fail to see what the major issue is with understanding if a place is closed - they're closed.

Outside of when I'm hungry and they have 3 minutes left when they're STILL OPEN.. I don't argue and just leave.

I've had to do that on one occasion. It sucked, and then I realized in my town we get charged (monatarily) for using emergency services. Long story short, the City charged the company, and the owners took it out of my paycheck. I then felt a strong desire to kill not only the jackass customer, but also my bosses. I hate people in my hometown with no discrimination due soley to my job.
I once went to a take away shop and asked for $5.00 chips. The guy looked at thw clock and said sorry we turn the deep fryers off at 8pm. The time on the clock (it was correct) was 7.30. :wtf:?
I once went to a take away shop and asked for $5.00 chips. The guy looked at thw clock and said sorry we turn the deep fryers off at 8pm. The time on the clock (it was correct) was 7.30. :wtf:?

That guy was just a tool. You should have pitched a bitch, getting the managers attention, and then proceeded to be the nicest guy in the world till you got those chips (which I'm assuming are either potato chips, or Fries.)Yes, it is a bit annoying for the employee, but it's his job to make tastey food.
That guy was just a tool. You should have pitched a bitch, getting the managers attention, and then proceeded to be the nicest guy in the world till you got those chips (which I'm assuming are either potato chips, or Fries.)Yes, it is a bit annoying for the employee, but it's his job to make tastey food.

it was a fish and chip shop, the guy was the manager.it takes about 25 minutes to heat the deep fryer up. I wasn't going to waste that much time.
It's the employee's on fault when they shut shit down earlier than expected to. If you close at 'x' time, don't fucking shut stuff down until you definitely KNOW you won't get more customers.

That's different than from being closed, and still trying to explain and turn customer's away. Being closed and dealing with morons are the customer's being jackasses. Dealing with an employee who wants to get out as quick as possible, and lying or trying to turn people away before he's legally suppose to is the employee being a dick - and as always, you need to make dick's pay for their stupidity.

I wasn't a dick, but did count my drawer down about 9:45p.m. one night. I had 3 customer's come in at 9:55p.m., so I had to recount everything. It sucked, but wasn't anyone's fault but my own. And I knew that.
I used to say we're closed, they would say we know what we want...then I'll say you can come back at 9 and it'll still be here, have a nice day sir.
Okay, list of things I hate from working in a shop.

People who want a 30p newspaper, and try pay for it with a £20 note, then bitch at you when you explain you're not giving them all your change.

People who can't use the coffee machine. I mean, seriously, it's so clear it's unbelievable. If you want a White Coffee, you press White Coffee.

People who see the "Coffee machine is not working" sign, and then come up to me and ask if the coffee machine is working.

People who ask you what time you open/close. There's clearly about 5 signs, 2 on the door they walked through to ask me that question!

People who keep going back for more things when you have a queue.

People who don't have any money on them, and expect you to cancel everything, or wait for them to use the cash machine. I mean, seriously, if your going to a shop, don't you think you should check if you actually have money?
Meh, at Zaxby's we're aloud to start cleaning and crap 30 minutes before it actually closes, as long as we don't get in the customers way. The biggest pain is when people come in like 5 minutes before closing and expect to stay in the restraunt to eat. Policy rules make them stay, but its SUCH a pain in the butthole. They delay closing by at least 15-30 minutes. Its not a problem if its to go though, really.

At autozone, people are just effing rediculous. I had a guy come in once and say "I have a van, Its starter is messed up, I need a new one." Which is all fine and dandy, but when I asked what kind of van it was...he said "green" My dad was working at the time, I was like sir, you need to go see him. :lmao:
Instead, you'll get morons that get so ridiculous that you need to call the Police just because they're unwilling to leave. I've NEVER had to do this (at my current job) but it's happened in the past.. and do you realize that when you do this, (at least in my situation) you have to fill out a fucking Police report!?

You could just serve them, it would save time in the long run.

I'm assuming that bit about the newspaper is someone trying to give you a much larger amount of money, for such a small priced item.. then expecting a ton of change (usually all of what you have in the drawer, especially when you just open) in return.. I despise that too.

I opened Sunday, and my 2nd customer wanted to break a $100.00 for a movie he'd rented that was $2.11.. I literally looked up at them and asked if they had anything smaller.. their reply was "Nope, that's all I carry." I told them they'd have to go elsewhere to break it, as I didn't have that many $20's to do so. (Typically, the drawer starts with anywhere from $35-40 in 5's, and $25-35 in 1's - NO 10's, and definitely NO 20's.)

The other thing is returns.. we have a large sign on our counter that says DO NOT LEAVE RETURNS ON COUNTER - DROP THEM IN THE DROP-BOX! with an arrow pointing to the box - next to the counter..

The other day, I had a Lady open the door and wait for me to finish with customer's. When I asked how I could help, she said she was returning a movie, and couldn't sit it on the counter - - - because the sign was blocking her from doing so. :wacko: :huh: :twak: :headscratch:

Also - Jonny,

Why on earth would I go against my Store's policy and rules - all because one moron believes if they argue long enough, they'll get there way. My 3 year old Daughter (from time to time) believes in that theory, and it doesn't work with her.. if I can withstand the misunderstanding of a 3 yr old who doesn't grasp not getting her way - I think I can withstand a 20-30 something moron, who by that age should know there are some things in life you just don't get when you want them.

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