TheOneBehindThe1 defending Roman Reigns

That N Word

Actively evolving
I am neutral in this Reigns/Lesnar thing. I like Reigns and want to see him succeed and at the same time see his faults as well. However, one of the things I am tired of hearing is how he doesn't deserve it, or how he isn't ready, or how he is only at the top because of his family, or how he can't wrestle. I will defend my first point first.

"He doesn't deserve it" they cried - How exactly do you say what someone deserves in a scripted sport? From what I hear and see from MAJORITY of the SMARK (not IWC, were all the IWC) fans is they only want to see high flying underdogs succeed in this business. Anybody that are 250lbs. or more (with the exception of Luke Harper and Cesaro) or terrible wrestlers and when they get a push it is handed to them. It pisses me off quite frankly because it seems to me the smark fans seems to think if your not a guy who can do a Somersault Plancha then you suck. How do you you determine who deserves something in WWE?? Because of their work in ROH or CZW or the machine has kept them down. This is the WWE,this isn't CZW or ROH or any other damn indy promotion. When you come into the WWE why should they give a damn what you did in another company when you have started a new beginning. Don't take that the wrong way they should care, but that shouldn't be why your pushed to the top. That does not mean you deserve something in WWE because what you did in ROH. It pisses me off, your telling me Reigns doesn't deserve to be champion because he has been in the WWE for 4 years, but Bryan does and he has been there for the same amount of time (2 years longer) practically. I get it Bryan worked hard to get to the top, but how do you know Reigns hasn't. We only heard about the great things Bryan was doing when he turned face (same with Roman.) How the hell does he deserve it and how the hell is the machine keeping him down. Bryan is a FUCKING 4 TIME WORLD CHAMPION, SAME WITH ZIGGLER HE IS A TWO TIME WORLD CHAMPION!!!! If anything they were pushed more than Roman. Bryan has (US Champion,Tag Champion, 4x world champion, Headlined WrestleMania beating 3 legends in one night to win the world title,MITB,Beat Cena,Orton,Triple H,Batista,and more in less than a year span.) , Ziggler (MITB,2x World champ, 4x IC champion,2x US champion, tag champion,Beaten Cena,Orton,Batista,Punk,and alot more.) But the machine is keeping them down. Reigns doesn't deserve to be world champion, but then again nobody does except for the greats who changed this business in all honesty. Bryan,Ziggler,Cesaro,Harper,Rollins,Ambrose aren't legends just saying. That is not to say I don't like those guys...I am a huge fan of all and want to see them succeed, in all honesty.

He isn't ready, they cried He sucks on the mic everyone cries, but you know who sucks on the mic BROCK FRIGGING LESNAR and he is the world champion. Please do not give me the Heyman excuse because what was the excuse in 2003. Let's be real Roman is not as bad on the mic as exaggerated, at least not anymore. He hasn't been bad on the mic lately, he still hasn't been great, but not bad. Roman and Heyman has made this storyline interesting to me in just one promo on Monday. People cries terrible wrestler. People only seen his WWE limited moves. When he was in FCW/NXT, anyone who watched cannot tell me he sucked in the ring. In fact, the same ones saying "he can't wrestle" now was the same one begging for him to be called up to the main roster because of his wrestling ability. Let's be honest no one is really ready when they win their first world title. Once they win their first world title they seem to develop into readiness. Your beloved Daniel Bryan wasn't ready when he won the strap in 2011 except for in the ring. Cesaro was suppose to win the belt last year was he ready on the mic. John Cena was ready on the mic and decent in the ring, but he wasn't world champion ready when he won his first world title, Batista wasn't ready, Orton wasn't ready, Triple H wasn't ready, The Undertaker wasn't ready,I thought Stone Cold was, but he even said he wasn't ready. It isn't until you had that world title for the first time and slowly develop into "the man" you become ready. I thing Roman has shown us since RR he is as ready as he can be for now. He has shown us he is as ready as all those legends listed above and Daniel Bryan in the past few months. He is determined and has shown passion,desire and never give up attitude that we need as the guy. If you boo him during the biggest moment of his life, then you are a real jackass.

Because his family, they cried This is the dumbest argument I hear. I honestly believe if Reigns was in the AE and wasn't related to Rock he would have been the one they would have tried to make the guy. I'll admit they went by his look. But that is not a bad thing. You want someone like Reigns as the "face" of your company.

My point- He has shown in several interviews that he loves the business and has passion to get to the top. People say he is only here because his football career "failed." WRONG, If you know Reigns,you would know that he wanted to pursue to dreams as a kid, be a NFL player and a WWF wrestler. He succeeded in one, so he went on to fulfill his next dream. He has done everything is his power to get to the top and the last thing he needs is a bunch of fans who are hating because he isn't Bryan or Ziggler or Cesaro or Ambrose ruining his career. Now,there is already rumors of WWE bailing on him winning the world title and being "the guy." Look where that got Ryback jobbing out in a jobber tag team before suddenly. Winning? Yes,but is he really Winning? No... the guy is just facing random people every week. Don't do it, put your selvess in his shoes. I wish everyone would sit back,quit bitching,quit whining and complaining about the damn product and making punk ass movements such as "#LetsBooReigns or #LetsBooBryan" and sit back and enjoy the damn show and #SupportWrestling or #QUITFUCKINGWATCHING !!!!
I think you just need to accept the fact that the majority of people on internet forums and comment sections are there solely to bitch. I mean, you're doing it right here. You're just trying to do it against the others who are complaining.

You're also missing the glaring amount of hyperbole spewed by these people. If Roman Reigns really sucked the way people who bitch about him say, he wouldn't even be in WWE. And his mic skills have definitely improved since they stopped the childish references.

And anyone who complains about limited movesets shouldn't be watching WWE. Everyone's moveset is limited. DB's, Ziggler's, Cesaro's, Cena's, Rollins, etc. Literally everyone. It's just good, smart and safe business.
You make some great points. However I do take contention with the big gold belt that bryan first won and ziggler won is on par with the wwe title or new wwe whc title. That was basically the super intercontinental title and comparing those reigns to the main title isn't necessarily fair.

As far as his ring and mic skills, readiness and family go, I agree it doesn't matter where he falls on that Hogan was not a great ring worker, Bret was not a great mic worker, brock wasn't ready for his first reign, and Orton also was a third generation guy and all of them would be found on a greatest champions list.

My issue with reigns is simply I don't feel anything when he's there. I felt anger at first when he wasn't Daniel Bryan but now that that's subsided it's more I don't feel a connection with him, good or bad, he's just sort of there and both from a customer satisfaction stand point and from a drawing power stand point I just don't see him as "face of the company" material. I wouldn't mind him being in one main event to establish him as an main eventer but the Taker/Lesnar rub only works once and I feel as though it's being wasted and I just don't see him as a worthy successor to Cena. I don't think I'll be able to maintain interest over ten years like I did with cena.
I agree that a lot of hate Reigns gets is totally unwarranted. He's not a bad worker by any stretch of imagination. It's not Reigns fault that people booed him out of the building at Rumble. It's not his fault that he's put in a sink and swim situation. If anything, I blame WWE for ruining what Reigns could've been at this time. Let me try and explain.

First, they decided that Reigns should be the one to headline Mania THIS YEAR. It's not about workrate and such, but the thing is WWE should have at least tried to invest in the guy properly. His storylines sucked from the day Shield broke. I think WWE underestimated the possibility of Reigns taking on Rollins, thinking that this may not suit Reigns. Instead, they put him with random people and then Orton. If you see around that time, Orton was phoning in a lot of his work during that period which didn't help Reigns at all. Instead, people were sucked into the Ambrose/Rollins feud which in turned out to be the best feud of last year.

Second, the injury time out came to him at the worst time possible. It stopped whatever momentum he was building. It also stopped his development. You can practice or take acting classes as much as you want but it doesn't replace a real environment test. He missed 3 precious months to that.

Third, they decided to turn Roman Reigns into Cena 2.0. Reigns was supposed to be a silent, no-nonsense ass-kicker. Instead, they turned him into corny joke telling character. That's not his strength. This exposed the weakest of his talents.

Fourth, his returning feud was against the Big Show. Not only that, his first clean pin fall loss came against Big Show. I mean, for all your wrestling abilities, how do you get a good match out of Big Show, that too from Reigns who's still trying to establish himself in front of the fans? That sucked whatever momentum he had completely.

Fifth and the last, they decided to go with their plans to put him in the main event regardless of all the damage they did to Reigns. I understand them wanting to have Reigns the Lesnar rub. But that could've been done without the title involved and they could've at least relieved the pressure off Reigns. When you know that you are not the last to go, you can rely on others to carry the show and go and do your thing in the ring. This is the first major appearance for Reigns in Mania (unless you count the Shield's 3 minute match at Mania 30 as 'major'). I am sure Reigns has a lot to offer but as I said before, WWE has put him in a sink or swim situation. I am really hoping that Reigns and Lesnar deliver a very strong match because if they don't, Reigns would need a lot of time to recover from the slump that'll follow.

It's not about 'deserving' anything. WWE didn't even try to make it seem like he deserved this, on-screen or otherwise.
I got over the fact that they were pushing Reigns long ago when I sat back and thought about that fact that it doesn't matter who has the belt, the product will still be as terrible as it was before WM. As a die hard fan who watches Indies to the big leagues just because I love the art of pro wrestling, that doesn't matter in WWE. The show is pretty much soley for Kids now, really, so if Reigns connects with the kids and the Moms who purchase the tickets then so be it. WWE treats its world title like a mattel model, its just a toy....unlike NJPW where they treat pro wrestling and its world title with prestige, its true performance art where its easy to suspend belief. This era of WWE just isn't for anyone who grew up on WWF/WCW/ECW, this is for my kids to enjoy now. Sad to say. They don't care about dynamic stories, rankings, title belts, title wins, making sense, or even Pro Wrestling. They have created a monopoly and they're the only game, and as boring as Raw is week to week, I myself would go once a year just for the experience, especially with a kid. For Die hard fans of pro wrestling who grew up on the classic stuff, that Era is dead and the Internet helped to kill it. This is the new era, its just not for us. I hope Reigns, Ambrose, Wyatt, Rollins, Kevin Owens, Pac, Prince Devitt ect all get a chance to shine... but with WWE today, you just never know. There's really no need to complain because it will never be what we hope it will be again, the Attitude/Ruthless aggression era's were unbelievable but it's done. So I hope Reigns is a success.
The negativity is just so overwhelming in the IWC. I'm not sure if that's a common trend with internet communities in general, or if it's just a pro wrestling thing.

People just take it way too seriously, and fail to see it for what it is. Which is, sports entertainment (cue "dun dun DUUUUN!!!" sound effect). In this case it's a story about a guy who was hastily thrust in the limelight, and has to achieve the seemingly impossible whilst surrounded by doubters and naysayers, whose credibility and reputation is on the line - for all the world to see.

WWE is about telling a story. If you ask me, that's a very compelling story as it is.

If people get so worked up and angry about a scripted storyline on a scripted TV show, featuring a fictional character (no, Roman Reigns isn't a real life person)... then said people probably need to evaluate where they're going in life.
Because his family, they cried This is the dumbest argument I hear. I honestly believe if Reigns was in the AE and wasn't related to Rock he would have been the one they would have tried to make the guy. I'll admit they went by his look. But that is not a bad thing. You want someone like Reigns as the "face" of your company.

My point- He has shown in several interviews that he loves the business and has passion to get to the top. People say he is only here because his football career "failed." WRONG, If you know Reigns,you would know that he wanted to pursue to dreams as a kid, be a NFL player and a WWF wrestler. He succeeded in one, so he went on to fulfill his next dream. He has done everything is his power to get to the top and the last thing he needs is a bunch of fans who are hating because he isn't Bryan or Ziggler or Cesaro or Ambrose ruining his career. Now,there is already rumors of WWE bailing on him winning the world title and being "the guy." Look where that got Ryback jobbing out in a jobber tag team before suddenly. Winning? Yes,but is he really Winning? No... the guy is just facing random people every week. Don't do it, put your selvess in his shoes. I wish everyone would sit back,quit bitching,quit whining and complaining about the damn product and making punk ass movements such as "#LetsBooReigns or #LetsBooBryan" and sit back and enjoy the damn show and #SupportWrestling or #QUITFUCKINGWATCHING !!!!

You make some very valid points and I agree in part with most of them, but I do take issue with these two.

First of all I disagree on it being the dumbest thing you've ever heard. Being part of that Samoan dynasty has to get your foot in the door quicker than just some random guy off the street. His looks haven't hurt him either. So in saying that, yes he's had to prove that he deserves to stay, but being related to who he is related too, did in fact help him.

Just as I believe than it helps any second or third generation wrestler. We've see a lot come and go, but to say it doesn't help is just wrong.

As for your last point, I will thank you for telling me how to be a fan of this product, but as a fan I have one simple request. I want the WWE to put out the best product they possibly can. Now if that happens to be Reigns/Lesnar in the main event at Mania then so be it, but it isn't the best they can do.

They are trying to re-create something they can't, another John Cena, so they should just stop now. Wrestling fans forge their own relationships with the talent, and will not be told who to cheer for and who to boo. That is something that all of us as wrestling fans have to make up our own minds on.

Now I don't give a rats behind about Roman Reigns dreams and desires, because from what I can see the guy's had a pretty good life. Most of what he's ever wanted he has, and now Vince McMahon wants us all to love him, well that's just not going to happen.

When he was with the Shield he was hotter than hell, since the break up and fans can actually see that he was the weakest link, they decided he wasn't what they put him out there as. Is that the fans fault, no they just had their eyes opened.

You talk about him loving the business and wanting to get to the top, but isn't that true of most if not all wrestlers. Also if you listen to Reigns in some of these interviews he comes across as extremely arrogant. When you are trying to get the fans behind someone, coming across as a bit of a douche doesn't help the cause. He's his own worst enemy at times and he really needs to develop a thicker skin.
There are four main groups in the IWC:

1. The group who can't separate personal feelings from professional opinion.
2. The trollbaits, who are only on here because their lives are miserable and they want to bring everyone down with them.
3. The fans who have been watching WWE for 3 years, yet think they know everything
4. The group that can form an unbiased opinion based on what they watch from week-to week.

You are never going to be able to convince the first 3 groups of something that they don't agree with... never. You should stop getting so caught up on the opinions of the those posters and try to focus on the last group.

Imo, Roman Reigns is potential incarnate, but as another poster mentioned, I just can't connect with the guy right now. He needs to do something to make me want to see him win because right now, it really doesn't matter to me who walks out as champ. First time in a while.
Now, I'm going to prove the points you listed and then tell my opinion.

"He doesn't deserve it"

Even in the world of scripted pro wrestling, you need to prove that you are worthy of being the World Champion. Everyone proved and he also needs to prove. Everyone won the midcard titles or were strongly over with crowd in order to get the title. But, Reigns has done neither thing. He hasn't won any midcard step nor is he over with crowd. One of these two factors contribute in a world title shot but both of them is lacking in Reigns. Ever since becoming singles competitor, he hasn't done anything to make himself look a contender for the world title. Cena also won the US Championship and was much over with the crowd prior to winning the big gold. Daniel Bryan worked his ass off for 4 years and was extremely over before he won the championship. Sheamus went on a rocket push which failed. Reigns is being booked like Sheamus. He is catapulted right into the main event scene without winning any midcard belt or winning someone's heart. Umm, I think you get what I am saying.

He isn't ready

So, depending on his recent showings, what do you think of him? Is he talented enough to carry this feud? Can he talk on mic with Paul Heyman? Sure, he has improved. I agree that he has improved but, has he improved for the main event? Is he main event worthy? Brock can't talk but, he has Paul Heyman as his mouthpiece. You need to have better ring abilities and mic skills to get in the main event scene. And on his recent showings accout - He is not yet ready. You don't need improvement, you need perfection to get the spotlight. And improvement is not done in main event. Midcard is there for main even hell, even undercard is an option.

Because his family

One can't deny the fact that being a member of Samoan Family is a benefit over others in WWE. Rikishi, Umaga, The Usos all got big pushes because of belonging to the Samoan Family and Reigns is the same case.

My point : Atleast now, Reigns should main event and should win the title because they have came a long way with Reigns and now taking a step back will hurt Reigns' career so much badly. Even if Brock decides to stay, Reigns should win the title or he will be buried and nowhere to be found. He is not able enough to survive a loss from Lesnar. Look, what a loss from Big Show did to him.

Edit : Had he not won the rumble, I should have been okay with other man.
I am neutral in this Reigns/Lesnar thing. I like Reigns and want to see him succeed and at the same time see his faults as well. However, one of the things I am tired of hearing is how he doesn't deserve it, or how he isn't ready, or how he is only at the top because of his family, or how he can't wrestle. I will defend my first point first.

Is this in relation to an opinion piece from the front page? When I get tired of hearing people say things, I ignore them. If a trusted mind from the pro-wrestling world says it, then I'll admit it's kind of difficult to ignore them. Either way; arguing with random people on the internet puts yourself at risk of relating to them.

"He doesn't deserve it" they cried - How exactly do you say what someone deserves in a scripted sport? From what I hear and see from MAJORITY of the SMARK (not IWC, were all the IWC) fans is they only want to see high flying underdogs succeed in this business. Anybody that are 250lbs. or more (with the exception of Luke Harper and Cesaro) or terrible wrestlers and when they get a push it is handed to them. It pisses me off quite frankly because it seems to me the smark fans seems to think if your not a guy who can do a Somersault Plancha then you suck. How do you you determine who deserves something in WWE?? Because of their work in ROH or CZW or the machine has kept them down. This is the WWE,this isn't CZW or ROH or any other damn indy promotion. When you come into the WWE why should they give a damn what you did in another company when you have started a new beginning. Don't take that the wrong way they should care, but that shouldn't be why your pushed to the top. That does not mean you deserve something in WWE because what you did in ROH. It pisses me off, your telling me Reigns doesn't deserve to be champion because he has been in the WWE for 4 years, but Bryan does and he has been there for the same amount of time (2 years longer) practically. I get it Bryan worked hard to get to the top, but how do you know Reigns hasn't. We only heard about the great things Bryan was doing when he turned face (same with Roman.) How the hell does he deserve it and how the hell is the machine keeping him down. Bryan is a FUCKING 4 TIME WORLD CHAMPION, SAME WITH ZIGGLER HE IS A TWO TIME WORLD CHAMPION!!!! If anything they were pushed more than Roman. Bryan has (US Champion,Tag Champion, 4x world champion, Headlined WrestleMania beating 3 legends in one night to win the world title,MITB,Beat Cena,Orton,Triple H,Batista,and more in less than a year span.) , Ziggler (MITB,2x World champ, 4x IC champion,2x US champion, tag champion,Beaten Cena,Orton,Batista,Punk,and alot more.) But the machine is keeping them down. Reigns doesn't deserve to be world champion, but then again nobody does except for the greats who changed this business in all honesty. Bryan,Ziggler,Cesaro,Harper,Rollins,Ambrose aren't legends just saying. That is not to say I don't like those guys...I am a huge fan of all and want to see them succeed, in all honesty.

Well, you know, que sera sera buddy. Your observations are on point, though I honestly don't know what the average smark is bitching about because I chose not to pay attention to them a long long time ago. If I have to make an argument, I would say that Reigns was in fact shoe horned into having a lot of airtime in spite of his lack of total experience. Reigns was moved up to the main roster in less than a year if I remember correctly, and he was the odd ball of SHIELD considering they sandwiched him between two very popular indie darlings. I'm not saying it's wrong to push Reigns, I'm just trying to shed a little light on what crawled up the asses of the smarks.

He isn't ready, they cried He sucks on the mic everyone cries, but you know who sucks on the mic BROCK FRIGGING LESNAR and he is the world champion. Please do not give me the Heyman excuse because what was the excuse in 2003. Let's be real Roman is not as bad on the mic as exaggerated, at least not anymore. He hasn't been bad on the mic lately, he still hasn't been great, but not bad. Roman and Heyman has made this storyline interesting to me in just one promo on Monday. People cries terrible wrestler. People only seen his WWE limited moves. When he was in FCW/NXT, anyone who watched cannot tell me he sucked in the ring. In fact, the same ones saying "he can't wrestle" now was the same one begging for him to be called up to the main roster because of his wrestling ability. Let's be honest no one is really ready when they win their first world title. Once they win their first world title they seem to develop into readiness. Your beloved Daniel Bryan wasn't ready when he won the strap in 2011 except for in the ring. Cesaro was suppose to win the belt last year was he ready on the mic. John Cena was ready on the mic and decent in the ring, but he wasn't world champion ready when he won his first world title, Batista wasn't ready, Orton wasn't ready, Triple H wasn't ready, The Undertaker wasn't ready,I thought Stone Cold was, but he even said he wasn't ready. It isn't until you had that world title for the first time and slowly develop into "the man" you become ready. I thing Roman has shown us since RR he is as ready as he can be for now. He has shown us he is as ready as all those legends listed above and Daniel Bryan in the past few months. He is determined and has shown passion,desire and never give up attitude that we need as the guy. If you boo him during the biggest moment of his life, then you are a real jackass.

Bro, slow down. Every point you made was based on opinion and not substantiated with anything that can be verified. I realize that this is all in reference to random people talking shit online, but then they're just random people talking shit on line. I don't think that Roman "sucks" on the mic, and I really wouldn't require that someone be great on the mic before taking the world title. I don't know enough to disagree with you on the points made about whether or not other performers were ready for the top spot, but I'd like a little more explanation from you for my own learning purposes. It's going to be pointless to boo him while I'm buying some teriyaki beef at a concession stand while he's having his big moment, needless to say I'm not totally excited to see Lesnar act like a prissy bitch.

Because his family, they cried This is the dumbest argument I hear. I honestly believe if Reigns was in the AE and wasn't related to Rock he would have been the one they would have tried to make the guy. I'll admit they went by his look. But that is not a bad thing. You want someone like Reigns as the "face" of your company.

As someone who grew up during the Attitude Era, I can honestly say that the Attitude Era was pretty fucking stupid. If Reigns had his start during that time, he probably would have been given some kind of vulgar gimmick vaguely involving genetalia and/or some kind of overtly vulgar catchphrase. You could phone in your performances so long as you flicked off the crowd on a regular basis, it was a very fucking stupid era. Thank your lucky stars that someone as decent as Joe Anoa'i didn't have to betray his character by being a part of that botched abortion.

My point- He has shown in several interviews that he loves the business and has passion to get to the top. People say he is only here because his football career "failed." WRONG, If you know Reigns,you would know that he wanted to pursue to dreams as a kid, be a NFL player and a WWF wrestler. He succeeded in one, so he went on to fulfill his next dream. He has done everything is his power to get to the top and the last thing he needs is a bunch of fans who are hating because he isn't Bryan or Ziggler or Cesaro or Ambrose ruining his career. Now,there is already rumors of WWE bailing on him winning the world title and being "the guy." Look where that got Ryback jobbing out in a jobber tag team before suddenly. Winning? Yes,but is he really Winning? No... the guy is just facing random people every week. Don't do it, put your selvess in his shoes. I wish everyone would sit back,quit bitching,quit whining and complaining about the damn product and making punk ass movements such as "#LetsBooReigns or #LetsBooBryan" and sit back and enjoy the damn show and #SupportWrestling or #QUITFUCKINGWATCHING !!!!

I would argue that the Anoa'i name has helped him, but then again I really don't know what their logic was in putting him where he is. I agree wholeheartedly that hashtags are a complete waste of time and energy, though I think that it's our right to boo Roman Reigns so long as we're not doing so just to be dicks. Honestly; my only gripe with Roman is that he has to beat Brock to get his spot. I wish, for Roman's sake, that they would have just let Cena go over Brock so that Roman won't have to carry a spoiled diva for what will surely be the worst twenty minutes of his life. Other than that; I say let him grow and do what he loves.

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