The Young Bucks On Being Criticized For Their Style


Lord And Master
Staff member
Nick: “We plain out just say, ‘You’re outdated’. This is what’s hot, this is what’s new, and you’ve just got to move on. Things from back then don’t necessarily work as good now. Some of the stuff is outdated, like I said. I think if you did a chinlock for 10 minutes at a Ring of Honor show, they’re chanting ‘This is boring’. You can’t do that type of stuff nowadays. It worked back then, it was good back then, but now, it’s different. Fans nowadays, they have shorter attention spans and they want to be entertained like this and we try to give that.”

Matt: “And if you don’t…they’re going to be on their phone. I want to be the guy that has their attention from the time I hit the curtain, the entire time, I go back to the curtain. I want to be that match. Like he said, I can’t put a guy in a chinlock for 10 minutes straight and keep their attention. It’s just not going to happen in 2016.”

You heard it here, folks. 50 Superkicks per match, no selling, unnecesary improbable flying moves, a billion references to the 90's and insiders is the hip new thing in wrestling. Because clearly 10 minute chinlocks are a thing everywhere else.
I wish I understood what it is about the Young Bucks that makes people so angry. Everyone has wrestlers they dislike, but people that don't like the Bucks fucking loathe them.
And yet you have guys like Scott Hall loving them

Sure, and others hating them. It's subjective. They're not objectively good or bad. But they're polarizing, much more so than most others in the industry, specifically because of shit like this.

There aren't any bigger fans of the Young Bucks than the Young Bucks.
I can't believe I am going to say this, but they have a bit of a point. Not that they don't suck hard, but wrestling has and is evolving, especially over the last twenty years or so.

Obviously I don't see anyone putting guys in ten minute rest holds these days, but fans don't care about psychology as much as they used to.
While "ten minute chinlocks" is an exaggeration, I get what they're saying. Much to the chagrin of some wrestling veterans and fans, old school selling and psychology just doesn't resonate with the current generation of fans as it did before. I always cringe when I see a wrestler wear down someone, isolate a body part and smartly stick with it only to meet "boring" chants from the audience. While I disagree with them, I also understand why they might find such tactics boring.

They're dead on with the cellphone mention too. In an era of smartphones, fans are as easily distracted as ever and won't hesitate to ignore you in favor of their phones if you aren't crashing and burning at 100 mph. You can place some blame on the "indie" style becoming more mainstream, but we as a society really do possess shorter attention spans and, more importantly, less patience than ever before.
Isn't the Young Bucks style catering to their audience though? They want to entertain and that's what their audience loves.
Killjoy has yet to figure out that he actually loves hating the Young Bucks. :)

You say it as if I wasn't shameless in my hatred. I wouldn't be ragging on them at every turn if I wasn't hearing constantly how "amazing" they are.

Isn't the Young Bucks style catering to their audience though? They want to entertain and that's what their audience loves.
I guess those 2000 should get their fill of Superkicks.
You say it as if I wasn't shameless in my hatred. I wouldn't be ragging on them at every turn if I wasn't hearing constantly how "amazing" they are.

When exactly was the last time you seen a thread here praising the Bucks? In fact when was the last time somebody other than YOU made a thread about the Bucks in general?
When exactly was the last time you seen a thread here praising the Bucks? In fact when was the last time somebody other than YOU made a thread about the Bucks in general?

That was my thought too. Everything pro-Bucks I see is "I like the Bucks" or "The Bucks are awesome!" Everything anti-Bucks is "THEY ARE RUINING PRO WRESTLING!" or "THE ARE THE WORST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO THE BUSINESS!"
Never understood the hate the Bucks developed. Just a very fun tag team to watch. They're silly and they do their thing on social media, but they are also truly excellent at tag team wrestling. People focus too much on wanting every wrestler to fit some kind of mold, instead of appreciating that people like the Bucks can work a totally unique style of wrestling that nobody else could quite pull off.

I think wrestling in general walks a fine line between being overly serious while not getting too goofy, and it's different for every show. Think about where the Bucks work - in ROH and New Japan, wrestling is super serious business, the top feuds are all blood feuds based on honor and respect and guys beat the tar out of each other. The Young Bucks inject levity into it. They're a perfect act for the promotions they work in.
I don't find them entertaining at all, but they're amongst the very best in the world at pandering to their specific audience. Can't knock em for that.

I have to laugh at their severe inferiority complex though.
Remember everyone 30 superkicks a match = bad, 30 German suplexes a match = epic.

Bucks would be hugely over in the WWE. All they've done is take the same style teams like the Hardy's and Rockers used to it's logical next step.
I've no real problem with the Bucks but I'd imagine the counterargument to that is that the suplexes are usually sold like death, whereas whoever took a superkick is normally hitting a 450 splash within 20 seconds.
Remember everyone 30 superkicks a match = bad, 30 German suplexes a match = epic.

Bucks would be hugely over in the WWE. All they've done is take the same style teams like the Hardy's and Rockers used to it's logical next step.

My beef isn't their wrestling. I mean, they're smallish dudes. Of course they're going to use an indyrific move set. I don't know what else people expect them to do.

My beef is their general attitude. You can be slick smartasses without reducing yourself to having to tell everybody how you're "so much better" than everything in the biggest promotion in the world.
Wrestling is evolving, just as everything else does in life. Either you evolve or perish... Thats how it always was and thats how it always will be! I'd rather see any tag team match involving the Bucks than a match involving the boring Uso's who seem to have the same routine in the ring at times ... You gotta change it up every now and then to keep it fresh! Or the audience will go stale on you ...
My beef isn't their wrestling. I mean, they're smallish dudes. Of course they're going to use an indyrific move set. I don't know what else people expect them to do.

My beef is their general attitude. You can be slick smartasses without reducing yourself to having to tell everybody how you're "so much better" than everything in the biggest promotion in the world.

Ya being worked.

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