The Year of The Miz?

Super Crazy

Okay, so we all know that Jericho played a huge part in the WWE in 2008 and 2009. He had a few meaningful feuds and a few championship reigns. Now, it is 2010, and with the announcement of The Miz being a mentor on NXT, I have a feeling this year will be The Miz's time to shine.

He is the current Unite States Champion, having been so for 2 or 3 months now I believe. He hasn't had many defenses, but he is definitely an excellent heel, and when the time is right, he will drop the belt and move on to bigger and better things.

Right now is also one half of the Unified Tag Team Champions with the Big Show as a part of ShowMiz. Now, I think it's too early to tell if this will be a transitional reign for the next people they decide to give the championship to, or if they will actually have a fairly decent reign of a few months or so similar to JeriShow.

With the debut of NXT on the horizon, he will also be mentoring Daniel Bryan ( Bryan Danielson ), and even though it is too early to tell what role the mentors will play in this show, it will definitely be interesting to see Miz " training" someone and " showing them the ropes ".

So my question to you forum, is 2010 the year of The Miz? With so much on The Miz's plate right now are they giving him the time to shine and show us what he's really got or is this all just coincidence?

EDIT : This thread is not to spectate on him winning the big one, as I know that will not happen this year.
Year of the miz??? I can't say that THIS year will be the "year of the miz" but 2010 will most definitely be a year that we will remember from the miz. He has started this year off FANTASTIC, winning both the WWE undisputed tag titles and the WWE united stated title. He is AWESOME on the mic, he is always progressing in the ring, and most importantly, now, he has THE LOOK. And that matters so much when trying to get up to that main event status. When he was with morrison, no doubt, he was still good. But that look, that's look IMO was just atrocious. It definitely made him look like a reality t.v., WWE wanna be.

But, as a previous thread stated, the miz made us eat our words. Now (only because vince says so) he has all the tools he needs to have 2011 be HIS year. That is, if all goes well with HIM.(Ie.not getting injured.)
I think you're definitely right, miz could, imo, be one of the top superstars by the end of this year or maybe by 2012. but don't you think that at the end of 2009 and 2010 also had a big part for big show. I mean sure he hasnt had the wwe title or the world heavyweight in a long time, but he had the unified tag titles for a long time with chris jericho, and is now holding the titles with the miz. so im also hoping that by the end of the year big show gets a well deserved push
Well, I'd have to say that so far, YES, 2010 has been the Year of the Miz. Will he keep all this momentum for the rest of the year? Only time will tell. But he's got the best start to the year of anyone by far. I've been a fan of the Miz for awhile now. Was rooting for him while he was in the TE challenge(GOD I told Everone Daniel Puder was a peice of Shizzwith a Z) and loved the Dirt Sheet. I never thought for one second he get to where he is now. he has totally surprised me as far as how good he's gotten. We all complain about how WWE doesn't push guys (Like Jack Swagger) but we have to admit that they got the Miz right. I'm actually hopeful now that he may even be elevated to main event status eventually.
ugh i would hope not. that would be more reason for me not to watch raw. i don't get why people think he's so great on the mic. he's one of those people that everytime he comes on my tv i have to change the channel. That garbage angle with Hart breaking his leg was more entertaining than anything the miz has to say. He's boring on the mic he's boring in the ring i can't really think of anything good to say about him. He doesn't even look like a wrestler. He looks like some reject off a reality tv show. Oh wait, that's exactly what he is.
I hope this will be his year he deserves it, he is great on the mic, and getting a lot better in the ring. I never thought he would be where he is, but he proved me and all the naysayers wrong.
He's doing well so far. He's the first double champion in recent memory and at present it appears both will be purposeful, rather than when they do the usual of having the world champion and number one contender win the tag titles so they can later argue and lose them. He's getting some promo time, changed his appearance, got in better shape, is working with good people and as much of a slap in the face to Indie wrestling as it is, he is getting to mentor a man 42 times as good at wrestling as him in Bryan Danielson, so it shows his value to the company.

I don't think Miz will ever win a world title, but he could be a very solid top of the mid-card talent who occasionally flirts with the main event for years to come.
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I don't think this will be THE year of the miz but a year when the miz becomes successful and hopefully have John Cena shut his mouth and whip his candy ass for pay back from last year when Cena absolutely crushed him. But I think this will be a good year for the miz but not THE year.
Miz is going to be an upper midcarder for the next year. He might get a few main event matches, but there's only a slim chance of him grabbing the big strap by the end of this year. Sure he's a double champion... But so was MVP. Most of you should know how that turned out. Hopefully he doesn't turn face and burn out by the end of this.
2010 will be the best year in Mizs career. In fact, right now is the highest you will ever see him. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a huge face for RAW right now. But I NEVER see him winning the big one. There is just something about him that screams "Midcard" to me. He don't have the Main Event feel, look, etc. In my opinion, that is.

Right now, he is the US Champ AND the Tag Champ with Big Show. We havn't seen a double champion in a LONG time, and as far as my memory goes, the last time we had a double champ NOT involving two rivals (Cena with Micheals before WM23) was Benoit in 2004 with Edge, and the Tag Titles barely ment anything at the time. I have a feeling one of the Mizs titles is about to take a back seat to the other, and when he drops his titles, it'll be a while, if ever again, he wins a title back.

We have seen MANY people get a push like the Miz is getting right now, and outside the ICW, he's just another guy the WWE is high on at the moment. This time next year Miz will be one of the guys that has what it takes to beat a Main Eventer, but won't. Much like half the midcarders on RAW now.
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This will definitely be a good year for The Miz. He's a double champion who is bringing prestige to both championships. Him tagging with The Big Show already once more has him flirting with the Main Event scene. I would say you would see Miz in his first Money In The Bank this year but he is holding two titles right now and you would almost expect one of them to be defended. Then again this is Vince McMahon so you never know what he'll do and we'll probably see both members of ShowMiz in the Money In The Bank.

This year I definitely see The Miz getting shots at the WWE title(or World Heavyweight title depending on how the draft goes)but not winning them just yet. I definitely see by the time 2011 rolls around that The Miz will definitely be poised to win The World Heavyweight Championship. The Miz has tremendous work ethic who started from nothing to everybody saying forget this reality show idiot to now people taking notice and realizing that he may be the future of the WWE!

I like The Miz! I say keep him with Big Show for a while until the tag division heats up like wildfire and then have them drop the belts eventually. I'd like to see The Big Show win the Intercontinental Title as well and help build that division. Let ShowMiz be a super team for a while and by Summer's end let them drop the belts and go on to their seperate paths. Especially since they are heels could you imagine the many segments Show and Miz would have complaining to the General Managers that they have to wrestle twice in one night at Night Of Champions? It would be comedic gold and raise Miz and Big Show's levels when they leave both matches as singles and tag champions. Usually I would hate for one person to have multiple matches in one night especially Night Of Champions but ShowMiz are one of the exceptions that I'd love to see. Cause everybody would hope for them to drop at least one of their championships but they end up retaining both and the fans are just chomping at the bit to see them lose. Hell Yeah I say let The Big Show capture the IC Championship and let ShowMiz be on a roll for most of the year.

So yes this will be a good year for The Miz that will lead into an even better 2011. The Miz has come a long long way and you can tell he still wants to learn more and be the best he can be. The Man will be a Main Eventer and the naysayers can finally shut up and accept it. Cause if Vince didn't see a damn thing in him he would have gotten canned long ago trust me on that friends.
I've been a believer in the Miz and do think this could be a big year for him. Obviously not a World Title but this year we will really see the Miz shine. He has remarkable mic skills which, while not the most important, are definitely huge. I also see continued progress in the ring so really we could see a big year from that "awesome" dude.
I don't think it would be too far-fetched to say that 2010 will be the year of The Miz. At the start of the year, I would have said that 2010 was going to be the year of Kofi Kingston, but Kofi's push has seemed to plateau a little for the time being. Miz, however, just gets better and better every week. He easily gets some of the biggest crowd reactions each week. And it'll be a crime if he doesn't play a significant role at WM26.

It's safe to assume at this point that he will defend either the tag titles or the US title at Mania. But, should creative decide to put him in the MITB instead, I would have to put him as the favorite to win the match, simply because, well, c'mon, how entertaining would The Miz be as Mr. Money in the Bank. Easily the best since Edge won the first one.
I think Miz is on the roll of his career. How harder can the push this guy? Now I HATED this fucker when he first arrived. I couldn't stand when he was on the screen. Worthless I think was my name for him. Now, he's one of my favorite wrestlers. The improvements are...awesome. Sorry, had to. Anyway, baring an inury Miz should have a great 2010 and I would not rule out a shocker somewhere along the way,
Everything seems to be going right for the Miz right now.

1. New theme music. I know this doesn't really matter as much as other points, but it is equally represented. Good theme music builds up a character, and leads to recognition. Hogan had great music, as did the Rock and Austin. Plenty of guys have unique themes that build their character to each fan, and now the Miz finally has a non-generic theme.

2. United States Champion and Unified Tag Team Champion. The Miz is one of the few double champions of this generation, and this definitely pushes him into the spotlight. It also shows that the WWE have faith in him and WANT to build up his character.

3. Mic time. Miz has also been given some good commentary segments, be they in support of the Big Show or scouting an opponent. Either way, he has been given the opportunity to grow and improve on his character, and relate this character growth to the fans.

4. He is the 'pro' to Daniel Bryan. This is another point that can only be a good thing. If the Miz is nothing more than a stepping stone for Bryan's career, then so be it. Only good things and more improvement can come for the Miz. This also leads to even more exposure to the Tuesday night fans.

So, yeah, 2010 should be a good year for the Miz. I still cannot see him as a main eventer, not yet anyway. However, very few instantly catapulted to success, and perhaps the Miz will get there someday. If he is indeed destined for greatness, I see this year being a good push in the right direction.
miz is pumped and primed to become the next rock at this point, maybe not that far, but hes going to reach the demographic that noone in the WWE currantly can reach to... the non wrestling fan, and im not talking about the casual fan, or someone who used to watch it, but people who would never give WWE a second look before like the rock did in 99... miz + show + american dragon + maryse= best stable ever... that wouldve been like rock, kane, trish and "remains nameless wrestler who used to be a great technicaly untill he went nuts" getting together a decade ago... which wouldve made people nuts... now thats all me doing wishful thinking, but regardless i think that we will be seeing WOTY edge in 07, Y2J in 08, RKO in 09 and MIZ in 10... its weird to name him with those other 3, considering they had all been world champions before having there best years, and the fact that a year ago noone wanted anything to do with him, now hes the only thing people want to talk about...
You know I hate to defy logic and the WWE's recent history points to the Miz's sheen wearing off by the end of 2010, I don't think that's going to be the case. And honestly, I feel it has everything to do with timing. Large pushes are solidified at major events, typically one of the big 4 events. Randy Orton's first major push was solidified at SummerSlam 04. Benoit's first main event push began right before the Rumble 04 and solidified at Wrestlemania 20. Cena and Batista both took the same path between Rumble 05 and Wrestlemania 21. I think some of the failed major pushes we have seen lately puttered out because there was no major event to have the payoff.

The Miz is in an amazing spot right now. He has become one of the top heels right on Raw right now with 6 weeks until Wrestlemania 26. Can anyone say Money in the Bank? The timing of his rise to stardom mirrors the timing of a number of past MITB winners (Edge, RVD, Kennedy for example). Add to the fact that the last 2 MITB winners were faces at the time of the wins (both times it was CM Punk) and I think it is a safe bet that we will see a heel take it this time. Of the current upper mid card heels, who is in a position to utilize the opportunity to maximum benefit? I don't see anyone that is close to the level the Miz is on now. Because of this and the timing and effectiveness of his push, I am betting the smart money on the Miz winning that match.

After that, I see one of three things happening. 1) They find someway to take the MitB off of him because they lose faith in him like they have done to so many others.

2) He cashes in and becomes to first man to unsuccessfully use his MitB shot.

3) and what would be the most effective scenario in my opinion, he does what Edge did in 06. Holds on to it for as long as possible. Eventually stop talking about it. Engage in other feuds. Maybe even earn title shots in other ways. Make the fans almost forget about it. And the moment when we least expect it, sometime in late 2010/early 2011, he cashes in, truly shocks the world, and wins a World Title.

I really like the idea of the third scenario. I don't see him cashing it in soon after winning it as he still has to take some time and solidify his spot as a main eventer, similar to what Edge did through 05 before he cashed in.
Yes,Yes and Yes.I really do think that this will be the year of the Miz.Right now he is the US champion and one half of the unified champion.As of right now he is the top star who is carrying 3 titles around his waist.

Yeah the miz is not the only one who is getting push.We have Drew,Jomo,R-truth,Ted.But out of the 5 stars no one is getting a major push more then the Miz.Yeah Drew is the IC champ but day by day he keeps stepping down the ladder.

Look i dont like the Miz he is to cocky and sometimes i think his Gay "not in a bad way"But i really want to see the miz loose the US title and the Unified titles in the future,And then get a really big push to face who ever is the WWE champ in RAW by that time,And win that Championship.All done in this year............Cause im AAAAWWWEEEESSOOME...
2010 will be the best year in Mizs career. In fact, right now is the highest you will ever see him.

I totally agree although I think Miz will definitly go on to win one of the "big" two. I just think that the WWE ought to push him slowly and not too quickly otherwise we'll end up with another Sheamus who Miz is undoubtedly more talented than.
2010 will be a great year for Miz, but might not be the year.

It all depends if creative is smart and pushes him slowly. The Miz is a great talent, please creative don't push him too fast and screw him up. I say let him do his thing with Daniel Bryan, drop the titles, have a nice midcard feud or two, give him a World title shot or two in a multi-man title match such as a championship scramble or something like that, slowly building him up as a main-eventer.

Again I think Miz will have a great or even amazing year, but not the year. I think were a good year or year and a half from his first World title win. Eventually Miz will become an amazing superstar, with numerous World title wins.Hell his year might not be until another 3-6 years from now. He may be awesome in the years to come,(no pun intended) but the year will come when he becomes a huge superstar will multiple reigns under his belt.
I personally think that this WILL BE the year of The Miz. Granted, I know he probably won't win the wwe or whc titles, but look at what he has going. He's us champ, unified tag champ, and mentoring an experienced rookie. :p I think the wwe will at least prepare him for being wwe champ some day. I think he isn't over enough to now, but he's getting there. I like Miz and think his character has developed. I believe he has also proven he has talent, and is great on the mic. I think he's got big things coming in 2010, and 2011 and beyond will be great because of his awesome 2010. I'll say good luck to him and hope for the best. :)
The Miz has been on a roll but I don't see 2010 being the year of The Miz. If Daniel Bryan ends up on RAW i see a feud between The Miz and Bryans where Bryans career officially starts and hopefully that is to come sooner than later.

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