The Year Of The Hulk

The Brain

King Of The Ring
We all know that Hulk Hogan has been a legendary figure in professional wrestling for over a quarter century. He’s had his share of ups and downs but for the most part Hogan has been at least somewhat relevant every year since the early 80s. Looking back on the last three decades what would you say was Hogan’s best year?

I think there are a few good answers. If it was obvious I wouldn’t have bothered with the thread. You could say 1982 when Hulk became mainstream with a breakout role in Rocky III. You could say 1984 when he won his first WWF title and became the face of the company as they marched forward with their national expansion. You could say 1987 when he headlined what many consider to be the biggest match in wrestling history as he and Andre The Giant drew over 90,000 fans to the Silverdome for WrestleMania III. You could say 1989 when he won his second world title and got the lead role in a movie for the first time. You could say 1994 when he resurrected his career and helped save the sinking ship that was WCW. You could say 1996 when he had a major hand in revolutionizing the business by turning heel and creating the nwo. You could say 2002 when he finally came home to the WWF and despite returning as a heel got the fans to believe in Hulkamania again. You could even say 2010 when he took on the challenge of trying to make TNA a respectable competitor to WWE. Maybe you even have another answer. I have another answer.

Despite the impressive list above I feel Hulk’s greatest year was 1985. I’m tempted to say 1984 as that was the year it all started for Hogan and the WWF. Even though he had pretty much instant success it usually takes a little bit of time before anything new hits its peak. As 1985 began Hogan was entering his second year as WWF champion and the national expansion was in full swing. He had become pretty much universally accepted as the most popular man in wrestling. In 1985 wrestling had become a big part of pop culture and Hulk was largely responsible. I’m sure I don’t need to go into detail about how Hulk headlined the first WrestleMania with television superstar Mr. T. In 1985 Hogan hosted Saturday Night Live, was on the cover of Sports Illustrated, and even got his own cartoon show. The seeds of Hulkamania were planted in 1984 and in 1985 Hogan was in full bloom.

Let’s hear your answers. If you don’t agree with my choice I’ve already gotten you started for an opposing viewpoint. What was the greatest year of Hulkamania?
I would have to say his defining year was the feud with Andre. I don't think any rivalry in wrestling had so much exposure. It not only defines Hulk-A-Mania but defines WrestleMania and is the biggest (not greatest) match in Wrestling history.
this is an easy one for me, and im sure everyone will have there own personal reasons. 1987
while his momentum began in '84 i feel that he peeked, along w/ the business @ the time, in '87. Prior to '87 Hulk had no legitimate threats to his title reign....Andre was a true threat, and so were those that came after...Macho Man..and yes, Ultimate Warrior. I would say that 1984 was the begining, 1987 was the peek (his best), and 1991 was the last year of his best days in WWF. IMO he did not become relevant again until the N.W.O. angle. When he jumped to WCW in '94 wrestling had become stale along with the Hulk character. If he went to N.W.A. in 1987 that would have been a majoir coup for JCP.
hogan in the 80's was okay but the best hogan hands down was 1996 when he turned heel.. that changed wrestling forever... at wrestlemania 3 he slammed andre the giant in front of 93000 people, but in 1996 he shocked millions of people around the world making the biggest heel turn EVER!!!! he took wcw to number 1 for 2 years straight almost putting out wwe out of business, he was the leader of the greatest faction in wrestling history NWO!!!! heel hogan was much better than face hogan.. my best years of hogan 1996-1998 even tho i was a hulk hogan fan was a kid in the golden age nothing beats heel hogan tho..
hogan in the 80's was okay but the best hogan hands down was 1996 when he turned heel.. that changed wrestling forever... at wrestlemania 3 he slammed andre the giant in front of 93000 people, but in 1996 he shocked millions of people around the world making the biggest heel turn EVER!!!! he took wcw to number 1 for 2 years straight almost putting out wwe out of business, he was the leader of the greatest faction in wrestling history NWO!!!! heel hogan was much better than face hogan.. my best years of hogan 1996-1998 even tho i was a hulk hogan fan was a kid in the golden age nothing beats heel hogan tho..

I wasn't around at the time to see Hogan during the 80's and 90's, but when Hogan picked up Andre and slammed him, that moment defined Wrestlemania and the 'Invincible Force meets Immovable Object' type match. Since then every year we see these kinds of matches at Wrestlemania. Hogan made pro-wrestling big during the 80's, not during the 90's. He was the original Superman! From what I've seen he was doing well for WcW during the 90's, but I'd have to say 80's hands down... The decade of the Hulkster!
I would have to say WrestleMania 3 where Hogan took on Andrea the Giant was what made Hogan only because all the other guys they knew what was going to happen, with Andrea no one apparently knew if Andrea would pass the torch and allow himself to get pinned so thats my pick, Hogan had many feuds with many others but with Andrea the Giant for I heard he decided on if Hogan was going to step forward or backwards and we all seen what happen, he won and slammed someone that was unslamable
1987 hands down. Certainly 1984 was big, winning the title and becoming the public face of the explosion in popularity in wrestling. 1985 with the advent of WrestleMania, with him as thye focal point was big. 1994 Finally beating Ric Flair and becoming WCW Champion, along with probably the most unforseen, truly shocking heel turn in wrestling history in 1996 were also huge moments.

In 1987, Hogan had already vanquished some pretty big opponents, including Paul Orndorf, Piper, and Savage. Andre had been one of the most popular fan favorites ever and had never been pinned in over 20 years of wrestling. His turning in Hogan and joining forces with Hogan's arch nemesis Bobby Heenan was brilliant booking, and made this probably the most anticipated match in wrestling in many years.

If there was anyone who could beat Hogan outright it was the legendary Andre, add the spectacle of the largest crowd ever for an indoor entertainment event in North America (93,000 plus in the Silverdome), the budding advent of wrestling on pay per view, brand new at this time, and Andre's incredible streak, this was a huge match. Hogan's victory verified he was THE WWE at this time, absolutely huge. He further added to his legend by winning a series of matches against 7 time world champion Harley Race later in the year.

Hogan's whole mystique really crystalized in 1987. Since 1980, Flair, Austin, etc have all had great moments but Hogan has been wrestling's biggest star - some would argue he's been less than easy to work with but that's another thread. Without 1987, Hogan isn't as huge a star and in fact other moments like losing to UT, his matches with Flair in 94, and even the NWO heel turn would not have been as big.

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