The X-Files


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
Greatest show of all time, hands down. There was never a more intelligent, hilarious, scary, suspenseful, emotional, dramatic, and all around amazing television series then the X-Files was.

I could literally spend the rest of my life watching the X-Files and be perfectly satisfied. Its that good of a show. Everything from the amazing writing to the awesome music (best theme song ever) to the great acting to the even better camerawork, this show was balls to the wall in every regard. I honestly cannot think of a single bad episode of this show, including the last 2 seasons when David Duchovny began to appear less and less on the show and was semi-replaced by Robert Patrick. The strength of the writing was able to carry those two last seasons even without Mulder.

So tell me I'm not the only fan here of the X-Files? Any other File-ites out there? It would be badass to talk about some of our favorite episodes here.

Personally my favorite episodes were always the mytharc ones (the ones dealing with the central storyline involving aliens and Mulder) but to decide a favorite would just be too damned hard.

I guess if it came down to it my favorite episode was "Beyond the Sea" where the always amazing-as-fuck Brad Dourif plays a death row inmate who can speak to the dead. Such a great damn episode.

So who else wants to believe? :D
Did you not hear about my X-Files marathon xfear? I really wish I hadn't bothered. 9 series' in two weeks. I did it in 2 and a half. But by the end I was so sick of that show. 3 seasons in I thought I was gonna be ok. Everything was going well. I was on course to do that thing. Then fatigue and repatition set in. I hate the X-Files now. Watching all of them in pretty much one go you realize how much each series get's a little worse. And man that show has dated badly. It's fine now. I don't mind but for people who weren't around when it first came out I'm not sure what would attract them to it.
Damn Jake, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it man. Different taste for sure, but you can't deny that the writing in that show was LEAGUES above anything else on television, maybe still is (except for maybe shows like Lost).

It's really a show for a specific audience at its core; horror and sci-fi fans. But man did it encompass so much more then that. One of my favorite elements of the show is the fact that no matter how terrifying or frightening the monsters or aliens might be, the government's men in black and those corrupt with power are a thousand times worse.
I didn't dislike it. I overloaded. If I'd watched a series a month over 9 months I probably would have been ok. But watching them all in one go make you notice the quality of them get worse. And by the end I just wasn't intrested at all. The first couple of series' are still excellent though.
Meh, I'd disagree, but thats just my opinion of course.

I for one enjoy the later seasons almost as much as the early ones. Of course the first 5 seasons are classics and can't be compared to, but the strength of the writing, the acting, the directing, and the stories did not get worse in the later seasons at all. Did you ever see that episode Redrum, in which a lawyer wakes up in a jail cell charged with the murder of his wife and remembers nothing of the last few days? How every day he wakes up and it's the day before? That was a great episode and was written awesomely, and kept you guessing to the end.

Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks I guess.
i myself love the x-files, my favorite episode was the cops one. i love it because of the drama. mulder would always get close to what he wanted to see or hear but something would always mess it up. also it allows people to see different possibilities to how life is. secret government cover ups aliens monsters. and the best part of all, some of the stuff they showed sometimes made you wonder if it were at all possible.
This thread needed some motherfuckin' bumpage.

I know there must be some X-Files fans among this new crop of posters, how could you not be? With lovable ruffians like Mulder and Scully and Skinner how could you not? Possible the greatest television show of all time if you ask me. The writing was cream of the crop, and the stories told ere of unbelievable quality for quite a few years. There are countless great episodes of this show that I could go into detail about, but I decided to bump this thread in the honor of what is probably my favorite X-Files episode of all time, and the one that got me hooked on the show in the first place: Fallen Angel (Season 1, Episode 10) which I am currently watching.

So, X-Files fans, I'm calling you out. Favorite episodes, moments? Come on! Where are the nerds?
I am not exactly an X-Files fan, but I would be if it wasn't for the fact that my flat mates took the piss every time I put it on. The most entertaining episode, and the one that everyone I know seems to have seen is the one where the guy can stretch and oes through the airvents and kills people. Pretty cool. The problem with the series is that it kind of lost momentum when Mulder left, but they kept flogging the dead horse for too long. It's rare for a programme to have as defining a shark jumping moment as this.

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