The WWE Thread


Pre-Show Stalwart
Use this thread to post anything and everything World Wrestling Entertainment. News, Rumors, opinions, etc. etc.

Here some thoughts I have.
-Andre the Giant ain't never cried like no bitch.
-Punk/Jericho was a very disappointing feud and I won't be sad to see Jericho go. To me, guys like Jericho get to where they are by trying so hard to prove them self and when they no longer care about proving them self it's time to hang it up.
-The build for Punk/Bryan has sucked and there should be much more importance being put on it, hopefully it gets better after their first match.
-The only way 3 hours of Raw could be entertaining is if Cena got injured and was out for months, but I guess that would mean we'd get more of Miz/Del Rio, which is going to happen anyway.
For the past couple weeks, WWE has been running a viral campaign on the company website hyping that a new "revolution is coming."

Prior to several Over the Limit backstage interviews posted to the site earlier today, a new video has been running noting that the "revolution is coming" on May 28th.


Ugh, I got to wait a week. Cool week though, The Revolution arrives and TNA goes Live.

I think Dean Ambrose certainly has something to do with this, but I just hope it's more. I'd like to see him debut with a group, but I think Rollins/Ohno are going to be doing NXT anyway. Eh, if anything at least it will be an Ambrose debut.
Waiting to mark out for Shelley and Flair's arrival in WWE. Could you imagine if we saw one or the other tonight?
It's funny to think WWE has a chance at having both the Kings of Wrestling and the Motor City Machineguns, but the problem with WWE is, if they did have bout tag teams on their roster, you'd never know it.
Why the hell do I see that face for "Revolution is coming" looking like CM Punk, Chris Hero(Kassius Ohno,) and Matt Morgan?
Use this thread to post anything and everything World Wrestling Entertainment. News, Rumors, opinions, etc. etc.

Thanks finaly some activity on this no-mans land.

-Andre the Giant ain't never cried like no bitch.

True, Its damn true.

Punk/Jericho was a very disappointing feud and I won't be sad to see Jericho go.
I agree that their feud has been so damn lackluster and its a shame. There could have been so much going on between them if they were given better material from creative, but allas we can always think about what could have been.

To me, guys like Jericho get to where they are by trying so hard to prove them self and when they no longer care about proving them self it's time to hang it up.

I don't nessesarily agree with you on this. The reason why guys like Jericho can always come back is because there hasn't been anyone who has stepped up and claimed his spot. The main event is piss poor right now and one injury can really claim damage. Because of this guys like Jericho always have a place in the WWE untill Vince builds some LEGIT mainstream popular or at least decent stars.

-The build for Punk/Bryan has sucked and there should be much more importance being put on it, hopefully it gets better after their first match.
Definitely. But thankfully these guys are so talented they don't even need a feud to tell a story, when I watched their match I was in awe and thats WITHOUT a proper storyline, imagine what would happen if they got a good one. But looking at the recent developements with A.J. I think WWE finaly has opened their eyes and is starting a proper storyline with these two. But we all know how the WWE can fuck even the best things up..

-The only way 3 hours of Raw could be entertaining is if Cena got injured and was out for months, but I guess that would mean we'd get more of Miz/Del Rio, which is going to happen anyway.

I'm holding out my opinion wether the 3 hours are a good or bad thing, but at least I get more wrestling. If Cena's out, ratings are out and unfortunately that sucks.
I don't nessesarily agree with you on this. The reason why guys like Jericho can always come back is because there hasn't been anyone who has stepped up and claimed his spot. The main event is piss poor right now and one injury can really claim damage. Because of this guys like Jericho always have a place in the WWE untill Vince builds some LEGIT mainstream popular or at least decent stars.

Yeah, what I don't like about it is that it's too easy for Jericho and he can come and go as he pleases.

As for Cena, your right. I'm not a fan - never was. What magnifies my dislike for him is his position and importance in WWE, but my issue with him is not so much with him as it is with WWE. They script everything that happens so it's them I blame. If Cena were actually a squeeky clean baby face, I might actually be able to like his character but he comes across as so phony and heelish at times that I just can't ever get behind his character.

Instances of this are the way Cena kicks out of pins (he pushes the guy off him like he's saying (GTFO me, bitch!) Or when Rey Mysterio went through a tourny to win the Interim WWE title and after having a match with the Miz to win the interim title, John Cena (who wasn't in the tourny) all of sudden was given a title shot the same night which he of course won (but like I said, that's WWE's writing for you as they rushed the CM Punk leaving with the title angle.)

So yeah I don't like Cena, but it's attributed to WWE's booking, writing, target demo, and formulaic style.
Yeah, what I don't like about it is that it's too easy for Jericho and he can come and go as he pleases.

And only one man is responsible for this, Vince.

As for Cena, your right. I'm not a fan - never was. What magnifies my dislike for him is his position and importance in WWE, but my issue with him is not so much with him as it is with WWE. They script everything that happens so it's them I blame.
I agree with this. The problem is that he's making a LOT of money. And that's why its called a business, to make money. Vince doesn't care that fans have an intense dislike for Cena the only thing he's doing is plugging his ears and looking at the dollar signs in the audience.

If Cena were actually a squeeky clean baby face, I might actually be able to like his character but he comes across as so phony and heelish at times that I just can't ever get behind his character.

You know when Cena was feuding with the Rock, I disagreed with this. I thought that no one was willing to give Cena a chance. I agreed that for years probably since 05 Cena has had the same corny, stale, goody 2 shoes guy character and after 7 years of course people could take no more. I knew the WWE had known of this fact but didn't do a damn thing about it. So I gave it a chance. And when Cena lost to the Rock I thought to myself on the next monday NOW is the CHANCE to change him. By change I don't nessicarily mean heel turn, I mean change his character. But what did we get, like '' Yeah I lost but I won't change Hustly, Loyalty, And Respect is what I stand for'' and all of that bullshit.

Now my dislike for him has come back. I agree with you I just CANT get behind this guy. It's not completely his fault but he damn sure has a big part in it. But what can we do? Just support other wrestlers by chanting their name, buying their merchandise AKA Daniel Bryan so that Vince lays Cena low for a while. Because face it man Cena ''ain't goin nowhere son'' unless he's injured of course but that I won't wish for him. Because I do agree he's a good guy in real life and in the ring.
That last Raw was pretty bad btw. Aside from Punk/Bryan, I don't think I really care about anything else on Raw.

I was interested in Brock, but not sure when he'll be on TV again and of course he's got to feud with Triple H, instead of putting the whole roster on alert or going after someone who needs the push and isn't semi retired.

The show is just too damn boring.
Just want to give my thoughts on the creative notes *GWS posted in the WZSpam section.

On Vince only knowing WWE and not having seen a movie like the Shining: This also goes along with Scott Hall pitching Razor Ramon(based on Scarface) and Vince had never seen Scarface.

On Cena wanting to become a heel, as his actual personality is like that of his Thuganomics gimmick: I believe this, as that's part of the reason I don't like Cena. Trying to portray someone like Cena as a super babyface is why he comes off so phony. It's one to be a face, but too try and portray yourself so differently then you actually are takes talent(which we all know Cena hasn't got, lol.) Like it's annoying to hear "Cena loves kids" meanwhile he's 35 and has none of his own. If Stone Cold tried to be a super baby face he'd have the same problem.

As for the baby face to take over for Cena(or be pushed as one in general and see how it goes), the guy who I've seen to be an natural babyface (if you notice, he doesn't come across well as a heel) is Ted Dibiase Jr. I know that guy has disappeared, think he's injured but even before that, but if I were to pick a guy to put over as my squeeky clean, traditional goody two shoes, Ted Dibiase is a natural, as well as he has the size, look etc. He'd just need to add a couple of moves, better music, couple other adjustments, and off we go.

All in all I believed the memo(or w/e you'd call it.)

The part about the chair shots, juicing, etc is especially disappointing and especially true. Just like the NFL(which is currently in a fight for it's life,) a lot of things which you would consider "the nature of the sport" have to be phased out for safety, sensitivity or whatever it might be.
Some of the most memorable moments from wrestling can never be repeated or never come close to being repeated by accident because everything has to be restricted. And because of this the heels can never be as hated (Sgt Slaughter/Iron Sheik anti-america, Col Debeers super racist) and to a lesser degree the faces will never get as over (Hulk Hogan becoming an American Hero.)

It's like if you heard you can live forever by not doing any or most of things you love to do (listening to music etc,) what the heck would be the use?
One of the best RAWs I've seen in years tonight, so far. So much wrestling tonight, it's incredible. Can't wait till 3 hour Raws if they keep going in this direction.
Paul Heyman tweeted: "It's going to be one wild F'N year"

CM Punk replied: "They have NO idea"

Interesting, but at the end of the day they're both salesman and Punk can be a bit of a troll(i.e. his Batista messages.)
I read Paul Heyman's twitter rant last night...

Paul Heyman basically admitted he's a bullshit artist and there are too many of them in power as it is.

And as for Chris Jericho's "you can't get anywhere being nice" comment, I agree. That's why legitimate "good guys" or natural babyfaces (like Ted Dibiase Jr.) will never get to the very top, which you have to do by stepping on people, politicing, and bullying your way through (as Heyman suggested,) which is why Cena/Orton are in the positions that they are.

Also about Jericho's comment, I think WWE's current lockerroom looks like a bunch of *****es when compared to those of old. I think that's why people look forward too someone like Dean Ambrose debuting as he doesn't seem like the type of guy whose looking for acceptance from Orton as I think guys like Ziggler, Miz and Rhodes do. He's a wild card and WWE needs those personalities that WWE can't be certain they can keep in line. Randy Orton is one of the biggest offenders in WWE and the bastard is signed through 2019, Shawn Michaels was the same way.
I'm a fan of Ryback.

Only things is when he starts facing real competition, I think he's going to need to change that finisher. I rather the finisher he's using now to be a signature move and he should use that swinging move that ends kind of like a Rockbottom as a finisher instead.

Sucks Nexus got ruined(once Bryan got fired it lost it's legs). Could you imagine Nexus now with Daniel Bryan/Wade Barrett as co-leaders with Ryback as the muscle, David Otunga as the lawyer gimmick etc and whoever else you'd like to add to that.
Sucks Nexus got ruined(once Bryan got fired it lost it's legs). Could you imagine Nexus now with Daniel Bryan/Wade Barrett as co-leaders with Ryback as the muscle, David Otunga as the lawyer gimmick etc and whoever else you'd like to add to that.

Daniel Bryan got fired before "The Nexus" even had a name, lol. He was fired after the first night when they came down and destroyed everything at ringside.

I understand where you're coming from about The Nexus, though to be fair I don't think Daniel Bryan or David Otunga would be where they are today if they were still stuck in the Nexus. Plus, it would have been weird for Skip Sheffeild to come back as Ryback but still be in the same stable. I feel like Wade Barrett is the only one who truly benefited from the stable.
I read Dean Ambrose/Mick Foley was suppose to be Dean's first WWE feud, but now it might not happen. My thoughts are, I think I would of liked to have seen that. Foley isn't in great shape, but he never was. I think Foley would of been a good feud for Dean because Foley could give Dean heat. None of these new guys have any heat to work with and if your not facing Cena, it's pretty lackluster.

Foley makes Dean a big deal off the bat and Foley can't be cast aside like the young guys are. Foley would be able to give Dean the appropriate airtime as well as drawing out all the emotion he can from the fans.

I'd like to see this feud happen and hope it does.

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