The Wrestlezone Tournament Drinking Game

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
The Wrestlezone Tournament: Proving it is possible to make drinking alone at your computer even more pathetic than it actually is!

The point of the game is essentially the same as any drinking game played in history; something happens, you drink, your liver hates you, you wind up getting divorced, and you lose a name bet with Sam to become the next in his growing Dagger Dias army. So without further ado, allow me to introduce the rules!

You take a drink when any of the following happens;

1. Someone overrates the value of a dead wrestler. It's one thing to like a dead guy, it's another to argue a dead wrestler would have a better career if he didn't die, and therefore should win. It isn't your job to hump a corpse; that's WWE's job, brotha.

2. Someone starts a sentence with "he could have been world champion." If I have to hear one more time how Curt Hennig deserved to be world champion, I'm going to drown kittens. He wasn't a champion; get over it. Christ.

3. Anytime a puro wrestler is judged for a supposed lack of promo ability. Take two drinks if this is done for Lucha Libre wrestlers.

4. Anyone aside from Gelgarin implies they have watched a Lou Thesz match. And perhaps Tastycles.

5. Take a drink when someone is described as the face of a certain countries type of wrestling, and it isn't El Santo. Take five shots if that argument is used for the big fatty, Big Daddy. After all, he may be "the face of British wrestling", but he caused the downfall of British wrestling, too. And he's a fatty, you see. So five shots.

6. Take a drink when nightmare posts. I promise you, you'll need it.

7. When someone tries to use the logic of A beat B, B beat C, so is A is greater than C, you drink. Drink twice if C has beaten A at some point.

8. "Wrestler X can't climb a ladder". That's a drinking. Multiply that by five if the person has won cage matches in the past.

Since it would be redundant to say that you get to force someone to take a drink, and it might as well be added to the above list of rules; you can make everyone drink if.

1. You manage to make someone butthurt; two drinks if it's a mod, three for a g-mod

2. You are nightmare, and you post. Yes, the transitive property does work here.

3. You convince enough people to vote that even though a person wouldn't normally beat his opponent, that the gimmick match means they'll win. Because hey, the world needs some more idiots.

Now, the upsets; everyone loves to drink, and everyone loves upsets. So, in the first round, have a drink for the difference between the favored wrestler, and the underdog. If a 17 beats a sixteen, take a drink. If the 18 beats the 15, take three drinks.

Every round, multiply the upsets drink times two. That 16 take down a 1? Guess what? You're taking 30 sips, man.

And then finally; the 40 pouring. Here, you save a 40, specifically for that one special wrestler you hold dear to your heart. Keep it unopened as long as he's winning. But once he's out; pour a little on the curb, and chug that 40.

More rules as I come up with them, and aren't typing this on my phone
This can be done with any beverage, correct? This game looks like great fun, but I don't want to drown myself from the inside out with beer.
If the gimmicks aren't meant to be taken into account, why have them at all?

Finish your drink if an admin threatens to ban people for saying a particular phrase.
So, is this a drinking session which is taking place semi-continuously over the course of two months? Say if I come home one night as see Chris Benoit has just beaten Stone Cold, do I need to make my way to the nearest Bargain Booze and crack one open?
I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that Eddie was still climbing the ranks at the time of his death.

You heard the man. Drink!
Drink thrice every time you vote for someone you like better even though you know they are the worse choice. People that voted for Cena in the finals last year can start the festivities.
1. Someone overrates the value of a dead wrestler. It's one thing to like a dead guy, it's another to argue a dead wrestler would have a better career if he didn't die, and therefore should win. It isn't your job to hump a corpse; that's WWE's job, brotha.

A solid start. See: Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Owen Hart.

2. Someone starts a sentence with "he could have been world champion." If I have to hear one more time how Curt Hennig deserved to be world champion, I'm going to drown kittens. He wasn't a champion; get over it. Christ.

Henning was AWA World Champion. That's #5 on my historical World Championship list. (WWE/WHC, WCW, NWA, IWGP, AWA, NJP, ECW.)

5. Take a drink when someone is described as the face of a certain countries type of wrestling, and it isn't El Santo. Take five shots if that argument is used for the big fatty, Big Daddy. After all, he may be "the face of British wrestling", but he caused the downfall of British wrestling, too. And he's a fatty, you see. So five shots.

I will Canek your ass on this.

7. When someone tries to use the logic of A beat B, B beat C, so is A is greater than C, you drink. Drink twice if C has beaten A at some point.

Love it. So true.

8. "Wrestler X can't climb a ladder". That's a drinking. Multiply that by five if the person has won cage matches in the past.

The fucking Vader rule.

"Vader can't climb teh ladderz he is FATZ!"

"He did moonsaults regularly and is the most agile big man in history. Besides, climbing ladders is a function of balance and strength."

"STFU Vader sux he's too fat and Czena sux too he only knows 5 movez."

1. You manage to make someone butthurt; two drinks if it's a mod, three for a g-mod

If I had to drink everytime D-Man got butthurt by something I said, I'd be Amy Winehouse by now. Thus making me dead and over rated. Drink one.
So you single me out based on what exactly?...

A) you are mistakenly lumping me in with idiots who post in the tournament who have likely not watched a match earlier than 2005. Those people are useless wikipedia machines. I know my stuff, not the best on the forum, but I can hold my own just fine.


B) The infamous ladder situation which you likely have not really read. The one where people claimed Andre could not climb because he is too heavy or stupid to figure it out. Those people were either trolling or just dumb. I came up with credible reasons and logic as to how Punk would win-not using any of those stupid ass arguments, but with skill and laws of physics.

So.... either way. I will be glad to hash it out with you in the tournament if we oppose sides in a given matchup. You know your shit & I am sure you will be able to form credible & intelligent opinions, which I cannot say for 80% of the people who post in the tournament.
Drink thrice every time you vote for someone you like better even though you know they are the worse choice. People that voted for Cena in the finals last year can start the festivities.

I can totally get behind this. That actually sounds like a good rule. Added to the list.

So you single me out based on what exactly?...

A) you are mistakenly lumping me in with idiots who post in the tournament who have likely not watched a match earlier than 2005. Those people are useless wikipedia machines. I know my stuff, not the best on the forum, but I can hold my own just fine.


B) The infamous ladder situation which you likely have not really read. The one where people claimed Andre could not climb because he is too heavy or stupid to figure it out. Those people were either trolling or just dumb. I came up with credible reasons and logic as to how Punk would win-not using any of those stupid ass arguments, but with skill and laws of physics.

So.... either way. I will be glad to hash it out with you in the tournament if we oppose sides in a given matchup. You know your shit & I am sure you will be able to form credible & intelligent opinions, which I cannot say for 80% of the people who post in the tournament.

I'm sorry, but I read it; wasn't a fan, but hey, I'll watch these rounds.

I also am considering adding some odds to this; people, give me some realistic dark horses to make the sweet sixteen, and I'll add some odds, where if they succeed, you drink as many times.

For example, let's take CM Punk. I would personally offer a 25/1 odds he makes it to the sweet sixteen this year. And if you take his odds, you can make everyone else drink. I'd do it for winners of the actual tournament, and here's what I got so far;

Odds on winning the whole shebang;

Hulk Hogan: 4/1
Rock: 5/1
Steve Austin: 7/1

And so forth
Kane made the Sweet 16 one year by defeating Bret Hart in a First Blood Match - give me the odds of him making it again.
Kane made the Sweet 16 one year by defeating Bret Hart in a First Blood Match - give me the odds of him making it again.

Hmm... I'd give his odds about somewhere between 20/1

Oddly enough, I was doing research on this last week, and I found; he's actually got longevity as a draw in WWE, much more than expected. It's actually kinda fascinating to consider; maybe I've sweetened to Kane, but I think there's a pretty good chance, given the kayfabe prime and gimmick matches he could wind up in, that he makes it far. And I wouldn't complain
Also, whoever is running the whole prediction deal, I would love to work out something involving brackets and drinking. Think that idea could catch on
Every time people use obvious wiki facts to make their post non-spam, you drink.

Oooh, I like it.

Also, I've put together some rough odds, for who I think will win this tournament, based on word of mouth around here. Here's a rough estimate of where I see certain wrestlers. I'm taking into account past performance,

Hulk Hogan: 5/2 odds (note; if you pick Hulk Hogan, that means you drink twice, brother.)

John Cena: 4/1 odds

Steve Austin: 6/1 odds

Rock: 7/1 odds (note; both of these men have won in the past, so I give them less of a chance, based on that)

Lou Thesz:8/1

Bruno: 10/1 (maybe he gets pushed because of the hall of fame deal)

Macho Man: 10/1

Ric Flair: 12/1

Kurt Angle: 12/1

Undertaker: 15/1

Triple H: 15/1

Shawn Michaels: 17/1

Bret Hart: 17/1

Brock Lesnar: 20/1

Sting: 20/1

Andre the Giant: 25/1

Verne Gagne: 30/1

El Santo: 35/1

CM Punk: 45/1 (last year's performance drew a lot of enemies. Good luck this year, Punk camp)

I'll amend these as soon as I actually find out the brackets; after all, this is all pointless conjecture, based on past results. The real odds probably should come out when the brackets do

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