The Wrestlezone Finishers Tournament

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Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
Who knows when it is coming? It may be tomorrow or it may be a year from now. One thing that is guaranteed, I will be running it if the great people on these forums will allow me to do so. This tournament will be comprised of the best 64 finisher in wrestling history throughout Canada, America, Mexico, UK, Japan, and everywhere else. No finisher is safe as even the best may not make it to the finals.

So far I have come up with 41 finishers and I need your help to fill out the remaining 23. I really want those who are more knowledgeable of Japanese or Mexican wrestling than I to come up the rest of them. I would greatly appreciate it. Here are the 41 I have come up with.

1. Leg Drop
2. Figure Four
3. Sharpshooter
4. Stone Cold Stunner
5. People's Elbow
6. Pedigree
7. Sweet Chin Music
8. Tombstone Piledriver
9. Ankle Lock
10. RKO
11. Mandible Claw
12. Chokeslam
13. Attitude Adjustment
14. Spear
15. Walls of Jericho
16. Unprettier
17. Twist of Fate
18. Swanton Bomb
19. GTS
20. Muscle Buster
21. Styles Clash
22. Black Hole Slam
23. Frog Splash
24. Gore
25. Five Star Frog Splash
26. Tazmission
27. Border Toss
28. Gringo Killah
29. Crippler Crossface
30. Texas Cloverleaf
31. Walls of Saturn
32. Scorpion Deathdrop
33. Vaderbomb
34. Razor's Edge
35. Jackknife Powerbomb
36. Chickenwing Crossface
37. Camel Clutch
38. Flying Elbow
39. Million Dollar Dream
40. Bionic Elbow
41. Running Lariat

If there are any well-known finishers I have missed, feel free to make suggestions and if diva's finishers should be included as well.
Angle Slam
Canadian Destroyer
Batista Bomb
The Stroke
Scorpion Death Drop
Mic Check
Sliced Bread #2
Shooting Star Press
Diamond Cutter
"The Closed Thread"


Wins every time...
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