The Wrestler Of The Decade

The Wrestler Of The Decade

  • AJ Styles

  • Batista

  • Big Show

  • Chris Jericho

  • Eddie Guerrero

  • Edge

  • John Cena

  • Kurt Angle

  • Randy Orton

  • Rey Mysterio

  • The Rock

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

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Dark Match Winner
I've had this cooking in my head for a while and since not just the end of the year, but also the end of the 00's is approaching; I've figured that I should put this together on who do you think was the decade's biggest star, the hardest working, and who really made an impression in this decade. There's many big names who have done so much in this decade but only one stands above all of them.

My personal choice has to go with Kurt Angle. His career began and dominated in this decade and we all witnessed him becoming a rising star from the beginning. His classic matches with guys like Chris Benoit, Brock Lesnar, and Shawn Michaels became some of the greatest matches of all time. His moments from his undefeated streak being ended by Taz, getting his head shaved bald by Edge, competing in the main event of WrestleMania XIX, joining TNA, and more created what I think is the most storied career of the decade.

This isn't based on my opinion. These names are on this poll for a reason and that is that they have made moments, contributions, and great matches for these 10 years. Go vote!!
I voted for Triple-H. While I'm not a huge fan, the guy has had his finger in the WWE title scene for nearly every year of this decade, so it made sense to me.
I'm going with 'Taker. Before you people jump me, let me explain why.

I chose 'Taker because, IMO, he is the most recognizable figure in the WWE today. What he has done in this last decade is nothing short of what a Phenom should do. The way that he is able to change to keep up with the times. The way that he continues to have his best matches ever here in the last couple of years. The way that the man remains relevant to even new fans. 'Taker is just extraordinary. IMO, you can't get much better than 'Taker or HBK in wrestling.
Triple H hes played apart of every year in a big way hes been a important figure in the WWE main event scene this decade. Obviously not the best performer but has been involved in some of the biggest feuds of the decade
As much as I hate to admit it, I voted for John Cena. I personally don't like his character anymore, but the guy is quickly becoming an icon and the face of WWE (if he isn't already).
For me it’s either AJ Styles or Chris Jericho. Don’t get me wrong though, all of those other wrestlers in your list are great choices and I can see why people would pick any of the other choices.

But the reasons why I chose AJ and Chris is because I’ve enjoyed their work than most other wrestlers thought this decade. Both of them have provided a lot of great entertainment. They have had some great feuds and matches. AJ Styles had a great match with Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels, a great match with just Samoa Joe alone, Kurt Angle, and many other people.

The same would go with Jericho. It’s a possibility that he has put on more classics than anyone else in this decade. He’s at least in the top 5 for most classics in this decade. Anyways, he had an amazing match with Shawn Michaels at WM19, he had a pretty good triple threat match with Christian and John Cena, just this year he had a great a feud with Rey Mysterio and had possibly the TV match of the year for the WWE with him.

What’s funny though is that I haven’t even begun to scratch with the surface with both of these wrestlers. They have done a ton and they are both deserving of being the wrestlers of the decade. Just like a lot of the other choices are.
Personally, I feel like it has to be Taker. Unlike many men on that list he has been around for the entire decade. 2000 to 2009 is 10 years and for those 10 years he has been putting on consistently great matches. He has won numerous championships and had some of the best feuds of his entire career. A close second would have to be Angle but for me the right chose here is the Deadman. I am not even a huge fan of Taker but the man gets the job done at a high level night in and night out. He also isnt very big in the politicing in wwe such as HHH is and has accomplished this by doing his job to a high degree and sleeping his way to the top. But like I said I could potentially be swayed the way of Angle as well.
well i voted for hhh. he has been the face of the biggest wrestling company since 2001 and he is that damn good but i have no gripe about people voting for undertaker or kurt angle.let me say i think undertaker should be number 1 but the time he has missed over this decade really knocks him a few steps for me. then leaves me to kurt angle who is a great wrestle of this decade but ill take the guy who main evented 8 out of the last ten wrestliemania's this decade.
I voted for Kurt Angle because he has consistently been on the scene but I never found a point where I got bored of him, he has been constantly getting involved in numerous feuds, from the legendary triple threat at wrestlemania 2000 to his fights against brock lesnar to his leadership of MEM.

I would have voted for Cena but felt he still has a lot to go yet only began 2003/4 ish where as angle has been around the whole time

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