The Worst Crime


Shawn Michaels ❤
There are about 500 billion crimes you can be prosectued for in the world. While I'm obviously exaggerating, which would you think as the worst?

There's murder, obviously an awful crime - ending someone's life for nothing is horrible. Child Murder is often looked at differently - is that worse than murder of an adult? Arguably so, the child was innocent, could do nothing to protect itself.

Then there's rape, sexual assault and peadophilia. The worst, in my opinion, I'd rather be killed than be a victim of any of them. It's like murder, but their life isn't physically taken away. However, they change completely, it leads to suicide of many.

There are others, I just picked these 2 out. Which do you think?
peadophilia, I know that in some cases it might be right, (16 and 18) but ANY other case, and the person doing it should be shot. you hear about it all the time, Sick, disgusting people, that lure kids somewhere safe and force them to have sex. I don't think there is a crime worse, because...

1) there is no reason too.
People can despute that they killed somebody because they had too, but what reason could you possible have to be having a sexual relationship with a young kid.

2) the poor kid isnt old enough to know better.
Most cases the kid, isn't even aware that what is happening to them is wrong (when it is a family member)

I honestly can't see the point in why you would do it, unless it was the only reason, you could have sex.

So in conclusion, the worst crime for me is peadophilia, as you would have to have no heart, or soul to commit it.

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