The Whole Package


Has Returned.
The whole package is a thing we see here and there. The common description of a guy having the whole package would be: Body,microphone skills and in-ring ability.

There's a lot of guys in the business today that has that "whole package" description. A guy like Triple H, Wade Barrett, Kurt Angle and Matt Morgan. They all have it. But they have it in different ways.

Because it's obvious that Wade Barrett looks nothing like Triple H. But he's probably better in the ring. And that way there's both a lot of similarities as well as differences between the people we say have the whole package.

And it makes me wonder. If there's a specific description of what the whole package is. The it factor. Then what is it that makes people put various people on that description even if they're nowhere alike?

So what I'm really asking is: What makes you see someone as the whole package?

And no it's not simply something "Because he has the body, The in-ring ability and the microphone skills" that's too simple. I want you to go deep. What is really the body. What is really the mic skills. And what is really the in-ring ability?
The whole package is a thing we see here and there. The common description of a guy having the whole package would be: Body,microphone skills and in-ring ability.

There's a lot of guys in the business today that has that "whole package" description. A guy like Triple H, Wade Barrett, Kurt Angle and Matt Morgan. They all have it. But they have it in different ways.

Because it's obvious that Wade Barrett looks nothing like Triple H. But he's probably better in the ring. And that way there's both a lot of similarities as well as differences between the people we say have the whole package.

And it makes me wonder. If there's a specific description of what the whole package is. The it factor. Then what is it that makes people put various people on that description even if they're nowhere alike?

So what I'm really asking is: What makes you see someone as the whole package?

And no it's not simply something "Because he has the body, The in-ring ability and the microphone skills" that's too simple. I want you to go deep. What is really the body. What is really the mic skills. And what is really the in-ring ability?

Wade Barrett is not better than Triple H in the ring. Not by a long way, Ferb.

I believe the closest thing that both brands have to the total package is probably John Cena… Shocking coming from me right? However, unpleasant that may be for a lot of people to read, it is completely true. He may be using the same gimmick as he was two or three years ago but he is still over with a lot of fans, which stands as a testament to how good he is on the mic. He is also a body-builder I believe and his physique is the physique of a true Champion (In Vince McMahon’s world anyway). He is also pretty good in the ring. He is certainly a lot better than people would like to give him credit for and although there is definitely room for improvement, he is still convincing and that is the main thing.

Right after him come Kurt Angle and Triple H for me. Kurt Angle has always been the total package that you need for a wrestler but his physique has waned over the last few years. He was outstanding inside the ring on any promotion and his mic work is just fabulous. He had charisma and charm about himself and the fans latched onto it easily. He can play any role within a promotion and can be heel or face with ease. Triple H is pretty much the same. Whilst not being in Kurt’s league inside the ring, he is great on the mic and makes an outstanding heel and good face.

Really, those three are the best in the business for being the “total package” for me.
Wade Barrett is not better than Triple H in the ring. Not by a long way, Ferb.

True. My mistake - But he's not the same has he used to be. Triple H has been better in the ring.

I do agree John Cena is probably one of the whole package guys. He's just not credited for it enough. Hence why I didn't list him. He has the whole thing going for him no matter what the haters tend to say about him.

I feel what truly is the description of the whole package would be someone who has the build in terms of being rather tall. Like Wade Barrett. Like Triple H. I think it helps if they're above the 6 feet height. Mostly because it helps them come of more intimidating as well as the fact that it does make them shine a bit more legitimately.

I think the build has a large part in how a person comes off credible. Due to the fact that I saw how Wade Barrett stood there next to John Cena this week. And he just looked like he belonged. And I feel it's mostly due to his great build.

As well as the fact that Wade Barrett also has great microphone abilities. He uses metaphors well, and he gets his point across with a firm English accent. The accent helps a lot in the microphone part. At least that's what I'd say because it's clear that someone like Kofi Kingston didn't really have the thing going on with the Jamaican accent.

And to top it off. In-ring ability is probably the least thing. At least if we're looking into Vince's company. The fact is that no matter how we twist and turn it. No matter how much I'm against saying this as well - John is no Shawn Michaels. But if he can pull off the match and make it look great. Make the opponent look great- There's something there.
In short, three things:

1. Body. As superficial and moderately homoerotic as it may be, these gladiators we watch every week with Greek god-style bodies are constructed and sold that way for a reason – that reason being that most men wish they looked like the ones they're watching every week. The physical characteristics of these wrestlers is something we can relate to, or strive to be in some fashion, and because of that, we pay to see them compete, because in a sense we're projecting ourselves out into these men/characters in the same way kids did – we want to be them.

That's not to say that overweight guys won't get over, but it's rare they do with the power of those who are in better shape physically. The body does matter, honestly.

2. Ring Work. This is more than just being a capable wrestler. The most famous wrestlers in history developed a move-set that was so well choreographed and thought out, that their entire match told a story. The greatest talents in the world are still capable of doing the same – that is what I mean by ring-work.

It's not even a matter of being able to tell when Hardy's Swanton Bomb is coming, or when Triple H will hit his pedigree, or even when Flair will do the flop – it's a matter of the back-and-forth actually roping you in to the point you honestly suspend your disbelief again – the same way you did as a kid – to the point you almost start to believe what you are seeing on the screen. That's what it's all about.

3. Mic. In addition to needing to be able to tell a story in the ring, a total package also needs to be able to vocally back that up – in fact, I'd say their ability to handle the mic is even more important to how well they tell a story in the ring. The greatest in history have been fantastic on the mic because they both own a personality, as well as one worth selling to an audience. Failure to develop (or be born with) that charisma is what makes some of the hardest working "stars" in the industry second-rate "nobodies" compared to the upper echelon, and it's no ones fault but their own, really. You either have it, or you don't. It's why Matt Hardy will never be WHC, but why Chris Jericho is/was.
My answer is pretty much the same as IDR. The whole package to me consists of the same three things.

The guy has to be built. We always bitch about Vince and his love for big guys, hoping that he will give some of the smaller guys the chances. But like most of the time, VKM is right. Having a good, strong body is important. It makes everything easier really. It makes all of the ring work look stronger. It almost makes getting over easier because people will definitely notice the big, muscular guy.

Next up, someone with the whole package must know how to work a good match. They need to entertain the fans in ways that dont involve a mic and this is the way to do it. I mean it is wrestling after all. If your job is to entertain, the way you be considered the best or the whole package, is by entertaining in everything you do, including in the ring. However, I feel that this is a bit of an overrated need, as most of the casual fans/marks dont closely examine ring work like we do.

Finally, you need to know how to talk. This is probably the most important of the three parts. With out the ability to put on a good promo, there is really no chance for that star to get over, have a good feud, or become a part of anything important. Talking is the most direct way to connect with the fans and relating with the fans is what makes you a star.
There are plenty of little things that go into being the complete package, but as IDR said, I think it can be broken down into three main categories.

Look- To be a total-package guy, you have to look like you belong/can kick some ass. Sure, guys like Mysterio can have an amazing career, but I wouldn't consider him a total package-guy.

In terms of "the look," I would say guys like Hogan, The Rock, Sting, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, etc. have the look. Bigger guys, like Nash, Undertaker and so on, also have the look. It's different from medium size guys, but they still have a physical presence, which is most important.

Character/Mic Skills- To be a total package type of guy, you have to able to talk. Guys like Austin, Rock, Hogan, HHH, etc. Those guys knew how to build a character, and make it interesting. Those guys, especially The Rock, had real acting talent (at least when it comes to pro wrestling standards). They are more natural than guys like Matt Hardy, or Shelton Benjamin.

When guys like Rock and Austin talk, people care. And it's not always so much about content, but about delivery and good timing as well. The guys who feel the most natural in a speaking role are the ones who are going to be considered "the total package." These guys do not seem as though they are scripted, and it makes it more believable to us, as an audience. No one wants to see a bad actor talk in the ring. As much as some of you don't care about acting, it's a highly important trait wrestlers need to focus on.

In-Ring Ability- Obviously the most important of the three. If you can't wrestle, you need to at least be able to perform. The Rock is a great example of this, Hogan as well. Neither guy is technically a great wrestler, but both know how to work a match. They can get the crowd involved, emotionally, which helps to blind them to the fact that neither man knows/uses a lot of moves. And neither one needed to.

I look at wrestling today, and the best example of someone who has the look, can talk, but can't wrestle for shit is The Miz. I think this guy is the most overrated wrestler working today. But how has he gotten over? A lot of people (myself not so much included) find him to be entertaining on the mic. But, when it comes time to hold the big title, can he at least perform to the standard a champion should be held to? I'm not so sure.

Guys like Bret Hart and Chris Benoit were never big talkers. Hart showed he could talk during his heel turn in 1997, but I don't believe he was ever comfortable in that kind of role. Bret and Chris earned what they had through being amazing in the ring. They spoke through wrestling, and it worked for them. However, I don't consider them total package guys either.

When I look back through all the wrestlers I've seen over the years, I can't think of too many guys I consider the "total package." Steve Austin, Ric Flair, HHH and Randy Orton come to mind. So do guys like The Undertaker, HBK and Kurt Angle. But to be the total package kind of guy, you need to have all three. Having all of these talents doesn't really mean you are the best in the business, but these kind of guys are hard to come by.
Matt Morgan.

What the hell? Go watch a Morgan match and get back to me on this. Also, explain to me why he jeans look so silly.

I'll give this a shot, I guess.

Ring - Does he make me care about his matches? Doesn't have to be the best worker, it's not all about how many moves he can do or technical stuff. John Cena makes me care about his matches, despite him not knowing a million moves.

Mic - Is he comfortable on the mic? Can he come off as a not completely terrible actor, even though he probably is? Does he make me chuckle. An example of this? Alex Riley. He's alright.

Look - Doesn't matter a ton. As long as he isn't fat or really short, that is. I like Low Ki, but when you see him standing next to someone twice he size, than what? Same reason why Samoa Joe hasn't been annointed best wrestler ever.
For me the greatest ever "total package" was The Rock by a country mile.

He had a physic and height that was big enough to have a main event look without him ever looking too short (or tall) or too slender (or bulky) to be a serious force in the ring.

He had the good looks which, as shown with John Cena, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart, can seriously help you up the ladder as, let's face it, a face that has worldwide appeal can earn you a lot of money. He also wasn't too good looking that it made men feel threatened by him and thus not like him.

Mike skills. Here he is king. I was reading an interview with D'Lo Brown where he said The Rock would talk with him on the road about little things he'd tried at house shows that worked and what didn't and he kept those that did and added more. He was the consummate professional with improving himself to the level that, even in today's scripted world of wrestling, I think he'd still be able to come across as cool and cocky without sounding scripted.

In-ring ability. While not the greatest he was good at what he did, and knew how to do it perfectly. He could make anyone he was in the ring with look like a viable threat (see his mini feud with The Hurricane) and went about business the right way.

Charisma. The man had more charisma in one eye-brow then many do in their entire body. He could hold an crowd in the palm of his hand through just a slight head movement and he knew it. Hogan was good at this but, to me, The Rock mastered it.

So, yeah, to me, he is the true Total Package (Lex Luger must be real jealous) and it's gonna take someone something amazing to even get close to him. Austin was good, no question, but he just, to me, was that step below The Rock overall (although that segment where they sang Magaritaville is still my favourite wrestling moment ever)!

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