The Westboro Baptist Church....


Brilliant Idiot
There is a documentary on this church, The Most Hated Family In America, done by the people over at BBC.

Here are the parts:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Can't find it. Sorry.

In any event, you do get a sense of what the church is like and what it represents.

Also, he's a fun little quote from the churches founder, Fred Phelps.

"Whatever righteous cause the Jewish victims of the 1930s–40s Nazi Holocaust had, (probably minuscule, compared to the Jewish Holocausts against Middle Passage Blacks, African Americans and Christians—including the bloody persecution of Westboro Baptist Church by Topeka Jews in the 1990s), has been drowned in sodomite semen. American taxpayers are financing this unholy monument to Jewish mendacity and greed and to filthy *** lust. Homosexuals and Jews dominated Nazi Germany ... The Jews now wander the earth despised, smitten with moral and spiritual blindness by a divine judicial stroke ... And God has smitten Jews with a certain unique madness ... Jews, thus perverted, out of all proportion to their numbers energize the militant sodomite agenda... Jews are the real Nazis."

So, the questions....

1. What are your thoughts on the documentary and the church? Explain.

2. Do you agree with anything that the church is stating? What exactly?

Any other thoughts would be gladly welcomed.
Haven't checked the links yet, is this the Louis Theroux one? I say one, there are two, he did a second one quite recently where he went back to visit the Phelpses and some of the ex-communicated members. It was thoroughly good stuff, he's got a disarmingly blunt badgery, annoying child like questioning style that can really catch serious people off guard. His episode on the Ultra-Zionists was pretty heavy shit for a man I've lovingly dubbed 'Lightweight Louis.' Props to the man.

Oooooh, as for my views on the WBC, erm, I think it's best summed up by this...

This video cracks me up so yeah, as far as I'm concerned the WBC is a fucking lulzcow.
I hate that people give the WBC so much attention, its a tiny, insignificant group run by an insane guy.

Phelps is basically a troll, and the media enables him.
For those who enjoyed watching "The Most Hated Family in America" below is Louis' 2011 revisit...

I thought it made for some compelling viewing, I really fear for the Phelps' kids. It's good too see a few of them experiencing real life in the follow-up, but still sad that they're unable to have anything to do with their families any more. Basically any religious group/cult that practices shunning or disconnection can go eat a huge bowl of heartless fuck.
I hate that people give the WBC so much attention, its a tiny, insignificant group run by an insane guy.

Phelps is basically a troll, and the media enables him.

But there is a bigger story, some might suggest. In truth, this religion lies about what's in the Bible to a certain extent, but they are actually just a group of people living in closer accordance to the Bible than most major religions.

Which goes to show you how bad religion really can be. We should be thankful they are such an anomaly.
But there is a bigger story, some might suggest. In truth, this religion lies about what's in the Bible to a certain extent, but they are actually just a group of people living in closer accordance to the Bible than most major religions.

Which goes to show you how bad religion really can be. We should be thankful they are such an anomaly.

Well looking at Christianity the various denominations all like to pick and choose the bits of the bible that they feel best represent their own message. These guys are no different in that regard, it just so happens that the bits of the book that they choose to highlight are all fire and brimstone.

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