The Walking Dead: Season 6

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
How do we not have a thread on this? I know we had one for Season 5, and I think prior seasons.

Far and away the most popular, marketable show on television.

This season has been a roller coaster so far. Totally manic. Really high highs (Richonne!) but really low lows, too.

I've also shifted my prediction about who is going to meet Lucille, but for the sake of not spoiling things I'm gonna keep that to myself.
Sunday's episode was f'n awesome. They slipped into Negan's compound and killed everybody like assassins. Just awesome.

I wonder what Morgan is welding? Anyways, I think it's time for Morgan to go. He's causing trouble for the group.

Can't wait to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan. That's going to be awesome.

Is Carl going to go all cold and detached from losing his eye like he did in the comic? I miss child soldier Carl. He's the John Connor of this universe.

How many times is Glenn going to almost die? It's getting old fast. Also, I love the Abrahamisms from this season. "Uggin bumpleys" "pouring the bisquick" "why are dingle berries brown" he's awesome.

I freakin love this show and Fear the Walking Dead is good too. As is Into the Bandlands.
There's some comic cross-over here that I want to be careful not to trip over and end up spoiling, but I think Morgan was welding a jail cell, much like the cell his teacher had installed in the cabin where he learned his craft.

I think the reason for this is that right now, Rick is on another Ricktatorship, "it's them or us" line of thinking that Morgan is a lonesome dissenter of. With all of Alexandria seemingly supporting Rick's takeover and aggressive tactics (that do work to a degree), i think Morgan is going to build that jail, not really knowing what it's for just yet, but that will eventually be used to cage (and thus keep alive) someone like Negan, who will grow to be the most hated character on the show. Where normally, like we saw with the Governor, that villain would be executed and not be given the opportunity to live in this world any longer.
Some observations since the mid-season premiere aired a few weeks ago:

That "Action-Packed" song by Ronnie Dee Dawson that Rick played in the car with Daryl is awesome. I need to get that on I-Tunes.

Abraham is a moron for ditching Rosita. She's so much hotter than Sasha. I guess it's time for Eugene to make his move. lol

Morgan is now worthless. I'd rather have Gabriel by my side when the shit goes down.

I knew it was only a matter of time before Daryl got his bike back. Now, where's that damn crossbow?

I'm really eager to see Maggie continue to grow as a leader of the group in this "new world."

I'm also anxious to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan make his debut.

I don't think we're going to get swerved in the season finale. It's going to be one of the most heartbreaking episodes of the series. Grown men, including myself, will be weeping. Here's hoping Hardwick can cheer us up.

I'm sure she's a nice girl, but in the name of all that is good and sacred, I never want to see Carrie Underwood on The Talking Dead again. I thought my ears were going to bleed while listening to her. Seriously, I would, like, go back and, like, count the number of times she, like, used the word "like" unnecessarily, but, like, I don't think I would survive the ordeal. I'd like to see Conan, Jason Alexander or Slash back at some point.
Yeah, even if they don't go the direct comic route (and Kirkman and others have effectively said they won't through various channels and outlets), someone of importance (we can argue to degree here) is going to meet Lucille, and it's going to break a lot of hearts. The question isn't whether or not this happens. It's over to whom, and whether the subsequent number of tears shed 'round the world can fill a stadium or not.
God I hope it's not the person that met Lucille in the comic. That'd suck balls. Also, it better not be Daryl or Michonne. Other than them, I wouldn't cry too much, but I'd still cry.

Have to give TWD credit. More than any show I've ever seen, save for Game of Thrones, no character is safe.

Also, how do you guys feel about that rumor going around that Daryl is gay and he and Aaron are going to start something? That's why he and Carol have never ugged bumplies.

As far as Talking Dead goes, I wish Yvette Nicole Brown was on every episode. She's really good on there. For a few episodes her and CM Punk were like a tag team.
Seems a silly rumor, IMO. Especially given the flirty nature Daryl has had with both Carol (though I always saw that as more Mother/son than sexual) and especially Beth.
This season has me through a loop because -- like most people -- I've read the comics and I know who among the group is really not supposed to be there.

There's a few wild cards that I think might end up making Season 6 a little more fortunate for Rick's group than the comics would suggest. Remember that
Carol is supposed to be dead, yet she survived what was supposed to kill her in the comic and was essential to getting the group out of Terminus.

I think that they'll tease Lucille taking someone out, only to leave it to fan reaction. I think that the fans are so in love with most every character in the series, that Lucille will probably have to settle for a tertiary character. The group on tv is a thousand times more badass than the group in the comics, the latest episode proved that ten fold for me.

I think that Morgan will end up having to play peace-keeper in some sense, likely validating his experience learning The Way of Peace. I don't think he was given enough justice for his studies in how he dealt with The Wolves. I think that a situation will occur where a violent answer will not be feasible, and Morgan will have to use his more peaceful demeanor to remedy a big problem.

Daryl is the ultimate wild card in what's going on. I thought that Abraham and Sasha were fucked, and then Daryl solved that problem. Negan vs Daryl has never happened, so we can't follow the comics to a "t". A running gag is that if someone says that Daryl is their favorite character, a common reaction is an annoyed "Everyone loves Daryl!" My point being that while tragedy can add drama to a storyline, Daryl is probably the most powerful catalyst I've ever seen in the world of fiction when it comes to redirecting the flow of occurrences. Kind of like if Daryl was inputted into the comics, things would have happened differently I'm sure.

I could go on for years, so I'll end it by saying that I think
Glenn will survive
AUGH! It feels like my brain is pregnant, I love this show so much.

In regard to this season of Walking Dead; I was brainstorming pointless nothings as I often do, and I realized that to build Negan into a monster villain the writers might emphasize his charisma way beyond what was presented in the comic.

Rick's group is only mostly loyal, and even then the loyalty is dependent on his ability to maintain order and provide basic resources. Obviously Negan would have to present the same type of support to maintain a community of loyalists, but Negan takes things a step farther than Rick ever would. While Rick is consistent with his extreme moods and reactions, Negan is the poster child for functioning bi-polar disorder.

I predict that Negan will
introduce Gabriel to Lucille
to prove that it's not difficult for him to enforce a consequence of disobedience, but that he'll present a strong enough argument to
Carl, Abraham, Sasha and Carol
that his way is the best hope for humanity.
I hope they do recreate that scene in the comics with Negan and Carl. That's one of my all time favorites. I won't say what it is as to not spoil it for those who haven't read the comic but for those that have, you know what I'm talking about.

It's just hard to predict anything on this show going by the comics. So many characters who are alive are dead in the comics and vice versa.

Also, what about Carol and what's his ass hooking up? I wouldn't trust her around my kids. Especially if there's flowers near by.
There's some comic cross-over here that I want to be careful not to trip over and end up spoiling, but I think Morgan was welding a jail cell, much like the cell his teacher had installed in the cabin where he learned his craft.

I think the reason for this is that right now, Rick is on another Ricktatorship, "it's them or us" line of thinking that Morgan is a lonesome dissenter of. With all of Alexandria seemingly supporting Rick's takeover and aggressive tactics (that do work to a degree), i think Morgan is going to build that jail, not really knowing what it's for just yet, but that will eventually be used to cage (and thus keep alive) someone like Negan, who will grow to be the most hated character on the show. Where normally, like we saw with the Governor, that villain would be executed and not be given the opportunity to live in this world any longer.

You nailed it with Morgan welding a jail.

Damn, the Saviors have captured the right people for Negan to use Lucille on same poor soul from comics. I hope to god that doesn't happen, but it seems inevitable at this point.
If Negan lives up to his reputation from the comics, then I'm absolutely certain who he's going to kill. And it won't be
I think that the most likely casualty of Lucille's wrath will be

Someone has to die, the show has been straying away from its usual tension between the living people and their chaotic tendencies in a world with a shaky system of order. I'm even wondering if Negan is going to kill two people before the show goes on a six month break. It's been a slow season for me, they have to give us something conclusive. I wouldn't be surprised if Negan lasts for three seasons of mayhem.

I like that Eugene is finally worth a damn in some way. Most people I talk to don't like him, so I'm glad that the writers are finally giving him a purpose beyond comic relief.
It all goes down tonight...

Anyone else want to lock in their guesses for who meets Lucille?

I'm sticking with my prediction of:

God, I don't want to pick because I love them all.

I guess if I had to pick though, I'd go with

Rosita or Abraham

I hope he just uses Lucille a little bit and doesn't go all the way, but this is the season finale so that's asking to much isn't it?
Damn, what a fucking cliff hanger. I would've rather seen who they killed. Damn....

We have to wait 6 months to find out.
What a finale, wow. I definitely think it has to be a beloved character for the death to make any impact. So I don't think it's anyone like Rosita, Abraham, Aaron, Eugene. Negan got about five shots in and I swear a heard a grunt from a guy. So if you ask me, I'm thinking
Glenn indeed gets Lucille'd. Especially because he pissed off Negan when he spoke up after Negan pointed his bat to Maggie. Also, Negan said something along the lines of, "If anyone stands, cut the other eye of the boy out and feed it to his father. Something like this.
So we gotta wait six months for the show to come back? Damn it AMC! AMC = Always Making Cliffhangers :sad:
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is a hell of an actor. I don't know if we're supposed to dislike Negan or what. He was so smooth and charismatic. Perfect choice for Negan. That was one of the best scenes we've seen in awhile.
Yeah, JDM fucking nailed it. And that entire episode was heart palpitation city. But I'll be honest — that cliffhanger was bullshit. Not because I hate cliffhangers, because I don't. I realize they are a useful literary device in episodic television that just flat out work. But because TWD has used them like twelve fucking times this season. That's not compelling and it can't be chalked up to good writing. It's lazy and is the televised version of a radio hook.

I actually think they hurt Negan's debut by not showing whose skull he beat in (my guess is Abraham or Glenn). But especially because they did so many fucking fakeouts this year that it's like the boy who cried wolf.
Definitely hurt the debut of Negan. Probably the most sadistic guy in the whole show and the cliff hanger ruined it. Not only that but a main characters final scene might not even be shown or allow us final thoughts or feelings.

What I mean by that is the next episode will reveal who he killed probably close to the begining. Usually the deaths of characters are as t the end of the show so we don't get sad or depressed during the beginning. With this, it takes away that feeling of who he killed.

My guess is Abraham or Glenn as welll. However, I'm bleating more toward Abraham. I feel like it was going to be to Glenn but when the pulled the fake death with him, they were testing what would happen if they did kill ofbGlenn.
I agree, and in TWD fashion, they tend to pump the tires of characters they are killing off before they kill them. Beth, Noah, Tyresse, T-Dawg, Denise, Lizzie, etc. all saw significant air time for at least an episode, if not more, when they otherwise wouldn't have before dying off.

Same happened with Abe this year. The fake-out deaths of Daryl and Glenn this season has be reasonably convinced it won't be them. Glenn only gets a potential nod because of the comics.
Yes, both are probably the two biggest characters in the show and killing one or both off will kill the show in my opinion. This show is starting to feel like Game of Thrones with no one being safe, except for Rick and Carl. As much as I want them to stay true to the comics, killing Glenn would be heartbreaking.
Well, that's not actually true. There are characters who are safe in both realms (all pun intended). Rick, Carl, probably Daryl, Daenerys, Jon Snow, probably Tyrion, etc. are all "unkillable". In the literary sense, they are "safe". At least relatively safe. For varying reasons, but the common link with them all is that they are what the respective stories are threaded around. They're not the thread the way the ancillary characters they interract with are. And that's what separates them.

Small update on who met Lucille:

Apparently, according to the Nerdist blog, Steven Yeun's TWD contract is up, which only lends to the theory he was the recipient of the beating
I saw somewhere (can't recall yet) that they have not decided on who was going to end up dying at the end of the show. However, if Glenn does go, I will be both excited and sad as I want them to stay true to the comics as much as possibe but I enjoy him as a character. It's tough....
They can't kill off Glenn. They just can't. If they do, Negan will be the most hated character on television next season.

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