Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
The first thread in the series went pretty well, so I've chosen to do a series that will span 16 total matchups, unless the demand goes up. So today's matchup features two guys in the twilight of their careers. In fact, they're both at this point still big superstars, despite their ages. So without further ado...


Haha, get it? BIG superstars? Eh, I thought it was funny. So I was thinking about this, and I think the only way to really do this is to analyze strengths and weaknesses.

Mark Henry: Strengths- Cuts awesome heel promos, Strong, Big. Weaknesses: Slow, Age, Injuries
Big Show: Strengths- Is pretty fast for his size, strong, great promos, huge. Weaknesses: Age.

My opinion on this: Big Show wins, because he isn't the world's slowest man. Seriously, my best friend runs faster than Henry, and he can't run a 19-minute mile.

Okay, it's your turn. Who wins?
I'll go with Henry. While both have run relatively inconsistent careers, I feel that Henry has always been the World's Strongest Man for a reason. That, and he'd make Big Show keel over laughing when he's having his little Hall of Pain mini-rants mid match, thus rendering him unable to continue.
I would have to go with Mark Henry though it definitely isn't a landslide by any means. While Mark Henry may be slow he is also quite a bit stronger than even the Big Show. And to say Show is by any means fast is an exaggeration as well. I just feel as if the only differences that mean anything is that one is strong and the other is just big. It has been shown before that Henry can still lift Show off his feet and last time I checked? I don't think Show ever has. And I would much prefer a Henry promo to a Show promo any day of the week. Even billing Show as a heel hasn't gotten much out of him in that regard. They are definitely both tough and they are definitely both big but Henry has the look down and while he may be injury prone, he hasn't injured anyone else last time I checked. It is a close one, but I have to go with Henry.
Big Show without doubt. I have never seen a entertaing Mark Henry fued. Big Show has had awesome fueds and matches with Lesnar, Angle, Sheamus and Del Rio lately.
I'd go with Big Show, only by a slight margin however. He's always remained relevant when hes been around, whether its filling in the upper midcard/midcard or in the main event. Mark Henrys only been main eventing for the past two years or so. Big Shows been doing it since WCW (on and off though)

Not knocking Henry though, hes played in his part in the WWF/E but only hit a major role recently.
Well it is Big Show, But to be fair Henry didnt have teh same advantage as Show did. Show is still being pushed. So its not completely fair is all. Show is friends with more people in the back not to mention racial factors.
Well it is Big Show, But to be fair Henry didnt have teh same advantage as Show did. Show is still being pushed. So its not completely fair is all. Show is friends with more people in the back not to mention racial factors.

Racial factors? *facepalm* I have no idea what the hell you're even talking about with that.

Mark Henry has been with the WWE since 1996, and even through injuries and periods of time he's taken off the WWE has kept him on board. He's always been featured as "The World's Strongest Man" and had one of the more memorable World Heavyweight title runs in recent history. That one title reign of his has been more memorable than Big Show's combined reigns.

Hell, any time Henry has came back they've always brought him back as a force. He's been nothing less than a midcarder for his entire career, that's saying something.

I'm pretty sure Henry is pretty popular backstage as I've never heard anyone have something bad to say about him; probably because he could rip them in half like he does the telephone books.

You also stated that Big Show is still being pushed... I'm going to assume you missed Mark Henry coming out and destroying 3 guys on this past week's RAW, which is a pretty good indication that he's going to continue to be booked strongly and monster-like.

Onto topic:

You say Big Show's only weakness is age.. I disagree.. There was a point before he took his break that he was the most out of shape member of the roster. His matches were embarrassing to watch and he looked worse in the ring than when he did debuting for WCW. Big Show doesn't move that quick. He probably moves just as fast as Henry. Last RAW Henry looked to be in the best shape he's been in that I can remember, and he was moving pretty damn quick. Both guys have had their fair share of injuries and taking time off. So let's say they're on the same playing field... Henry's had his fair share of good promo spots throughout the years as well.

Many will give the advantage to Big Show based on the fact that he's spent more time working programs with top talent. But to me Mark Henry's two years working the Main Event scene and dominating has been more memorable than the majority of Show's career. Most of Big Show's more memorable moments revolve around things being done TO him, not what he's done. IE: getting his ass kicked by Floyd Mayweather, the Akebono crap, suplexed through the ring by Lesnar, etc.

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