The Uso's


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
I'm loving The Uso's right now. I've always enjoyed what they bring, everything about them works right now. What I find funny is that they work better as faces than heels. As twins, they could be taking advantage of that all the time, but the entrance, the offence, the promo work they've done, they really are just to damn likable to be heels.

Your thoughts on why The Uso's haven't got tag titles around their waist yet?
WWE still tries to build them up for the titles. They aren't over enough with the crowd. Yeah, you hear some cheers, but that's the whole problem that it only 'some'. I think the creative team are slowly but confidently building this team for the tag titles. I like the Usos. They really are incredible in the ring, and they are entertaining. But they must get over more with the fans, to be able to be a deserving Tag Team champions.
They aren't over enough with the crowd. Yeah, you hear some cheers, but that's the whole problem that it only 'some'.

But Epico and Primo weren't really over with the crowd were they? Uso's have been in the 'E' for 2 years now.. We all thought they were going to take the tag titles from Hart Dynasty at first.. But never happened.
But Epico and Primo weren't really over with the crowd were they?

But for some odd reason, you may agree with me, or not, but for some reason, they look believable as champions. And the crowd digs them both. Primo been in WWE more then both Usos. That's why the team of Epico and Primo is over with the fans.

Also, it might be that someone is pulling the plug on the Usos and decided that this two guys are only for entertainment purposes, and not a tag team championships material? (Stupid thinking, but hey, 'everything is possible in WWE')
But for some odd reason, you may agree with me, or not, but for some reason, they look believable as champions. And the crowd digs them both. Primo been in WWE more then both Usos. That's why the team of Epico and Primo is over with the fans.

Also, it might be that someone is pulling the plug on the Usos and decided that this two guys are only for entertainment purposes, and not a tag team championships material? (Stupid thinking, but hey, 'everything is possible in WWE')

Hmmm.. I do understand where you're coming from. Who knows, but right now they're looking really good, and deserve the title in the near future, I think we all know Primetime Players are next in line to become tag champs, maybe after them, The Uso's will get their chance.
I still wonder how, did this 'Primetime Players' even become number one contenders. They just showed up, and BAM they are the number one contenders. They didn't even have to wrestle much. I think they should've build the team more, and give more reasons to why this two get a title shot, and not the poor explanation of 'former manager betrays tag team'. Ridiculous booking on WWE's part...
The Usos are great.

I'd love to see them Tag Team Champs one day.. they should have been already or at least in a major match for the title.

Sadly, they have been mostly Superstars and NXT material. Now that NXT is different hopefully they get on Smackdown or even Raw more.

They are entertaining and they can get the crowd going.

I'm sorry but The Primetime Players are just garbage. Ridiculous attire for men of their size and shape and way more posing and cheap shots than interesting wrestling.

Sadly, THEY will probably be Tag Champs before The Usos.

At least the WWE seems to be rebuilding the Tag Division I just wish they would make it even more interesting. Do up a Tag Team Turmoil match or at least have a Triple Threat TLC Match for the Tag Titles at TLC PPV. Do SOMETHING more than just staus quo.
The Uso's are just like Cryme Tyme, and others that get a sniff of the tag belts, but never get the belts.

The usual WWE plan is to put the belts on a team, have them lose the belts, (by the way, never seeking a re-match) and then split and fued with each other (Like the Hary Dynasty, the team of Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater).

WWE hasn't cared about the tag team scene in about ten years now...usually filling it with make shift teams, and few actual teams. The Uso's were brought in at a time there was no focus on tag teams, so they never got promoted. Now they are simply there to job and put everyone else over.
They remind me off cryme tyme a tag team that is very stale and boring.
and gets no reaction the usos suck really i hate when a wrestler has a kid and they make it cause there daddy the usos suck.
they will break up soon and one will become jtg and the other shad
WWE still tries to build them up for the titles. They aren't over enough with the crowd. Yeah, you hear some cheers, but that's the whole problem that it only 'some'. I think the creative team are slowly but confidently building this team for the tag titles. I like the Usos. They really are incredible in the ring, and they are entertaining. But they must get over more with the fans, to be able to be a deserving Tag Team champions.

Epico and Primo over with tha fans??? I disagree with you there. There were times when they would come out to defend the belts when they had them, and the crowd would be dead silent. i think that if WWE actually took the time to give the Uso's a lil bit of a push and more TV time, it would work out. They are a legitimate tag team and they have a good look. I like them and Im sure they would be good champs instead of just throwing two guys together to be the champs
I've all but given up hope of logical tag team champions.
Uso's are over with the crowd, maybe not compared to someone that has been in the main events like Kofi but come on this is the tag division that barely gets any love, they can't expect miracles.

If the Uso's finally won they would get a pop from the crowd, they are both finely tuned atheletes straight from the vein of there ancestors, they may not be great on mic but they are far better then Rikishi, Samoans, Islanders ever where in that respect. Maybe The Rock could teach them his endless knowledge on the subject.

as it stands it's obvious team Prime Time Players will be the next champions zzzzz
But Epico and Primo weren't really over with the crowd were they?

Not even nearly the same thing. Epico and Primo were an emergency title switch. They got the belts at a freaking house show because Evan Bourne failed the wellness test. Lo and behold, Kofi ending up get these belts right back anyway, this time with R-Truth. "Air Boom" may still be tag champions today if Bourne hadn't smoked some synthetic weed and then broken his foot.

WWE is actually trying to do something with the tag team division for the first time in years. The first step is to get the belts off of Kofi and Truth. They feel like such a randomly throw together team. I'd much rather see any of the four teams that competed at No Way Out (plus Reks and Hawkins) be tag champions.

The Usos will get their shot and it will probably be when the Prime Time Playas pick up the belts.
I guess you didn't watch No way Out? The Prime Time Players won the #1 contendership there. As for the Uso's I really don't like them, they don't look like championship material. Just my personal opinion maybe it's the Samoan thing it really doesn't draw large interest for me. When I think of Samoan's I think of Big guys like rikishi or Umaga and even the Rock. The Usos's are small and they don't do any high risk stuff like other small guys. They need to hit the gym!
I'm loving The Uso's right now. I've always enjoyed what they bring, everything about them works right now. What I find funny is that they work better as faces than heels. As twins, they could be taking advantage of that all the time, but the entrance, the offence, the promo work they've done, they really are just to damn likable to be heels.

Your thoughts on why The Uso's haven't got tag titles around their waist yet?

im lost do u like or not like the enterance...but i think thats the best part of them...the entrance, but with a weak tag div. i dont see why they cant be given "a shot"
Idk the Usos are promising they just arent intense enough for me i think with the current rise in the tag division (PrimeTimePlayers,Epico & Primo, Reks & Hawkins, Kofi & Truth, Santino & random superstar?) mixed with the up and coming tag teams in NXT (for future champs look no further the The Acension these guys have potential) i just dont see the Usos doin much unless they turn it up maybe a impact tag finisher to wow the crowd could do it?
From what I understood the USOS got doomed by the actions of Rikishi. He did soemthing to piss off the WWE and his boys are paying for it
im lost do u like or not like the enterance...but i think thats the best part of them...the entrance, but with a weak tag div. i dont see why they cant be given "a shot"

Agreed. GREAT entrance!! And they are fine with the crowd. They dont get a huge crowd reaction because NO TAG TEAM does. Wwe needs to push the tag division. You have good teams.... And that includes PTP. But if they won, you will hear the crowd get louder. Still hoping 3 hr Raw makes wwe give tags and IC division more time. If its true what I read about wwe pushing the first hour to hype up the main event? Well then thats a HUUUUGE waste of time. And I bet you it's exactly how it will happen. When it hits 9 pm, we're going to say "what the hell did that first hour just give us?"
They mention rikishi name to often for him to piss off VKM . Best way to get them over bring back rikishi to manage them instant pop
I like the Usos. They are great in the ring and I do agree that they are better as a face team. Ive been wondering for a while why they don't get a major push, I know they dont have the best Mic skills but seeing as the E doesn't devout much time to tag teams they won't cut many promos. Their in ring work is some the best in the tag division and they could be over with the crowd easily if given a chance. I don't understand why they haven't brought Rhikishi (sp?) to manage them or hell why they haven't had the Rock work with them or at least bring them up in a promo is beyond me. They could've had the Usos feud with Cena leading up to WrestleMania instead of the stupid embrace the hate angle with Kane. This would've been big for the team and would've made sense considering that The Usos and The Rock are related.
I Uso's came in at a time when Vince was taking advantage of the kids of past stars. I get the impression that there was never really a grand idea for using them. At the time of their debut there were several superstar kids on the marquee. You've got Natalia and Harry Hart and Tamina. I feel as though I'm missing someone here. There arrived on the scene as the "anti-savages" which didn't really work for me although I understood. I absolutely love their entrance and think it should eventually become bigger and grander. It looks as though the tag team scene is about to pick up and I really hope they are apart of it.
I like the Uso's, but I can't remember the last time they won a an incredibly weak tag division, that's horrible, doesn't give anyone a reason to get behind them. I'd like to see them win a few matches and see what reaction they get. Hopefully it's not too late to make them faces, but it just might me. When someone can't get over in WWE, they tend to just become heels, and stagnate.
I am a huge Uso's fan, ever since this last weeks episode. I always kinda thought they were cool for the last year or so. I really like their entrance and the catch phrase ' when I say ooooh ya'll say so '. I see two future Rocky's here. Seriously wwe step up to the plate and make these guy's the next 'Rocks'! You heard it here first.
The Uso's are not just a thrown together team so that made me happy when they debuted, and to be honest I am surprised they already haven't won the belts. I had kind of given up hope that the tag division was going to make a come back, and now things are starting to look up a little bit again. Maybe they haven't won the belts yet so the tag champs actually have a halfway credible team to face, but I can't even recall them getting a shot recently. Can't really pinpoint this one, and I only hope they get to wear the belts at some point.

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