The Uso's VS The Rhodes brothers?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
This was...stupid. Both are face-teams, which usually will end up with the fans being confused as to whom they are supposed to root for. But it seemed like neither team really knew how to play this match.

The Uso's almost acted like the heels, giving intense glares, mocking smirks and keeping their opponent in the corner (heel strategy). Yet they also did the "U'So!" chant for the sake of the face pop. Both teams are very good at providing strong matches, but this got boring fast. Goldust and Stardust seemed to get their asses kicked badly throughout the majority of it. This is odd as WWE has repackaged the team and has hyped them up for quite some time, even having them practically squash Rybaxel- who put up a better struggle against the Uso's. In fact, Cody scoring the win seemed like a fluke. Nobody did any of their cooler moves, which could've gotten the crowd excited.

Could this be leading to a heel turn from the Uso's? I kind of hope so, as there needs to be more credible heel teams, but they suffer from the Kofi Kingson effect- they're only interesting because of their face-bumps. Plus, they seemed to accept their loss gracefully. I dunno, was I the only one who thought this was stupid booking?

'Heel vs Heel' matches are easier because fans can choose between the lesser of two evils (Cesaro over Orton or Bo over Titus), but 'face vs face' matches are tricky anyway because it can lead to the crowd turning on someone. But in this case, the crowd just seemed bored. This was a bad idea, but it could've worked if they went all out and delivered an awesome match where they would chant "This is awesome". Instead, it was a beatdown of 'Lesnar Vs Cena' proportions, albeit with a different ending.
Yeah if you are going to do a face vs face match you need to have both using their better moves and not heel strategies, get the crowd cheering the action as opposed to cheering a side. During the classic tag team era of the Dudleys, The Hardys and Edge & Christian the audience really just enjoyed the matches it didn't matter who was the heel or face.

Tag team wrestling should be more about exciting matches than storylines. It's something I really miss in today's WWE product.
With how the WWE is today, especially tag teams, there are only a couple teams that are completely heel or face. I can agree I didn't understand the way this was booked, but even now the face vs face matchups are all aggressive. No longer do we have the clean, no punch, grapple fest with the good guys. I am interested to see which direction creative will go with this.
I don't see the problem with a face vs face feud in this particular instance. I could see maybe Rybaxel being added for a 3-way feud, as they've picked up wins over the Rhodes Brothers and haven't had a title shot yet (or they might have done, my memory fails me on this one).
I think it is good for business. I think there should be more face vs face and even heel vs heel matches. I mean how many times can one watch the Dust brothers vs Rybaxel and the Usos vs the Wyatts.
One of the hottest quick fueds of the year was when The shield squared of against the Wyatts.
Yeah if you are going to do a face vs face match you need to have both using their better moves and not heel strategies, get the crowd cheering the action as opposed to cheering a side. During the classic tag team era of the Dudleys, The Hardys and Edge & Christian the audience really just enjoyed the matches it didn't matter who was the heel or face.

Tag team wrestling should be more about exciting matches than storylines. It's something I really miss in today's WWE product.

Edge & Christian were the technical heels for most of that but ultimately you're right. Once it got to TLC matches there weren't any ways of cheating to win, so E&C had to just be as awesome as the other two teams. Man, those were the days of tag team!

I enjoy both teams on-topic. But you're right, face v. face is tricky, and if they're not the most over guys on the roster it can be a heat killer for one team or the other. I would like to bring Wyatts back into the mix, or utilise RybAxel so there's a definitive heel team for the audience to direct boos against and let it be another 3-way tag team rivalry.
I still can't tell whether the Rhodes Brothers are a tag team intentionally designed to be of short duration or whether there are real plans for them.

Regardless, I didn't think it strange they should be fighting another face team because it shouldn't make a difference who a team of weirdos like the Rhodes' meet. Their personae is supposed to transcend good guy/bad guy parameters and allow them to do what they do against anybody and everybody.

I just got finished watching the Wrestlemania in which Goldust fought Roddy Piper in a back alley match (for $9.99!). In those days, Goldy had a mission and a distinct personality that kept you watching him....augmented by some fine in-ring performances. I keep waiting for WWE Creative to find something similar for he and Stardust, to give them a direction. No harm in waiting, I suppose, as long as it doesn't culminate with the sight of Cody wearing women's underwear.

As for the Uso's......are they still the tag team champions? I believe they are, yet the fact I have to think about it indicates that they might have outlived their usefulness as a unique team. Where are they going? Is there a direction planned for them? For awhile, it was exciting to see them come out to battle the forces of evil. Now, it's gotten kind of boring because there's no story behind it.

Face it, the tag team division needs some drama written for it; some personal conflicts to make things interesting. The fact we have two teams like the Rhodes and Usos facing each other.....and we find ourselves questioning why two face teams are evidence enough of this.
I liked the idea. Two face teams? Who cares. The audience isn't homogenous. Half the crowd cheers for heels and boos faces already anyways. The audience will pick a side like they always do.

Both teams are talented and can have good matches. I'm interested to see the direction it's going.
I don't see the problem with a face vs face feud in this particular instance. I could see maybe Rybaxel being added for a 3-way feud, as they've picked up wins over the Rhodes Brothers and haven't had a title shot yet (or they might have done, my memory fails me on this one).

Me either. It would be something different. Maybe could finally give us the long awaited Cody vs. Goldust feud. Goldust and Cody been tagging for a year, won the gold, rebranded themselves, there really isn't nothing left for them to do or any legit teams left to beat.
Me either. It would be something different. Maybe could finally give us the long awaited Cody vs. Goldust feud. Goldust and Cody been tagging for a year, won the gold, rebranded themselves, there really isn't nothing left for them to do or any legit teams left to beat.

The problem with this though is they've spent so much time building them as a team that it would be a waste of time to drop them now. Would Cody drop the Stardust gimmick? Or would Goldust turn heel? Would anyone be able to take a villainous Goldust seriously anymore? Stardust is even sillier than Goldust, so I don't see him being the bad guy unless he just went back to being Cody Rhodes...which would mean they've wasted the last few months on this new 'character'.
I think the point of them feuding is to lead up to the official break up Stardust and Goldust to bring back a more demonic Cody Rhodes.
From a purely match-based standpoint, I'd love to see some more Usos vs. Gold Stars matches. But from a storyline standpoint, it's pretty hard to do a Face vs. Face feud, At least the belt is involved, which will give some leeway into making this work.

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