The Usos... Soon to be Tag Team Champs?

I for one have been really impressed with the Usos and I think that it's only a matter of time before they beat the Hart Dynasty for the tag titles. Why you ask, well for a variety of reasons:

1. They're good in the ring and work well together. They have a very complete moveset and a number of tag team moves that work well.

2. They get great heel heat. The crowd simply hates them and that's a very big step in the right direction.

3. The Hart Dynasty is getting slightly bland. I would love for them to drop the titles and for there to be some back and forth action between them and the Usos.

Now, what do you think? Should the Usos win the tag belts and why or why not, and if not now when should they win the belts.
The Usos have one very good advantage to them. The great advantage they have is the fact they are a legitimate tag team in WWE's tag team division. WWE has very few real tag teams in their division and therefore is a plus for the Usos. I could very well picture them as our next Unified Tag Team champions because of that very reason.

From what I have seen from the Usos in the ring, which I hasn't been much they have been at least average and get their job done. If I see a lot more of them I'm sure I will know how good they are going to get in term of in ring performance. But as it is right now they are still decent. Also the heat they have been getting is actually pretty decent but would they have gotten the same reaction if they didn't attack the very popular babyface champions? I think that had a little something to do with them getting the heel heat that they have been receiving recently. Now the Usos in my opinion, are not that much better in term of charisma than the Hart Dynasty. They seem very bland too me and basically all they do is use "gangster" lingo in their promos. Which in the long run isn't very creative.

I think that eventually they will get a run with the tag titles, but only because they are one of very few legitimate tag teams in the WWE today. And I'm also sure that the WWE will push them to dethrone The Hart Dynasty of the belts sooner rather than later.
I believe that the Uso's will make it, but I think it may be later rather than sooner. The thing is, they've had a few shots and have never really looked very good during those shots. They may be entertaining in the ring and on the mic, and their matches with the Hart Dynasty may have been good, but I think they may be put on the backburner to allow the Harts to feud with the Dudebusters or the Gatecrashers or even the SES first. They've had tons of matches with the Usos in various forms, on PPV and on TV, and I feel that if the Usos were to win the belts soon they would have done so already.

Not saying that they won't ever win, because they're new and as you said entertaining, but I think the Harts may feud with another team before they take on the Usos again.
Sure they might take on another team,but what other team has any credibility against them anymore besides Jimmy and Jey? The Dudebuster and Gatecrashers(gonna assume that's Hawkins and Archer) have been in FCW for months,the Dudebusters have been wrestling in singles matches on Superstars the last couple of weeks.I might bee wrong on that because I haven't seen Smackdown in a hot minute,but they wouldn't have good credibility against the Hart Dynasty,who feuded with the likes of Miz Jericho and Big Show a while back. It seems to me like The Usos will win those title long before we actually see another legit tandem on television for longer than a month.
They are going to face the SES; if they lose to anyone it will be them. They have the best heel heat right now. They may end up doing a 3 way or a 4 way. But remeber the champs can go anywhere.

They do work great with the Uso's and they are great friends with them; but right now it is the hands of creative.
It is nice to see a real team in the wwe. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to matter or Cryme Time would have gotten a run. I blieve the next tag team champions will come form the nexus. The wwe is trying to redo the nwo. in order for them to take the next step in taking over is getting some gold and the harts are the only face champion on raw.
I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I will be
I'd personally would love to see a feud between the Hart Dynasty and The Uso's with a lot of back and forth action and promo's not just matches and random attacks , mic time, maybe give them a promo before a title match at a ppv , there are a lot of ways this feud can be made legit and entertaining
I am sure the Usos will win the Unified Tag Titles, but honestly.. the tag division is still very weak in the WWE. The belts are pointless at this point, which is a far cry from when the division featured LOD, Demolition, the Hart Foundation, etc. It really wouldnt surprise me if the WWE put the titles on Santino/Kozlov.
I completely agree with your post...

They are future stars and are really good in the ring... The obviously have a great gimmick, just basically being themselves with a Heel twist... The family legacy adds mystique and history to their gimmicks and moves...

I think if The Harts get better on the mic and pull out a couple memorable signature moves... They will be toe to toe, neck and neck with The Usos for the length of both team's careers...

But, if The Hart Dynasty doesn't do that soon... I see The Usos surpassing them and not looking back!!!
No homo, but both of those motherfuckers are gorgeous, seriously. Envious, i am.

Pretty good at everything, except the whole heat thing. No one could give a flying motherfuck about anything they do. Could that be becuase they were going against another team that no one could possibly give less of a fuck about? Yes, very possible.

If that isnt the case though, then they will never go anywere. You can have a great look and good skills all day, but if you cant make people care about you and your matches, then its all for naught.

Tag champs? Shit, why not. Fucking primo and Carlito got them for a spell.
Hey Yo!

Right now anybody is better than the Hart Dynasty as Unified Tag Champs. When Bet Hart aligned with them and gave them that rub they were pretty hot with the crowd, in recent weeks they have died down alot. They never cut promos isn't necessarily they're fault but still, they don't make the crowdcare about them that is the Hart Dynasty's problem. They think their name is enough to get them through, and with Today's younger audiences the kids don't remember British Bulldog and The Hart tag team.

As for The Uso's very good as a team, excellent chemistry, from their short in ring time from what i've seen they get the job done. Sooner rather than later they will win the tag titles.
the Usos suck , they haven't proved anything to me yet .. and they can't beat hart dynasty and they suck too .. I think putting either one of them against s.e.s. so they can prove themselves to everyone will be good . Randy orton destroyed one of the usos and a successful tag team has to be good in singles matches as well as tag matches .. like dx , hardy boys , edge and Christian , and the other great tag teams .
Soon to be might be pushing it a little bit. I mean sure there's a chance that they could very well become tag team champions right around the corner, I'm just not detecting it quite yet. The Hart Dynasty has seemingly retained every damn time, to the extend that they're actually looking slightly weak.

But I guess if the Hart Dynasty has managed to retain every time, it's about time for them to turn the tides and finally loose the championships in a final glorious thing, even though I don't believe that really fits for a heel tag team, but I guess it could work.

I would love to see them as tag team champions though, they are definitely a very talented group of youngsters that could really shake up in the division. They could easily have some wars between the Hart Dynasty and The Usos like back in the old days with other tag teams, and it could potentially revive a bit of the lost excitement for the tag team division.


Pretty good at everything, except the whole heat thing.

Untrue mate, I'm not sure whether it has been WWE filtering with the crowd reaction, but they definitely were getting a crowd reaction when they were introducing themselves. They were getting quite a large "You suck" chant when they were cutting their in-ring promo. I'm not sure whether they've lost it though, I really haven't been listening. But that night, they were definitely over as heels.
Have The Uso's do the Nexus, Summerslam and The Hart Dynasty a favour and take out Bret Hart that way it'll reignite reason to care for The Hart Dynasty. I think that The Uso's won't be the champions this year with the SES or 2 members of Nexus being the next champions.

That said I'm expecting a 3-way or 4-way match in which the Uso's will be a part of alongside the other teams. If anything giving them the titles would be a bad move because with the Harts currently wrestling with SD, it will help to boost the tag teams on that show.

The Uso's will be tag champions but later rather than sooner.
It seems the usos are already becoming unimportant. Since they've failed against the hart dynasty a few times now, it seems as though no one has any idea what they should do now. A single's match against randy orton made no sense, but I think it's further evidence that these guys aren't going to be around too much longer unless something happens quickly.
i think they suck i'm sorry

they were push down our throats too forcefully and they seem to give this feeling of wanting to get big quick.. and with the image they have, and the lack of charisma.. i don't think they can do the "get big quick" strategy like Sheamus did

at least Sheamus has a great unique look, and has a great aura.. Uso's need to be given a lot more time to grow and they need to take the gradual growth route
Nah, they practically get no reaction. There are better teams out there, like the SES.

That being said, the HD is so boring I wouldn't complain about them the titles to anyone.

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