The United States/CW switch


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Now with talks and speculations about the cw division returning i think bringing the cw belt back would be great but with the wwe team becoming "lazy" some people would say. To make the cw title a belt superstars would actually want how about they replace the united states championship for the c w title this way there arent to many championships on one show the c w title wont be overlooked and can be taking serious.

the u.s title ok but its just another belt right now people dont look foward to it its not a offical secondary title (triplecrown championship) so i dont see why it would hurt the wwe to replace it..

What are your thoughts and comments should they replace it?? Or just add the cw title to the list of wwe titles
imo they should make it a duel brand title and have it defended on a secondary show like how tna has with the reported "xplosion" championship this way it will allow th cws that are not getting any air time on raw or smack down to get some exposure (i.e. curt hawkins i mean seriously the guy has been with wwe how long now)
Now with talks and speculations about the cw division returning i think bringing the cw belt back would be great but with the wwe team becoming "lazy" some people would say. To make the cw title a belt superstars would actually want how about they replace the united states championship for the c w title this way there arent to many championships on one show the c w title wont be overlooked and can be taking serious.

the u.s title ok but its just another belt right now people dont look foward to it its not a offical secondary title (triplecrown championship) so i dont see why it would hurt the wwe to replace it..

What are your thoughts and comments should they replace it?? Or just add the cw title to the list of wwe titles

Actually the US title and IC title are both acceptable to complete a "Grand slam". If brand extension ever ends then yes, replace the US title with the CW title, but as things stand now it would be a pointless switch. So instead of having a belt CW's and Heavyweights can compete over on RAW's midcard you cut it for a belt that only CW's can compete for? Adding a CW title alongside the IC or US titles won't hurt anything. The title will be as valuable as the matches and the booking allow it to be regardless of how many belts are on the show.
back then the united states and intcontinental belts were prestiges, it was almost like winning the world title, and what they use to do is whoever was the former champ of either title gets a title shot for the world title and i think thats what they should start doing again, instead of tossing the belts out for the cw which isnt all of a bad idea but i just think its better if they have a new cw belt and still keep the other two
IMHO I think the best thing to do is showcase the cruiserweights now, and then throw the title in on Superstars just to help the ratings of the show, and as time progresses maybe make it either an opener or mid-card match on Raw or Smackdown... Its not that the cruiserweight title isn't a prominent title, but much like when the WWE introduced the lightweight division before the merger with WCW you had to introduce us to guys like Kenzo Suzuki and Taka michinoku and guys like that, it wasn't until almost a year or two into its inception that the lightweight division even became relevant. So unless its TNA guys that get to keep their name or ROH or even some NJPW or AJPW or some AAA or CMLL wrestlers that atleast the world has heard of and not some FCW talent, I don't see them throwing "cruiserweight" gold as a switch to the US title, and on top of that note while many notable cruiserweights have held the title, I believe there is more prestige to the name US title, than there is the Cruiserweight title I mean a cruiserweight was really a 90's thing, where the US title dates back into the days of the NWA... So REGARDLESS to how unimportant a title may play into the development of a character now a days, you just can't take a title with a solid history and just replace it with something that has been in and out since the early 90's.
I don't want to have a cruiser title. Just have more cruisers on the roster.

A cruiser title kind of says "these guys are too small to compete with the big men" and just like minor league baseball doesn't draw more than major league baseball because of the preconceived notion that it's inferior, Cruiserweight title matches have rarely drawn very much. Most of the time they get about as much of a reaction as the women's matches.

Just have smaller guys on the roster and occassionally it's 2 small guys feuding over the US or IC title. The roster as a whole is physically smaller than years past. X Pac looks huge compared to Evan Bourne. Cody Rhodes isn't very big. Daniel Bryan is like 5'9" legit. Just have smaller guys on the roster in general as a push for that style.
If the WWE are bring back the Cruiserweight division then they should bring in some championship/trinket for depth.

U.S Championship since maybe 2009 has been given pretty good coverage on RAW, and been in some pretty good matches and their champions have been worthy. It's only really nose dived since Kofi beat Sheamus for it and now Dolph doing absolutely nothing apart from wear the damn belt.

This has been done to death but WWE should overhaul their championships.
1. WWE "world" Champion, keep the "World Heavyweight Championship" belt the World belt, it's timeless and looks awesome on anyone.
2. One Mid card Championship (Intercontinetal Championship)
3. Tag Team Championships.
4. Divas Championship.
5. Crusier/Light Heavyweight Championship.

But WWE shouldn't shoot down if say the Tag division gets set on fire run with it, or the Cruiser division, run with it. Fans would rather have quality undercard matches than loads of 4-7 minute matches that are dull and boring.

I don't believe the U.S Title should be automatically turned into the Cruiser belt, they could easily have an 8 man tournament with the finals at x PPV. Add's to the championship and gives the fans something to get invested in, rather than just oh .... is the cruiser champ rather than US,
Well, see now there's been no serious talk about a revamp of the Cruiserweight Division in the WWE. There's been lots of talk about bringing in more Cruiserweight wrestlers to the roster but that doesn't mean the Cruiserweight Division will be back in and of itself.

What TWJC said about the perception of Cruiserweights holds true for a lot of people. All you have to do is look back at wrestling history in the United States and it's obvious that most fans have just never been particularly interested in wrestlers that are herded into divisions based on weight. Just because it's popular and readily accepted in Japan & Mexico doesn't mean it'll catch on here because, as I pointed out, it never really has on a long term basis. It gives fans the impression that these "little guys" can't hang with the other guys on the roster. Is that accurate? No, of course not, but perception is reality in pro wrestling. Such limits have already hurt the perception of TNA's X Division now that they've incorporated a 225 pound weight limit for it. While the vast majority of wrestlers that've made up the X Division have been under the 225 pound mark, there was never any sort of official limitation set in place. Now that there is, it just doesn't have the same feeling to it.

If the Cruiserweight Division does make it's way back, then just use it for the undercard guys and give them something to potentially relevant to do with their time. Use the Cruiserweight Championship as a stepping stone to bigger things maybe. Replacing the United States Championship, however, probably won't happen. People can complain or say that the titles don't have the prestige that they used to have, which is true at certain times I will grant, but that's how it generally is. Prestige can rise and fall depending upon who a champ is. The United States Championship has a legit history as well and has been held by some of the biggest and best pro wrestling has ever produced. I doubt it's going to be shoved aside.
I don't think there are any real plans to bring back a proper cruiserweight division, at least I hope there isn't. I don't think there are enough cruiserwights out there that you could build a decent CW division around. And, as JackHammer pointed out, they have never been a successful long term attraction.

On a side note, if WWE did brink back the CW title, would they name a new champ, or would they recognize Hornswaggle as the longest reigning title holder in WWE?
I don't think the CW title will have to come back. I'd rather have the cruiserweights help boost up the US & IC titles to where they should be.
The United States title is actually beginning to be credible again. Have you seen all the promos Dolph Ziggler cut to put himself and the title over? His best work yet. You can tell he's working hard to gain the title some prestige and make it important again.

I think they should introduce a brand new light weight title to Smackdown. Let's face it after Hornswoggle won the title it lost all the credibility it had and unfortunately all the talented cruiserweights lost credibility too. So they should just introduce a new light weight title and move guys like Primo and Evan Bourne to Smackdown to compete for it and they can finally have something to do.
Personally speaking, for some reason I always thought that the best way for the WWE to fix their Tag Team division, would be to pair up some random crusierweights into teams and see what they could get out of it. Some of the better tag teams over the past ten years have been on the lighter side. Also, without really knowing for certain, since I've never wrestled or been through any formal training to, it appears from the outside looking in that tag team chemistry wouldn't be as big of an issue with two high energy, crusierweight style wrestlers, as opposed to the bigger powerful and more technical fellas. Have yourself 4 tag teams of smaller guys, one or two with a small and a big, one group of large imposing powerful heels, and do what they feel is necessary with it.
I think like some people have said on there, that they should have like an cw belt similar to what tna has now with the x-diversion title, have the cw belt have like a limit say of like 230-240 lbs so that the lighter guys like the kofis,reys,bournes,and etc can be given some time on tv because with only like 2 belts on each broad there is to many stars to complete for those major titls so adding an cw type belt can help alot of guys, and also, I agree that the guys that have the ic/us title should be considered the number one contender to the hw/wwe titles, thus making the contenders in those title class work harder and have some great matches for the belts.
They need to keep the US title so that both brands have a midcard champion. Those are important roles because it can show what someone is like as a champion. The Cruiserweight title if it comes back can be dual branded and added as a new title. Replacing the US title is not necessary. It would be a bad idea since it is still a midcard title and the Cruiserweight title will likely be the opening match on every PPV once it returns. It is not a secondary title.
Well, see now there's been no serious talk about a revamp of the Cruiserweight Division in the WWE. There's been lots of talk about bringing in more Cruiserweight wrestlers to the roster but that doesn't mean the Cruiserweight Division will be back in and of itself.

What TWJC said about the perception of Cruiserweights holds true for a lot of people. All you have to do is look back at wrestling history in the United States and it's obvious that most fans have just never been particularly interested in wrestlers that are herded into divisions based on weight. Just because it's popular and readily accepted in Japan & Mexico doesn't mean it'll catch on here because, as I pointed out, it never really has on a long term basis. It gives fans the impression that these "little guys" can't hang with the other guys on the roster. Is that accurate? No, of course not, but perception is reality in pro wrestling. Such limits have already hurt the perception of TNA's X Division now that they've incorporated a 225 pound weight limit for it. While the vast majority of wrestlers that've made up the X Division have been under the 225 pound mark, there was never any sort of official limitation set in place. Now that there is, it just doesn't have the same feeling to it.

If the Cruiserweight Division does make it's way back, then just use it for the undercard guys and give them something to potentially relevant to do with their time. Use the Cruiserweight Championship as a stepping stone to bigger things maybe. Replacing the United States Championship, however, probably won't happen. People can complain or say that the titles don't have the prestige that they used to have, which is true at certain times I will grant, but that's how it generally is. Prestige can rise and fall depending upon who a champ is. The United States Championship has a legit history as well and has been held by some of the biggest and best pro wrestling has ever produced. I doubt it's going to be shoved aside.

Jack-Hammer is 100% right and I can't add anything to what he said.
The CW title would have to be a floating title for it to do what the division would be expected to do, and that is pump up the crowds and add something different to the midcard. Both RAW and Smackdown should have their own cw's and the champion should float between brands like the tag team and diva champs.

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