The Undertaker's WrestleMania Opponent "Revealed?"

I'm sure you know what Sheamus did to Triple H to put him on the shelf. If someone almost ended your career wouldn't you go after him when you got better?
That was my point. The Sheamus/Triple H feud ENDED. Sheamus was Victorious, and Triple H was felled at the hands of the Irishman.

Feuds END. Sheamus/Trips ended when Sheamus did the whole stand triumphantly over him (which was the last time we saw Trips). Hence why it isn't right to bring Trips back just to feed him to Sheamus yet again. Give us something fresh, and Trips/Taker hasn't been done in 10 years. It's damn fresh (and a money feud and a PPV-selling match).

EDIT: Also, I don't really want to see Taker/Barret. Barret is relatively green and clumsy in the ring, and has been known to injure opponents (Cena). Taker is known to be injury prone, especially at this very late stage in his career (not to mention he's coming back EARLY from an injury). That combination is a good way to hurt Taker yet again.
I'm not sure what I feel about this. On the one hand I know that it would be a great match, and that it would fill out the card nicely. However, what would Sheamus do? Face Morrison? Though I don't like the idea of Trips vs Sheamus because Trips doesn't need to face Sheamus. Since the only thing left for him to do is beat him. Sheamus would lose all that he's gained.

Then I'm not really sure I'm ready for Trips to be gone. I'm not even a Triple H mark. I like the guy, but idk if I'd like him to retire yet. Though there isn't really anyone else for him to go at it with. So on that side of things I think he can go out in style.
Looks like Triple H is gonna retire sooner than we all expected. Just like HBK.

The match and the feud would be epic though. Can you imagine Undertaker coming out on 2/21/11 when suddenly the music changes during Undertaker's entrance and The Game strikes.

I'd be happy if WWE went through with this rather than the mundane Barrett vs Taker and the drab Sheamus vs HHH.
I'm not sure what I feel about this. On the one hand I know that it would be a great match, and that it would fill out the card nicely. However, what would Sheamus do? Face Morrison? Though I don't like the idea of Trips vs Sheamus because Trips doesn't need to face Sheamus. Since the only thing left for him to do is beat him. Sheamus would lose all that he's gained.

Then I'm not really sure I'm ready for Trips to be gone. I'm not even a Triple H mark. I like the guy, but idk if I'd like him to retire yet. Though there isn't really anyone else for him to go at it with. So on that side of things I think he can go out in style.

I have an off-the-wall idea for Sheamus at Mania. The man that eliminated him in the RAW Rumble, Jerry Lawler. Obviously Sheamus doesn't like getting eliminated by King (an old man), and he DID Bro kick him back in 09 before he wont he title the first time, so there's some history there, and it would give Lawler the Mania Match without having to put someone like Riley or Cole on the card (neither of which actually belong on the card).

Another idea is for Miz to face Lawler again at Mania for the Title (Lawler wins at EC), and Sheamus goes with Cena (the man that also eliminated Sheamus in the RAW Rumble, and an opponent in the RAW EC match, not to mention all their previous history).

And to be honest, as much as I don't want the streak to end, the 2 guys who can be believed to do it is Triple H and Cena. I wouldn't be heartbroken if Trips did it.
Then you're actually out of your mind.

Anyone who thinks HHH is just going to quietly do behind the scenes work is out of their mind. He is going to be the new Vince McMahon. Since that is obviously the case why would he lose a retirement match? Undertaker is the one that is physically close to being done. The writing is on the wall for HHH beating Taker with the help of Shawn Michaels or others and then taking the heat from that to launch into his "takeover" role. I am not saying it is a given, just a distinct possibility.
I want Triple H vs. Sheamus. I really do. We all know nothing is over in the WWE until the face gets the last laugh. So bring it on.
Anyone who thinks HHH is just going to quietly do behind the scenes work is out of their mind. He is going to be the new Vince McMahon. Since that is obviously the case why would he lose a retirement match? Undertaker is the one that is physically close to being done. The writing is on the wall for HHH beating Taker with the help of Shawn Michaels or others and then taking the heat from that to launch into his "takeover" role. I am not saying it is a given, just a distinct possibility.

Funny, I don't recall saying he was going quietly. And that's because I didn't say it.

Taker isn't losing, to anyone. If HHH really doesn't want to retire, this won't be a retirement match. Or, like any of the other 5,000 wrestlers who have put their career on the line, he'll just come back regardless.
Funny, I don't recall saying he was going quietly. And that's because I didn't say it.

Taker isn't losing, to anyone. If HHH really doesn't want to retire, this won't be a retirement match. Or, like any of the other 5,000 wrestlers who have put their career on the line, he'll just come back regardless.

Anyone who thinks HHH is just going to quietly do behind the scenes work is out of their mind.

You're right Shattered, you didn't directly say that. You just mirrored my use of the Italic tool to get your point across :lmao:

You honestly think there's a good chance HHH will win? I understand anything is possible, so I'm only 99.999% sure he'll never lose. Better odds than that?
I am about 80 percent sure taker will lose someday. If the rumored career vs streak match happens I would give HHH up to a 40 percent chance of winning.
Personally, I'm no fan of rematches because they will add zero credibility to The Streak and it's hard to outdo the first match (like what happened to Kane and HBK, especially Kane). But this match may be the huge draw WWE need for Wrestlemania 27, seeing how they still got like 20,000 tickets available less than 2 months into the event...which pretty much tells us Taker vs Wade & Miz vs Cena aren't doing much of a draw (no surprise).

My only beef with this match is the possibility of Shawn Michaels being involved as the special referee.

If WWE play their card right, this match could be build like Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 where Taker & HBK first met again after 11 years. HHH is a legend now unlike 10 years ago, so with the right build up this can be another once in a lifetime experience IMO. And HHH is in a dire need of another Wrestlemania classic. I mean come on, the last time he got a WM classic was at WM 20. That was ages ago when dinosaurs were still roaming around. And before that, the WM 17 match with Taker. He doesn't have a match for the ages at WM like Hogan/Andre, Rock/Austin, and Taker/HBK despite being a legend and that's sad.

The rest of his WM matches are pathetic. WM 12 match with Warrior was worse than Taker vs Gonzales. His WM 15 match with Kane was a mess. The main event in WM 16 & 18 s*cked balls big time. His WM 19, 21, 22, and 24 matches were average. His WM 25 match was insanely unwatchable. His WM 26 match bored the crowd to tears. And now his retirement match is going to be remembered for the participation of his best friend? Wow, he's forever second fiddle to HBK? With the right in-ring psychology, Taker/HHH can give Taker/HBK a run for the best Wrestlemania match ever status. And I'm not joking.

I just hope HBK refuse to participate as ref because his presence would be too distracting and may hurt the match's overall quality, just like he did to Bret vs Taker at Summerslam 1997 and Rock vs HHH at Judgment Day 2000. The whole time people was busy imagining whether HBK will screw Bret or not and the other time whether he will help HHH or not SO MUCH it makes both matches completely underrated despite being two wrestling clinics. I mean, have u ever seen someone praised Taker/Bret in Summerslam 1997 or Rock/HHH in Judgment Day 2000 here in WZ? I've been reading WZ and WF forums for at least two years as well as joining Wrestling Section in Y/A! for more than two years, but I can barely recall seeing any praise for either of these two underrated gems.

I mean, no offense to HBK cause I'm not his hater, but come on, he already screwed two classics but still going to screw the third one? He screwed enough no? And no, I don't believe third time's the charm. That's BS.

Taker vs HHH is cheap enough way to a desperate buyrate (I say cheap cause that means all the push Sheamus got for a year would be nothing and The Streak will add yet another same name instead of new credible name like Vince McMahon. And I only said Vince's name cause Jericho's not here whereas WWE will never book Taker vs Cena at any Wrestlemania), adding HBK is insulting. It's as if Taker/HHH isn't a big enough draw on their own. Taker & HHH can be as big as Hogan/Rock or Taker/HBK if WWE let them do their in-ring psychology thing, HBK's presence will be too distracting because people will focus more on a possibility of a screwjob rather than enjoying the match like they did Hogan/Rock or Taker/HBK. Because I guarantee you if Austin was playing special ref in Hogan/Rock or Bret was playing special ref in HBK/Taker, I doubt both matches will be remembered for their quality as they are today, but more for the fact "Austin didn't screw Rock" or "Bret didn't screw HBK".

And in all honesty, I find it completely stupid if we got a match of Hogan/Rock or Taker/HBK caliber ruined by an unneeded cheap tactic. Even now in Wrestling Section in Y/A!, a large number of users have been discussing the possibility of HBK screwing Taker rather than talking about how good Taker/HHH match would be and that only further prove my point. It would be ironic if HHH's last match ever will be remembered in the future not as a match for the ages like say Rock/Austin or Hogan/Warrior but a match where HBK didn't screw Undertaker. It's ironic, dumb, and cheap all in one package.

If WWE insist doing this Career vs Streak, I'd rather see it HHH vs Taker PURE! For all I care, Diesel and HBK can come out after the match is over and join HHH in his loss (The Streak will never end. FACT). That's more like it.

Then again, Vince and WWE ALWAYS find a way to ruin something good it's almost scary, as if it's written in the stars like it's a destiny waiting to happen. And no, I'm not trying to bash HBK, I'm trying to bash Vince and the so called creative writers. I only hope Shawn Michaels has the decency to know what's right and refuse to participate as special ref if they go with this match, because I think if my best friend is about to have the biggest match of his lifetime, I would want my best friend to be remembered for his performance not because of my presence.
It wouldn't surprise me that much if Miz beat Taker at wrestlemania at some point in the future.

Everyone knows you do not go out with a win in WWE. It is hard to book a match Taker could believable lose at wrestlemania. There is a lot more to be gained from him losing to somebody that could use a boost on his way out. Too many people confuse what they want to happen (taker staying undefeated) with what will happen.
It wouldn't surprise me that much if Miz beat Taker at wrestlemania at some point in the future.

Everyone knows you do not go out with a win in WWE. It is hard to book a match Taker could believable lose at wrestlemania. There is a lot more to be gained from him losing to somebody that could use a boost on his way out. Too many people confuse what they want to happen (taker staying undefeated) with what will happen.

Taker is a part time wrestler, at best, now. There's no way the WWE is going to end the streak as long as the man is able to work one match a year. It's too big of a selling point to blow off.

On the flip side, this is why I think we'll never see the Undertaker get a proper farewell. If anyone has deserved a send off, it's that man.
Everyone knows you do not go out with a win in WWE. It is hard to book a match Taker could believable lose at wrestlemania. There is a lot more to be gained from him losing to somebody that could use a boost on his way out. Too many people confuse what they want to happen (taker staying undefeated) with what will happen.

A boost? By causing a riot in whichever arena happens to house that particular Wrestlemania? Takers legacy IS The Streak. I seriously cannot see Vince, or whoever is in charge after him, ending the streak. It's the only thing Taker has all to himself. It's not what I'm hoping for, it's what makes sense. They wouldn't have spent this much time building the thing just to give some young guy "the rub."

On the flip side, this is why I think we'll never see the Undertaker get a proper farewell. If anyone has deserved a send off, it's that man.

Yeah, I've been thinking for quite some time now that Taker will not retire at Mania for this reason. Summerslam, Survivor Series, something like that where he can actually go out with a loss (maybe).
A boost? By causing a riot in whichever arena happens to house that particular Wrestlemania? Takers legacy IS The Streak. I seriously cannot see Vince, or whoever is in charge after him, ending the streak. It's the only thing Taker has all to himself. It's not what I'm hoping for, it's what makes sense. They wouldn't have spent this much time building the thing just to give some young guy "the rub."

It would get that kind of reaction and you do not see the merit in it?
How does that not help a heel character get way more over then?

If you're talking about drawing heat, yeah, it would help whoever ended the streak. But, I think the streak is bigger than that to those in charge. There are plenty of ways to get guys over, and I think beating Taker at Mania isn't a tactic they're willing to use.
I don't think Taker's willing for it to happen either

Maybe, maybe not. At this point, he should put his foot down and say no. He's never had his own "era" or anything else that is all to himself. He's been a constant draw for years, and deserves to keep this streak alive. I think the higher-ups probably agree.
I've never understood the idea of letting a young guy end 'Taker's streak. What would happen if the person pulls a Lesnar and just bails on the company? Then you tainted The Undertaker's winning streak for nothing.

It is sort of like Chris Masters' Master Lock. The thing went unbroken for years and than they decide to let Lashley break it. Where's Lashley now? Was it worth sacrificing his entire gimmick to get someone over who didn't stick around? And that's keeping in mind that The Undertaker's streak is about a millions times bigger than the situation I just described.

It's never going to be broken. End of story.

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