The Undertaker: His most dominant year.


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The Undertaker has been in the WWF/E for about twenty years arguabley each year being better than his last. But what do you think was the year of The Undertaker?

I'd put a picture here but I don't know how :shrug:

1990- Made his debut at the Survivor series, was managed by Brother Love & adapted the "Kane the Undertaker" gimmick.

1991- Dropped the "Kane the Undertaker" gimmick and was managed by Paul Bearer. Together they hosted the Funeral Palor. Taker also received his first Wrestlemania victory. And his First WWE Championship. Since his debut he was undefeated for a year. (I think)

1992- Originally being a heel he turned into a babyface, feuding with Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Kamala.

1993- Appeared on the very first episode of Raw feuded with Giant Gonzales.

1994- Undertaker was assulted at the Royal Rumble and wasn't seen on tv for weeks. He feuded with Yokazuna and the "Fake Undertaker" afterwards.

1995- Didn't do much (not that I know anyway) feuded with Kama and King Mabel.

1996- Feuded with Diesel, Mankind, and Paul Bearer after Bearer betrayed him. Competed in the first ever Buried Alive match and won.

1997- Won the WWE championship for the second time at Wrestlemania. Feuded with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels competing in the first ever Hell In A Cell Match.

1998- Feuded with Kane, Mankind, Steve Austin. Teamed with Steve Austin and Kane. Won the World Tag Team Championship with Steve Austin. Turned heel again after his alliance with Kane. Competed in the first ever Inferno match, another Buried Alive match and two more Hell In A Cell matches.

1999- Formed the Ministry of Darkness and was apart of the Corporate Ministry. Reformed with Paul Bearer. Fought in another Inferno and buried alive match. Won his 3rd WWE title, and became World Tag Champs with Big Show twice. Feuded with Vince McMahon, The Rock, Stone Cold, Kane, Mankind.

2000- Turned into a babyface. Debuted a new gimmick after an injury. Feuded with DX/McMahon Helmsley Fraction, E&C, The Rock. Won the Tag Title with The Rock

2001- Feuded with 2-Man Power Trip, KroniK, DDP, The Alliance. Became tag champs with Kane 3 times. Turned heel.

2002- Became Undisuted champion, feuds with Hulk Hogan, HHH, The Hardy's, UnAmericans, Brock Lesnar. Another Hell In A Cell match.

2003- Feuds with A-Train, Big Show, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Vince McMahon. Another Buried Alive match. First ever Biker Chain match.

2004- Returned with his old gimmick, Feuds with Kane, Booker T, JBL, Dudleyz, Heidenreich. First ever Concrete Crypt match.

2005- Feuds with Randy Orton, Muhammad Hassan, another Hell In A Cell match.

2006- Returned at the Royal Rumble, feuded with Kurt Angle, Great Khali, Mark Henry, Mr. Kennedy.

2007- Won his first ever Royal Rumble. Won his first World Heavyweight Championship. Feuds with Mark Henry, Batista, Edge. Hell In A Cell again.

2008- Feuds with Edge, Edgeheads, Big Show. Hell in a Cell. Won the World title again.

2009- Feuds with Shawn Michaels, Kozlov, CM Punk, Batista. Another Hell in a Cell and World title run.

2010- Feud with Shawn Michaels and now is currently in a vegetated state....tbc
Undertaker has been wrestling for as long as I've been alive, so it's pretty hard for me to judge which year has been his most dominant. I've been watching since 1997, so I can really on go from there. I'm not sure it was his most dominant year, but I think all the time he spent as the American Badass was his most famous. I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but as a face that used the mic a lot, he could relate to the audience better and was able to actually effectively get over in a new way. The feud against Brock Lesnar was probably my favorite in his career, and it led to one of the most brutal Hell in a Cell matches in history. And of course the feud with Vince McMahon that led to him being buried alive and returning as the Deadman once more to wrestle his brother Kane at Wrestlemania. It could be that this was the time that, as a teenager, I was most into wrestling, but that time just sticks in my memory. I know Taker has had some killer years since then, and before then, but I just like his American Badass personality. I don't think he can every go back to it and be taken seriously, and he'll probably retire in the Deadman character, and that's cool. That's his most famous role, and really captures the heart of his character.

Now, I guess if I actually judge by the term "dominant" I would have to go with his second year. The fact that he was undefeated and won his first World title shortly after is pretty impressive. They guy just showed up seemingly out of nowhere, struck fear into the business, and because the main event in no time at all. That's dominance.
I'm going to have to go with 2007. During the mid to late 90's, Stone Cold Steve Austin was the man in WWE, and if he wasn't on top, then it was The Rock. Now in the early 90's he did win the WWF title from Hogan, but he didn't hold on to it for too long. I loved Taker's American Bad Ass days, but he was never able to take down Lesnar. He did have some good matches as champion, but then there was also the very overrated ladder match he had with Jeff Hardy on Raw.

In 2007, Taker's Royal Rumble win was great. Coming in at number 30 he was able to win his first Rumble, and he also had an awesome finish with Shawn Michaels. One of the best finishes to a Rumble ever if you ask me. Then, he went on to win the World Heavyweight Championship from Batista at Wrestlemania 23 in a pretty good match. The Last Man Standing match wasn't bad either, and the steel cage match was pretty solid. Plus, the Hell In A Cell match at Survivor Series was a brutal match. The Taker VS Batista feud has been one of Taker's better feuds over the years, especially when it comes to the matches.

In 2009 and 2010, the only real highlights Taker had were the Wrestlemania matches with Michaels. Other than that, there wasn't anything too special or dominant about those years.
I would say 2007. From winning the Rumble to WM against Batista he was great. He did miss some time in the summer, but overall it was a great year. I would say from mid 1998-injury in 1999 it was great too as the evil ministry leader. Austin was the top guy then but Taker was probably the second during then along with The Rock.
Like most people for me it comes down to 2007, you have his Royal Rumble win whih then turn into a WrestleMania Main Event and a win.But in that Royal Rumble he elimated Khali who had come in and dominated the Royal until Undertaker hit the ring.Then he took down Team Rated RKO and to finish he beat Shawn Michaels, it was a hell of a Rumble.Then you go to Mania and Undertaker and Batista steal the show and he wins the World Championship to top it off.

Then you go to him and Batista having the great matchs that end in draws and ends with Edge cashing in his money in the Bank.So then Taker returns at Unforgiven and neats Mark Herny.Taker would go onto his fued with Batista and only just loses inside Hell in a Cell.So after the year that was 2007, Taker has a World Championship run under his belt and all of the above.
I'm gonna say 1999. He won a WWF Championship that year and he feuded with the best of the best. The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kane, Mankind... He also won the tag team belts TWICE. The Ministry of Darkness was a great stable, and it was very entertaining to watch, the Corporate Ministry was also a great stable. 1999 was a great year for the Dead Man, and it is foolishly forgotten by many people.
Yeah... This isn't another thread that could have been done in the Old School Section. Not at all.

anyway, as to my answer, it has to 1991 for me. In this year, The Undertaker took on the biggest faces in the company, and made to look like their equal, if not more. He joined up with Jake Roberts, attacked Warrior and Savage, and beat Hulk Hogan for the World Heavyweight Title. I don't care who you, that list right there is greater than anything else done by The Undertaker. The fact that this young man was thrust into the main event like this should have told us to expect greatness from him. And that's exactly what he'd give us, greatness that could only be channeled through these three feuds. Any time you're feuding with, again, Hogan, Savage, and Warrior, you know that you had a fantastic year. To beat Hogan for the Title means you're having a career year. And that's exactly what this was.
2007 of course. It was the year he won the Rumble and dethroned Batista at WrestleMania.
Well I was a bit Anti-Batista so I might be a bit biased :p

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