The Undertaker Buildup That Wasn't


Getting Noticed By Management
Another thread was made about fans being hypocritical about Undertaker, and its true. Dues should never give you a free pass.

I don't put blame on "dues" and maybe so I do put blame on the Undertaker and WWE creative, I'm sure Undertaker in real life is happy to just show up as few times as possible at this point and earn a paycheck, assuming he doesn't push to get on tv more then he does.

This is about the fact that the Undertaker and Lesnar match might very well have some of the worst buildup for a big match in Wrestlemania history. Even at its very worst the Batista & Orton match was built up before the Royal Rumble 2014 event (not referring to any of the Evolution group storyline either), the possible Bryan & Triple H match had the buildup start at Summerslam 2013.

In past years when the Undertaker and HBK hooked up for Wrestlemania they had weeks of buildup in January before the actual match was set, the Undertaker and Triple H match also had a few weeks of buildup before the match was set.

Last Monday Lesnar showed up in the ring with a chair, desk, and contract ready to be signed. The Undertaker shows up and signs the contract, match is set. This was the first time the Undertaker has been on tv in almost 10 months. Back a year ago these guys had no buildup. Back 10 years ago when Undertaker and Lesnar feuded over the WWE Championship, it played out for months, and it was finished. Lesnar won the feud. The feud was settled in the HIAC, it was over.

Where is the buildup to Lesnar and Undertaker now? Is Undertaker so bad now he cant show up in January to build this up a little better? Or are the writers so bad this is all they can come up with? Besides the fact of how old the Undertaker is and looks, yet nothing about his age is being played into this at all.

But here is what I would of done; rate it, hate it, comment on it.

The Undertaker Returns: no his return isn't the night after the Elimination Chamber, his return is the first Raw of the new year on January 6th. He comes back to the usual promo to announce he is back, and is entering his name into the Royal Rumble because he wants to headline Wrestlemania one last time. And out comes Cesaro & Zeb (think of his as a huge push/rub for Cesaro), they come out to tell Undertaker hes past his prime, and needs to be in a nursing home instead of a wrestling ring (remember the old rants against Flair and Hogans age used in feuds). So by the end of the promo they agree to wrestle the next week on Raw.

!st match of 2014: Its the January 13th Raw from the week prior the main event was set Cesaro vs the Undertaker (again part of Cesaro's big push), they once again start off the show with the promo from Cesaro referring to Undertakers old age. In the main event match its not like usual, the Undertaker is tossed around the ring, beat up, pushed around, he looks old and out of shape. Cesaro gets the easy, clean win over Undertaker, people are shocked and Undertaker is shocked. The deadman is shocked, this is a side of the Undertaker we never seen, the human side of the Undertaker.

Hes Changed: The next week on the January 20th Raw we see a different Undertaker, instead of the deadman, we get something closer to the American Badass Undertaker, minus being a badass, hes in jeans, leather, bandanna, maybe even a hoodie. But this time hes doubting if he still has IT. In a promo to start the show, Undertaker questions if he still has it or lost it, and challenges Cesaro to a rematch. Cesaro rejects the challenge while tooting his own horn over defeating the Undertaker already. But Swagger does challenge the Undertaker. In the main event, its the other half of the Real Americans Jack Swagger against Undertaker, once again for the second week in a row the Undertaker is pushed around, knocked around and loses a clean match to Jack Swagger (a push & rub for Swagger), the show ends with Undertaker once again doubting him self.

Royal Rumble Ever remember Maven? When he eliminated the Undertaker in the Royal Rumble, near the middle part of the Rumble when people thought of Undertaker as a favorite. Well it happens again. Except this time the Undertaker gets pushed around and knocked around in the ring during the Rumble and easily gets eliminated by Cesaro and Swagger, all the while not eliminating anyone, and only lasting a few minutes. Hardly impressive for the Undertaker, he walks back after being elminated holding his head down shaking his head. This isn't the same deadman.

2 Weeks Later: After missing the 2 Raw events after the Rumble, while showing a vignette each week of the Undertaker in a grave yard questioning if he still has it, when he lost it ect.. We see those for the 2 Raw events leading up to his return on the February 10th Raw where once again its the badass version of Undertaker dressed in leather pants and a vest with a bandanna. While the 6 guys for Elimination Chamber were named, Undertaker disputed that he deserved to have a spot in the Chamber, but with his dispute over a spot in the Chamber, Triple H argued that it was be too dangerous and not best for business putting Undertaker in the Chamber after his lackluster performance in the Rumble, further more argued that Undertaker should consider retirement. Before the argument can end Ryback comes to the ring to join Triple H and Undertaker agreeing with Triple H that its past the Undertakers time, and its time for fresh blood like Ryback to shine, after going back and forth its announced that Undertaker will face Ryback at the Elimination Chamber PPV.

The Elimination Chamber: Following another week of Undertaker vegnettes questioning if he should retire or not on Raw, it was finally time for the Elimination Chamber ppv, like in January when Cesaro and Swagger both received the push with clean wins over the Undertaker, Ryback would get that same push, after months of losing matches him self, it was well known that Ryback hadn't won a match in months going into this, it was as important to Ryback as to the Undertaker. Again the Undertaker is back with his badass gimmick with the leather pants, but when Ryback comes out, he brings a casket. Its not a casket match, but Ryback states that this will be the end of the Undertaker. Like the Cesaro and Swagger match, we see the Undertaker lose a clean match to Ryback, at the end Ryback tries to finish off Undertaker by putting him inside the casket but fails to do so, but Undertaker feels like his time is coming to an end, maybe he cant compete like he once did.

The Road to Wrestlemania Begins: February 24th is here, the Network is being launched, and the road to Wrestlemania starts, a point during the show backstage Heyman is interviewed, in which he says he has something important to announce in the ring. Later that night Heyman is out making his announcement that Brock Lesnar deserves to be in the main event of Wrestlemania against Orton and Batista, then the Undertaker comes out to argue that he is Wrestlemania, and the Streak is the main event of Wrestlemania, Heyman argues that the Streak means nothing, and that Brock doesn't see the Undertaker as a challenge, he wants to be in the main event, he doesn't want to wrestle some washed up has-been. Undertaker ends the promo with a choke slam to Heyman and Raw ends.

Following Week: March 3rd Heyman and Lesnar are in Chicago, and they want in the main event of Wrestlemania, during a Batista & Orton in ring promo, Lesnar crashes the party to make it known he wants to be part of the match, while this is going on the lights go out and a casket is setting ringside, now remember this will have been since the January 6th Raw that we seen the deadman version of the Undertaker. But not only is it a casket, its a old Undertaker casket, Brock ends up opening the casket but nothing is in there.

Following Weeks: Without going into much detail how it plays out leading up to Wrestlemania, here would of been a sample of what could have happened: The Following Raw during a Heyman promo, the lights go out, but this time the big urn used by Undertaker and Paul Bearer from Summerslam 1994- is setting in the ring, but again no Undertaker, the lights go out again, then the lid comes off the earn with its bright light shinning, Heyman feels a bit spooked at this point, and Raw ends. The next Raw which would be March 17th, has Brock and Heyman inside the ring cutting a promo once again pushing to be part of the Wrestlemania main event, that they have still yet to get in due to Undertaker interrupting each attempt, after as casket showing up one week, the urn showing up the following week, this time the lights go out again, and lightning strikes with a giant cross showing up on the stage, lightning strikes it and it goes into flames. Now Heyman and Lesnar are both spooked and Raw ends. The next Raw on March 24th with only one Raw left before Wrestlemania, during a promo from Lesnar and Heyman, they announce they had enough of the Undertaker, and they want him at Wrestlemania. The lights go out, and on screen is a negative of the deadman Undertaker announcing he will be back at Wrestlemania and accepts the challenge to face Brock Lesnar.

If your wondering about the casket, the urn, the lightning strike and giant cross, or the negative, these are all important stages in the Undertakers career though various moments that would all lead to the Undertaker returning at Wrestlemania, maybe under a new deadman look, or something classic. But they refer to these moments in WWE history -




In the end, we get a proper buildup to a big match, we get to see Undertaker wrestle 3 guys, at least 2 of which he has never wrestled before, and at this rate might never hook up with being Cesaro and Ryback. The 3 wrestlers are put over, Ryback gets his career revived by a PPV win over the Undertaker, let alone feuding with him, the Real Americans get a major rub, and even something they could of built there feud with each other off, maybe bragging rights over who did better against Undertaker and have that be the basis of there demise and breakup.

What do you think? Sorry I didn't put much into the weeks following the Rumble but they are pretty well self exclamatory buildup.
The Undertaker doesn't need to go into massive promos for the match, because he knows he'll win, even against Brock this year IMO.

The streak will live on! Also, remember when he first made his debut 20 odd years ago? He had the late Paul Bearer do most of his promotional work for him, because he did all his "talking" in the ring.
the Undertaker had an interview last year and he was asked a retirement question, his answer was simple enough:

"Honestly, I love it, that's why," Calaway said. "I've got 26 years in the business and all these injuries, but WrestleMania has become so huge, it's just hard to walk away from it. I want the audience leaving the stadium going 'Wow!' It's a responsibility I have being a top dog in this business. The crowd will let me know when it's time to leave. They haven't yet."

Calaway also said that "if I didn't perform at WrestleMania, in some strange weird way, I'd feel like I was letting Vince McMahon down."

the Undertaker's programme is with another part-timer for a huge match-up at WM. The Streak match is possibly the most anticipated match at WM in the past few years. The mere fact that he has given the Best match at Mania for the best 5 years is also a big reason for him getting a "free pass" as you claim.

However, it is also clear, that Vince Mcmahon, after all these years running the business, knows how Big the Streak match has become and how much it generates, that he probably makes sure that he can drain every last bit of energy that the Undertaker has in his tank to return, even if for that One Match at Wrestlemania.

As far as the build-up is concerned, why should the Undertaker, who apparently only confirmed his participation at WM around SummerSlam, have to come and do a match against anyone(regardless of who it is)? Didn't he return Post-Mania, and have the Shield put him through the Announce Table? Didn't that give them a rub as a dominant Three-man team that served them well since??

To besides, didn't Cesaro get his rub from being in the Elimination Chamber, regardless?? Didn't he have a match against the Top Full-Time guy on the roster, which many have deemed to be amongst the best matches ever seen on RAW??

The Undertaker's return is always anticipated around the time he returned,nowadays. It is clear he is not in good enough physical shape to be doing such pointless segments as his main job is to put on that One Classic at Wrestlemania, that the majority of WWE fans look forward to.

Also, take into consideration that Brock Lesnar, the Streak opponent, also has his own special contract, where he appears only for a certain amount of dates. Thus, his dates were set in a way for the feud to be done post-EC going into WM.
decent build,but the only time of year we see Undertaker is on the road to Wrestlemania and the fact that we see him only one time after EC is ridiculous.The card really should look like
Sting vs Undertaker*
Daniel Bryan* vs Triple H (HBK as ref)
Brock Lesnar* vs Batista
John Cena(c) (after winning at EC) vs Randy Orton vs CM Punk* (RR winner) (WWE hvt. title) (Stone Cold as ref)
Shield Triple Threat for the US title
The Uso's* (c)/w/ Rikishi vs The Rhodes Brothers /w/ Dusty vs The NAO /w/ X-Pac (WWE Tag Titles)
Cesaro* vs. Swagger (c) (IC title)
Mark Henry vs Big E.* (Grudge Match)
Big Show vs Ryback*
Rey Mysterio jr. vs Sin Cara* (Mask vs Mask aka Career vs Career)
Kane,Christian,RVD vs Ziggler,Miz,Sandow* (Attitude Era Legends vs Angry People Era talent)
AJ Lee,Natalya,The Bella's vs Lita*,Trish Stratus,Beth Phoniex,and Michelle McCool (Present vs Past)(If any one of the legends pin any of the rookies they will win the Diva's title)
Titus O'Neil* vs Chris Jericho
Hogan and Flair as Host
On that episode of Raw that he came back, have all the members of the Shield go down one by one during Raw, we don't knoow what happened to them, we just see them hurt bad.

We think it's the Wyatt's,

Than leave the end with Lesnar as is, and have Cole saying : did the undertaker do that to the shield as a vengeance for sending him through a table last year??

Undertaker does what he wants, let's be happy he doesnt come back only on the Raw immediately before Wrestlemania
I respect the hell out of Taker but damn man, this shit is getting old. He's like the monkey in the closet from Family Guy. He comes out, points at you and cuts his throat. I wanted a change this time, and thought we'd get it considering the history these two have dating back to that UFC event confrontation.

I liked how he at least stabbed Brock's hand and slammed him...that was a slight change I guess but I wish we had a little more. I really wished he would've came back as Biker Taker so he could talk more and use that UFC confrontation as a centerpiece. It feels like that was a waste of his time now. I know they may not wanna take time away from the young guys but it doesn't take too much time when you have a 3 hour show and a 10 minute segment doesn't hurt anybody, but it gives us a proper build.
If you paid your dues, then it's not a free pass. That's the definition of 'paying your dues.' IMO.
This is about the fact that the Undertaker and Lesnar match might very well have some of the worst buildup for a big match in Wrestlemania history.

You could be right, but the explanation of "Well, 'cause he's the Undertaker" applies here, whether we like it or not.

If WWE wants him, these are the terms that it takes to get him. Although folks were concerned that he didn't show up this past Monday, when rumors said he was scheduled to, he'll manage a couple of appearances before the big day.

What's more important is that there's no reason for the 'Taker-Brock feud; these guys haven't fought each other in years.....and there's certainly no apparent reason for 'Taker to get in Brock's face now. We want more of a storyline before two guys mix it up, right?

But, this is how it is. Mark Calaway doesn't have to do things the way other WWE performers do......again, we can resent him for it if we choose, but I would rather enjoy what he does while we still can, understanding that if he were required to work a full schedule, he'd be retired by now, McCooling his heels at home.....and we wouldn't see him at all.

To his credit, I think he still loves pro wrestling, which is significant after all these years. After WM29,he apparently felt better than he thought he would, and wound up fighting a couple extra battles, which must have made Vince McMahon very happy.

But now, if 'Taker chooses to make 2 or 3 non-violent appearances, perform at Wrestlemania, and go back to paradise, we can argue all day about whether he should rate the privilege......but in the end, based on the body of work he's put in all these years.......he does merit it.
Um, there is PLENTY of non-Kayfabe reason for this match. The Undertaker was at the match in UFC where Lesnar dropped his strap and they got into what looked like a non-kayfabe tussle. Undertaker said something like, yoYou wanna do it? Then went on about some personal issue. Now, in my eyes, that was a tease in case Lesnar ever returned to the WWE.

This is the perfect time for this match, and it's had about 3.5 years of buildup.

the streak is great and all, but each year we now know Undertaker isnt going to lose, his matches do not interest me anymore. And watching Punk, HHH and HBK carry him to matches over the past 5 really not looking forward to Lesnar have to go easy and soft in this match so he doesnt hurt Taker further. Lesnar should be in a match with somebody who can take his heavy style, Taker needs to be in a match with somebody who can make him look good and not the near 50yo slowed down athlete he has become

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