The Un-extremity of "Extreme Rules".


Championship Contender
I just read on WZ that Cesaro vs Jack Swagger will be headlining Smackdown this week. Well, I don't have a problem with amazing wrestling matches on every Raw and every SD, especially matches like RVD vs Cesaro. However, when I look at the 6 announced matches for ER '14 so far, I'm compelled to wonder, where the heck is the extremity?

In the past, extreme rules had 6-7 good matches with different stipulations. Some will say that having a stipulation in every match only detracts from the main-event-level match in the eyes of the live audience/fans. But this is "extreme rules" and not Backlash. We don't desire or state that every match contain wrestlers flying from the top of HIAC or beat each other with trashcans and singapore canes. But there are certain matches which are featured only annually if we're lucky and mostly biennially. My personal favourites are the "submission match", "2-out-of-3 falls", "Ironman(30min) match" and "Last man standing" . The submission and 30min ironman matches rarely happen on TV/ppv. Even with Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho around for years, they only competed in a Submission match once on Raw from Japan in 2005.

The only match this year to have any semblance of "extreme" is a steel cage match. I do not expect the 6-man tag to get any stipulation, nor Kane vs Bryan. At most they could make it "No DQ" which doesn't make it any better. What has annoyed me is that the WWE continually ruins it's "special events" by giving us garbage card and singles matches, which should be suiting a Backlash much more than ER. But now that they had a very organic and potentially great feud between Cesaro and Swagger, they've booked it for Smackdown. Again, IMO, it wouldn't hurt to have at least 4 matches on an ER card with those rare match type stipulations. In Cesaro and Swagger's case, it would've been awesome to see a submission match or a 2-out-of-3 falls "pure wrestling" match. But what the card resembles instead is totally un-extreme. Your thoughts, sentiments, and responses?
They just announced Kane vs Bryan in a Extreme Rules match. I'm sure more stipulations will be added in the weeks to come.;)
I agree 100%.
They should add more stipulations matches to these gimmick pay per views.

Maybe a ladder match to the IC for Big E and BNB?
No DQ for the Tag Team Champ.?
Some stipulation for the Divas Match would be fun too, like a Street Fight. I can see Paige and Tamina being able to deliver.

But unfortunately, don't see many of these happening.
I'm surprised at the lack of stips as WWE seemed to want to make each PPV stand out with a theme and this one was an easy one to do that with.

Bryan vs Kane seems nicely set up to be an ambulance or stretcher match, The Shield vs Evolution could have been a tornado rules street fight, Cesaro vs Swagger a strap match, Tamina vs Paige submission match etc....
Meh, I kind of see what you mean. After all, the term "Extreme Rules Match" is little more than a flashier moniker for a no disqualification match. At the same time, even matches that lack even that stipulation for the ppv are supposed to be no disqualification.

When you get right down to it, however, pretty much all no DQ, hardcore, street fights, no holds barred, last man standing, tables, ladder and falls count anywhere matches are all essentially the same. The minor stipulations added to them are the only real differences. For instance, you can still go to town on a guy with a kendo stick in a ladder match just as you can use a ladder as a weapon against an opponent in a street fight or you can powerbomb a guy through a table in a FCA match just as you can do the exact same thing in a tables match with an opponent going through a table set up on top of the stage. A few minor alterations in the details determines what the differences are. All in all, however, there's not a whole helluva lot of difference in the potential degrees of physicality.

However, while minor, the details can sometimes be the difference between really getting excited for a match.
Meh, I kind of see what you mean. After all, the term "Extreme Rules Match" is little more than a flashier moniker for a no disqualification match. At the same time, even matches that lack even that stipulation for the ppv are supposed to be no disqualification.

When you get right down to it, however, pretty much all no DQ, hardcore, street fights, no holds barred, last man standing, tables, ladder and falls count anywhere matches are all essentially the same. The minor stipulations added to them are the only real differences. For instance, you can still go to town on a guy with a kendo stick in a ladder match just as you can use a ladder as a weapon against an opponent in a street fight or you can powerbomb a guy through a table in a FCA match just as you can do the exact same thing in a tables match with an opponent going through a table set up on top of the stage. A few minor alterations in the details determines what the differences are. All in all, however, there's not a whole helluva lot of difference in the potential degrees of physicality.

However, while minor, the details can sometimes be the difference between really getting excited for a match.

I usually and almost invariably find your posts logical, concise and precise- thus agreeable. But I will have to dissent with you on this one! The way you overemphasize "minor difference" between a certain category of speciality matches has made you subsequently overlook the major difference between them. I'd first say that even though both a Tables match and a TLC match have too much internal similarity, the emphasis of a Ladder match typically has always been to retrieve a briefcase/title and if at all there is an involvement of Tables and/or chairs, it is minimal; whereas a TLC match is more of an extravaganza and spectacle where you have Edge flying here, Undertaker flying and crashing into the table there.

Your point is more valid for a variation in the label of match types such as "hardcore", "extreme rules" , "no holds barred", "no DQ no countount" and "Falls Count Anywhere". I'll have to agree on that one because many of those matches really do seem to be conspicuous variations in the names at best.

You would assent, however, that usually ER has had only one of two of the aforementioned matches and a large chunk has been more defined matches such as Last man standing/Steel Cage. The speciality comes from more defined stipulations and match-ups such as Steel Cage, 2-out-of-3-falls, Submission, and Last Man Standing- the latter of which emphasizes total decimation, destruction and annihilation of the opponent to the point of insensibility and the subsequent 10-count. It hardly matters what weapons and objects come into play when the gravity and emphasis of the match revolves around the stipulation.
I completely agree with the OP. Even if the stipulations are PG or more toned down it's Extreme Rules & almost every match, if not all of them, should have some sort of "extreme" stipulation.

I was hoping Bryan/Kane would be a Last Man Standing match & that way the Extreme Rules/Street Fight stipulation could be saved for the 6-Man Tag Team match but I guess not. I think Cesaro vs. Swagger in a Strap Match would be really cool & a good way to show off Cesaro's strength even more. I'm crossing my fingers that the RVD vs. Barrett match on RAW next week ends in some sort of draw & they both face off against Big E for the IC Title in a Triple Threat match at Extreme Rules. That way not only does RVD get on the PPV & the match gets some sort of stipulation but since it would be a Triple Threat match it would also mean that the match is No DQ as well. When finally added to the PPV, the Tag Title match could use something simple like a Tornado Tag stipulation & the Divas Title match could at least be a Lumberjill match or something to add some other elements to the match. & we haven't seen a stretcher match in awhile as far as I remember so maybe that could be another fun stipulation to add on to a Big Show vs. Damien Sandow match or whatever else is rumored for the PPV.
Each match should have a gimmick attached. That's the point of the PPV and there are enough to go around. Falls count anywhere, tables, ladder, submission and plenty of synonyms for No DQ.

The Shield v Evolution shouldn't have any rules. I'd suggest falls count anywhere so it can be an all out war. Swagger v Cesaro could be a 2/3 falls match simply because these two are so good in the ring. Big E v Barrett doesn't have an obvious gimmick but something like a tables match would be fine.
Hardcore wrestling is not good for the audience, the bookers or the wrestlers themselves. Escalation is the bastard at work here. Once you have guys piledriving each other off of ladders onto barbed wire while in a cage on fire each week, what else is there to see, plan or perform? It's with that in mind that I understand WWE's need to tone down on the extremity.

Having said that, I agree with the OP. It doesn't have to be fucking buried alive, bra-and-panties, valet-on-a-pole, empty stadium match, but some variety should indeed go with one of the more gimmicky PPV's. I'm not saying bring back the Attitude Era, but Extreme Rules is what it is...

Now, we don't want to go all table-, ladder- and chair-crazy, because that has its own PPV. It still leaves us with a lot of options, in addition to the no-DQ:

First blood: It's certainly a controversial stipulation, but it doesn't have to be real blood (like Cena getting his lip busted open for realsies by Lesnar at ER 2011, I think) and it doesn't have to be a Flair mask, or even on the face. Maybe once a year at ER, intentional blood could be okay.

Lumberjack: Maybe it doesn't exactly scream "PPV", but something like Bryan vs Kane is perfect for this. You have a group of Kane's thugs on one side and a group of Bryan's friends on the other (notice the difference in wording :p) and on both sides you have a chance to give a forgotten jobber or somebody from NXT some much-needed exposure.

Tornado tag: Double-team manoeuvres and fisticuffs galore.

These are just a couple off the top of my head, but if you're going to call it "Extreme Rules", that's what it has to be.

Look at TNA's Lockdown... It's not clever or useful and about half the matches in 2014 would be better off without the theme, but give credit where it's due - they promised cages and that's what we got!
Hardcore wrestling is not good for the audience, the bookers or the wrestlers themselves. Escalation is the bastard at work here. Once you have guys piledriving each other off of ladders onto barbed wire while in a cage on fire each week, what else is there to see, plan or perform? It's with that in mind that I understand WWE's need to tone down on the extremity.

Having said that, I agree with the OP. It doesn't have to be fucking buried alive, bra-and-panties, valet-on-a-pole, empty stadium match, but some variety should indeed go with one of the more gimmicky PPV's. I'm not saying bring back the Attitude Era, but Extreme Rules is what it is...

Now, we don't want to go all table-, ladder- and chair-crazy, because that has its own PPV. It still leaves us with a lot of options, in addition to the no-DQ:

First blood: It's certainly a controversial stipulation, but it doesn't have to be real blood (like Cena getting his lip busted open for realsies by Lesnar at ER 2011, I think) and it doesn't have to be a Flair mask, or even on the face. Maybe once a year at ER, intentional blood could be okay.

Lumberjack: Maybe it doesn't exactly scream "PPV", but something like Bryan vs Kane is perfect for this. You have a group of Kane's thugs on one side and a group of Bryan's friends on the other (notice the difference in wording :p) and on both sides you have a chance to give a forgotten jobber or somebody from NXT some much-needed exposure.

Tornado tag: Double-team manoeuvres and fisticuffs galore.

These are just a couple off the top of my head, but if you're going to call it "Extreme Rules", that's what it has to be.

Look at TNA's Lockdown... It's not clever or useful and about half the matches in 2014 would be better off without the theme, but give credit where it's due - they promised cages and that's what we got!

Agreed with your view! In actuality, "Extreme" really doesn't have to connote the extreme of ECW because quite frankly, that's garbage. It was fine until 2010 to have an "Extreme Rules" match because guys like Big Show, John Morrison and CM Punk competed for the-then active ECW WHC. Now that there's no ECW, we don't need an overabundance of singapore canes and chairs.

But there is another way to connote "extreme" which is simply test of endurance and fortitude- this was exemplified by a very ppv in 2009 called Breaking Point where we had a Submission match, a Submissions Count Anywhere match and an I Quit match. That's what the WWE should give us if they're going to create an event called "extreme rules", not a normal ppv with just one speciality match. It's not even like they don't have any stories or talent this year because Rob Van Dam and Cesaro could've stolen the show in a Ladder match for the IC title; Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Big E, etc. could've competed in a 4 or 6-men battle royal; Kane vs Daniel Bryan could've not 1, not 2 but at least 3 choices in- Ambulance match, Stretcher Match, or a Falls Count Anywhere/Last Man Standing match. It's amazing how WWE wouldn't book this event like it traditionally is.

Just to throw away another "free creative" idea- John Cena losing to Bray Wyatt in an "I Quit" match where the words "I Quit" meant he would have to join the Wyatt Family would've attracted quite a bit of attention for the coming months. I'm not even sure if Cena will lose to Wyatt in the steel cage which means- Oh- Same old John Cena coming out of every danger, Victorious.
ER is one of my least favorite special events of the year... I can't stand spot/extreme/hardcore wrestling. Its just my opinion. Its too dangerous and it doesn't pay off
I think that each match should come with a stipulation match tbh what's the point in making it an extreme rules pay per view, I'd have the following stipulations:

1) Intercontinental Title should be a triple threat ladder match.

2) Diva Title should be a Submission Match.

3) Tag Titles Make it a Tables Match.

4) Cesaro and Swagger could be a Strap Match.

5) John Cena and Wyatt stays as a cage match.

6) The Shield and Evolution could be a street fight match.

7) Daniel Bryan and Kane could be a Last Man Standing Match.

This ppv could be a great one if they give stipulations to each match plus put in an extreme battle royal on the pre-show where everyone rings their own weapon with them.
Just because they haven't announced match stipulations doesn't mean they won't. I get tired of hearing people bitch about cards when it hasn't even been finalized yet. I feel like many of you don't understand that we don't know the full story. We don't know where they're taking us. Many have ideas of where they think a story should go and if it doesn't, then it's crap. Which is insane.

I'm sure the big 3 matches this year will all have stipulations. I'm okay with that. Maybe put minor stipulations on other matches like Cesaro vs Swagger, winner gets 2 minutes with the other guy's manager after the match. You don't need to overload it with weapons.
Hence the reason no event should have a dumb generic name like this one does. Backlash worked better as a event name to follow WM.
Extreme Rules has the potential to be one of the best pay per views of the year, imo. so many options are available that aren't as easily accessible for the other gimmicky ones throughout the year. for example, the original TLC ppv, which was my favorite one of its kind, did pretty good in having a Tables Match, Ladder Match, Chairs Match and a TLC Match. since that time, there've been less of those matches with each following year. or so it seems. Breaking Point was a neat concept too. 3 different kinds of Submissions Matches. but that only had one year if i'm not mistaken. and that's hard to continue, methinks, especially since not every top star has a primary submission maneuver to finish off his/her opponent. Hell in a Cell had 3 Cell matches its first year i think and typically only has 1 or 2 now. same goes with Elimination Chamber. but Extreme Rules could do really any kind of stipulation and doesn't seem to even try lately.

Bryan/Kane will be an Extreme Rules Match we know. too bad. i thought that'd be best as either an Ambulance or Last Man Standing Match.

Shield/Evolution doesn't look to have a stip yet but an Extreme Rules/Street Fight type of match would be perfect.

Cena/Wyatt in a Steel Cage is good. "I Quit" would be too optimistic since Cena has never lost that match type and likely never will. but it would be more fitting to this feud. maybe if it has legs enough to extend to SummerSlam, this will be the stipulation that goes with the final confrontation. doubt it lasts that long though.

Tag Team Titles... not even sure if there's a match written in for these guys yet, but a Tornado Match or a Tables Match would work.

Cesaro/Swagger definitely needs something. 2/3 Falls and Strap Match, though very different match types, both would fit the feud.

IC Title/US Title. these should have been unified long ago. not sure that unifying them on this stage would be "best for business", but both belts should be defended. and yeah, that means that Ambrose might not be the best choice for current US Champion. since we haven't seen one in ages, maybe a First Blood Match here for the IC Title. can't do much about the US Title since Ambrose already has his match.

Divas Title: Paige/AJ Lee; Submission Match. this is the match that should be taking place. both use submissions as their primary finisher and AJ Lee needs to go for the customary rematch. write AJ Lee off tv after this match and build Paige up. Tamina isn't going anywhere so she could easily be the next challenger to step into the picture after this event.

lastly, i'd do RVD/Ziggler/Kofi and maybe someone else in a Triple Threat or Fatal Fourway Ladder Match to be the #1 Contender for a mid-card title. those three guys are all great workers. maybe add Del Rio. and/or Christian. i'd say Miz but he's filming something i think. almost like a MITB concept only it's for a title match at the next ppv. that gives some guys some tv time and a good gimmick match to fit the ppv theme, plus it already begins to build the next feud with some actual notice and time, vs. throwing something together last minute.

so that would be my Extreme Rules ppv card for this year. Extreme Rules very likely will not be a monster fail or flop. to be honest i'm actually looking forward to several of the already-announced matches. but if i'm being super duper honest, i'm a bit disappointed in what appears to be a lack of gimmicks in a gimmick ppv with tons more potential than is currently being utilized. still, we have time till the opening bell, so here's hoping...
I'll be honest, if I had to sit through 7-8 gimmick blood matches, I'd rather just watch Cosmos on Fox Sunday night. At MOST, I'll only be able to tolerate one extreme/no DQ/Hardcore/stipulation match in addition to the Extreme Rules Title match and the Cage match.

Extreme Rules should be about more than ECW style spot/blood/weapons matches. Extreme Rules could be an Iron Man match, that's extreme. It could be a 2 out of 3 falls (which was mentioned). It could be a really solidly booked gauntlet match. I don't have the desire (and neither does the casual fan, more or less) to see Superstars pissing blood from their botch bladed foreheads anymore, ever again.
I'm compelled to wonder, where the heck is the extremity?

This is something I find myself asking each year around this time. Extreme Rules is one of my least favorite PPV brands currently in use by WWE. The show used to be more "extreme" back when ECW was around as a third brand and still had some resemblance to its namesake (the real ECW), but then when that brand turned into a show for showcasing developing talent, the extremity was lost. TLC is the show that serves the purpose that "Extreme Rules" should be, featuring crazy gimmick match types. With "Extreme Rules" being primarily Wrestlemania rematches or the start of new summer storylines, they really should have kept Over The Limit and used it in Extreme Rules' spot. The Extreme Rules PPV brand should have been retired when the WWE ECW television brand was, if not sooner.

Over The Limit would have been a better brand to use in this spot. Making that home to Submission, I Quit, Last Man Standing, and even Iron Man matches would be a more interesting PPV brand than the unextreme Extreme Rules show. A Steel Cage match is on the card, as is an "Extreme Rules match". Everything else is without a gimmick at this time. This could just as easily have been the card for Payback. Why not make that the Wrestlemania rematch brand? The name would make more sense if they want to keep the show after Wrestlemania in the current format without the addition of the match types I suggested in my idea of reviving Over The Limit. The name of Extreme Rules gets massive eye-rolls from me, but it can be ignored as long as there are good matches, which we have this year. It should be a good show.

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