The ultimate mysterio heel turn .........


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know IWC has been waiting from long time for myterio to turn heel. WWE has one ultimate opportunity to turn him heel and that would be for sure biggest storyline at that time. Here is my idea. Have Mysterio defend his tittle against Kane at summerslam. Here we go after 15 minutes in match Mysterio is about to hit 619 on Kane and here light goes off and turns on after 5 seconds. We see undertaker standinf in the ring. Kane and mysterio both looks amazed. Everybody is surprised. What he is going to do. Undertaker moves to Kane and everybody thinks that he is the one who attacked Taker but all of sudden he turns back and chokeslam Mysterio. Kane pins mysterio to get the tittle for the second time. Now everybody is surprised why did Taker do that? Next week Mysterio cuts a promo and asks Taker for his action but he dsnt reply. Next week on SD mysterio gets his rematch but lose again due to Taker's interferance and Taker revealed that Mysterio is the one who attacked him at his home.
Now this is an ultimate opportunity. WWE has all the sources to make it a logical storyline. We all know that Mysterio is the one who fought last match against Taker and he lost. So wwe can explain due to frustation he did it. Who benefited most in Taker's absence?? Its mysterio. Its myterio who took taker's spot at Fatal four way and won the tittle. So all ingredients are there to make it storyline of the year if NXT thing fails in some way. What are your thoughts? You think it should happen so that we can see the other side of mysterio's charactor.
I know IWC has been waiting from long time for myterio to turn heel.
WWE has one ultimate opportunity to turn him heel and that would be for sure biggest storyline at that time.
I don't think Mysterio as heel could be the biggest story line ever...
Here is my idea. Have Mysterio defend his tittle against Kane at summerslam. Here we go after 15 minutes in match Mysterio is about to hit 619 on Kane
So Rather then have him defend the title against believable opponents you want him to fued with Kane and then the Undertaker? I don't think so.
and here light goes off and turns on after 5 seconds. We see undertaker standinf in the ring. Kane and mysterio both looks amazed. Everybody is surprised. What he is going to do. Undertaker moves to Kane and everybody thinks that he is the one who attacked Taker but all of sudden he turns back and chokeslam Mysterio.
there is no way Mysterio would go over the Undertaker. So it would be too predictable.
Kane pins mysterio to get the tittle for the second time.
You just want Kane to win the title don't you? Why not let keep the title on mysterio?
Now everybody is surprised why did Taker do that?
Wouldn't that be to risky? That would more then likely turn the undertaker Heel.
Next week Mysterio cuts a promo and asks Taker for his action but he dsnt reply.
that wouldn't really be showing him with Heel capabilities now would it?
Next week on SD mysterio gets his rematch but lose again due to Taker's interferance and Taker revealed that Mysterio is the one who attacked him at his home.
Now this is an ultimate opportunity.
again, Mysterio? Wouldn't be more Logical to turn Khali again?
WWE has all the sources to make it a logical storyline.
We all know that Mysterio is the one who fought last match against Taker and he lost.
He lost in a one on one match against Taker, it wouldn't be beliavable that Mysterio could do that to somebody almost three times his size.
So wwe can explain due to frustation he did it. Who benefited most in Taker's absence?? Its mysterio. Its myterio who took taker's spot at Fatal four way and won the tittle. So all ingredients are there to make it storyline of the year if NXT thing fails in some way. What are your thoughts? You think it should happen so that we can see the other side of mysterio's charactor.
the NXT thing would be better then Mysterio vs Taker even if it ended up Eugene and Hornswoggle vs the NXT crew.
This wouldn't work for a few reasons:

Mysterio is the ultimate little man who over comes everything that is throw at him.He can reach the top of the mountain and does it for the fans.He is loved by millions of little kids and shows that he cares for them when he comes to the ring and talks to them or whatever he does.Why would you take this away from the fans, he is a born face for the kids.He is small so they can have the underdog story which they use every week.

And the other big thing that I think would not allow this to work is that Rey takes out The Undertaker.Yeah.....I can't belive tat even if I try to.I said that he overcomes things but not even Kane could take out the Deadman and he tried his hardest.Rey is so much weaker than Taker and smaller to.Taker could get away or fight back, thats what most people would be thinking.But these are just what I think I could be wrong?
Yes I think so, i have been reading threads all over of people who does not like him, so it would be better to turn him heel and win matches against big opponents with cheating instead of winning clean being a face
"I don't think Mysterio as heel could be the biggest story line ever"
It easily can be, depends on how wwe execute this. Remember when Batista turned heel he became more entertaining then he was as a face
"So Rather then have him defend the title against believable opponents you want him to fued with Kane and then the Undertaker? I don't think so"
Whom he is facing as a face ? Jack Swagger who is as big as kane and Taker and I am pretty sure he is going to beat him clean at MITB so why not turn him heel so that he has to cheat to win

." there is no way Mysterio would go over the Undertaker. So it would be too predictable."
Really?? everybody knows whenever he is going to come he is going to destroy his opponent. Who will it be Kane(we have seen it enough) Punk(last years matches with taker were aweful i dont want to see those again)Swagger(he cant afford to lose more matches, he is already on bottom.and has no momentum now this feud should be saved for later)

"You just want Kane to win the title don't you?"
Everybody wants it to happen. BTW have Kane drop the tittle to Punk at next PPV

" Why not let keep the title on mysterio?"
Because he is injured and needs time off to heal his injuries so why keeping more pressure on him by keeping the tittle on him.

" Wouldn't that be to risky? That would more then likely turn the undertaker Heel.that wouldn't really be showing him with Heel capabilities now would it?again, Mysterio? Wouldn't be more Logical to turn Khali again?Where?He lost in a one on one match against Taker, it wouldn't be beliavable that Mysterio could do that to somebody almost three times his size."
He easily can do it. We all saw that mysterio injured undertaker when he was fighting in the ring so why he cant do worse when Taker was sleeping at home?

"the NXT thing would be better then Mysterio vs Taker even if it ended up Eugene and Hornswoggle vs the NXT crew."
Really?? half of NXT angle is already screwed up with daniel bryan's release and wade barret;s visa issues. If barret can not come back soon then surely it would die anyways.
Ok I have to say something about this as this post is just full of things that seem wrong to me.

"I don't think Mysterio as heel could be the biggest story line ever"
It easily can be, depends on how wwe execute this. Remember when Batista turned heel he became more entertaining then he was as a face.

Batista became more entertaining yes but that was Batista, how can you use someone else as an example for what you are sure of will happen to Mysterio.What happens if Rey becomes worse because of this heel turn and he will become worse.And this will not become the biggest storyline ever, Hogan turning heel was bigger than this.

Whom he is facing as a face?Jack Swagger who is as big as Kane and Taker and I am pretty sure he is going to beat him clean at MITB so why not turn him heel so that he has to cheat to win.

Jack Swagger as big as Kane and Undertaker I must have missed this.And again your sure that Rey will win, you must be able to see into the future.Why have him cheat to win, he dosen't need to he can use his high flying moves that get the crowd onto their feet, instead of a move that has them booing.

Really?? everybody knows whenever he is going to come he is going to destroy his opponent. Who will it be Kane(we have seen it enough) Punk(last years matches with taker were aweful i dont want to see those again)Swagger(he cant afford to lose more matches, he is already on bottom.and has no momentum now this feud should be saved for later)

I think this has something to do when he comes back from his little rest up right?Destroy his opponent like last year, the guy lost by Submission at Beaking Point.Don't think that was destruction by Taker there.Swagger on the bottom, he is the former Champion.How can he be last on the ladder when he just lost the title.He is getting a rematch and last time I checked people at the bottom don't get Championship shots.

Everybody wants it to happen. BTW have Kane drop the tittle to Punk at next PPV

Whats the point of giving him the title if you gonna take it off him at the next PPV.It makes him look weak for only beating Rey who is so much smaller than him and then losing it to Punk just 1 month later.

He easily can do it. We all saw that mysterio injured undertaker when he was fighting in the ring so why he cant do worse when Taker was sleeping at home?

He did Rey get into the house,when did Rey injuryed The Undertaker and put him on the self.Cause isn't that what injuryed means taking them out of action?

Really?? half of NXT angle is already screwed up with daniel bryan's release and wade barret;s visa issues. If barret can not come back soon then surely it would die anyways.

The angle is still going strong what have you been watching.On Raw they showed we don't care who you are superstar or Legend.And Barrett is coming back in something like a week.This angle is far away from dead.
Yes I think so,
That's your opinion. Personally I think that Beniot is going to make an appearance in next years Rumble. But just because I think that don't mean it will happen. Or could even happen.
i have been reading threads all over of people who does not like him, so it would be better to turn him heel and win matches against big opponents with cheating instead of winning clean being a face
Many people think Kane should bring back the mask and it would make him unstoppable again, but if they did that it would fail. They all hate Cena and want him Heel. There is no winning with people like us.
"I don't think Mysterio as heel could be the biggest story line ever"
so we agree? Oh right I wrote that.
It easily can be, depends on how wwe execute this. Remember when Batista turned heel he became more entertaining then he was as a face
But batista as Heel wasn't the biggest storyline at that time was it? Plus Batista fits the bad guy. He isn't one of the kids favourite. ZOMG turn Cena and Mysterio heel and they can join forces and kick asss
What did you want to say here?
Whom he is facing as a face ? Jack Swagger who is as big as kane and Taker and I am pretty sure he is going to beat him clean at MITB so why not turn him heel so that he has to cheat to win
Wait. Swagger just as big as Undertaker and Kane? Since when? I could buy somebody like Swagger losing to Mysterio. but Kane and Undertaker is way bigger.
Really?? everybody knows whenever he is going to come he is going to destroy his opponent. Who will it be Kane(we have seen it enough) Punk(last years matches with taker were aweful i dont want to see those again)Swagger(he cant afford to lose more matches, he is already on bottom.and has no momentum now this feud should be saved for later)
Honestly I would rather it be NXT or even Drew. Anybody could be a better option.

Everybody wants it to happen. BTW have Kane drop the tittle to Punk at next PPV
Poor Kane. why not give him a longer run?

Because he is injured and needs time off to heal his injuries so why keeping more pressure on him by keeping the tittle on him.
wait. you want to turn him Heel, fued with the undertaker then take time off and come back fresh? This don't make sense.

He easily can do it. We all saw that mysterio injured undertaker when he was fighting in the ring so why he cant do worse when Taker was sleeping at home?
He did that in real life by accident. and not everybody actually knows what happened.
Dude...that is just awful. First of all, paragraphs are your friend. That was a bit of a chore to read. Secondly, people aren't complaining about Mysterio being a face, they are complaining about him always being the fucking underdog in whatever title hunt he is. Big difference.

Mysterio is almost impossible to turn heel. He doesn't have that intangible like Hogan did in with the nWo. Nobody would think it is legit. A guy that small as a heel on his own? He would need to join a Latin stable, which is not likely. He makes Vince a shit load of money with all of his masks going on sale, why would you want that to stop? The kiddies want to cheer for him because he can rise up against the big mean monsters!!!!

Jeff Hardy tried a heel turn in early 2003, and it BOMBED. It was horrible. Mysterio is in that same boat, only older. So it would be even more stupid. Face it, Mysterio doesn't need a heel turn, he needs to face guys his size so he isn't always the damn underdog rising up.
I have to say that it won't work but at least I like the attempt. Mysterio is one of those few superstars who will stay face or heel his entire time in the WWE. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past WWE to try to turn Mysterio heel but it simply won't work. Nobody would realistically buy Rey being the one who put out Undertaker.

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