The Ultimate Fighter 14: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller LD

The Best

The Best


John Albert
Johnny Bedford
Carson Beebe
Roland Delorme
T.J. Dillashaw
John Dodson
Casey Dyer
B.J. Ferguson
Josh Ferguson
Louis Gaudinot
Matt Jaggers
Tateki Matsuda
Paul McVeigh
Brandon Markt
Dustin Pague
Orville Smith

Stephen Bass
Dennis Bermudez
Diego Brandao
Marcus Brimage
Bryan Caraway
Josh Clopton
Hamid Akira Corassani
Karsten Lenjoint
Eric Marriott
Micah Miller
Dustin Neace
Jesse Newell
Brian Pearman
Jimmie Rivera
Steven Siler
Bryson Wailehua-Hansen





the one on the left​
Holy crap where did all that blood come from

AQABHABHABA WHAT A KO, Bisping must have had PTSD style flashbacks.
Man, got to love how these little guys come to bang. If only every weight division had the gas tank.
This is the season TUF needed to reinvigorate itself. I know it's early to say that, but these guys are already better than the last few seasons. Going to be fucking legendary.
Guy, a little OT, but after seeing that commercial it reminded me to ask you... what did you think about Teddy Bruschi's bitch fit over Chad Johnson?
Guy, a little OT, but after seeing that commercial it reminded me to ask you... what did you think about Teddy Bruschi's bitch fit over Chad Johnson?

Ocho shouldn't have done it in the first place, especially where he hasn't done much of anything so far this season, but Ocho didn't mean any harm. Bruschi needs to shut it... it's really not his business in the first place, he's no longer on the team.
Why is that guy in the under armors even here. You would think a guy trying out for Tuf would at least have a pair of shorts.

Also, anyone else watch BMS? I am completely hooked on it.
I really hope that guy who entered first doesn't win. If he does, he's going to be the next Alex Caceras, Jamie Yager; Richie Hightower etc. In my opinion.

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