The Ultimate Clash

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Jackiz Kirey

Dark Match Winner
On Raw, we saw Mason Ryan own John Cena and beat up CM Punk. Then he helped CM Punk get up and joined the Nexus.

On Smackdown, Wade Barrett, Ezekial Jackson, Heath Slaiter, and Justin Gabriel beat up Big Show. Skip Sheffield may return next week.

At the Royal Rumble, The Corre and Nexus will team up and eliminate everybody in the ring. When everybody is out except these 2 groups, the other members of Nexus and Corre will eliminate themselves until Wade Barrett and CM Punk are the only ones left. Wade Barrett wants to win the Rumble and CM Punk wants to win the Rumble. Then they both get eliminated at the same time. There is no winner for the Royal Rumble. The next day on Raw, they will have another Royal Rumble because nobody won the previous one. The same thing happens again, Corre and Nexus eliminate everyone and then eliminated themselves until only Punk and Barrett are left. Punk and Barrett get eliminated at the same time. The GM makes the e-mail sound and Michael Cole reads it. The GM says that since nobody won the Royal Rumble, CM Punk will be the #1 contender for the WWE Championship and Wade Barrett will be the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Both CM Punk and Wade Barrett become champions by defeating The Miz and Edge. Then at the Elimination Chamber, they both defend their titles successfully. Miz continues his feud with Orton at WM and Dolph Ziggler continues his feud with Edge at WM. CM Punk and Nexus will deal with Wade Barrett and Corre. At WM, it will be Corre vs Nexus (Excluding Barrett and Punk) in a 4 vs 4 Elimination Tornado Tag Team Match. It will be Skip Sheffield, Ezekial Jackson, Heath Slaiter, and Justin Gabriel vs Mason Ryan, David Otunga, Husky Harris, and Michael McGulligudy. Then, the main event will be CM Punk vs UNDERTAKER vs Wade Barrett. Undertaker has history with both of them. Wade Barrett attacked Undertaker at Bragging Rights and CM Punk lost to Undertaker in an episode of Smackdown. CM Punk wins this match via interference from Joey Mercury, Serena, and Luke Gallows (former Straight Edge Society members) and will forever be labeled as the man who has ended Undertaker's WM streak. Undertaker haunts CM Punk, Nexus, and the former Straight Edge Society members (they are now in Nexus) and becomes victorious in this feud to make up for the loss at WM.

I am pretty sure that something like this will happen. All I know is that Joey Mercury, Luke Gallows, and Serena will eventually join Nexus because they have some history with CM Punk.

What are your thoughts on this prediction?
No chance of that happening, simple as that. CM Punk (Cena) and Barrett (Taker/Big Show) both have decent fueds set up for Mania.

Neither of them will end the streak, no-one will, when will people realise that?

And Gallows and Serena have both been released, and won't be coming back, especially for a part of a WM main event
Creative, but will never happen. First of all, Dolph Ziggler will not be feuding with Edge at Wrestlemania. He may get a spot in the EC, but they only put Ziggler in the match, because he's low talent. They want the big stars in the Rumble, and put a weak one in the match.

It always happens at the Royal Rumble. Although there have been a few good matches, it's usually a young star jobbing to the champion. The back to back Royal Rumble deal would cost money. They'd have to bring all the stars back for raw, pay them, have them wrestle again (and risk a young superstar messing up) and a million other things. Plus, there will be at least one surprise superstar, if not more. Like RVD was in the Rumble awhile back. Take him for example. If Rvd is in the Rumble, and they do a rematch, it'd force RVD to also be at Raw.

What they could do, is have Punk and Barret go one on one for the spot on Raw, reviving the rivalry. Plus, Mercury is injured, I'm hoping he'll be back by Bragging rights (or sooner). Serena and Gallows have been released, and I doubt they will be returning any time soon, at least Serena isn't.
Explain why this idea is bad. I don't see any flaws with it.

K well if you insist, I was actually with you for the nexus and Corre eliminating everyone else, could happen. Even when you said they hit the ground at the same time I was with you then (Quite a lot considering I'd say most guys lost you at that point). Then when you said they have a royal rumble rematch the next night on raw, I knew you were up to your old tricks again.

I can almost see your thinking, they have had main event re-matches on raw after PPV's before. Well....royal rumble isn't the average match. Not only that but you said that they both eliminate everybody else again? So that's taking for granted that WWE members don't wise up in this match and band together to eliminate the other nexus members this time around, that's taking a lot of the WWE universe's intelligence for granted. Then you say they both hit the floor at the same time.

If nothing else was bad about your idea it was this. I don't think that this is logistically possible; to have both guys hitting the floor simultaneously twice, just isn't really feasable. I can see the nexus vs Corre bit at mania and all that but there as always with your ideas not just holes, crevasses so gapingly obvious and large that there is no cover for them.

If your serious then at least it isn't as bad as some of your ideas, and if your trolling well I wasted about 5 minutes of my time, plus all the other times I've posted to or about you. Either way, enjoy.
1) Like most people have already said, The SES have been released. There's no way we're gonna see them come back at all.
2) The storyline is mental. Plus, whoever wins the Royal Rumble earns a Title Shot at Wrestlemania, not on Raw/Smackdown. There's too much happening, the WWE would never attempt to do this. Add in the fact that it's highly difficult to have a perfect double elimination. You could show a replay which then clearly shows one man or the other touching the floor first, screwing plans up there.
3) Planting Undertaker in a storyline about two large feuding teams just makes him look rather insignificant. These two teams mean so much at the moment, in the way of storylines, that to get the Undertaker involved, even though he has history, granted, just makes it sound like the WWE went "Oh ok, we've not thought of a storyline for the Undertaker, so lets dump him here.

It's certainly an interesting idea you've got, but it couldn't work.

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